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Message started by signs from our loved ones on Jan 20th, 2009 at 3:44pm

Title: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by signs from our loved ones on Jan 20th, 2009 at 3:44pm
We have a website in honor of our son Billy which everyone is welcome to visit read our story and view a few pages of an amazing event which began to occur to us about 10 months after Billy crossed over to heaven.  We have been able to and continue to receive many signs from Billy, mostly through photographs. Your welcome to visit read our story and view the amazing photographs that we are able to receive from Billy.

Thank you

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by recoverer on Jan 20th, 2009 at 8:54pm
The spirit images I've seen in person didn't look anything like those photos. The images look more like photographic effects.

I've seen orbs, and they didn't look anything like the orbs people tend to display in photos. If orbs were really there, I figure a person could see them without looking at a photograph.

Those images are too physical in nature. When I've seen spirit images, I could tell that they came from another vibrational rate that has a different effect than physical imagery.

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by signs from our loved ones on Jan 21st, 2009 at 8:17am
I can also see orbs in person, many of them and more. The photographs that we have taken are all real, orbs, streaking lights, spirit essence and my favorite the heart shaped photos. And remember all of this began after the loss of our son Billy.

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by recoverer on Jan 21st, 2009 at 1:22pm
Well for one, the moving light image of March 28 is nothing more than a stretched out television screen. If a person clicks on the photo and increases its size, this is easy to see.

What did Abe Lincoln say?

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by signs from our loved ones on Jan 21st, 2009 at 2:28pm
I have all the orignal photo's on the memory cards. NO photo was ever changed in any way. I have no idea what your talking about, I simply take a photo nothing more. They are signs from my son Billy.

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by PhantasyMan on Jan 21st, 2009 at 3:04pm
Hi and welcome on the board,

Losing someone who is close to us is never easy...  I don't have children, but I can imagine how painful it was.  

There is others way to receive messages from loved ones who left us.  They are more direct, profound and meaningful...  The retrievals process that Bruce describes in his books is an excellent one.   There is also good article on this site...

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jan 21st, 2009 at 3:25pm
I like how the street lights look like angles are rising out of them.  If these are indeed the original pictures then that is very cool.  Although, I have taken paintshop, photoshop, and other art with computers classes, and these pictures remind me the stretch effect you can use with these programs...

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by recoverer on Jan 21st, 2009 at 3:33pm
Stretch effect? Like in stretch our gullibility level?

If a spirit wanted to send messages, I figure it would find a way of doing so that doesn't match simple photographic tricks.

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by recoverer on Jan 21st, 2009 at 3:36pm
Dude: Skate boarding, painting, song writing, photography, out of body exploring, you are indeed a multidimensional being. :)

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jan 21st, 2009 at 9:16pm
Thanks recoverer.

I tend to trust people until I find reason not to.  So far I have not found reason, although they could be simple editing software tricks, I suppose they can be real as well.  I'm no expert at examining photos, so I'm not too qualified to judge.  

So Guy, how do you connect these strange light distortions with your son?  Besides the fact that they happened after he died, of course.  But apparently the distortions began happening while he was still alive, because that first picture of him has the moon distortion.  So there must be another link.  Why is he communicating to you through these photos?  What is his purpose?  

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by spooky2 on Jan 21st, 2009 at 10:16pm
Technically, these light tracks and the heart-shaped moon (other lights on some pictures are as well heart-shaped) are stemming from camera movements while the aperture is open. When the aperture is open for a longer time due to dim light, and the flashlight is activated, this leads to the effect that only the self-glowing objects would make a trace due to the camera's movement, while the other objects won't (at least not that intense) because the flashlight's lighting is much shorter than the time the aperture is open.

But a technical explanation doesn't explain all. It doesn't explain why things occur at a specific point of time, and the meaning of occurances as well isn't part of any technical/physical explanation.


Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by DocM on Jan 21st, 2009 at 11:56pm
Ok, guys, keep an open mind.  It is difficult to make contact from spirit to the physical world - my favorite image was likening the contact to being separated by several feet of thick, frosted glass, and seeing vague shapes or images, and hearing distant muffled voices.  You can shout, if you want to, but then there's that thick frosted glass in your way.  Imagine how frustrating it would be if you were in spirit, but had that glass wall in your way, trying to be heard.

When a family begins to open their minds to contact with their son, they may use different approaches.  EVP (recording the white noise on a tape recorder, and playing it back after asking questions).  Photography to look for spirit images.......its all the same process.  Trying to make contact.  And whittling away at blocks in your mind so you will be able to make that contact.  

You see, for us, here we are in the physical world right now, and our consciousness is constrained by what Bruce Moen describes as the M-band noise, and our constricted awareness.  In order to break through, we must learn to relax, clear our minds.  Our belief systems have to be open to real contact.  We must break through hindering belief systems.

Whether the photos are physical proof of spiritual activity is not important.  What is important, is the belief that the photos help to generate.  In order to breakthrough limiting belief systems, the photos help, in a concrete way to feel that there is objective evidence for our connection to the spirit world.

This is the basis of profound belief.  The coupling of the physical (photos) to our knowledge of the spiritual.  The family's belief then makes all things possible.  It is like the magic spells of old.   The shaman would say "by drinking this water/potion, I will make my desired result come to pass."   Then, the liquid passing down his lips, would tie the shaman's intent to the physical world, thus making it seem more concrete, and accessing his subconscious even more deeply (the area of all of us that connects to the divine).  

So don't criticize the pics.  Dust on the lens can cause things to look like orbs, yes.  Movement may cause streaking of light - yes.  So what.  It starts the process.   Cements mind to the physical and then to spirit.  The photos just get things started.


Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by signs from our loved ones on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 8:52am
Thank you, OutofBodyDude,Spooky2 and DocM: I don't know if you have read our story on our website. That will tell you about the most devastating and the most heartbreaking news any parent could ever recieve, that one of their children has died and of my need to make contact with Billy, I diddn't know if it was possible or not but I had to try. We had a reading with spirit messenger Vicki Monroe who made contact with Billy for us, which was amazing and with other mediums has well, all had said that these signs are from Billy and others who have crossed over. I started taking these photo's about 2 months after we had our first reading with Vicki Monroe, I just started taking them at random to see if I could receive any signs from Billy in that form, and we did. We have also recieved signs from Billy in other ways, we have seen him, we have motion sencor lights that Billy will make go on and off to let us know that he is around, which never happed before he died. Billy will also have a little fun with my laptop, by making the arrow move around the screen and more. There are many ways that our loved ones can make contact with us our photos are but one way. I can only tell you from a father who has suffered the loss of a son and of what has happened to us.  I have put our website to help others who have suffered the loss or would like to know if our loved ones can and do give us signs that they are still with us. Yes your right DocM, when you say whittling awany at blocks in your mind so you will be able to make that contact.  We have been told by several mediums ( by Billy )telling them that these are signs from him and others who have crossed over. I have also have the orignal photos on the memory cards themselves and the negitaves that were taken with disposable cameras. You have to put these photos in context with our story of our son Billy. I hope this helps some of you, I am only sharing what we have been able to gather ourselves.

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by Cricket on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 11:43am
I think the line on the difficulty of communication came from the article (book?) on cross-correspondences from Fredrick Meyers, where he compared communicating from the other side with

standing behind a sheet of frosted glass which blurs sight and deadens sound dictating feebly to a reluctant and somewhat obtuse secretary (

I've always loved that line.

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by recoverer on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 1:43pm
I suggest people look at the orbs article on Wikipedia. It explains how orbs are created. The link doesn't connect correctly.

The second article provides the explanation.

Due to the size limitations of the modern compact and ultra-compact cameras, especially digital cameras, the distance between the lens and the built-in flash has decreased, thereby decreasing the angle of light reflection to the lens and increasing the likelihood of light reflection off normally sub-visible particles. Hence, the orb artifact is commonplace with small digital or film camera photographs.

The orb artifact can result from reflection of light off solid particles (e.g., dust, pollen), liquid particles (water droplets - especially rain) or other foreign material within the camera lens.

The image artifacts usually appear as either white or semi-transparent circles, though may also occur with whole or partial color spectrums, purple fringing or other chromatic aberration. With rain droplets, an image may capture light passing through the droplet creating a small rainbow effect.

Underwater photographers notice the effect also, which occurs for the same reason as above-water photographic artifacts. Sand, small sea life or other particles close to the lens, invisible to the diver, reflect light from the flash causing the orb artifact in the image. A strobe flash, which distances the flash from the lens, eliminates the artifacts."

Has anybody read the Matthew channelings? A lady says that she channels her deceased son. Her deceased son supposedly states that Jesus was never crucified, instead he was whipped.  Is this lady actually channeling her deceased son?

Unfortunately, the World of new ageism is filled with hoaxes. Two of the most famous hoaxes are Carlos Castaneda and Lopsang Rampa. Should we be free to question when so many people try ("DO") to deceive?

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by spooky2 on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 8:20pm
These technical explanations are right, and Matthew and Signs From Our Loved Ones are right as well. Science doesn't explain all, and from some point of view you may even say it explains nothing. Many people suffer from the physicistic world view which tells them that things happen according to statistical laws and nothing else; it doesn't tell us anything about ourselves, what we are, where we came from, where we go to and what we should do. I am a believer in natural science, but only within it's own frame, not as a religion. When we have realized that our existence isn't described by natural science at all, knowing as well about the value of natural science, then we are on a good way I think.

So, thank you for your posts Signs From Our Loved Ones for giving us the opportunity to think deeper about this.


Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by recoverer on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 8:44pm
Consider the below words. They state that real orbs are seen in person. Yet the photos are obviously nothing but photographic effects. It sure seems like quite an incongruity to me. Angels lights appear as a streak of light above a light post, with the light being the exact same color as the light of the post?  Do we really have to play nicey nicey when somebody tries to fool us?

"can also see orbs in person, many of them and more. The photographs that we have taken are all real, orbs, streaking lights, spirit essence and my favorite the heart shaped photos. And remember all of this began after the loss of our son Billy."

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by spooky2 on Jan 22nd, 2009 at 9:23pm
Well, it's obvious that this sort of statement is a personal interpretation. That's why I would like to see everyone having a basic amount of scientific education, so that one can distinguish something being a miracle or not; if not, there's still the personal meaning of an event. I do agree though, the style, suggesting an objective, for everyone plain-to-see special effect of spiritual forces is not adequate.


Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by Aras on Jan 25th, 2009 at 1:01pm
Signs from our loved ones:
I'm sorry for your loss, I too have lost a child, 7 years ago, she was only 21. My family continues to receive signs from her, we have all had amazing dream 'contacts'. Even a photo by her urn on an anniversary date. But the signs we get are one of a kind, and amazing, and just at the right time.
You might check out the After Death Communication site:
There you will get nothing but support!

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by signs from our loved ones on Jan 26th, 2009 at 8:34am
Hello Aras, I'm sorry for the loss of your daughter. It's great that you are receiving signs from her, that is always a great joy. I have been on the website that you have mentioned, thank you.

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by bird on Jan 30th, 2009 at 12:09pm
Hi Guy -

I found your web site very interesting - thanks for sharing. But why are you selling merchandise? Wouldn't it be better to just put this info out there on your web site as you have and leave it at that? I guess I'm having trouble with the profit making end of it.


Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by signs from our loved ones on Jan 30th, 2009 at 12:21pm
Hello Robin:  All the money received is going to a scholarship fund in Billy's name to help others go into medical field from the high school Billy went to.  Thank you.

Have a great day

Title: Re: Heavenly signs from our loved ones
Post by bird on Jan 30th, 2009 at 12:22pm
oh - this is great! i'm glad to hear that. is that mentioned on the web site? i might have missed it.

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