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Message started by juditha on Feb 8th, 2009 at 5:03pm

Title: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by juditha on Feb 8th, 2009 at 5:03pm
Hi everyone You have got to see this ,its the most detailed NDE i have ever seen and heard.

Love and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Feb 8th, 2009 at 6:05pm
Haha, this made me laugh when I read "saw how he looked."  It is humorous because God is not a spirit being with human characteristics, although in a sense God is all beings and all consciousness.  This being he saw, "God", was probably a helper of a highly advanced consciousness who he percieved through the filters of his beliefs, and therefore manifested this image of what he thought his version of God looked like.  Or perhaps this being he encountereted was a representation, fashioned through his beliefs, of what God really is.

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by carl on Feb 8th, 2009 at 10:38pm
Thanks Juditha for the link to the video. I enjoyed watching it. It seems like a Born Again Christian Fundermentalist's NDE, especially the point of it's God(Jesus)or Hell? And the fact that he starts preaching from the Christian Bible after he describes his NDE, and calling the people in the church he's in to raise their hand and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior etc, etc. Still I enjoyed the NDE part of it. Thanks again Juditha. Sincerely. Carl and Family

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Feb 9th, 2009 at 1:44am
Carl I don't know what you're talking about.  It seems you weren't watching the wrong video, but you were reading the wrong post...

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by carl on Feb 9th, 2009 at 6:52am

I Am Dude wrote on Feb 9th, 2009 at 1:44am:
Carl I don't know what you're talking about.  It seems you weren't watching the wrong video, but you were reading the wrong post...

What are you talking about, Dood? Sincerely. Carl and Family

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Feb 9th, 2009 at 8:24am
Hehehehe your a funny man.  

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by Beau on Feb 9th, 2009 at 10:41am
I hate to ask this but could someone post an overview. I'd like to know what happened but my youtube player is not working right and this thing is super long. I'd much appreciative even if it's just a paragraph or two. ;)yours, beau

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by juditha on Feb 9th, 2009 at 12:27pm
hI BEAU i have found this same story on google and heres the link for  this written story  of nde glimpse of eternity met god saw how he looked.

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by Aras on Feb 9th, 2009 at 5:33pm
I had to actually force myself to watch this
I believe in NDE’s. My brother had 2, and my husband had one.
When listening to this guy....this one statement he made, (well.. there are actually a few) is just crap:
His answer to a question:
"Ok why did I go into darkness and into the light?   God showed me that’s where I should have gone had I not prayed that death bed prayer. "
Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by recoverer on Feb 9th, 2009 at 6:07pm
I don't believe that moving onto to heaven should be a matter of: "I decided to be afraid in the matter you wanted me to be afraid."

I believe it is more of a matter of wanting to live according to principles such as love and humility.

Imagine that some children believe that Disneyland includes Mickey Mouse, while some children don't believe that Disneyland includes Mickey Mouse. Would it be right to keep sweet and loving children out of Disneyland, because they weren't raised to believe that Disneyland includes Mickey Mouse? Of course not.

I don't mean to compare Jesus to Mickey Mouse, but he sure aint a cold hearted and unreasonable dictator who fails to see how much love a person does or doesn't have in his or her heart, regardless of what he or she believes.

Can a person truly open his or her heart to that which is divine, if fear is a prime motivator?

We didn't incarnate into this World so we could end up in hell for all of eternity. We incarnated into it so we can learn what we need to learn.

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Feb 9th, 2009 at 7:34pm

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by Berserk2 on Feb 9th, 2009 at 8:34pm
I have just 2 questions to enrich this ever deepening discussion.
(1) Several decades ago when Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gargarin was rocketed into space on a satellite, he complained that he never saw God anywhere.  An outraged Anerican minister ridiculed Yuri: "What a stupid remark!  Yuri only goes a short distance from earth and he complains that he couldn't find God?  Outer space is so vast!"  So let me ask you, Dude: "Where do your OBE trevels suggest God is hiding?  In Orion, Amdromeda, or the Pleiades?  

(2) Dude, you can believe God is a chick if you want to.  We encourage out-of the-box thinking on this site.  But, Dude, does She wear a skirt?

When I was teaching college, this feminist nun had an office across from mine.  On her door, she taped a cartoon of Moses on Mount Sinai holding the tablets with the 10 commandments.  Having just heard from God, Moses gazes heavenward and replies:" I didn't know You were a soprano?"

Don, the truth seeker

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by recoverer on Feb 9th, 2009 at 8:55pm
I don't know absolutely for certain, but I figure God (source being) exists in the following manner.

1. At first there was just source being. This being didn't understand what anything is until it got around to figuring out what everything is. Fortunately, right from the start, source being had awareness, the ability to learn, think, and create according to what it learned. Because source being is quite large it didn't take long for it to figure things out, not that linear time had much to do with the process.

2. Eventually source being used parts of it's own self to create many other parts, souls if you like, so it could have other beings to share existence with, and so they could help with the process of figuring out what's possible.

3.  Source being never viewed these parts as being separate or inferior to itself.  Just parts of itself that play their unique roles and learn what they need to learn in order to rejoin source being.  Out of love and just plain common sense, source being doesn't consider it necessary to eliminate the parts once they rejoin source being. Once a part gets to the point where it no longer limits itself and lives according to the same love that source being lives according to, such a part can become aware of as much of the all as it wants to be aware of.

4. Some of these parts while existing in a form that looks and operates in a manner that is quite different than how they started out and end up, figured that source being looks just as they do. Source being got a good chuckle out of this. Source being figures it looks like everything that ever existed. Even this forum is a part of itself. Does something other than source being exist?

P.S. I channeled this from the right side of my brain. I hope it's right. :D

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by recoverer on Feb 9th, 2009 at 9:11pm
Here's an analogy:

Say a bunch of people got stuck on an Island. Because these people were wise and loving, they set up life on the Island so they live in a very harmonious, peaceful and loving way.

One day a man gets stranded on the same island. This man is very arrogant and self-centered. The people who already live on the island don't have a problem with hearing his input, but he expects everybody to change their ways so life loses its harmonious way.

Because it wasn't possible for this man to speak to everybody at the same time, he spoke to an assigned leader. This leader, after learning that this man wasn't interested in living in a loving, peaceful and harmonious way, and after consulting with other island members, tells this man that he can't use the main part of the island until he decides to change his ways.

Was this leader being a dictator for no reason other than being on a power trip, or was he looking out for the greater good?

Was the man being asked to be subservient, or to simply coexist in a loving way?

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by carl on Feb 9th, 2009 at 9:17pm

wrote on Feb 9th, 2009 at 12:27pm:
hI BEAU i have found this same story on google and heres the link for  this written story  of nde glimpse of eternity met god saw how he looked.

Love and God bless    love juditha

I found the written story must better to read and shorter than listening to his 1 hour 50 min video. Also the text story tells of how he was harassed by 'demons' in spirit form when he left the hospital, and also by 'demons' that seem to occupy the physical bodies of the local people who seemed out to get him. Also it tells of 'white eyed demons' that came out of a statue of Buddha!?. Entertaining or Real? Sincerely. Carl and Family  

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Feb 10th, 2009 at 3:03am
Good old Donny boy is back... glad to hear from you.

So let me ask you, Dude: "Where do your OBE trevels suggest God is hiding?  In Orion, Amdromeda, or the Pleiades?  

(2) Dude, you can believe God is a chick if you want to.  We encourage out-of the-box thinking on this site.  But, Dude, does She wear a skirt?

I am actually a little confused at what your trying to get at...

My OBE travels do not suggest God is hiding.  Rather, they seem to indicate that God permeates all things, God is all things and all things are God.  I have experienced the infinite pure love of God during several of my higher level projections, meaning I experienced an overwhelmingly blissful state of oneness with everything, a scope of infinite proportions, I was in a state of remembrance of what I was, and felt the love of my innermost being being connected so intimately with all consciousness, this love rippling through every unit of my consciousness.

Lets take a look at a quote from the NDE.

I aimed for the brightest part of the light. Standing in the centre of the light stood a man with dazzling white robes reaching down to his ankles. The garments were not human fabrics but were like garments of light. As I lifted my eyes up I could see the chest of a man with arms outstretched as if to welcome me. I looked towards his face. It was so bright; it seemed to be about ten times brighter than the light I’d already seen. It made the sun look yellow and pale in comparison. It was so bright I couldn’t make out the features of his face, and as I stood there I began to sense that the light was emanating a purity, a holiness. I knew now I was standing in the presence of Almighty God – no one but God could look like this.

God cannot be experienced this way for the full effect of what God is.  Perhaps this being she encountered could have shown her what God is by bringing her to a level where she could have experienced the true state of God, oneness with all consciousness... But I'm just not buying the belief that this being was God.  Like I said, at best it was probably a light being being perceived by this guy to be what he thought God was, or maybe even a manifestation of God consciousness.  

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by hawkeye on Feb 10th, 2009 at 12:50pm
The true vision of God would be a reflection of yourself. Skirt or no skirt.

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by juditha on Feb 11th, 2009 at 4:49am
Hi all of you thanks for replying to my thread,i cried when he said he was in the prescence of God,i really felt like i wanted to be this close to God (in his prescence),i love God so much,without his love for me i couldnt survive like i do.

But there must be the devil as he is mentioned in this NDE and demons as well,but i have always beleived that the devil exists and thats why bad things can happen because the devil influences these bad things,as i was attacked myself by the devil and his demons the night i said to the devil that he would never win against God in a battle.

That same night the devil and three demons attacked me but God placed a glimmering white sheild around me and the devil finally left me alone as he could not get through the sheild of protection that our loving God placed around me,before the devil went he showed me this really dark place and it was not nice,you could smell the evil in this place.

The demons he brought with him were like dark cloaked figures as soon as they appeared i knew the devil had come to challenge my love for God

God came to my side and showed Satan that he could not hurt me becuase our father God sent him and his demons away,i still remember that night like it happened yesterday,some things you cant forget.

Love light and God bless you all   love juditha

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by recoverer on Feb 11th, 2009 at 1:50pm

Is it possible that your spirit guidance realized that you just won't give up your belief in the devil, so they did the best they could and created an experience that let you know that the devil and his supposed demons can't hurt you as long as you stay commited to higher truth?

If you would stay open to the possibility that satan doesn't actually exist, your guidance might be able to present you with another way of understanding things.

As I've written before, I put some effort into seeing if the Bible actually supports the concept of satan, and it doesn't. There are Biblical scholars that have found the same. I've had a number of spiritual experiences which showed me that satan doesn't exist. Numerous out of body experiencers and near death experiencers have found the same.

I figure that people who have had experiences that "aren't" based upon mythical dogmatism, are more likely to be the people who have found out what is true.

I'm not saying there is no such thing as unfriendly spirits. My experiences and the experiences of other people have found that unfriendly spirits do exist. However,  they don't exist in the manner that satan based mythology describes. Therefore, there isn't some being out there named satan who is so powerful that he can get people to act against their will. People always have the choice. This has been made clear to me in so many ways. Why would Jesus teach about the as you sow so you reap principle, if demons and such have the power to make us do what we don't want to do? Either we have free will, or we don't.

Here's another way to think of it. If supposed satan and his supposed demons have the power to infringe upon the human race's freewill, then why hasn't the entire human race been influenced in a negative way? You would think that supposed satan and his supposed demons would influence everybody to live in a negative way.  The only logical answer is that only people who allow themselves to get influenced get influenced. This being the case, it does't matter what name you assign to unfriendly spirits, because they have limited power. Unfriendly spirits can try to scare you, they can try to influence you, but they can't outshine the light, nor our freewill to choose the light.

wrote on Feb 11th, 2009 at 4:49am:
Hi all of you thanks for replying to my thread,i cried when he said he was in the prescence of God,i really felt like i wanted to be this close to God (in his prescence),i love God so much,without his love for me i couldnt survive like i do.

But there must be the devil as he is mentioned in this NDE and demons as well,but i have always beleived that the devil exists and thats why bad things can happen because the devil influences these bad things,as i was attacked myself by the devil and his demons the night i said to the devil that he would never win against God in a battle.

That same night the devil and three demons attacked me but God placed a glimmering white sheild around me and the devil finally left me alone as he could not get through the sheild of protection that our loving God placed around me,before the devil went he showed me this really dark place and it was not nice,you could smell the evil in this place.

The demons he brought with him were like dark cloaked figures as soon as they appeared i knew the devil had come to challenge my love for God

God came to my side and showed Satan that he could not hurt me becuase our father God sent him and his demons away,i still remember that night like it happened yesterday,some things you cant forget.

Love light and God bless you all   love juditha

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by carl on Feb 11th, 2009 at 8:22pm
Liked reading your post Recoverer. Just some questions on it. I'm not trying to stir up a debate, I just want some 'answers' that seem to puzzle me on this subject. Firstly I'm doing this from memory so please point out any mistakes I've made. And secondly, I stopped attending Christian churches for worship when I was 13 years of age(the year my father died). My family and I only attend church for weddings, funerals, baptisms and other non-worship purposes.

If Satan/Lucifer was/is not a individual spirit being, then why does the christian bible mention this being. In fact the Koran mentions this being also, so do the jewish holy books. Just about every major traditional religion mention powerful negative spirit beings like Ahriman(Satan?) in the Zoroaster religion etc. I believe even Buddhism has its negative spirit beings not to mention even Hinduism.

Jesus said in the new testament "I saw him fall from Heaven like lightning(Lucifer)". And "He was a murderer and liar from the begining(meaning Lucifer)". And I think Jesus said to Peter something like "Satan has entered into you?" or "Get away from me Satan?"
So if Satan/Lucifer does not exist, then Michael and all the other angels must not exist also.

You also mentioned Jesus said 'Reap as you sow', meaning that if Satan tells us to do something negative, and we do it, then why does God punish us for doing it.

How many criminals and other negative people including some uncaring parents whisper or tell other people, including their own children, to commit crimes and other acts. Who pays for the act? The person who commits the crime off course. He/she goes to jail. Without witnesses the other person justs denies the fact that he or she influenced the other person to break the law! You play, You pay. Reap as you sow. The law of karma descends on both parties, but in physical life you pay alone. Reap as you sow! You don't get a 'get out of jail card' if you are influenced by another to commit a crime that warrants lock-up time. Freewill sucks sometimes. I believe that Jesus was simply telling us to be good and lawful citizens, and not to be sucked in by physical or non-physical negative beings. Sincerely. Carl and Family.

recoverer wrote on Feb 11th, 2009 at 1:50pm:

Is it possible that your spirit guidance realized that you just won't give up your belief in the devil, so they did the best they could and created an experience that let you know that the devil and his supposed demons can't hurt you as long as you stay commited to higher truth?

If you would stay open to the possibility that satan doesn't actually exist, your guidance might be able to present you with another way of understanding things.

As I've written before, I put some effort into seeing if the Bible actually supports the concept of satan, and it doesn't. There are Biblical scholars that have found the same. I've had a number of spiritual experiences which showed me that satan doesn't exist. Numerous out of body experiencers and near death experiencers have found the same.

I figure that people who have had experiences that "aren't" based upon mythical dogmatism, are more likely to be the people who have found out what is true.

I'm not saying there is no such thing as unfriendly spirits. My experiences and the experiences of other people have found that unfriendly spirits do exist. However,  they don't exist in the manner that satan based mythology describes. Therefore, there isn't some being out there named satan who is so powerful that he can get people to act against their will. People always have the choice. This has been made clear to me in so many ways. Why would Jesus teach about the as you sow so you reap principle, if demons and such have the power to make us do what we don't want to do? Either we have free will, or we don't.

Here's another way to think of it. If supposed satan and his supposed demons have the power to infringe upon the human race's freewill, then why hasn't the entire human race been influenced in a negative way? You would think that supposed satan and his supposed demons would influence everybody to live in a negative way.  The only logical answer is that only people who allow themselves to get influenced get influenced. This being the case, it does't matter what name you assign to unfriendly spirits, because they have limited power. Unfriendly spirits can try to scare you, they can try to influence you, but they can't outshine the light, nor our freewill to choose the light.

wrote on Feb 11th, 2009 at 4:49am:
Hi all of you thanks for replying to my thread,i cried when he said he was in the prescence of God,i really felt like i wanted to be this close to God (in his prescence),i love God so much,without his love for me i couldnt survive like i do.

But there must be the devil as he is mentioned in this NDE and demons as well,but i have always beleived that the devil exists and thats why bad things can happen because the devil influences these bad things,as i was attacked myself by the devil and his demons the night i said to the devil that he would never win against God in a battle.

That same night the devil and three demons attacked me but God placed a glimmering white sheild around me and the devil finally left me alone as he could not get through the sheild of protection that our loving God placed around me,before the devil went he showed me this really dark place and it was not nice,you could smell the evil in this place.

The demons he brought with him were like dark cloaked figures as soon as they appeared i knew the devil had come to challenge my love for God

God came to my side and showed Satan that he could not hurt me becuase our father God sent him and his demons away,i still remember that night like it happened yesterday,some things you cant forget.

Love light and God bless you all   love juditha

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by recoverer on Feb 11th, 2009 at 9:30pm

During the time period when the New Testament was written, some people believed that God was on their side. When things didn't work out their way, they wondered what's up. Their leaders told them that a supernatural adversary was responsible for their problems. Later this adversary became known as Satan. Within the Bible Satan is spoken of in various ways that contradict each other. Sometimes he works for God, sometimes he works with God's approval, sometimes he works without God's approval.

Sometimes Satan is spoken of in a way that doesn't make sense. For example, according to the Book of Job, God allowed Satan to cause Job to go through a lot of difficulty and for a number of the people that Job knew to be harmed and killed, just so God could prove to Satan that there was one man who feared him (God). Even if God were a being who had the need to prove something to a being such as Satan, it is hard to believe that he would give Satan so much leeway in order to prove his point.  Plus, consider the following points:

1. Satan was able to travel to heaven so he could talk to God. It is hard to imagine how a low vibration being such as Satan could do such a thing. The energetics of the spirit World just don't work this way.

2. God didn't seem to know who Satan was, because he had to ask Satan where he came from. This is hard to believe since God would know everything. Plus, if Satan truly were a fallen angel who was thrown out of heaven, God would most certainly recognize him.

Regarding Lucifer, initially the Book of Isaiah spoke of a fallen king of Babylonia, a physical person. About a thousand years later a man named Jerome made a translational error that caused this fallen king of Babylonia to be spoken of as a fallen angel, Satan. Attached are some articles that explain about this if you're interested.  One of the titles doesn't represent the conclusions the article reaches.

Regarding Jesus using the name Satan, it is important to remember that the words of Jesus were passed on by word of mouth for a number of years before they were written down.  There is also the matter of translational issues. Satan could've initially meant different things. Sometimes when I read how the word "Satan" is used, it seems as if the person who uses it might be speaking of a Roman leader. An example of this is the early words attributed to Jesus in the Book of Revelations.

As I wrote before, I do believe that there are unfriendly spirits, but for the most part these are former human spirits that didn't move on to the light. Because they have separated themselves from their higher selves, they don't have a lot of power. This is one of the reasons they come after people. They are hungry for energy. If a person has weaknesses that aren't balanced out by positive attributes, an unfriendly spirit might be able to take advantage of such a person. They might also send misleading thoughts to a person who will listen to them.

There might be unfriendly aliens. Going by the messages and experiences I've had, they don't have power over us either. One message I received made the point that beings who represent the light have unfriendly aliens under control. Perhaps there are some people who hook up with unfriendly aliens because they choose to do so or they get fooled.

P.S. I'm not a Biblical scholar. What I wrote is based upon what my research and spiritual experiences have revealed to me.

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by harvey on Feb 12th, 2009 at 6:41am

I Am Dude wrote on Feb 10th, 2009 at 3:03am:
Good old Donny boy is back... glad to hear from you.

So let me ask you, Dude: "Where do your OBE trevels suggest God is hiding?  In Orion, Amdromeda, or the Pleiades?  

(2) Dude, you can believe God is a chick if you want to.  We encourage out-of the-box thinking on this site.  But, Dude, does She wear a skirt?

I am actually a little confused at what your trying to get at...

My OBE travels do not suggest God is hiding.  Rather, they seem to indicate that God permeates all things, God is all things and all things are God.  I have experienced the infinite pure love of God during several of my higher level projections, meaning I experienced an overwhelmingly blissful state of oneness with everything, a scope of infinite proportions, I was in a state of remembrance of what I was, and felt the love of my innermost being being connected so intimately with all consciousness, this love rippling through every unit of my consciousness.

Lets take a look at a quote from the NDE.

[quote]I aimed for the brightest part of the light. Standing in the centre of the light stood a man with dazzling white robes reaching down to his ankles. The garments were not human fabrics but were like garments of light. As I lifted my eyes up I could see the chest of a man with arms outstretched as if to welcome me. I looked towards his face. It was so bright; it seemed to be about ten times brighter than the light I’d already seen. It made the sun look yellow and pale in comparison. It was so bright I couldn’t make out the features of his face, and as I stood there I began to sense that the light was emanating a purity, a holiness. I knew now I was standing in the presence of Almighty God – no one but God could look like this.

God cannot be experienced this way for the full effect of what God is.  Perhaps this being she encountered could have shown her what God is by bringing her to a level where she could have experienced the true state of God, oneness with all consciousness... But I'm just not buying the belief that this being was God.  Like I said, at best it was probably a light being being perceived by this guy to be what he thought God was, or maybe even a manifestation of God consciousness.  

Hello Dude, Harvey here. Well it seems that you have entered the kingdom of God? Quote from Dude: ".......I have experienced the infinite pure love of God during several of my higher level projections etc etc."

What's next? The book then the interview on Oprah? Give me a break Dude. A huge load of Hogwash. Self aggrandizement at its worse.

Quote from Dude: "God cannot be experienced this way for the full effect of what God is"....

You must be in the know. One of Gods inner circle of sacred advisors?
'I'm not worthy'....'I'm not worthy'...'I'm not worthy'.  Boy that hurts when I kneel, football injuries from my college days.

Quote from Dude: "Perhaps this being she encountered could have shown her what God is by bringing her to a level where she could have experienced the true state of God, oneness with all consciousness...But I'm just not buying the belief that this being was God...etc"

Pastor Ian McCormack is an ordained minister from the Assembly of God Ministry. He is not a she. He is a male! You can't edit out the she for a he like you have done on this thread in the past, then deny it in a reply post, because I've read the original posts and because I've hit the quote tab! Berzerks post to you now starts to make sense. I'm not buying the belief that you have entered the upper blissful afterlife abode of God several times. How's that!

Ian McCormack, like Bruce Moen, has presented us with their real life credentials and truthful testimonies. Do you? Pure fiction you write when it comes to your afterlife journeys. Harvey.      

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by recoverer on Feb 12th, 2009 at 1:36pm

I believe you're underestimating Dude's experiences of divine love.  Such experiences are more life changing than having somebody speak to you in a fundamentalist way.

To be frank, if people had the kind of experience Dude is speaking about, we wouldn't need churches. I believe that Jesus was more interested in helping people have such experiences, than giving them a code to live according to. When you connect to the oneness through love, you're in touch with an inner code.

My spirit guidance includes Christ. He doesn't give me a bunch of rules to follow. He offers me perspectives, and it's up to me to figure out what's right and what's wrong. How are we going to grow if somebody tells us what's right and wrong? We have to learn to figure it out for our self.

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Feb 12th, 2009 at 5:09pm
Wow Harvey.  Such negativity.  Why?  Are you a bit jealous perhaps?  I have no reason to lie.  These experiences were documented in my Journals of Nonphysical Explorations thread.  

What I am saying is that If you meat a spirit in a higher nonphysical level and you believe this spirit is "God", then you obviously have a misunderstanding of the true nature of God.  Show me how this pastor's credentials and testimonies prove that this being he met was God "in the spiritual flesh" and then you will have a debate.  

I can tell just from your post that you yourself are lacking this same understanding.  Have you had any nonphysical experiences in higher levels?  Have you ever felt the blissful state of oneness with the universe and God?  In what way have you experienced God which gives you any authority to say that I am wrong or lying?

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by harvey on Feb 13th, 2009 at 5:47am

I Am Dude wrote on Feb 12th, 2009 at 5:09pm:
Wow Harvey.  Such negativity.  Why?  Are you a bit jealous perhaps?  I have no reason to lie.  These experiences were documented in my Journals of Nonphysical Explorations thread.  

What I am saying is that If you meat a spirit in a higher nonphysical level and you believe this spirit is "God", then you obviously have a misunderstanding of the true nature of God.  Show me how this pastor's credentials and testimonies prove that this being he met was God "in the spiritual flesh" and then you will have a debate.  

I can tell just from your post that you yourself are lacking this same understanding.  Have you had any nonphysical experiences in higher levels?  Have you ever felt the blissful state of oneness with the universe and God?  In what way have you experienced God which gives you any authority to say that I am wrong or lying?

By testimonials and credentials I mean your real name, profession,  photo of yourself, marital state, personal blog about your experiences,
personal biography, educational history, etc. That's in the physical sense....All the real Astral Travelers that appear on the web, write and reveal the above about this. Bruce Moen, Robert Bruce, William Buhlman, Monroe from the TMI, and many others. They have nothing to hide! You hide behind your username, then expect us to believe your fictional afterlife experiences! Harvey.  

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by Old Dood on Feb 13th, 2009 at 9:16am

harvey wrote on Feb 13th, 2009 at 5:47am:

I Am Dude wrote on Feb 12th, 2009 at 5:09pm:
Wow Harvey.  Such negativity.  Why?  Are you a bit jealous perhaps?  I have no reason to lie.  These experiences were documented in my Journals of Nonphysical Explorations thread.  

What I am saying is that If you meat a spirit in a higher nonphysical level and you believe this spirit is "God", then you obviously have a misunderstanding of the true nature of God.  Show me how this pastor's credentials and testimonies prove that this being he met was God "in the spiritual flesh" and then you will have a debate.  

I can tell just from your post that you yourself are lacking this same understanding.  Have you had any nonphysical experiences in higher levels?  Have you ever felt the blissful state of oneness with the universe and God?  In what way have you experienced God which gives you any authority to say that I am wrong or lying?

By testimonials and credentials I mean your real name, profession,  photo of yourself, marital state, personal blog about your experiences,
personal biography, educational history, etc. That's in the physical sense....All the real Astral Travelers that appear on the web, write and reveal the above about this. Bruce Moen, Robert Bruce, William Buhlman, Monroe from the TMI, and many others. They have nothing to hide! You hide behind your username, then expect us to believe your fictional afterlife experiences! Harvey.  

All the REAL Astral Travelers?
So anyone else is a Fake? A Liar?
That is a pretty bold statement.  Anything to back that up?
Guess that makes me a Fake and a Liar by your reasoning.

I do not know OutofBodyDude at all.
However, I give him the benefit of any doubt.
You know why?  Because I never have walked in his shoes.
Sometimes you go on your gut and my gut tells me he is truthful when he speaks about his experiences.
If you told me you saw this and that then I would not say you did not.
I am sure you did see this and that. As FAR as you have been taught!
Same works for me as well.

We are all stuck within our 3D bodies. We all comprehend through our 3D senses.
So when we do have an OBE then not everything we see is as clear as we would like it to be.
We 'filter' what we see based on what we know.  What we have been taught throughout our lives.
People can go only as far as they are taught.
So they will 'see' only that far.
Even highly enlightened people will admit to this.
I remember reading that Monroe while out of body could not see as clear as he 'thought' he did.

I sincerely doubt this Paster person actually 'saw God'. (That is my gut talking)
He saw what he 'thought' to be god. From what he was taught to believe.
I am sure that he believes he saw God.  Maybe he needed to 'see that' for his own set of lessons.

What is 'real' to one person may not be 'real' to the next.
Reality is subjective.  What I see while out of body may not be what you or anyone else sees while out of body.
My reality is meant for me and no one else. It is my set of lessons to learn.

I have had encounters that I still cannot figure out.  I have come to the belief that our actual memories can be disrupted/changed/surpressed.
Not all beings that are within the higher planes/dimensions necessarily are 'light beings'.
I have come to believe many of these beings are simply other life forms that reside in the higher dimensions/planes of existence.
Some are STO (Service To Others) and some are STS (Serviced to Self).
I have a hard time NOT to think there is only humans in this multiverse.
That is too arrogant of a thought to think we are the only ones around.

I tread very carefully now on sitting in judgment of someone else's experiences.
This paster probably saw what he believes to be God.  So be it.
Doesn't make it so.  Possible? Sure.  Probable? I doubt it.
If it is real to him then be it.
I am sure then he needed to see that.

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by DocM on Feb 13th, 2009 at 9:40am
My vote is to let dude be and not judge him.  It is true, many Judeo-Christian sources make an encounter with God/the divine seem to be very different than the casual daily or night time OOBE.  For most recorderd events, there is often a sense of divine grace associated with the encounter.  Then there is a sense of awe, (such as Moses being told to take off his sandals because he was on hallowed/holy ground).  

However, we must consider that perhaps encounters with God and the divine appear to happen infrequently because of our preconceptions, blocks and filters to the encounter.  Perhaps, when we are truly ready, and open to the experience, it happens.

Perhaps then, Dude's experience is real.  The young often have the ability to open their minds - they are, afterall closer to the innocence of childhood then hardened older types like myself.  

As to Dude's posting a picture, name, etc. - one can use the argument in the other direction.  That is, that if he had a website or a book to sell or something to profit from he would be telling everyone his name, rank and serial number.  There is very little to be gained for lying anonymously - no?

Judge not, lest ye be judged.


Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by recoverer on Feb 13th, 2009 at 1:33pm
I give Out of Body Dude a lot of credit for being courageous enough to go out of body as he does at a young age.

Monroe and Moen wrote books when they were much older than Dude. Give Dude time, perhaps he'll write a book some day.

Considering that there are only a small number of books written by out of body explorers, "MOST" out of body explorers "DON'T write a book. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to put somebody down for not writing a book. In his third book Ultimate Journey Robert wrote that he was told by a spirit guide that a lot of people go out of body as much as he does and even more so, yet, these people didn't feel compelled to write a book.

Nothing to hide? It's very common for people to provide a pseudo name on the internet. Considering how the World is, perhaps it is smart for people to use a pseudo name.  Bruce Moen and William Buhlman don't have the option of providing a pseudo name, because how can you have a site, sell books and provide conferences with a pseudo name? At least ways Dude provides his photo.

Jiminy Cricket! Is it that hard to be reasonable about things?

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Feb 13th, 2009 at 3:28pm

By testimonials and credentials I mean your real name, profession,  photo of yourself, marital state, personal blog about your experiences,
personal biography, educational history

If you look through my Journals of Nonphysical Explorations, you will find most of this information scattered throughout the entries.  Only when it has some relevance to my experiences.  Of course, what this information has to do with the issue at hand is beyond me.  

All the real Astral Travelers that appear on the web, write and reveal the above about this

You're confusing "real" for "published."  One day I am most certainly going to write a book about my experiences and what I have learned from them.  These explorers experiences are equally valid as mine or anyone elses.  Some of these published explorers experiences of higher level projections are very similar to mine.. are theirs fictional too?  Or are they only fictional until they write a book, and then the become real?  

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by carl on Feb 13th, 2009 at 11:25pm
Thanks Recoverer for your reply to me and your very interesting links. Sincerely. Carl and Family

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by ultra on Feb 14th, 2009 at 3:08am

It has been said by those who have experienced the presence or vision of God, that He may appear in any form, in particular as the devotee approaches, and as the Will of the Supreme compassionately accomodates. This means the possibilities of God:

with form, without form, as Father, Mother, Lover, Friend; as a golden Being; as Infinite Power, Light, Peace, Bliss, any, all or none of the above. (it's that omnipotence thing again)

To a cat God may appear as a Cat. To a dog perhaps a Dog, a Fire Hydrant or Man with a feeding bowl and a pooper-scooper.

As far as OOBDude and his personal subjective experience of God... Imho that is between him and his Maker. Am i going to tell him what he did or did not experience? I don't think so. Does it matter for me and my own experience? Not at all, unless hearing about it inspires me, in which case I might thank him for sharing. Otherwise I might not be interested in disparaging his search/self discovery.

- u

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by recoverer on Feb 18th, 2009 at 4:26pm
You're welcome Carl.

carl wrote on Feb 13th, 2009 at 11:25pm:
Thanks Recoverer for your reply to me and your very interesting links. Sincerely. Carl and Family

Title: Re: NDE Glimpse of eternity met God saw how he looked
Post by juditha on Feb 21st, 2009 at 3:50pm
Hi recoverer Thanks also for the links you put on but i dont know why but i still feel that there is Satan somewhere in the midst as many people have mentioned demons and they must come from Satan,sometimes i get this voice telling me to turn against God but i just say to it that i love God and will never turn against him but i think its Satan challenging my love for God because i was told by this other medium that the closer i am to God evil spirits will try to turn me against him and this other medium told me that she was really put through it by evil spirits when she first started out as a medium.

When i am in circle we have to ask God to surround us with his protection of love and light so that evil spirits cannot enter the circle,so Satan has to be out there somewhere.Also there would not be exorcisims if satan did not exist.

Love and God bless    love juditha

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