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Message started by banana on Mar 13th, 2009 at 5:02pm

Title: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Mar 13th, 2009 at 5:02pm
I am new to this board. I haven't read any of the books listed. I believe in God and Jesus.I believe in Karma nd the Golden Rule.I also believe that love conquers all. You guys might think I'm nuts but what do I have to lose? My brother died on either Feb.17 or 18 and was found on the 19th.He was young(48) in great health,,single,handsome and fun like you couldn't believe. We were so close.Childhood until now we were just connected at the hip.I am married,live close to him and have 3 children...23,19,11.He was a second father to them.We are going through the most unbelievable grieving process. For the last 21 days I have been crying and feeling so much pain. He died of a brain anuerysm we just don't know the exact time. Last night around 2;30 am,I was'nt totally asleep he came to me put both of his hands on my shoulders(I was sleeping on my back) and said my name twice told me after I told him I missed him and loved him he repeated the same thing to me. Then after he placed his hand on my hand(under covers) and mumbled. (He is actually a mumbler) I was NOT dreaming.I felt the pressure on my body.Even though the rest of the night I haven't had much sleep,today is like a euphoric day.I haven't cried once.
What is going on and will he come again?

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by juditha on Mar 13th, 2009 at 5:41pm
Hi banana  My love i send to you and your family for this very sad time you are going through,the reason your brother came to see you was to try and let you know that he has not left you only in the physical,his love for you will always be there and will never end and he was bringing you comfort and bringing his loving energy around you as he hears what you say and also picks up your thoughts.

When your brother passed on to spirit,he has chosen to stay around you for a while to help you to get through the greiving you are going through because of losing your brother who you loved so much,he will help you and keep talking to him as he can hear you and keep talking about him to your family as he is now in spirit and he wants you to talk about him.

He can see you whenever he wants to and can spend as much time with you when he wants to and oneday when your lifetime is over you will be reunited with him,as you have not lost him forever even though at this time ,its hard for you to think that way.

I remember when my dad died ,two days later i felt him around me and all this love,and the pain of losing someone you lovre so much is so hard to bear,my dad has been in spirit for eight years now and he still visits at my mosrt lowest time bringing me love and i can feel his energy around me

When we lose them they are in a world full of love and its us what suffer because we are left behind on this earth plain without them,i know it does not seem that way now but you will come to terms with losing your dear brother and you will feel him around you many times through your life,as he will never truly leave you and thats why you have not cried today as your brother is helping you to try and cope with losing him,when you sit in a quiet room ask him to visit you banana and he will come around,talk to him as you did when he was in the physical as he will always be listening,i talk to my dad many times and i feel him there is only a thin veil between us and the spirit world.

Love and God bless you banana and your family      love juditha  

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by recoverer on Mar 13th, 2009 at 5:53pm
Hello Banana:

I believe it's possible that you've made contact with your deceased brother because I've communicated with spirits a lot. If it's possible for me, then it's possible for other people.

Some sources say that spirits have a hard time moving on to the light when people who love them grieve a lot and don't allow them to move on.

Despite how you miss your brother it is a joyful occasion that he has moved on, because life is much more wonderful in the afterlife than it is here in the World.  When it is your time to join your brother in the afterlife, he'll probably celebrate with you.  Right now he probably wants you to make the best of your life in this World.

I know that the afterlife is wonderful, because I've experienced it. Many other people such as near death experiences have found the same.  I've done so through out of body experiences.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Mar 13th, 2009 at 7:47pm
Thank you both Juditha and Recoverer> I was excited when he came to me and I new it was not a dream.I want him to be happy and move on so I hope I am not hindering his progress.If he comes to me again should I try to talk to him?Why don't you think I could understand him last night?My dear boys are having the hardest time as my mother and father.I have not told anyone about the visitation because I don't want my mom to be trying so hard to meet my I make sense.I know it can only come if the person like me is in a calm and meditative way.My mom has alot of hot blood in her and she wouldn't be able to contain herself...bless her heart. I am just so shocked that he TALKED to me and TOUCHED me, I still can't believe it.
It was awesome.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by juditha on Mar 14th, 2009 at 7:11am
Hi banana You will not hinder his progress,so please do not worry about that and keep talking to him as even though hes passed to spirit hes missing you also and in time you will both move on,i remember when i saw this medium ,who was very genuine and my dad came to him as dad had only passed two weeks before i had this private sitting and one of the things dad said through this medium was that he was happy with his family in spirit but was also missing his family on earth.

Talk to your brother as much as you want to because you and your brother at the moment are helping each other to move on in time,i sense my dad now after eight years of his passing but not as much as i did when he first passed over as dad knows now that i am moving on and he is moving on and always comes around when i feel sad or down as they are always watching over us.

When your dear brother died he took his personality with him as we all do when we pass so he is still the same person you knew and loved on this earth plain and he is not alone in the spiritworld,your family that has passed before him are loving and looking after him,also spirit helpers of love,so banana talk to your brother as you cannot hinder his progress.

I feel if you go to the library and read some books on life after death,it may help as when dad died ,i then read lots of books about life after death and also near death experiences and it helped me quite a lot.

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Mar 14th, 2009 at 10:49am
Thank you Juditha,Do you or anyone have a book to recommend?Maybe there is a "Life after Death for Dummies"  :)
Since his visit I am fascinated with this and feel comforted he can hear me.I love him so much.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by betson on Mar 14th, 2009 at 10:49am
Hello banana,

Condolences on your loss but also congratulations !  What a wonderful soul-affirming experience you've had !

If you do not hear from him again, that in no way means you are unworthy or unsuccessful.  Most souls do become out of touch with their Earthside loved ones after a brief opportunity to make such a visit as your brother made with you. Your loving and open attitude will not hurt his spiritual development. He chose you to visit for a reason.

Maybe this experience will later open you to even more ability to discover the Afterlife.


Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by juditha on Mar 14th, 2009 at 3:17pm
Hi banana   Doris Stokes is a good book to read as she was a genuine medium, also near death experiences by Dr Raymond Moody,he did a study on a lot of peoples near death experience,i have read these books from the library and they are really good.

Love and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by Aras on Mar 14th, 2009 at 4:43pm
Hi Banana,
Sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my daughter 7 years ago, and she continues to come to me and my family, in all different ways. Dreams, Visits, Signs... you might try visiting the After Death Communication site:

Take Care,

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Mar 14th, 2009 at 6:09pm
Thanks Bets,I am interested in the afterlife.The only thing I ever did strangely before my brother died was have these amazing flying dreams. I would wake up totally exhausted and sweating.I haven't had one in 3 months so that was the only other thing that happened to me. I don't think that was what you would call a Out of Body experience but it felt like I was out of my body.
Juditha, I will check out that book, there is so much to learn and it has made me really excited. Aras I saw your thread and have visited that site.I hope my brother visits me again but like Betson said I won't get upset if he doesn't.Thanks guys for talking to me, I am grieving and just grasping at the hope you have given me.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Mar 16th, 2009 at 12:30pm
Juditha, I can't seem to find the Doris Stokes book anywhere. Is her name spelled differently or is there a book title I could look for?
Anna banana

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by recoverer on Mar 16th, 2009 at 12:44pm

You might want to check out the book "Hello from Heaven." It is about people who have made contact with deceased loved ones in ways that are similar to the way you made contact.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by juditha on Mar 16th, 2009 at 1:40pm
Hi anna banana When you go to the library to get this book if you cannot find it there,sometimes the library will order a certain book for you but when you go in tell them Doris stokes name and you want the section on mediums and the afterlife and there should be a good selection there,I hope this has helped.

Love and God bless  love juditha

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Mar 16th, 2009 at 2:38pm
Thanks Juditha and recoverer. Having a tough morning missing my brother John.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by juditha on Mar 16th, 2009 at 3:04pm
Hi anna banana  Its going to be really hard for you for a while,you will have your tough days and sometimes not so tough days,i am keeping you and your family in my prayers,i remember when my dad died ,i went into town to buy some red roses to lay in his coffin with him as these roses were his favorite flowers and it was just little things like this what meant so much but it did not take away the hurt,but in these hardest times, try and think of all the good things you both did,i know its hard to do this,but try and think that you have not lost him forever,he is but a whisper away from you,may God comfort you in your worst times and shower you with his love and light.

Love and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by moonsandjunes on Mar 16th, 2009 at 4:20pm
I am glad to read of the visitation you had from your brother, banana. I felt the effects of a 'visitation' (how I perceived the event) very shortly after the passing of my grandmother. Several more events followed, spaced many years apart.

I have also been visited in dreams by other deceased relatives/friends.

Cumulatively, the 'contacts' have been enough to influence my views and to induce my curiosity as well. So I encourage you to welcome such messages, and to remember them.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Mar 17th, 2009 at 12:37pm
Bets, would the reason he might not visit me again is because I am new to all of this and it is harder for him to visit me? You are right, I was so excited when he did visit I would love him to do that again.Also the way he did it confused me a little. He pushed down on my shoulders firmly while lying in bed and said my name loudly...Anna,Anna...twice. Why did he push down so firmly?I have bought some new books that everyone has suggested and will start reading today,I am kind of hoping he will visit again,but I am not waiting up all night.Thanks for your ear.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Mar 17th, 2009 at 12:42pm
moonsandjunes, that is interesting that other members of your family have visited you. Are they visiting you more often because you are open to all of this. How come I would not get visits from other family members who have died?Granted I was not as close to them as my brother.Its really interesting.If I get up at night to get a glass of water I am looking everywhere for my brother...sounds silly.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by identcat on Mar 17th, 2009 at 1:25pm
Juditha--- your very first answer here was so beautiful! You truely have guidence and pure sprirt.  Wonderful response.  Love Carol Ann

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by moonsandjunes on Mar 17th, 2009 at 2:20pm
This is the sort of question I have no answer for. I don't actually think they are visiting me more, but I have learned to recognize a particular feeling, a particular countenance, a particular knowing...a reverberation. Can I call it that?

It echoes. It comes from a particular place, the knowing, the seeing.

In my dream visitations, the deceased are radiant. They are young and glowing. They are happy. They are smiling. They are supported by others. They are playful.

They are happy.

If I was reminded of this every day, every day, every day....would I want to remain in this earth plane? Would I understand that I am here for a reason?

What is that reason? That is always such a beautiful question.

banana wrote on Mar 17th, 2009 at 12:42pm:
moonsandjunes, that is interesting that other members of your family have visited you. Are they visiting you more often because you are open to all of this. How come I would not get visits from other family members who have died?Granted I was not as close to them as my brother.Its really interesting.If I get up at night to get a glass of water I am looking everywhere for my brother...sounds silly.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by Cricket on Mar 17th, 2009 at 7:29pm
Why did he push down so firmly?

Probably for the same reason that the first time most of us drove a car, we hit the gas and/or the brake pedal way too hard a few at it.  *And* they're kind of operating out of their element (to belabor the car metaphor - sort of like adding driving while using tongs to operate the controls, and with one eye closed, to the difficulties of being new at it).

Some folks don't seem to be able to get through at all, so I won't pick on those who are a little klutzy at first (like John, my late husband, who blew up every electronic item in the house the first 48 hours after he passed over...when I got a new computer I specifically forbade him to "touch" it...)   8-)

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Mar 17th, 2009 at 9:34pm
Cricket that is just the cutest thing that your husband did. Thank you for responding.

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by Cricket on Mar 18th, 2009 at 12:09pm
LOL!  Expensive cute!  I had to replace a TV, a VCR, the remotes for both, and a computer!

Nice to know he was still around, though, and still wreaking havoc...his theory tended to be, the heck with fixing it, wait 'til it's broke and then replace it...  ;)

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by juditha on Mar 18th, 2009 at 12:59pm
Hi carol ann  Thanks for what you wrote to me.

Love and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Apr 7th, 2009 at 1:56pm
Hi everyone.I have been reading all of the threads on the various different topics and have become a fan of all of you.So many different opinions which of course I love. I really don't know if I should be posting this in the dreams section but because it all started with a physical and auditory connection I will post it here. If the peer moderators (you) feel that it should be in the dreams I will post there.
The other night I had a very real dream.One that felt like I could touch my brother.  Remember the  first time my brother touched my shoulders and said my name twice when I was NOT asleep.This time he came to me and my husband in a dream......not as he was before he died but as he was after. We held hands and hugged. I just kept touching him in my SO REAL dream. I talked to him...sometimes he would answer me.I asked the question"Because you died so suddenly were you afraid"? He told me at first he was afraid but that now he is o.k. and happy. In the middle of this he said lets watch the Laker game which we did.We are all Laker fans and he LOVED sports. I then asked him how happy I was that he was here and we could talk and I asked him could he do this again and he said probably I am worried I won't have any more contact with him. Then I heard whispering and he got up from his chair and said I have to go...walked over towards a bathroom said GOD is calling me....did this silly little jig he used to do for me and gave me his silly little smile and went up towards the ceiling and that was the end of my dream. It was so real....I am a little sad if it is true that maybe he can't visit me anymore. My mother thinks I have a connection with him and he will visit me......Oh I asked him to give me a sign..he didn't say anything so I said what about a rainbow? He didn't say anything but my husband in the dream said"Anna I think it would be hard to create rainbows" and I looked at my brother John and said will it be hard and he said...."I don't think so"

I've been thinking about this dream and got up and wrote the whole dream down....What do you think?

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by Berserk2 on Apr 7th, 2009 at 3:14pm

Your encounter with your deceased brother fits one of the many patterns of ADC contact.  It might be advisable to explore the other patterns because this awareness might open your mind to different types of communication from your brother.  That is the subject for another thread.  

Here is a typical example of the pattern in question.  I am a United Methodist minister.  One of our members, Mary Ellen, shared this ADC from her recently deceased sister.  Mary Ellen was awakened from sleep by a hand that gently caressed her cheek.  She saw her sister standing beside her bed, glowing radiantly in the dark.  The 2 sisters affirmed their love for each other and then the deceased sister reassured Mary Ellen that she was experiencing an incredible spiritual journey in Paradise.


Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Apr 7th, 2009 at 7:56pm
Wow, that is amazing. I am truly open to what lies ahead of me. My brother and I have always been connected and I to believe he has much to do in Paradise.
Thank you for responding
Anna banana

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Apr 7th, 2009 at 7:57pm
I meant what lies ahead for me.......just got to excited!!

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by identcat on Apr 8th, 2009 at 12:55am
Anna--- How truly wonderful!!! I knew that he would contact you (and your husband) because the bonds of love are so deep.  He will be with you for your entire life here on earth. Believe it!  --Love Carol Ann

Title: Re: Visit from my brother who JUST died
Post by banana on Apr 8th, 2009 at 1:36am
Thank you Carol Ann and God Bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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