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Message started by recoverer on Jan 6th, 2009 at 4:12pm

Title: Lisa's NDE
Post by recoverer on Jan 6th, 2009 at 4:12pm
Here's a neat NDE. Perhaps you've read it.

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Rondele on Jan 6th, 2009 at 4:40pm
Yes, it's a very impressive NDE.

However, these 3 excerpts puzzle me:

* Life on earth, filled with darkness, pain, sorrow, limits and limitations, was like a horrifying prison compared to this wonderful place, and I simply refused to go back

* The being was not judging me in any way during the life review, even though I saw a lot of shortcomings in my life.

* The love these beings of light exuded healed me, swept away all the darkness in me, erased all of the pain and sorrow I'd accumulated during my life on earth

They puzzle me because, at the time of her NDE, she was all of five years old!  Most 5 yr old kids most definitely do not have these feelings about their lives.  Instead, these quotes sound like someone much older would say, someone with many more years of experience on earth.

Maybe in her five years she experienced or witnessed all sorts of hardships and perhaps emotional/physical pain, but she doesn't give us any information about the nature of her life prior to the NDE other than the fact that she was on holiday when it happened.

That sort of rules out a life of poverty and deprivation.

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by recoverer on Jan 6th, 2009 at 4:43pm

Yes, it is puzzling. Nevertheless, I like the experience.

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by DocM on Jan 6th, 2009 at 5:08pm
Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but she states that the NDE was forgotten at five, but then, came back to her when she was older.  

This goes contrary to many who have had NDEs.  They seem to recall it after they regain consciousness, and it becomes something they couldn't forget.  

Memories buried in childhood are fraught with interpretative issues.  I recall that incident where they were villifying several daycare workers about possible child/sexual abuse.  When all was said and done and the interrogations of the children were viewed by prosecutors, it was clear that the "memories" in that instance were implanted by suggestion.

I think it was a beautiful NDE as written, just not sure what to make about the total recall after forgetting it at age five.  I have a six year old son now.  I can't imagine he would have forgotten.


Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by recoverer on Jan 6th, 2009 at 5:19pm
Many people forget their NDEs for a number of years, including children. I forgot what I refer to my night in heaven experience for years before it came back to me. It came back to me as if it happened yesterday. I very clearly recall that when I had the experience, I was absolutely certain about what I was experiencing and understanding. Remembering the experience is like tuning into a state of mind that is beyond memory as we usually think of it. It wasn't a matter of having a hypnotist create false memories. I remember my night in heaven experience just as clearly as I remember what happened an hour ago. Actually, it's at another level. The memory is timeless in nature.

DocM wrote on Jan 6th, 2009 at 5:08pm:
Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but she states that the NDE was forgotten at five, but then, came back to her when she was older.  

This goes contrary to many who have had NDEs.  They seem to recall it after they regain consciousness, and it becomes something they couldn't forget.  

Memories buried in childhood are fraught with interpretative issues.  I recall that incident where they were villifying several daycare workers about possible child/sexual abuse.  When all was said and done and the interrogations of the children were viewed by prosecutors, it was clear that the "memories" in that instance were implanted by suggestion.

I think it was a beautiful NDE as written, just not sure what to make about the total recall after forgetting it at age five.  I have a six year old son now.  I can't imagine he would have forgotten.


Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 7th, 2009 at 12:28am
Re: NDE's
DocM wrote on Jan 6th, 2009 at 5:08pm:
I think it was a beautiful NDE as written, just not sure what to make about the total recall after forgetting it at age five.  I have a six year old son now.  I can't imagine he would have forgotten.


 Another way to look at this, is from a question i have.  I have wondered here and there, how could we have so forgotten our original and innate Oneness with Source and all of Creation?   How is that i, someone who knows better, and knows consciously and intellectually that Oneness and PUL are THE reality, why do i then so often forget that state of being, why do i still err, and live that which is unreality?  

 Maybe sometimes its easy to forgot..forget even really important things?  

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Beau on Jan 7th, 2009 at 9:25am
I think it was a beautiful NDE and my son might very easily forgotten it at age 5. He is only just now starting to remember things that happened to him when he was younger. Some of that may be because he had no outlet for expressing it. That could be the same for this person too.

Justin, could it be that one being in a physical body makes the perception of separation much easier to grasp since it serves as a constant reminder? I am not completely convinced but just from watching my son I have to say that, at least to some extent, separation is taught to us from the beginning of our time here with our parents and especially grand parents. And some of that may be why babies cry so much...just a thought.

Certainly the desire to stay above the separation fray is a good one, but I too have trouble with it all the time. I wasn't trying to rationalize it by any means.


Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 7th, 2009 at 1:10pm
 Certainly would seem that way Beau.  Some people think the physical was created by outside sources purely as a learning place, involving contrast and the like, for us.  There wasn't ever any error, misapplication of our freewill, or shortsightedness on our parts.

 Some think it is purely the result of a separation which originally took place in Spirit, and was only due to some of us using our freewill in a silly and shortsighted manner.  As being such, it is completely illusionary and totally unnecessary.  Something that ACIM seems to teach.

 To me, both are kind of extreme.  Me, i'm kind of in the middle of the whole thing, but a bit more balanced to the 2nd.   I think the physical became necessary once the separation in Spirit occurred.  It was manifested then, by a combo of our consciousness getting ever more stuck and slowing down in vibration, and by the work of the Co-Creator of the Earth's Soul to provide us proper vehicles, etc. for our experiences here.    

 So, i do appreciate the physical, even though i know its ultimately an illusion.   Actually, originally i didn't get involved in this whole Earth thing because of self stuckness.  I came here with the Co-Creator, along with many others, on a short sighted mission to help unstick others, but eventually got too caught up in the drama myself.  I let myself get led into the ways of selfishness and material mindedness.   Once unloving karma is enacted, it must be balanced in some experience or another.  

Any source that tells you karma doesn't exist in any form or manner, is quite frankly full of b.s.b.s. (belief system bull shite) in my not always humble opinion.  

 Quite a few Souls here at this site, an unusual number/percentage for one place, were once these original service Souls who originally came to Earth to help unstick their stuck brethren--we've been "Retrievers" from the very beginning, but now need a little retrieving help of our own.  Yet, all is One, and One is all.  


Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Beau on Jan 7th, 2009 at 1:32pm
Yeah, I'm with you totally on this score, Justin. Often I feel that I am waking up to who I am and what my mission was supposed to be. And finding that I have "wasted" 47 years trying to get started without knowing who I was exactly or what the mission was--just having hints here and there.

Things are coming into perspective in the last few years I must admit and boy am I relieved. It was NDE's and seeking more about them that really opened my eyes in the first place. It took time to get over the garbage I'd picked up all my life and I'm sure I will meet more road blocks but I am sure thankful for those times that kind of sail along.


Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 7th, 2009 at 1:37pm
Exciting stuff eh...

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by sulla on Jan 7th, 2009 at 1:41pm

Beau wrote on Jan 7th, 2009 at 1:32pm:
Yeah, ...Often I feel that I am waking up to who I am and what my mission was supposed to be. And finding that I have "wasted" 47 years trying to get started without knowing who I was exactly or what the mission was--just having hints here and there.

Things are coming into perspective in the last few years I must admit and boy am I relieved...

I feel similarly.  But things feel less absolute to me.  More like, Here's a set-up, lets see what he does with it.  Only with a nudge now and again to see if I catch on to the 'big plan' for me, or the 'bigger Andy.'

I feel there's more of me than I am aware of and that it's waiting for me patiently and almost indifferently.  Like, if he doesn't find me, oh well, I still love him.

And my daughter.. wow, I think sometimes all this fell into my lap when it did, and I got so inviolved in it sa rapidly lately is because I need to be ready as I can for my little girl.  She's only 4 months old this Friday, but I am already feeling the crunch in a very loving and frightened way.

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Kardec on Jan 15th, 2009 at 12:11pm
Even a 5 year old person has already lived many lifetimes before.
So she was not only a child.

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Mark on Jan 15th, 2009 at 1:25pm
I'm not sure I would consider my 47 years wasted, even though as justin says we continue to err even though we know better. What I have learned is that when I am not listening to my Oversoul and I am feeling sorry for my situation and am not treating people with PUL I am at my lowest. But I always pull myself out of it and get back to my center and the sun rises once again.
What I learn each time is priceless: Proof beyond question that everything we discuss here and everything we read and experience about our immortal souls is absloutely true.
In my opinion a waste would be going through an entire life cycle without learning these tough lessons, without realizing them as such, never contemplating the ideas we share here.
Maybe we continue to "fall off the Spititual wagon" from time to time for a purpose: Training day, more lessons to be learned. Then when we return to ourselves, to the light, we can contemplate and digest and learn.
Thanks for being out there to all -I don't have many to share these thoughts with...

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Beau on Jan 15th, 2009 at 3:00pm
Thank you for your insightful thoughts Mark. They make good sense to me.

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Aras on Jan 18th, 2009 at 2:47pm
It is a bit puzzling @5 years old to me too, to not be able to remember. I have had 2 experiences when I was about that age, and I can remember everything of them to this day..


Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by Beau on Jan 18th, 2009 at 3:09pm
Yeah it does seem strange to forget things at 5 years, but I think it happens because we get bombarded with information from our parents and that makes up so much of our formative years that we let some amazing memories fall into limbo only to rediscover them later on. I imagine that it depends on how you are raised too.

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by identcat on Jan 19th, 2009 at 2:58pm
Beau, you bring up an interesting point.
From my youngest rememberances-- I remember looking down upon my mother and father as they were getting married and said that my mother was the angel I wanted to be born to-- and of course when I expressed this thought to my mother when I was about 4 years old, my mother quickly said (as we were in a cab and she was embarrassed that I "saw her marring my father) "No, No Carol. You weren't even born yet. You did't see me getting married to Daddy". Well, if your person of authority says it didn't happen and you are only 4 years old, what do you believe??

I remember the incident of saying that I saw her --- but I don't remember being in the taxi cab with my brother, grandmother , mother and cab driver. My mother's words to me tried to erase what I remembered. The person who drowned at age 5 was probable pulled out of the water quickly and who ever pulled her out was saying how wonderful "I" am for saving this child. When the 5 year old protested and said she saw her Home-- it was dismissed by adults who knew better. They kept telling her only about how quckly she disappeared in the wave then suddenly appeared on the shore line. That story was told over and over again without the rememberance of her heavenly home. Just as I have forgotten the color of the cab and if I was sitting inbetween my mother and brother or my grandmother and mother-- something finally triggered my rememberance (as it happened, it's always been my parents wedding picture) of the incident.

I told mommy " I remeber when you got married in that church to daddy. You were so beautiful." That was my interpretation at age 4.
As I describe it as an adult, I have a larger vocabulary-- so I can elaberate. --- Carol Ann

Title: Re: Lisa's NDE
Post by recoverer on Jan 20th, 2009 at 1:59pm
Don't most people forget where they came from after they incarnate? Perhaps the same thing happens with NDEs and such. It sure happened with me and my night in heaven experience. In various ways it was preferable for me to have the experience when I had it, and then forget it for a while until the time was right.

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