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Message started by Alan McDougall on Mar 23rd, 2009 at 10:15pm

Title: Do Zombies really exist
Post by Alan McDougall on Mar 23rd, 2009 at 10:15pm

I had an OOBE experience about two years ago, where I saw a man standing over what looked like a shallow grave. This man seemed to be doing some sort of a ritual over the grave. Then a hand and arm came out of the grave followed by a blank dead eyed young man

The person who brought the zombie (or whatever it was) to his car opened the door of his vehicle and drove off somewhere. I hovered in a timeless space and saw the car return. The person then took the zombie back to its shallow grave and this death like entity returned to its grave in the exact manner it had left the grave some hours earlier.

Now some of you think I am joking but I assure you that I have never been more serious about anything. In fact an hour or so later I fell into what appeared to be an epileptic fit and ended up in hospital that very same evening...

My youngest daughter found me on the floor with every muscle convulsing terribly.  I nearly bit through my cheek and I was bleeding badly. I have three other daughters and they rushed to my apartment to see what was wrong with me

"My wife was away in Tanzania at the time"

I had four other fits at home and three in the hospital. A whole battery of tests, CD scan etc could not find anything wrong. Since then I have not had a fit

My youngest daughter Desiree said that I convulsed in a terrible frightening way and then became as still as death. Then something even weirder happened,

I always leave my bedside radio on and according to her when I was in this comatose state, the radio suddenly began to beep, just like a heart monitor  beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, then the noise changed to a flat line noise


I am really serious guys this really happened and was a NDE of which I can only recall a little

Do you folk think that zombies or demons really exist?


Title: Re: Do Zombies really exist
Post by Mark Andrew on Mar 23rd, 2009 at 10:29pm
Wow that's some freaky stuff.  Just reading your subject heading first I thought, "Not a chance."  But after reading your story..... I can't say I know.  That's wild.  Glad you're doing okay.

Title: Re: Do Zombies really exist
Post by identcat on Mar 24th, 2009 at 11:52am
Alan, years ago PBS had a special on TV about Zombies. The living person is given a poison to drink and it puts the body into a death-like-coma. The scientist went undercover to see the ceremony and then watch as the "dead" person climbed out of the coffin from the ground.
Here is a brief article:
A controversial theory by Wade Davis suggests that there may well be an ethnobiological basis for popular reports of the zombie phenomenon in Haiti. He refers to a case of zombification which had been verified by a team of physicians. In 1962 Clairvus Narcisse was pronounced dead at a hospital, and buried 8 hours later. In 1980 Clairvus reappeared, claiming that he had been made a zombie by his brother because of a land dispute. Davis argues that Clairvus was mistakenly diagnosed as dead, buried alive, and taken from the grave. Among the various preparations of Haitian sorcerers, Davis identified a marine fish containing tetrodotoxin, an extremely potent neurotoxin which induces a complete state of peripheral paralysis and imperceptibly low metabolic levels. He postulates that the Haitian belief in zombies could be based on those rare instances where the individual receives the correct dosage of the poison, is misdiagnosed as dead, and is taken from the grave by a sorcerer. Moreover, Davis argues that zombification is a form of punishment imposed by Bizango secret societies to maintain order in local communities. :D

You see-- they really do exist and sciene has proven it.

Hugs-- Carol Ann

Title: Re: Do Zombies really exist
Post by PhantasyMan on Mar 24th, 2009 at 1:50pm
When I look at politicians, I believe Zombies exist  ;D

Title: Re: Do Zombies really exist
Post by vajra on Mar 24th, 2009 at 2:57pm
I guess we're nearly all zombies in respect of the way we selectively perceive from reality to reinforce our beliefs/pre-conceptions.

Just theorising, but zombification sounds feasible if you could find a way to create the right set of beliefs in a person. Perhaps the toxin you mention Identcat plays a role in creating a mind state where this becomes possible.

Given the commonality of mind it's probably not impossible for a adept to access the mind of the individual concerned to impose both beliefs and control.

Are you suggesting there might have been external influences involved in your experience Alan? I suppose that that whole tradition and capability (zombification) must have originated somewhere in Africa...

Title: Re: Do Zombies really exist
Post by Alan McDougall on Mar 24th, 2009 at 4:30pm
Hey Ian varga

Are you suggesting there might have been external influences involved in your experience Alan? I suppose that that whole tradition and capability (zombification) must have originated somewhere in Africa...

I did not believe in zombies before this and maybe you are correct, I might have internalized that image

The experience was very lucid and real.

There are people who become zombie like; these poor people are the end stage Alzheimer’s disease sufferers. Maybe there is a way to induce zobieism be it by hypnoses or drugs Ketamine comes to mind
My OOBE was frightening in its clarity, and you have to remember the event put into hospital

Take care


Title: Re: Do Zombies really exist
Post by seeking_answers on Mar 24th, 2009 at 4:33pm
why dont i ever get such dreams or visions :o

Title: Re: Do Zombies really exist
Post by identcat on Mar 24th, 2009 at 5:40pm
Seeking--- You do, but you don't have recall yet. When you wake up, jot down anything you remember--- anything at all. Even if it's just-- I know I dreamed, but can;t recall it.  By writting it down day after day, or even just if you get up to use the toilet in the middle of the night--- by TRYING to recall the dream in your journal, eventually it will become more clear.  Try it for one month and see the difference. cat

Title: Re: Do Zombies really exist
Post by hope on Mar 24th, 2009 at 7:37pm
That's really good advise Cat.  However, I've been told by people who show up on the astral not to write anything down too.

Are there any others here on this forum getting really mixed messages from their guides/psychics?  "Aid people"  "Don't volunteer to aid"
"You should be allowed to show your emotions."  "Don't whine about anything" - to someone who rarely opens her mouth.

Thank's for posting this.  I have been acting like a zombie.  I would like to figure this out and fix it.

Title: Re: Do Zombies really exist
Post by identcat on Mar 24th, 2009 at 10:51pm
Hope, your guidance and mine will be individualized. You may be told not to write down anything. But, for me, I am told to write down my thoughts, dreams, experiences.
Alan's guides may advise him to record everything.  Seeking may be told to tote a camera around and take random pictures.  
Our experience is not to be the same--here or in the afterlife. Just like the apendages on our hands, each finger is signigicant. If one finger gets cut, the other four don't bleed too.  
You  must follow your heart and soul for your answers. We, here on this forum, are only instruments to guide you in a positive, loving direction. cat

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