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Message started by Robert on Jan 25th, 2009 at 9:05am

Title: Orbs...
Post by Robert on Jan 25th, 2009 at 9:05am
There's this place, nearby, known as Screaming Bridge.  The story goes that a School bus, (back in the 1940's - 1950's), fell off of there with Cheerleaders, maybe Band, etc., on coming back from a high school football game.  All suddenly, tragically died!  There are orbs there, and a definite "presence".  My girlfriend/fiancee', who claims to have a 'demon' following her around from a former seance - the Catholic Church calls it an infestation, (and I don't know how to "fix" it other than by Exorcism, but hopefully have provided her with some protection against it), says she saw an Apparition there - the appearance of a Spirit in partial bodily form.

Now, what can/should I do about it?  I think, if these are Spirits/Ghosts, they might be "stuck" in this place, either not realizing they are dead, or not able to get out/leave.  I think the Apparition might have been an attempt at communication, as the Spirit/Ghost might have sensed through my fiancee's demon, or otherwise, a special gift to receive their energy.  She seems drawn to this place, but last time they went out to find it, they got lost in the wilderness!  

I really need to know if I can, or should, try to do something about it.  Can I "unstick" these spirits/ghosts, or should I just leave it/them alone.  I am, a little bit, drawn to this area, also.  Can these spirits/ghosts do physical harm to myself/others?  Would they have a desire to do damage?  They appear to be localized into this one area.  They more readily show up on photographic film/digital camera, but I have 'sensed' them also.

Please advise.

Thank you,
                Robert...   :)

Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by smidee on Jan 25th, 2009 at 9:18am
You could start out by reading the articles on this website and Bruce's books (highly recommended) or if you're in a really big hurry, simply greet everything in life with love.

Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by betson on Jan 25th, 2009 at 10:10am
Greetings Robert,

Smidee said it most concisely>>>this whole site is based upon the knowledge gained from afterlife visits using the techniques of our host Bruce Moen.

These orbs sound as though they are the emotional bodies of victims of the crash, don't they? If they are agitated and panicked (not demons), it's because they know they are stuck but don't know why. The why is that they left their bodies during moments of panic, without the faith that usually lifts up a soul. Probably some group hysteria fed by the chaos.

Meditating or praying nearby might calm some enough to get them into a mode of being where they will be lifted. The full explanation of how that works takes longer to explain;therefore the books.

It's kind and perceptive of you to realize that alot is going on there.
Perhaps you could start by calming the one who is following your fiancee.  (Did she have a relative die in that crash?)
Do read all you can by people like Bruce Men and Robert Newton-- they have experience and are not fear-mongers.  Love is the ultimate answer.


Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by Robert on Jan 25th, 2009 at 12:09pm
I am looking for, maybe, techniques here.  Maybe, praying nearby will work/help!  I'll try that.  This is all separate & apart from this "Demon" thing, that my fiancee' has.  That happened from a seance, or proximity to an active seance, back when she was 17.  She's 35, now.  I have gotten her into wearing this "blessed" Miraculous Medal, given by Mary at Fatima.  Not THE Actual Miraculous Medal, but a replica "blessed" by a Priest, as a means of protection against this 'demon' that follows her around.  I say 'demon' because I do not know what it is, and neither does she.  It, atleast, seems to be a malevolent spirit, as disease & impure actions/thought/tendencies follow it.  I don't know how to "fight" on a spiritual level, other than asking for "Others" help through prayer, etc.  You cannot shoot a Spirit, (Demon), with a gun and kill it!

As to these spirits at Screaming Bridge, I'm just trying to figure out how/if I can help, since we're all here to help each other in the first place!

Any further help/suggestions will be appreciated.

I am a Doer, (active), not a philosophiser, thinker, (passive).  I desire to 'fix' things.  But, through the loss of my first marriage, am finding out, (more & more), sometimes my actions/efforts backfire!!

See my pics under Bobcat691 on MySpace, if you wish.  I'm having trouble getting pics on here!

Thank you,
                Robert...   :)

Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by Still_Living on Feb 1st, 2009 at 2:10pm
Just posted:

Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by Old Dood on Feb 1st, 2009 at 4:27pm

ORBs always seem to be around me in photos.  Not ALL photos but many of them.

This one is really ODD.  Look at it closely above my head.
Yup, this is me on Christmas morning of 2007.  I LOVE my robe.  It keeps the chill off.  :P

This has nothing to do with the camera.  I have seen ORBs from different cameras we own.  All of our cameras are digital but, good ones with Glass Lenses.

EDIT: I used the largest resolution I could.  Sorry for the huge photos but you can get a better look this way.

Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by betson on Feb 1st, 2009 at 7:18pm
Thank you SL and Robert!

Dood,  that 'curl' of energy in your orbs is outstanding!  
Have you read Robert Monroe's comments on curls? All life grows in an  uncurling spiral, I think, if you check the basic unfolding of a seedling or a fetus.  Wow!

Living, your photos are very evocative!
Thank you!
Personally  I like them for their overall effect more than the orbs.
You are developing quite a portfolio --or maybe you have already got a full collection, but here we are just seeing some of them
-- thank you so much for sharing them!


Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by Still_Living on Feb 1st, 2009 at 8:20pm
Thank you Betson  :)

Something dragged me out of my house last night. I went for a walk and ended up at this place. Looks quite  spooky in the dusk   :o Happened to have my camera on me.
I honestly don't know what is it... there was no snow fall whatsoever. Can't be snow flakes.
No, I don't have full collection... yet, but I will further investigate this and let you know my findings.

Old Dood's spiral orb over his head is absolutely amazing  :o  :D


Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by Old Dood on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 8:59am
Thanks Still Living & Betson...
I forgot about Monroe's Curls.
Hey maybe I am being watched from BB or something.  ;)

What does it mean though?  I wonder if it has something to do with my Crown Chakra.
It is weird.  What is weirder is I really never noticed this until recently.
That photo is from 2007 too.

The 1st one in the group is from just this last Christmas.  Dec 6th I believe.
Those ORBs could be because of the people in that room.
I remember that conversation. I was talking to co-workers of my wife.
They are mostly all Docs.  Rodgett there was explaining how long it takes to fly to Bombay.
Something like 20 hours.  I can't stand 4-5 hours across country.  :P
We were in another Doctors home that is also from India.
So I have no idea if that was the case in that photo.
She (Who also is a doc with my wife) is very traditional Indian in 'some' ways.
(Her husband was next to me in that photo)
Kinda like my wife is still Catholic but doesn't go to church but a few times a year and she will still fall back on her religion.
I say this about her because I was stunned to hear her husband tell her he was hungry AND to get him something to eat. It was not a request.
It was not mean. It was expected to be done right this minute. (I really thought he was joking at first...)
No big deal right? Except she went all submisive and filled him a plate of food on command.
She is a very highly trained doctor and very intellegent.
The culture thing just threw me.  I never commanded my wife to do anything nor would I live to follow through on that if I did.  ;D

I also have other ORB type photos.  Hmmm..I need to crack into some older Hard Drives and peek at older photos.

Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by betson on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 10:15am
Take some credit, Dood!

Your curl seems to be your own! I don't think having docs in the locality has much to do with it, ( unless they make your brain steam.  but it's such a true curl, much nicer than any steam spray. ;)   ) If you are not emanating it, then it must be assigned to you. Also an honor I'd think, since it seems so definitely organized --??
(Also many thanks on behalf of the gentler gender  :D :D for your surprise at the values of other cultures. )

if you could take out stills from your videos, you'd already about have a portfolio --  of Life!  Your work has a consistent no-nonsence vitality to it that I think takes hold of life and isolates life's important images for the viewer. (See Still Living's other posts with links to his photowork.) I hope you respect your work and your ability to create such moments of truth for us viewers.


Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by Robert on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 10:38am
I have photos of it on my Facebook page,  Look under my full name, Robert J. Tomastik, or e-mail,  I have not been able to secure a Public link to this album, yet.  Keeps asking for my password.  Good luck!
Sent message to Sysop...  

Now, we were out there drinking, and all!  But these Orbs showed up in the Digital Pictures we took.  I don't know how we could screw that up!  

Search Google under "Screaming Bridge Arlington, TX" for the full story on it!

Robert...   ;D

Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by PhantasyMan on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 11:08am

They are mostly flash reflection of dust piece in the air... with the exception of the pink curl over the head of Old dood.  I never seen a glitch like that before and it's mostly the most interesting 'Orb' I have seen so far.

Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by betson on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 12:14pm
Hi Robert,

I think the title 'Orbs' may have got us off the track of what you were really asking.  
Could you please copy your first message here and put it over in the forum called Retrievals?  It will get the kind of attention there that it needs.
You could ask for a group retrieval of these lost souls there in that forum.  Or you can learn more about retreivals here and in the Guidebook so that you can do it yourself.

Most paranormal investigators I've heard of are so busy scientificially proving that energies are strange around such sites that they have little time to be concerned about the plight of the poor souls who are stuck there.  You can help fix that.   :)


Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by Old Dood on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 12:39pm

betson wrote on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 10:15am:
Take some credit, Dood!

Your curl seems to be your own! I don't think having docs in the locality has much to do with it, ( unless they make your brain steam.  but it's such a true curl, much nicer than any steam spray. ;)   ) If you are not emanating it, then it must be assigned to you. Also an honor I'd think, since it seems so definitely organized --??
(Also many thanks on behalf of the gentler gender  :D :D for your surprise at the values of other cultures. )

if you could take out stills from your videos, you'd already about have a portfolio --  of Life!  Your work has a consistent no-nonsence vitality to it that I think takes hold of life and isolates life's important images for the viewer. (See Still Living's other posts with links to his photowork.) I hope you respect your work and your ability to create such moments of truth for us viewers.


Thanks Betson,
What I meant really by being in another person's home and seeing ALL those ORBs is maybe it had something to do with people there as well.
Their spirituality and all of that jazz.
The 'Pink' ORB above me is just odd and just for the record that was our Canon SD450 Camera that took that shot.
No zoom was used in that and as you can tell it is pretty clear.
I had it set on it's highest settings which makes use of all 5 mega-pixels of that camera.
I do not think they are artifacts or dust as P-Man suggested. I use to think that but not anymore.
I have seen this with three different digital cameras we own.
And I am pretty sure if I DIG through our real OLD stuff with our older 35mm film camera I can fine some more ORB photos.
The Canon cameras we do use now all have real quality Glass Lenses and not the cheap plastic ones that you can get on Cell Phones or less expensive cameras.

I need to run that one photo through Photoshop or something and 'filter it'.
Look at it in the negative and all of that stuff. I am no pro with that kind of equipment but what the hell...  :o

Title: Re: Orbs...
Post by spooky2 on Feb 2nd, 2009 at 8:40pm
Just to follow PhanMan's hint, have you ever taken an orb photo without using the flashlight? Think about why 99% of all usual orb photos are taken with flashlight.

I must admit though, that curly orb is different  :) .


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