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Message started by Justin on Feb 11th, 2009 at 9:53pm

Title: Re:the supposed light & dark polarity
Post by Justin on Feb 11th, 2009 at 9:53pm
 On another thread, i mentioned that Bruce talks about one of the most profound things he learned was that there is no true opposite to Love energy/consciousness, that there can only be unlove experienced, or rather love in varying degrees experienced.

 I related this to the claim of some teachers and beliefs that there is a light and dark polarity in existence.   I pointed out that there is really only Light, Light, and more Light, but also the possible temporal experience of "unLight", which some might label "dark".    But is darkness a reality unto itself?  If it is, it would have to fulfill two things; it would have to be infinite/eternal, and would have had to been present in Source before Source moved and became a Creator.

 For a long time, i've felt that what we perceive and call Love or PUL is pretty much the same thing as what we perceive and call Light--not physical light, but spiritual light.   Physical light is a reflection of spiritual Light, just as materially the Sun, or other greater Stars, are reflections of Sources Light and Creative energy.   So there is an interconnection of sorts, but they are not exactly the same reality, because one is ultimately a reflection and one is ultimately the cause or that from which the reflection is reflected from.  

  Someone else said that no, that's like saying there is only warm and unwarm, when there is both warm and cold.    But, warm and cold are physical attributes that exist within physicality.   Once you realize that physicality is an illusion, because its a reflection and not eternal, then you realize that to make such comparisons is short sighted.
  Also consider that many sources from the mystical, to religious, to New age, etc., all indicatie a similar concept and belief, that Light concsciousness/energy is the foundational or core energy/consciousness in all Creation.    Naught can be created without utilizing Light in some respect.  

  So, what about unLight aka "darkness", and unlove?  What about the material vs the Spirit?  

  You could say that unLight/darkness, unlove, and the material are also aspects of Light, but could be considered "frozen Light" in a sense.  Its light energy slowed down to such a slow vibration that there is little flow and brightness, so it appears temporarily "dark".   As they say though, appearances can be deceiving.  

  Deep within that dark, within that unlove, etc. is the Light which still burns and is waiting to be re-awakened.   If the light is totally exstinguished within a particular consciousness, then a true death can happen.  
 This is another concept that Bruce (and the Cayce readings) talk about.   That a consciousness, a individuated probe, can so choose unlight/unlove, that eventually if severe enough, the light that went into creating its consciousness and conscious awareness, gets in a sense distinguished, and goes completely out.

  It then ceases to be an individuated, freewilled, self aware consciousness.  Light/PUL is like the glue of consciousness, and was the foundation of Creation, and while its very hard to do, if one dissolves the "glue" completely, the consciousness patterns which went into making a probe, will also dissolve.    

 Consciousness remains, but in a generalized sense.   Bruces experience along this line, relates to the temporal hells and some "hard cases" in the most lacking in light T.H.'s, and he says if it gets to that severe and extreme point, the probes energy and consciousness kind of dissipates and becomes part of the general T.H. energetic around them.

 So, while we can and do perceive a kind of polarity of light and dark in the Earth, and in other dimensions, there really is only Light, which can get masked over for a while.

  This is because Source, the original Creator, is of Light, and ultimately there is naught but Source and that contained within same.   Source did not create or manifest "unlight", at least not in a general sense, but in giving full freewill to its Children, it did allow the potential awareness and perception of unLight to arise.   True freewill would not have been possible without that potential.    What is Source, is a good question?   Source could be said to be living Consciousness and self awareness.   We were created in Sources image.  
Now there is another polarity, which sometimes gets mistakenly mistaken for Light/Dark, and that polarity is very apparent in the material dimension.  

 It has been called various things by various cultures, from Yin-Yang, to Feminine-Masculine, to receptive/feeling-creating/doing/active, etc.   This is a true polarity that exists within all levels from the Godhead down.  

 But in the Godhead and in those fully attuned to same, there is no polarization or imbalance within the polarity, and it exists within a Oneness/merged/completly balanced state.    This is probably why some E.T.'s, and in various NDE and new age accounts of what some call the Council of Elders that every probe comes before after and before an Earth life, these beings are oft perceived as completely merged between what we could call masculine-feminine characteristics.   They appear androgynous.  

 Even then, sometimes its perceived that such a being will temporarily shift or morph into one state, slightly more than another.  Sometimes when listening, its best to learn a bit more to the receptive/feeling/Feminine state or half.  

 Anyways, this polarity within all consciousnesses, is a microcosm reflection of Source and Sources own experience with its consciousness.  

 Source was first almost completely Feminine in nature, it was totally receptive, feeling, and One Self all alone.   Not being fulfilled in that state, it decided to move within itself and in that "moving", in that Creating, came the Masculine polarity or half of Source.  Neither one could be said to be "light or dark", they both exist within the Light.

Because the masculine or Yang half is more intense and focused, sometimes it could be perceived as being "brighter" in nature, but it cannot and does not exist without its other half so there really is no ultimate brighter or less bright.  

  As above, so below, and this is the reason why humans have a dual hemispheric brain and have two genders.   The duality or apparent separation between the two signifies our collective state of imbalance, and at the same time the connection between the two, represents these states within the very Source consciousness itself.   As soon as Source moved and became a Creator, it became fully balanced and merged between these two states of being.  

 We, use to have this fully merged state as well, until some decided to become creators without much regard for the Whole, and for ones origins.  In that, came the imbalance and eventually the various reflected, distorted dimensions down from pure Spirit/At-One-Ment.   When some so chose unlove, unlight, and imbalance, eventually the physical came into existance.    

 Earth already existed on the spiritual plane as a Creation of Planning Intelligence/Christ Disk in full cooperation with Source.

 This is why in the physical Earth, everything is based on polarity, duality, and polarization.   It is symbolic of the inner imbalance, and this seeming "external reality" is just a reflection perception of that.  It helps us to become aware of the problem at hand, via contrast and suffering, in order that we can become fully aware that the problem at hand is really within and comes from imbalance and unlove.  

 When we (in the physial and elsewhere) choose love so much and so purely, we can speed up the frequencies of matter, of frozen light, to pure Light again.   This the whole meaning behind Yeshua's Resurrection.   This is the pure example to a complete Home awareness and consciousness again.   As the N.T. says, the last to be overcome is physical death.   Not the awareness that physical death is an illusion since there are other dimensions, BUT the actual experience of physical death is overcome/transcended.  

 What other public Teacher has done this in front of the Worlds eyes?   What other Teacher left behind material proof of this process being completed in physical?   That being said, i do believe and get the sense that others since have also achieved likewise, but these keep a more low profile for various reasons.  

 They will step out into the public light when the time is right, to show that this process is a universal potential for all, and not for any one religion or person to achieve.   Along side the Earth Christs, will come Christs from the skies, i.e. fully realized, fully enLightened and PUL attuned E.T.'s to show that this is a cosmic potential, and the destiny of every Child of Source.


Title: Re: Re:the supposed light & dark polarity
Post by recoverer on Feb 12th, 2009 at 3:38pm
I believe it is possible for a lack of light to feel quite dark. In the recent past for a short while I experienced the life of a lady. I can't remember the precise details, but she had a nihilistic belief system. Next, I saw her, and the feeling I got stunned me, because it felt so dark. Next, her spirit was run through my energetic system so it could be cleansed with the help of the light beings I work with.

Title: Re: Re:the supposed light & dark polarity
Post by Volu on Feb 13th, 2009 at 6:16pm
"Someone else said that no, that's like saying there is only warm and unwarm, when there is both warm and cold. But, warm and cold are physical attributes that exist within physicality. Once you realize that physicality is an illusion, because its a reflection and not eternal, then you realize that to make such comparisons is short sighted."

Short sighted? Merely pointing out aspects of this playground, not what's beyond, well, still polarity issues in the astral, but then again it's like an extension of this playground. - A disc chooses a game, and as with a game of chess there are rules,  otherwise it wouldn't be a game. With chess one thing one may learn is strategy, and even though you can learn lots by observing a game being played, it's not at all the same as playing yourself, as you don't get to move the pieces/the experience, unless you choose to play. Whatever applies beyond the game is put on hold until the game is finished. If you've played both sides, dark and white, you know the benefits of both. Different games for sure, but those are some comparisons that came to mind.

"Deep within that dark, within that unlove, etc. is the Light which still burns and is waiting to be re-awakened. If the light is totally exstinguished within a particular consciousness, then a true death can happen. This is another concept that Bruce (and the Cayce readings) talk about. That a consciousness, a individuated probe, can so choose unlight/unlove, that eventually if severe enough, the light that went into creating its consciousness and conscious awareness, gets in a sense distinguished, and goes completely out."

If I'm getting this right, you think a probe/incarnation belonging to a disc can cease to exist?

"This is why in the physical Earth, everything is based on polarity, duality, and polarization. It is symbolic of the inner imbalance, and this seeming "external reality" is just a reflection perception of that.  It helps us to become aware of the problem at hand, via contrast and suffering, in order that we can become fully aware that the problem at hand is really within and comes from imbalance and unlove."

What is balance for you?

Title: Re: Re:the supposed light & dark polarity
Post by Justin on Feb 15th, 2009 at 10:44pm

Volu wrote on Feb 13th, 2009 at 6:16pm:
If I'm getting this right, you think a probe/incarnation belonging to a disc can cease to exist?

 According to Bruce's explorations (and his partners), and Cayce's info, yes an individuated probe can potentially cease to exist.  I don't have much experience with this, beyond my intuition which tells me these sources are correct.    Also, as Bruce was told, its a pretty rare experience.

What is balance for you?  

  To be brief, it is realizing, and merging the two realities of Oneness and individuality, both are equally true and eternal states, and always connected.  PUL is what facilitates a balance and merging between these states consciously.

 These states also correspond to the real polarity, the polarity that is even found within Source Consciousness (but perfectly balanced and merged in same).    It's been called various things, but I like the term Yin-Yang.    This relates to Oneness compared to Individuality, to Feminine to Masculine, to Right brain to Left brain.    

 Both however can partake of love/light, or unlove/temporal masking over of light.

  What you and the Matrix author subscribes to, reminds me of Star Wars and the main philosophical concept found in same--the whole light side of the force compared to the dark side of the force.   Source as the original creator essence, does not contain "darkness", but in creating our Disks it allowed the potential, and ultimately temporal, awareness of unlight to arise.  

 That potential or possibility must have been there in order to fully give its created Disks a true freewill situation.    Yet, we all come from the pure Light, and all eventually go back to the pure Light except for maybe a couple of probes here and there who so extremely and consistently chose unlight/unlove that their Disk decided to let them go.

 To me, the best definition of "reality" or realness vs illusion, is if something is eternal or temporal in nature.

Title: Re: Re:the supposed light & dark polarity
Post by Volu on Feb 17th, 2009 at 4:56pm
Hi Justin,
"What you and the Matrix author subscribes to, reminds me of Star Wars and the main philosophical concept found in same--the whole light side of the force compared to the dark side of the force."

I'm not big on subscription, and will only talk for me. But anyway, that's what I see here, with the optional balance thrown in for good measures. That is, yin/yang balance, as I(ncarnation) don't know how to merge the polarites yet. The way that I approach it is sort of like when photographing. If the light is harsh, like bare sunlight, which causes equally harsh shadows, I can diffuse the light to get pleasing light quality and soft shadows. If a scene is too dark, I like to bring in some diffused light, as not to burn out highlights, and to lift the areas that would otherwise go black. The most fun part is sculpting portraits with light and shadow, and by playing around I get to know how increase/decrease them (what to do), and get the look that I want.

Does dark exist here in 3rd density? Yes, it's easily observed through my eyes. Be aware, not for the faint hearted. Documentary about how some
animals are treated. I choose not to close my eyes. I don't care about carcasses/vehicles of the spirit being lumped around, but the treatment of the spirits animating these animal bodies are dark to me. Ultimately, I view the spirit as indestructable, but the deeds are what they are, and learning experiences at the same time.

I like what Bob Monroe say about local ideas, how we perceive the beyond, and how limited these local ideas can be compared to what is and the possibilities. The added dimension of getting glimpses of the true self and the beyond is really important to me. But it doesn't negate what is here, and what I(ncarnation) have to deal with right here and now. If I wish it away, still here, and still have to deal with this density.

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