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Message started by Justin aka asltaomr on Dec 22nd, 2008 at 3:06am

Title: An old dream, but 1 which has puzzled me 4 awhile
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Dec 22nd, 2008 at 3:06am
 I still don't know what to make of this dream.  I have and live with 2 cats in my life, whom i love very much and whom love me very much (they are very consistently affectionate beings and not like "typical" cats, or at least ones i've heard about).  Anyways, i had a dream wherein i somehow did something (accidentally) which killed my 2 cats, and i felt really bad about it even though it was an accident.  When i woke up, i still felt very emotional and bad about it, even though i knew it was "just" a dream.  

I still can't figure it out if symbolic, and thought maybe it was a precog. glimpse of something, and for awhile was extra careful in relation to them re: food, letting them escape outside, etc.   They are fine today.  Not much of an idea though.  

Title: Re: An old dream, but 1 which has puzzled me 4 awhile
Post by Beau on Dec 22nd, 2008 at 6:28pm
Hey Justin,
Of course, I don't know you well enough to make a truly insightful comment, but I do love to discuss dreams. Could it be that the cats represent some part of you that is transforming. It might even be a transformation in relation to how you relate with your cats. Yes, I'm trying to be as wordy and redundant as possible. ;)

My girlfriend had a cat when we first got together, but I don't have a lot of experience with them.

Maybe the cats represented something else that you care for in a similar way. Good luck on your quest.

Title: Re: An old dream, but 1 which has puzzled me 4 awhile
Post by spooky2 on Dec 22nd, 2008 at 10:30pm
One general aspect of it maybe is being anxious about making a mistake which would lead to a bad result for someone you love.


Title: Re: An old dream, but 1 which has puzzled me 4 awhile
Post by betson on Dec 23rd, 2008 at 4:52pm
Hi Justin,

How would you describe the cats?  Then--how do you see those characteristics in yourself?  Are you good to those aspects in yourself and others?
You don't have to answer her.  It's just a method for looking at the dream.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas,

Title: Re: An old dream, but 1 which has puzzled me 4 awhile
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Dec 23rd, 2008 at 11:10pm
 Thank you for the tips, suggestions, and different ways to look at this dream Beau, Spooky, and Bets.   I will try to analyze it from these various perspectives.  

 One thing i keep coming back to, even after reading your replies, is why i felt so unusually emotional about the dream, even after i woke up, i mean i really felt like i had accidentally killed my own cats, literally.   I've had other teaching dreams, but they were more emotionally detached in nature...even the ones that dealt with emotional issues.  

 Thanks to you all again and happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you too Bets.

Title: Re: An old dream, but 1 which has puzzled me 4 awhile
Post by dreamer on Dec 28th, 2008 at 6:10pm
Hi Justin,

Looking at my own dreams, I sometimes consider cats or kittens (sometimes my own, sometimes unfamiliar cats) as symbolizing concerns or worries I am having. Do you know the expression "don't have a kitten" meaning "take it easy", something like that? (as kids, we used to also say "Don't have a cow" so maybe I'm confusing the expressions).

Cats can represent feminine aspects of self. And cats have 9 lives, so dreaming of inadvertently killing your cats could be your self getting your attention in a big way about the passing of some aspect of your life that you haven't yet realized, something you are attached to, perhaps. An upsetting or emotional dream , in my opinion, is an attention getter and worth looking at from many perspectives.

To be "catty" is to be hurtful to others with ones words, spiteful. To be "petty" is to be mean or spiteful also. Maybe this dream is about something upsetting in that way, you were hurt, and this injury to your loving innocent cats could be a way of recognizing this?

Cats having a psychic connection, or symbolism. They can communicate in very subtle ways, and move quietly, and are quite observant.

When I am really stumped with a dream that I want to understand, I sometimes dialogue with the dream characters, writing, and give them a voice, and let them explain what happened and why.

What are your cats names? Could that symbolize something else as well?

Love, Carolyn

Title: Re: An old dream, but 1 which has puzzled me 4 awhile
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 3rd, 2009 at 11:37pm
Hi Carolyn,

 Thank you a bunch for the thoughtful and in-depth reply.  I haven't ever heard the term, "don't have a kitten", though i have heard the one, "don't have a cow".  

 The cats are named Kenya and Jasmine.  Dunno, but thanks for the suggestions.

Title: Re: An old dream, but 1 which has puzzled me 4 awhile
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jan 5th, 2009 at 2:57am
Another possibility is that for whatever reason, i was strongly tuning into another Disk and more specifically another individual personality from same around that time.  I've thought a lot about Bob Monroe here and there, so maybe i have merged consciousness with him at some point.

A little while after having had the dream, i remembered that in the somewhat early OBE days Monroe accidentally killed two of his cats, and was pretty upset about the whole thing, and felt bad about it for awhile (even many years after).  

 Considering that i've had a few dreams about Moen, whom is strongly related to Monroe, the whole merging with another consciousness or general Disk and being influenced by that is possible.  But the above explanation still doesn't explain why i would remember a dream about it, how does that influence or pertain to me?

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