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Message started by juditha on Jan 11th, 2009 at 4:57pm

Title: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by juditha on Jan 11th, 2009 at 4:57pm
Hi I and deanna were talking to this man at the spiritualist church and he said that God talks to him all the time and he has told him that all the planets are inhabited with spirits or just eithar.because when we die we just turn into a ball of light and go to the planet jupiter and those that have been responsible for others deaths or have murdered then you are sent straight into animals and you keep dieing as an animal until you have died for each person you were responsible for there deaths.

Also he said that there is no spiritworld as all spirits live in the physical and in a hundred years time he said that God has told him there will be paradise and that a quarter of a million people will drop dead and then there will only be the good ones that will then live to a 150 yrs old as there will be no more bad people and no more disease and he swears that God has told him all these things,i wonder what you think.

He also said he showed this man on a map with a dowser where his wife who had gone missing was staying at this place in a hotel and God showed him this and when the man found this place,his wife was not there, so this man told the other man,who's wife was missing  that God had lied to him to get him back for mistreating his wife.

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by Beau on Jan 11th, 2009 at 6:35pm
The idea of the other planets being inhabited is not a new one. I think the Garden of Finhorn talks about that but I may have it confused with another book from my distant past.

I don't think coming back as an animal is any punishment at all, so I don't get that.

My grandmother used to preach that stuff about millions of people dying at once and others living long lives...kind of a reverse rapture I guess. I think people who are afraid to die get that impression to comfort themselves.

I don't really understand the last paragraph about the man and the other man and the wife who ran away.

Thanks for sharing.


Title: Re: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by DocM on Jan 11th, 2009 at 6:50pm
Never listen to anyone who says they have the straight dope on God and the universe, unless you can verify things for yourself.  Listen to the experience of spiritual explorers and look for common experiences and themes.  And if love doesn't factor in to the equation, forget about it.

Most of what was said is just pure rubbish.  Reincarnation may occur, but the rules are uncertain - clearly we'd be part of the equation since we have free will.  Animals are not reincarnated murderers; multiple explorations seem to indicate that they undergo their own life/death cycles.  

The afterlife has been substantiated by many different explorers.  

This person talking to you does not mention pure unconditional love, and simply makes it seem that we are pawns in the spiritual journey instead of participants.  

To me, it all smacks of a disturbed mind.


Title: Re: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by spooky2 on Jan 11th, 2009 at 9:23pm
Yes. When you really wonder if something is true or not, look for verifications which can back it up (or not). Just to say "God told me" is not enough.


Title: Re: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by juditha on Jan 12th, 2009 at 4:32am
Hi spooky matthew and beau Thanks for your replys as i felt down when this man was talking to me and deanna,i realise now i should not always take in everything i'm told as this man made me feel uncomfortable,thats why i put it on here,so thanks for what you all wrote.

One bit of great evidence me and deanna had last night was from dad through this medium,who was really good, dad said he had a can of beer put in his coffin also a letter and his funeral was on a friday afternoon,me and deanna knew this was true as our brother put that can of beer in his coffin and also our mother put a letter in there for dad and he did have his funeral on a Friday afternoon.Also he said his birthday was in April and his birthday was 11th of April so that was true and he said through the medium that his name was John and it was his name,he also said he died of heart trouble and that was true as well because his heart stopped suddenly on the day he died,it was the left valve in his heart that had stopped working.

Love and God bless love juditha

Title: Re: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by Beau on Jan 12th, 2009 at 8:08am
I would never say that this man cheated to make an impression for I just don't know but what he said to you makes him very suspect to me. Psychics can supposedly read your mind and still have no better idea what's going on "out there" than anybody else. I would go with what the others have said on the thread and not feel that his knowing something of your personal past makes his view of everything else "qualified". Cold reading is what comes to my mind, but as I said I don't know him and he may not even realise that's what he's doing... but I don't know at all, just two or three cents to consider.


Title: Re: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by betson on Jan 12th, 2009 at 10:33am
Hi Juditha,

Good to hear from you again!

Is this the same spiritualist church you have attended for some time?   If so do you think your family history is known there?

(When my Dad died a couple of months ago, people from church came up and told mye many things they remembered about him. Most I remembered too but some I'd forgotten. People remember the most amazing details.)
I know quite a bit about you myself just from what you've said here in the last three years.  So if I wrote you and used your family history to make my mesage seem true, would you believe me? What if I lied and say God told me?

Do you really think God lies?!  I do not. I think it's more probably that some 'spiritualists' lie. Did this person want money for telling you what you and lots of other people already know?


Title: Re: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by Rondele on Jan 12th, 2009 at 2:45pm

I've noticed that each time you post one of these outlandish things you hear from your church, you never tell us what YOU think.

After all, none of these things relate to each other in any way, shape or form.  So therefore, they can't all be correct.  

I'm just wondering why you continue to post this kind of stuff.  


Title: Re: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by juditha on Jan 12th, 2009 at 3:48pm
Hi Rondele I think that what dad said through this medium last night was so true,i'm not sure if its because i'm a medium myself or that it's because i wanted so much for dad to give me a message as i was missing him so much and when this medium said that she was finding it hard to break her link with dad because he did not want to leave me and deanna i cryed because i did not want him to leave me either,it was so emotional last night and i had not felt that way for a long time as its 8 yrs on the 15th of febuary that he died.

I know there is a spirit as i have had my own OBE and i do see spirit and i do get messages and sometimes dad will come to me, at times my hair is pulled by him and he has kissed me on the cheek and i have seen him standing in front of me for a couple of seconds,i put things on here from the spiritualist church because i like to see what you all think of it and also i put it on so you can know about other mediums and how they work.

When i do a reading, all the time i'm doubting myself but at the same time i know that i'm giving out what spirit give me, as spirit said last night that i am clairvoyent and deanna is clairaudiont,I see spirit every night walking round my bed,so i know it exists.

The medium last night was called Vanessa and she was really good as she could not have known about me and deanna or dad as this was the first time we had met her and she could not possibly have known what was in dad's coffin,so i put this on here to show the evidence of life after death.

Love and God bless  love juditha

Title: Re: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by identcat on Jan 13th, 2009 at 1:09pm
Juditha--- I loved your thread!! It was so very interesting. I firmly think that after we shed our physicl bodies and no longer have a need to re-create them in the next parellel, we are just burst of light as shown in Star Trec Next Generation "The Child." As I was watching the beam of light going from chamber to chamber, it looked so familiar to me. I have also experienced "beams of light" that had no end and I know they represented other beings.
As for people bering reincarnated back to animals: In Shirley MacLaine's book "The Camino" when she walked across Spain, she came across wild dogs whom she believed to be reincarnated criminals who had to pay in this lifetime for past crimes.  I have also read (I think it was in one of Rosiland McKnight's books) that a cat in a former life was waiting to reincarnate as a baby girl because the cat had such a wonderful owner in its previous life that it wanted to evolve into a human.
I want my paradise to be any planet with lots of trees and animals!! Perhaps, for the spiritualist, his concept of life after death is only a sparkle living on a nearby planet.  Scientist have certainally proven that there are billions of other planets and many are life sustainable.
There may well be a "time" when all life will be able to live longer because of cures and better living conditions.

As for the man whose wife left him-- It is very possible that he was given some information that would send him away from finding his wife. This was God's way of protecting the wife and punishing the husband.

Good thread!!! Love to you and Deanna.  --- Carol Ann

Title: Re: I and Deanna met this man and God tells him things
Post by hawkeye on Jan 13th, 2009 at 6:35pm
I remember a story that said that God worked in mysterious ways. I see no reason not to believe that this mans God spoke to him. Our Gods speak to us and can cause many different thing to happen to us. Just remember that his God may just be a differant God than yours. Don't take these people who tell you what they think as being truth and from God, as to be your truth. I know that your God has spoken to you. His spirit world will most likly end up being a differant one than yours. As it should be. Some of the things he says sound pretty good but they will only come to be in your existence if you allow it to be. I say that you should make your own road and follow that road to your own Creator or God. And the whole life as an animal thing. That's no punishment. That's a gift of love to experience differant types of life.

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