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Message started by gordon phinn on Nov 27th, 2008 at 8:06pm

Title: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by gordon phinn on Nov 27th, 2008 at 8:06pm
Friends, hello,

was at work today, and that for me is driving, been doing that for decades, almost second nature really, and began to focus on the terrorists  assaults in Mumbai.
Was informed that retrieval teams were well in place ahead of time, as they now track potential terrorist assaults, especially ones that seem to be going undetected by police and intelligence agencies.
They can't stop them but they can certainly be ready.  So I did not move into retrieval mode, despite thinking it would be necessary.
Was surprised at first, but then recalled the info I got from an angelic source during the writing of More Adventures In Eternity (2004) telling me that they, angels, were tracking the passages of various stolen nuclear triggers and could, if necessary, defuse them.

Now I'm not saying every last person shot has been retreived, only that they, the obe teams, were ready.  Also, now that I think of it, this is reminiscent of the Beslan (Russia) school siege, the retrievals of which I participated in (also in More Adventures), and found it to be the best organized mass retrieval ever, indicating a readiness i had not previously noticed.

for your information:  gordon phinn

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by roger prettyman on Dec 1st, 2008 at 12:00pm

Out of interest when the terrorists are themselves killed, as has occurred, does anyone go to retrieve them?

After all, they are human, albeit very misguided, or are their souls just left to their own devices?

roger  :-/

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by harvey on Dec 1st, 2008 at 4:53pm

gordon phinn wrote on Nov 27th, 2008 at 8:06pm:
Friends, hello,

was at work today, and that for me is driving, been doing that for decades, almost second nature really, and began to focus on the terrorists  assaults in Mumbai.
Was informed that retrieval teams were well in place ahead of time, as they now track potential terrorist assaults, especially ones that seem to be going undetected by police and intelligence agencies.
They can't stop them but they can certainly be ready.  So I did not move into retrieval mode, despite thinking it would be necessary.
Was surprised at first, but then recalled the info I got from an angelic source during the writing of More Adventures In Eternity (2004) telling me that they, angels, were tracking the passages of various stolen nuclear triggers and could, if necessary, defuse them.

Now I'm not saying every last person shot has been retreived, only that they, the obe teams, were ready.  Also, now that I think of it, this is reminiscent of the Beslan (Russia) school siege, the retrievals of which I participated in (also in More Adventures), and found it to be the best organized mass retrieval ever, indicating a readiness i had not previously noticed.

for your information:  gordon phinn

Gordon..As John McEnroe used to say to the umpire on a bad call..."Are you serious!!!"

"retrieval teams were well in place ahead of time, as they now track potential terroists assualts etc" you say

How do you know this? Why don't they just stop the terroists, or are they powerless? Why are they powerless? Free will I suppose!

Angels able to diffuse nuclear triggers you say also. Why don't these angels diffuse them now. In fact diffuse all the nuclear triggers in all the atom and H-Bombs in all the world now! or are angels useless and powerless as well? How about(angels)stopping the mass slaughter of innocent men, women and children in the Sudanese war at the present moment. Or the American troops and fly boys accidently killing innocent Afghani and Iraq civilians. It's in the tens of thousands at the moment(total)...and I'm not talking about suicide bombers.

Gordon, old boy, it just seems like New Age Ghetto egoistic wishful thinking that you feeding on me/us. Look! I didn't paddle over on a canoe from Fiji recently, and I don't have frizzy hair, spear, and a bone in my nose....Apologies. Harvey.  

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by recoverer on Dec 1st, 2008 at 6:17pm

I figure there is a fine line between when higher level beings will intefere with what goes on in this World and when they won't. On the one hand they want us to have freewill, on the other hand they won't allow us to completely destroy ourselves. If we do so, we not only effect this World, we effect other Worlds, because the surprised and trapped souls from this World will effect other Worlds.

Check out Howard Storm's book. He was told that World War III would not happen because God would not allow it to happen. He was told that the cold war would be brought to an end before it was brought to an end. Yet other negative events aren't stopped.

One evening I watched the Larry King show when some UFO experts were on the show, and they spoke about an event where nuclear tests were stopped by UFOs. The evidence they presented was quite credible.   The people who tried to deny their case weren't able to provide strong counter arguments to the evidence.

To sum up, perhaps divine intervention isn't an all or nothing affair.  

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by hawkeye on Dec 1st, 2008 at 6:45pm
"New Age Ghetto" hmmm where have I heard that from before?

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by gordon phinn on Dec 1st, 2008 at 10:25pm
just checked in on this for you.  double-checked if you like, as I thought i knew the answer from past retrieval work.
saw moving images of gleeful young men shooting "the enemy" "the infidels" (take your pick of names) and feeling very righteous about doing so.  Fighting to the last for their holy cause, courageous as only the ideologically convinced can be.
As they were themsleves shot I saw various retrievers swoop in to assist, just as they did for "victims" "police" etc.
Some of the "attackers" would move immediately to their training base in some mountainous region and join in what looked like celebrations, you know, the ghosts at the party.  desire would take them there instantly, surprising their assumptions of "going to heaven" .
Others seemed stunned and looked like they were retrieved in the usual way.

I did not participate in this scenario, but as you may know I have worked disaster and criminal situation retrievals before and I never noticed any discrimination amongst retrievers over "sides in the conflict".
The Beslan school tragedy comes to mind.  After my account of that was included in More Adventures In Eternity, a stranger from England emailed to say she recalled being part of the retireving team there too, and my account dovetailed quite well with hers.


roger prettyman wrote on Dec 1st, 2008 at 12:00pm:

Out of interest when the terrorists are themselves killed, as has occurred, does anyone go to retrieve them?

After all, they are human, albeit very misguided, or are their souls just left to their own devices?

roger  :-/

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by roger prettyman on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 5:41am

Many thanks for your reply.
It was as I expected in that retrievers would go to help them.

However, a further thought comes to mind. If they supposed that they would most likely be killed and would go to their heaven immediately why do they need retrieving? Wouldn`t they go straight there because of their belief in going to heaven, and not need assistance?

After all, when, say, one of us passes over and we believe in the Afterlife we can pass over to find friends/relatives waiting for us "there" but do not need actually retrieving.

roger  :-/  

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by Old Dood on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 10:02am
No disrespect....
How do we really know that these people are Terrorists?
I am not belittling this or disregarding ANYone's loss of life.
It is a horrific thing to happen.  I question as to WHY!
Why is the title of this thread not simply 'Assult in Mubai'?
Is not one man's Terrorist another man's Freedom Fighter?
Were the colonists of the British Empire labled Terrorists?
Do we think of the American Revolution as fought by Terrorists on the American side?

Where did that bit of information about Mumbai come from?
MSM? (Main Steam Media) Or as I like to coin now the Corporate Owned Media.

That term 'Terrorist' is thrown around a lot now a days isn't it?
It IS our 'New Enemy'.
The Russians used to be our 'enemy' too.
If you have an 'enemy' then you have a way in which to control the populace....through FEAR!
Also you have a means in which to develop, build, all sorts of weapon systems too.

Since I do not believe in any coincidences anymore it is odd that we are losing our Freedoms/Liberties as soon as this 'New Enemy' came on the scene.
In a major way since the date of September 11, 2001 this has been the case.
We have been warned more then once about this by credible people.

Just food for thought.
Al Qaeda was formed and funded by the CIA.
In other words Al Qauda is a FRONT for the CIA.
The CIA is the major importer of the drugs in this country. (Sure there is a few 'little guys' doing it.  Not enough though to make a dent)
Why do you think this 'War on Drugs' is never Won?
(Do you honestly think this 'War on Terror' will be won? Also why is it called the 'War on Terror' and not Terror-ISM?)
You think 'they' could not stop drugs from coming into this country?
I would respectfully ask you to think again on that.
Or Read the book titled: 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' by John Perkins for starters. (Or look him up on Google video)

I do not 'know' for sure who these people really are.
I will not simply accept whatever I read & hear in the Media though.

Not anymore!

When I see 'Stories' like this in the news and controlling the News Cycle I then try to look deeper then what is on the surface.

Do you know who the next 'Enemy' is going to be?  Anyone want to take a shot at it?

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by Rondele on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 1:39pm
One way we know they are terrorists is that they shot and killed, execution style, a teenage girl and her dad solely because they were Americans.  And because they singled out and murdered a man and his wife solely because they were Jewish.

Freedom fighters?? Please.  Not hardly.  Terrorists?  Absolutely.

Unfortunately political correctness, wherein we cannot call people what they truly are,  serves no one's interest except those who are determined to wage their terrorist war against innocent civilians.

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by recoverer on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 1:45pm
I don't believe it is a matter of what religion a person follows. It is a matter of how much a person lives according to love. If a person believes it is okay to murder other people after demonizing them in some way, this person hardly lives according to love. Until this person decides to live according to love rather than hate, anger, judgment, and prejudice, this person won't be able to ascend.  Killing in the name of God is a bunch of BS.

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by Rondele on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 2:40pm
<<Killing in the name of God is a bunch of BS. >>

Albert, I totally agree with you.  It's also BS when some people say, as Deepak Chopra actually did the other day, that it's all the fault of the United States.  

The real fault lies with the ideology that says it's ok to do this, no matter what country the terrorists come from.

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by DocM on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 4:14pm

These acts were those of terrorists.  Never in history has one had to fight for one's freedom by sneaking into a free democratic country with Uzis and bombs, and then killing non-combatants, innocent civilians, solely for the purpose of killing and striking terror into the population.

Moral relativism makes me ill.  All ideas and views are not equal, otherwise nothing matters.  If our goal is to express PUL and become more loving, there are certain actions and thoughts that are either conducive to this (loving), or, as in this case antithetical to love.

It is absolutely clear to me that these terrorists are not going to a Focus 27 area or a "heaven."  If you take a look at the karmic involvement, the misery and grief that they have sowed, you can't make it all acceptible by saying that the person was taught this as their religion.  They knew that they were spraying bullets at people, targeting them for their beliefs.  

We all have a soul, and a conscience tied in with our personalities.  We know right from wrong.  No indoctrination can change that in our very core.  By killing the innocent, the terrorists chose to go in the path opposite to love, acceptance.  

My own feeling, not corroborated through exploration as yet, is that there is a belief system plane where terrorists go, where like attracts like.  I don't believe it is a pretty place.  If one willingly executes others, one will be subject to this in the afterlife.  Not a heavenly belief system.

Now is a perfect time for peace-loving people to denounce the killing of innocent civilians, and any group who openly preaches that it is acceptible or glorious.


Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by Rondele on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 6:20pm

A masterful post.  

I would only add my own sentiments regarding how political correctness has acted as an enabler for all sorts of bad behavior, but that is probably best left to the Off Topic forum.


Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by gordon phinn on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 7:28pm
Old Dood: have read both John Perkins books and see the darker side of global geopolitics.  When retrieving or discussing it I never take sides; there are no victims or victors, merely souls mired in the illusions of the physical plane.
Merely used "terrorist assault" as a  quick identification for readers.


Old Dood wrote on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 10:02am:
No disrespect....
How do we really know that these people are Terrorists?
I am not belittling this or disregarding ANYone's loss of life.
It is a horrific thing to happen.  I question as to WHY!
Why is the title of this thread not simply 'Assult in Mubai'?
Is not one man's Terrorist another man's Freedom Fighter?
Were the colonists of the British Empire labled Terrorists?
Do we think of the American Revolution as fought by Terrorists on the American side?

Where did that bit of information about Mumbai come from?
MSM? (Main Steam Media) Or as I like to coin now the Corporate Owned Media.

That term 'Terrorist' is thrown around a lot now a days isn't it?
It IS our 'New Enemy'.
The Russians used to be our 'enemy' too.
If you have an 'enemy' then you have a way in which to control the populace....through FEAR!
Also you have a means in which to develop, build, all sorts of weapon systems too.

Since I do not believe in any coincidences anymore it is odd that we are losing our Freedoms/Liberties as soon as this 'New Enemy' came on the scene.
In a major way since the date of September 11, 2001 this has been the case.
We have been warned more then once about this by credible people.

Just food for thought.
Al Qaeda was formed and funded by the CIA.
In other words Al Qauda is a FRONT for the CIA.
The CIA is the major importer of the drugs in this country. (Sure there is a few 'little guys' doing it.  Not enough though to make a dent)
Why do you think this 'War on Drugs' is never Won?
(Do you honestly think this 'War on Terror' will be won? Also why is it called the 'War on Terror' and not Terror-ISM?)
You think 'they' could not stop drugs from coming into this country?
I would respectfully ask you to think again on that.
Or Read the book titled: 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' by John Perkins for starters. (Or look him up on Google video)

I do not 'know' for sure who these people really are.
I will not simply accept whatever I read & hear in the Media though.

Not anymore!

When I see 'Stories' like this in the news and controlling the News Cycle I then try to look deeper then what is on the surface.

Do you know who the next 'Enemy' is going to be?  Anyone want to take a shot at it?

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by gordon phinn on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 7:32pm
Roger; some would go straight to their heaven concept; and others, as I mentioned, shot off to celebrate with their still-alive buddies off in the hills somewhere.
Retreivers hang around just to see what's needed, usually it's the shocked and terrified "victims", but they'll keep an eye out for any others, just in case.


roger prettyman wrote on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 5:41am:

Many thanks for your reply.
It was as I expected in that retrievers would go to help them.

However, a further thought comes to mind. If they supposed that they would most likely be killed and would go to their heaven immediately why do they need retrieving? Wouldn`t they go straight there because of their belief in going to heaven, and not need assistance?

After all, when, say, one of us passes over and we believe in the Afterlife we can pass over to find friends/relatives waiting for us "there" but do not need actually retrieving.

roger  :-/  

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by blink on Dec 4th, 2008 at 8:34am
(CNN) -- A Virginia woman whose husband and daughter were gunned down in last week's terror attacks in India says the attackers should be forgiven.

"We must send them our love, forgiveness and compassion," Kia Scherr told reporters Tuesday of the Mumbai attackers, nine of whom were killed by Indian forces. "As Jesus Christ said long ago, they know not what they do.

"They are in ignorance, and they are completely shrouded and clouded by fear, and we must show that love is possible and love overpowers fear. So that's my choice."



Nothing to add here. This meditation group speaks for itself.

love, blink

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by Old Dood on Dec 4th, 2008 at 10:45am
Deepak Chopra speaks on CNN (26 November 2008)

YouTube Link:

'Believe' what you want.  The Truth IS out there for those that are willing to 'see'.

Who are the 'REAL Terrorists'?

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by Rondele on Dec 4th, 2008 at 10:47am

I saw that interview.  Yes, forgiveness is really the only option in order for her to get through these horrific crimes.  

I would say they were tragedies, but something that is planned in infinite detail and carried out with full malice aforethought does not fit the definition of tragedy.  An earthquake or hurricane can result in tragedies but this event was entirely man-made.  Terrorist assault is entirely the correct description.

I would disagree with one point- that they didn't know what they were doing.  Yes, they actually knew precisely what they did and they knew precisely why they did it.  Their motives may be entirely irrational, but that doesn't excuse what they did. They were not children whose mom strapped a suicide vest on them and told them what button to press when they got to the markeplace.

They were killers, and they knew what they were doing when they sprayed the hotel lobby with automatic gunfire and they knew that people would die.  That was their plan. To pretend otherwise is simply enabling an environment that will produce more and more of these terrorist attacks no matter how much PUL is sent in their direction.

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by Lucy on Dec 4th, 2008 at 12:51pm

How do you know this? Why don't they just stop the terroists, or are they powerless? Why are they powerless? Free will I suppose!

That's the million-dollar question:

How do you know anything?

This is really a deep question for serious meditation,but that has never stopped anyone from trying to answer with words.

We base our knowledge on our senses of the world. We build up a picture and then we build on that. Where language comes from is a mystery, but it is part of our building of the world. So we extrapolate from the pure senses to the abstract by using language. We create a word-built world.  So everything we claim we KNOW must fit into that created world.

Every time something new has come down th epike, there has been a struggle as to whether it would be incorporated. Science was reviled because it questioned the assumptions of that great political bosy, the Roman Catholic Church. Now it is the cornerstone. But it is still all invented.

So how does Gordon know what he says? Becuase it is what he experiences.What else can any of us claim?

I don't believe in the existence of Jesus the Christ. I see old mythologies got re-written to create a story. The Isis-Horus-Osiris thing is pretty clearly a template for the Jesus story. I don't experience Christ through personal experience and I don't experience Christ through the lives of most of the folks who run to sit their fannies in a church pew at regular intervals. So I don't really believe in that.

(This was for "Harvey").

that they didn't know what they were doing.

On what level, Rondele? Yes they knew to get guns and boats so on that level they knew what they were doing. But on the level of understanding that we create this world, as I alluded to above, did they know? Does any of us really know what we are doing?

"Forgive them, for they know not what they do."

I have a problem with the word "forgive" because in my family what it really went was, let it go, turn the other cheek and pretend it didn't happen, so the perpetrator can do it again. The definitions alluded to in ACIM have given me a whole new perspective on this. "Forgive" means letting Spirit somehow undo the mess we made. Wow.

Then there is the issue that the victims are also part of what is created. I'm not ready to advocate for letting the perps go, just advocating to think on what that means.

I truly hope this mom/wife is able to surround herself with PUL and feel peace. I admire her for trying. I hope we can reach a time where maybe someone like Gordon can easily bring her some verifiable info and help confirm for her that her family still continue on. Her case is not the place to go loking for verifiable information but it seems like there are other times we could practice here.

We are like babies just learning to talk. We don't know what all the words mean yet.

Title: Re: terrorist assault in Mumbai
Post by gordon phinn on Dec 10th, 2008 at 6:18pm
Old Dood:

I have addressed your terrorist/freedom fighter concerns in my youtube video "wordofgord on Mumbai Assault".


Old Dood wrote on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 10:02am:
No disrespect....
How do we really know that these people are Terrorists?
I am not belittling this or disregarding ANYone's loss of life.
It is a horrific thing to happen.  I question as to WHY!
Why is the title of this thread not simply 'Assult in Mubai'?
Is not one man's Terrorist another man's Freedom Fighter?
Were the colonists of the British Empire labled Terrorists?
Do we think of the American Revolution as fought by Terrorists on the American side?

Where did that bit of information about Mumbai come from?
MSM? (Main Steam Media) Or as I like to coin now the Corporate Owned Media.

That term 'Terrorist' is thrown around a lot now a days isn't it?
It IS our 'New Enemy'.
The Russians used to be our 'enemy' too.
If you have an 'enemy' then you have a way in which to control the populace....through FEAR!
Also you have a means in which to develop, build, all sorts of weapon systems too.

Since I do not believe in any coincidences anymore it is odd that we are losing our Freedoms/Liberties as soon as this 'New Enemy' came on the scene.
In a major way since the date of September 11, 2001 this has been the case.
We have been warned more then once about this by credible people.

Just food for thought.
Al Qaeda was formed and funded by the CIA.
In other words Al Qauda is a FRONT for the CIA.
The CIA is the major importer of the drugs in this country. (Sure there is a few 'little guys' doing it.  Not enough though to make a dent)
Why do you think this 'War on Drugs' is never Won?
(Do you honestly think this 'War on Terror' will be won? Also why is it called the 'War on Terror' and not Terror-ISM?)
You think 'they' could not stop drugs from coming into this country?
I would respectfully ask you to think again on that.
Or Read the book titled: 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' by John Perkins for starters. (Or look him up on Google video)

I do not 'know' for sure who these people really are.
I will not simply accept whatever I read & hear in the Media though.

Not anymore!

When I see 'Stories' like this in the news and controlling the News Cycle I then try to look deeper then what is on the surface.

Do you know who the next 'Enemy' is going to be?  Anyone want to take a shot at it?

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