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Message started by juditha on Mar 1st, 2009 at 5:14pm

Title: NDE  tells of the future and of God
Post by juditha on Mar 1st, 2009 at 5:14pm
Hi I've put these on here,this is one really detailed experience of an NDE,i would really like to know what you think of this as it tells of our future.

Love and God bless    love Juditha

Title: Re: NDE  tells of the future and of God
Post by betson on Mar 1st, 2009 at 7:23pm

he's doing a beautiful job of spreading the word about his Life After Death Experience !
I hope to hear what some other NDErs say about how his information relates to what they experienced.
His format for telling about it is so great, since he only gives you a few sentences at a time so that they really sink in!

He mentions that he is seeing across time, so that not all he has seen necessarily happens in this lifetime.

The US has several city/towns named Eureka. The one in Colorado is in some young mountains that could get caught up in changing, I suppose. Eureka IL is near the central US fault that has the power to be very devastating, scientists say. (But when?)

! Google lists 440,000++ listings for him, although I realize some duplicate or refer to others.  -- but only a few people (a few thousands) have watched his videos--that's unfortunate!

Bruce's writings fit fine with what this fellow is saying, I believe, in the way Bruce's approach gets us to make PUL an active force.  This fellow who did the videos uses the more usual references to angels, God, etc that Bruce has tried to clear out so that the PUL can be more directly experienced without bringing in ideas that some churches have ruined.

Thank you very much, Judith!  I'm really glad to have seen these!


Title: Re: NDE  tells of the future and of God
Post by carl on Mar 1st, 2009 at 9:44pm
I'm going to play the critic on this one. Whoever this guy is, he has sure done his homework....So we that survive are eventually going to sit round the campfire, arm in arm, singing "Kum-Ba-Ya-My Lord etc" Nothing to do but eat, sleep, and fornicate(in a nice sorta way, off course). Then why didn't the Big Boss Above create us this way? And I don't buy into that 'free will' answer. It's like God saying "You have free will, but I want you to act in my ways, not your ways, or else I'll zapp you and the planet into devastation! And to Hell with all those innocents who suffer in the process!" ...Another "Christian" type end times scenario. Personally, I think it's a lot of made-up Hogwash! I just think he's trying to make a few bucks out of his NDE! Sincerely. Carl and Family. ps. Juditha, this is not against you for posting his video's, it is against him for feeding me(and others?)with fantasy driven mind ramblings.  

Title: Re: NDE  tells of the future and of God
Post by betson on Mar 1st, 2009 at 11:32pm

"Orbs', 'beings of light', etc--I haven't seen those terms in the Christian bible.
So forget all that Christian terminolgy that turns you off.  The images will still match what Bruce has seen and what others and I have seen while OB.

We all may have to increase the vibrational rate of physical matter in order to get ourselves /our souls to the next step / focus level. We may have to develop attitudes that encourage and carry that increased vibrational rate.
Some words describing the increased energy rate work better for some people; other words work better for others. I happen to like the  word "Love,' be it brotherly or romantic. If you can't tolerate the way words are used in this main culture, make up your own as Bruce did but keep the ideas that are important!


Title: Re: NDE  tells of the future and of God
Post by juditha on Mar 3rd, 2009 at 3:42am
Hi bets I sometimes think that spirit guide me to find something like this and i agree with you that he has set this out beautifully and with the sentences he has used,every sentence is so easy to take in and understand.

I felt as i read it that through him spirit were showing us an open door and that all will be in harmony oneday and it made me feel like the sun was shining in my heart,we share so much love on here for each other, even though sometimes we do not agree but thats just the gift God gave us all our freewill,at the end of it all there is still that beautiful word called love between us.

I am now training to be a support worker for mental health and i know that i've truly found where i need to be working as my love for these people will help me to understand and help them,i feel God has helped me on the path i needed to be walking on,i'm so grateful that i have been given this opportunity to help others to try and live a more fulfilled life, knowing that someone like me cares enough to help make that happen.

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: NDE  tells of the future and of God
Post by juditha on Mar 3rd, 2009 at 3:53am
Hi Carl I was pleased to read your feedback to this as you have your own feelings and thoughts on here as we all do,so i would never think that you are against a post i put on here,its always good to read what we all feel about things even if one does not agee with what is said but we are gifted with freewill and thats what makes us special because we all have different thoughts and ideas.My grandmother said to me once that if we were all the same ,life would be pretty boring.

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: NDE  tells of the future and of God
Post by Justin on Mar 6th, 2009 at 4:04pm
 Hi Juditha, thank you for sharing those links.  I enjoyed watching them.  I believe i have read about this particular NDE, or as he calls it a LAD experience, before.  

 Re: the Changes; many more credible and non Christian religious sources speak similarly about such World and multi-leveled Changes.   Such info can be found in Bob Monroe's work, Bruce Moens, Rosiland McKnights, Edgar Cayces, scientists like Dr. Paul A. LaViolette, many Native prophecies, indicated in the Great Pyramid of Giza, many other NDE's and ND'ers like Dannion Brinkley, etc.  

  Many of these sources speak of massive changes on the various levels from consciousness or spiritual, mind levels, down to actual physical structural changes i.e. geological-climatic changes within the outer form of Earth herself--many including the potential for massive wars, major world wide depressions, gov. breakdown in certain countries, and social uprisings.  

 As above/within, so below/without.   When massive changes take place within, even the outer form and structure will change (though not necessarily at the same exact rate and proportion).   The current Galactic-Winter Solstice alignment is one of the outer symbols or indicators of such massive and collective transformation.  

 Some of these outer changes will take place regardless of collective human freewill, for they have been scheduled in by the Creator Gods and our Disks for a greater purpose.  

Our collective human freewill choosing can alter some aspects, especially to degree of severity, but primarily our "freewill" comes in how we choose respond to such outer Changes, and whether or not we choose to spiritually grow or retard in relation to these, for many of these will be as challenging but potentially spiritually facilitating catalysts.  

 I find the above NDE particularly interesting for a couple of reasons.  He is shown a super active Sun for the future.   This is the same info i received when i first started to do the in home gateway set.  
2.  The main Light being he talks about seems to be Christ, and yet another non religious but psychically derived source which casts Christ as a parental figure to us in the literal spiritual sense.    I've now seen this repeated in quite a few sources not connected with each other and again not religious.   Often when Christ comes through, he references to us as his children, as if he had a hand in creating us.  

 A few examples of this odd occurrence.  In one of Bob Monroe's books, Bob shares an experience or channeling from one of the people who went to TMI (perhaps an explorer of his--i don't remember), which if read carefully sounds like it is the Christ coming through.   At the end this being says, "my children abide in me".  

 In Bruce's 4th book based around his contacting what he calls the Planning Intelligence, the Being which Co-created this Universe, his exploration partner picks up connections of Christ to this energy.   The P.I. indicates to Bruce and his partner that it is a child of Source, but like a parent to us (or most of us).

 Edgar Cayce's source plainly indicates, and not so plainly at other times indicates that Christ is the original Co-Creator Disk or Spirit with THE Source, and the Maker of many of our Disks and of this Universe.  

 A book called Cosmic Voyages written by an author who went through Remote Viewing training, and also attended the Gateway Voyage program.   He claims to have had Remote Viewing experiences with whom he later on figures out is Christ.   Yeshua keeps referring to E.T.'s, and to us as "his children" in this book.    The author seems perplexed by this, and seemed to think it was perhaps more symbolic or something.  He, unlike me, didn't take it literally.

 So yes, based on my experiences and on a synthesis of outer sources which speak similarly, i take this NDE account very seriously though i doubt its all completely accurate--besides which some of its based on probability and freewill factors which can change.  P.S., the Being who has been referred to as the Archangel Michael in various sources is indeed a very powerful and Fiery Being.   He is Fire incarnate, and the right hand servant of Source and of Christ who ever represents Source.

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