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Message started by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 28th, 2009 at 10:58pm

Title: Some1 asked about Twin Souls on another site...
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 28th, 2009 at 10:58pm
 This is what I let flow:

"Picture this: There is one consciousness, one being, one large
essence. This One Being splits itself into many various beings and
imbues these selves with freewill and a sense of self independence from the Whole.

Eventually, these "smaller" selves, split themselves into smaller
selves and like the original One being, the Creator or Source of all,
they imbue these smaller selves within them, likewise with freewill
and a sense of independence from the larger whole.

At some point, spiritual or pure energy Earth is created...her Soul
is created by the merging of one of these original "large" selves with
the Source. Earth is beautiful, and her consciousness patterns though
varied are in harmony with one another. Many other selves, become
aware of Earth (and other creations), and decide to let their
consciousness experience it.

Things get tricky, inharmony and other unforseeable patterns emerge.
Once free and still Whole aware Consciousnesses now become ever more stuck and limited/narrowed in their consciousness awareness. As they get more and more stuck, more and more fear is experienced, as more and more fear is experienced, less and less love is remembered and lived, which leads to slower and slower vibratory patterns projected out from individual selves, but also collectively.

What was pure consciousness then splits, or seems to, and a
distorted reflection of Earth's Soul comes into temporary
manifestation. This is a slow vibrating, distorted version of Earth's
Soul. Yet, the two are connected, for everything is connected, and
all is contained within the Whole, within the One Field. As
above/within, so below/without..

But, this "new" Earth, this temporal reflection evolved out of
polarity and imbalance. Now Light and dark are contrasted intensely,
masculine and feminine no longer merged and One, but seemingly
different and hard to reconcile "opposites".

When some of these individual Selves started to experience this "new
and temporal Earth" which was based on polarity and imbalance, to
fully experience it, or perhaps because its very nature facilitated it,
many selves split themselves, into two main but still "larger" selves.

These then are "Twin Souls". These now 2 main, but still very
connected and insync selves become ever increasingly stuck in this New Earth. At some point, they realize what is happening and try to
detach as much as possible from this Earth. They decide to pull away
some of their energy from this temporal illusion called "space/time"
and then they decide to send individuated and freewilled aspects of
themselves into the mayhem, the cacophony of this temporal Earth. The primary purpose is to balance and right wrongs to other larger Selves, and still there is a lot of curiosity involved for this new Earth is
quite exotic compared to everything they had known up till now. They
are somewhat "addicts".

Thus enters in personality's and various lifetimes. The Twins, now
feeling more separation being involved in these Earth lives, still yet
seek out their innate Oneness with each other and oft choose to
experience many lives together, but as they spiritually grow and
reattain again a more pure awareness of Source they realize that
sometimes its best not to live physical lives with their other self.
Sometimes its best to act as guidance from the nonphysical dimensions to the in physical other self.

Either way, they oft stay within a generally similar wavelength and
with a similar purpose, growth, work, etc. The main benefit of their
relationship, and part of why they live physical lives together, is to
remind them hopefully of the Oneness they can have with another
consciousness, and with the deeper purpose and hope that this will
reawaken them to the Oneness of All force. Their union, by its very
nature and tendencies tends to foster strength, because strength and
wholeness is found in merging and unity.

Twin Souls, even as personalities and physical lives within the
Earth, when together tend to experience a powerful psychic bond with
one another, whatever their temporary material relationship.

Yet, our true and highest destiny is not to merge with our Twin
self, but with the All, the Whole, and with the original Creator so
that we can become true Co-Creators with Source. Our "creating" herein physical Earth is but a pale shadow of the joy and creating before us, waiting to be re-awakened when we desire and love pure universal ove more than anything else in the Earth and seek to become pure channels of same, as the Co-Creator of Earths Soul is (whom some havecalled "Christ").

Twin Soul relationships can be surprisingly difficult and
challenging at times. Why? Because such a degree of connection is
felt. Everything, the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime and
challenging gets amplified between one another. When one is out of
balance, it tends to pull the other out of balance. Also, it is like
a mirror to self, for oft times there are some core similarities and
how true that we are oft most critical of ourselves (and our criticism
of others is oft a projection of that inner self directed criticism).
With a Twin, especially in a lover/mate situation, because of that
innate tendency towards Oneness, sometimes it feels less like you are
looking at a being outside of yourself, but more looking at self. One
can easily fall into the trap of being controlling and not respecting
the others freewill enough at times.

Yet typically, there is much innate harmony and joy that is
experienced in such a relationship, especially when both are on a
spiritual path, both balanced, both devote themselves to universal
love and service to All others. Next to merging with the Source, it
can be the most intensely pleasurable experiences.

I speak from experience, for my Twin and I are now in a lover
relationship again (with varying relationships in-between; mother-son, friend and coworker, father-daughter, etc.), and from a linear time perspective, it seems to have been a long time since the last."

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