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Message started by Angie on Jan 26th, 2009 at 10:54am

Title: Sleep Paralysis
Post by Angie on Jan 26th, 2009 at 10:54am
I'm new here, but eager to participate  :)  I was wondering what everyone's take on/experiences with sleep paralysis is?  I've had one recent odd experience, and I'm curious if others have had anything similar happen...

A few months ago I woke up hearing an odd mechanical/buzzing noise and seeing a blue pulsating light above me on the ceiling.  I was frightened and tried to move but couldn't.  I started trying to call for my husband but couldn't get any sound out.  This lasted for about 20 seconds before I was finally able to snap myself out of it.  Now I'm wondering if I could have done something more with this experience if I hadn't fought myself out of it.

Thanks for any thoughts.

Title: Re: Sleep Paralysis
Post by Aras on Jan 26th, 2009 at 12:47pm
YES, I get the sleep paralysis about once a month. For me it's very scary, I do get buzzing sounds, and I can't move and I know I'm screaming for someone to help me get out of it and no one can hear me, even when they are right next to me. Suddenly.. I snap out of it too.
I have been to a few other sites that talk about it.. you might get more help about it here:

Title: Re: Sleep Paralysis
Post by spooky2 on Jan 26th, 2009 at 10:18pm
I had that one time, and it lead to a partial OBE. I've heard from others, too, that sleep paralysis is an ideal state to go OBE, of course only when one is able to go beyond the fear which usually accompanies this state.

I've read from someone who has been scared by this that he found for himself a very easy solution, he concentrated on moving a part of his body, for example a finger, and very quickly the paralysis went away. R.A. Monroe did the same when he was OBEing and wanted to return to his body very quickly.


Title: Re: Sleep Paralysis
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 30th, 2009 at 2:39am
 It seems like sleep paralysis happens when a person is focusing inbetween or strongly on both physical and etheric energies at the same time.  

 The why probably depends.  I have limited experience with this, only 1 experience i can recollect wherein i thought i fully woke up in the middle of the night to some noise and the thought that someone was breaking into my place.  

  I kind of switched between more purely physical and etheric state, and ended up inbetween or focused on both, and experienced total paralysis as a very tall and somewhat unusual looking Being entered my room and walked towards me (i assume it was an E.T.).  

 I really freaked out at that point, and at first thought the Being was somehow doing this to me, and everything seemed so real and physical, like no other dream, even lucid, ever has.  I concentrated as hard as i could on moving my hand, and did a little though still in that odd inbetween state.  

 Later on, i realized that the Being hadn't done this to me, but that for whatever reason i was temporarily stuck inbetween physical and etheric state (the latter corresponding to the experience of "classic OOBE's).  

 I wouldn't worry too much about this, and Spooky's recommendation from anothers experience probably would help.  My hunch is that the more balanced one becomes between the physical, the mental, and spiritual levels one becomes, the less these kind of experiences will occur.   Also its a matter of not wanting, and not fearing these experiences.

Title: Re: Sleep Paralysis
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 30th, 2009 at 2:47am
 Re: my specific experience, my hunch is that some part of me, helped me to move more into the etheric state at the right moment in order that i could more fully perceive the Being, for it seemed not as densely physical as the average human, but more resonating physically in the etheric state.  

 If i had been fully focused within the physical, i may not have perceived it to begin with, at least not in the vivid and very clear, physical seeming kind of way that i did.   Similar in a sense to perceiving a "ghost" or stuck person.  From a classic OOBE state, one would perceive same very vividly and in a way similar to physical, but if more focused in the physical then in most the conscious perception would be hazy, subtle and vague at best, or not really picked up on consciously at worst beyond some kind of  subtle/undescribed feeling that someone else was near or watching you.  

Title: Re: Sleep Paralysis
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Feb 10th, 2009 at 3:38am
I have had countless episodes of sleep paralysis.  Robert Bruce is an expert in this field, and his explanation of what occurs seems to be spot on based on my personal experience.  

During the onset of sleep, the physical body goes into standby mode as the etheric body, our main energy body from which our finer energy body doubles emerge, expands and releases itself into all levels of our Earth energy system as reflections of its own consciousness in energy bodies of higher and higher vibration.  

This etheric body is attached to the physical body at the core, however, for it is the source of the physical bodies life, its tie to the life-giving energies of our consciousness.  So this energy body remains with the physical body, while the higher energy bodies, being reflections of the etheric body's consciousness, shift into their resonating levels.  

During OBEs, our consciousness makes the transition into one of the etheric body's projected doubles.  However, sometimes our consciousness remains behind as these energy body reflections project into higher levels.  Being that our main energy body is intertwined with our physical body, it cannot move without the action of the physical body, and so we are left in a paralyzed state.  

The level one's consciousness can project to depends on its highest speed of vibration, and so usually when one's vibrations are low, the projection will not occur, but rather you will find yourself stuck in your base energy body.  Likewise, the higher your vibrations are, the higher a level you will be able to project to.

Usually I feel a split second of paralysis before a projection occurs, but sometimes it lasts for several moments.  I have likewise seen aliens and other beings in this state.

Title: Re: Sleep Paralysis
Post by Vicky on Feb 12th, 2009 at 1:42pm

Angie wrote on Jan 26th, 2009 at 10:54am:
I'm new here, but eager to participate  :)  I was wondering what everyone's take on/experiences with sleep paralysis is?  I've had one recent odd experience, and I'm curious if others have had anything similar happen...

A few months ago I woke up hearing an odd mechanical/buzzing noise and seeing a blue pulsating light above me on the ceiling.  I was frightened and tried to move but couldn't.  I started trying to call for my husband but couldn't get any sound out.  This lasted for about 20 seconds before I was finally able to snap myself out of it.  Now I'm wondering if I could have done something more with this experience if I hadn't fought myself out of it.

Thanks for any thoughts.

I've had a few of these episodes too.  They are not fun!  While it's happening I completely believe that what I'm experiencing is physically happening to me. Just the fact that I try to scream but can't is scary enough.  But the feeling of being unable to move and feeling like I am having a heart attack is mind-blowing scary.  

I don't know the cure for getting past the fear and altering the experience to something different.  My thoughts are that this kind of episode is very similar to what a person stuck in the afterlife, in a fear, is experiencing.  

It is definitely a type of OBE, but I much better prefer the ones where I just find myself out and about somewhere, rather than stuck.  It's so much easier to have an OBE from the mind awake/body asleep state, than this sleep paralysis state.  I don't believe they are the same thing.  Maybe close, but not the same.  

I've never had fear or experienced weird things in the mind awake/body asleep state.  

I would think that the best way to handle these are to train yourself to recognize this state, and despite the fear and annoyances, try to project your conscious awareness elsewhere with your thoughts.  But that can be hard to do.  Ever wonder why people just stand still when something is about to hit them?  There's that moment where they are frozen and all it would take is the thought to move, but they don't think it.  They just stand there.  

Same thing here.  All it would take is the thought of wanting to be somewhere else or experiencing something else.  But it takes the presence of mind to decide to do so.  

Title: Re: Sleep Paralysis
Post by juditha on Feb 27th, 2009 at 6:33pm
Hi angie Iwould say the buzzing noise could have been down to vibration as this blue light is healing being delivered from the spirit of someone who was very close to you, who has passed on and the buzzing could have been from the spirit who was in your room.

The reason your body froze is because your brain is not used to seeing things like this,i have had sleep paralyse myself,never be afraid of receiving this healing light from a loved one who has passed on because they only come in love.

love and God bless  love juditha

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