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Message started by dewachen on Nov 22nd, 2008 at 4:51am

Title: Tibetan Buddhist Pre-Birth memory
Post by dewachen on Nov 22nd, 2008 at 4:51am

I was born with a memory which I only started to figure out 46 years later. I remember floating above the world within a blue sphere. I could sense thousands of people praying for me and there was an event with thousands of people fleeing to another country. I decided to change my plans and give up what ever I was so that I could bring something back that was genuine because the problem I sensed was beyond any meaningful influence by me. When I was ready I looked inside at the core of myself within the sphere focusing on a red orange dot and saw a line extended from the sphere to the highest point in the heavens. I traveled towards the SW feeling like my consciousness was way beyond what it had been as if it where transcending one form of consciousness into another that I had never experienced yet I seemed to recall being in that state before. I then began traveling west into the center of the Galaxy sensing the consciousness of every living thing on every star as if it were being amplified into me and through me like a conduit while sensing a great motherly presence within a black void at the center. I swore to forever work in service to those from which I sprung because I realized the unity of all life and I was indebted. I then turned and entered the black void and it was as if I were split with two parts of myself one having an individual identity through experience and the other like I was connected with everything with an infinitude of potential from which I was just beginning. I then remember a new child like consciousness which seemed to be composed of light and light being all around me. This was a different kind of consciousness with much more potential. I later remember other things that I won’t get into because even though it is everything to me it would not amount to a hill of beans to others whom would naturally think I am crazy. I will just say that there was no identity of gender simply pure consciousness and communication was life to life with light as a medium that evil was not even a factor in this realm which was always light and had 4 gates.
Anyway, I remember beings that I met which were extremely old. One of which was far beyond my comprehension that could move into dimensional realms which I could not. This being showed me things within a mirror that had a universe of knowledge inside of it which I won’t get into either. I asked this being afterwards if I could remember this in my next life. He said that I could grow much further if I chose to be reborn and that he had once made the same decision long ago. The being wanted to show me something after we exited the sphere and we traveled towards the south east and all of a sudden I was no longer myself but this extremely old being facing east all alone but content. Anyway, again this is probably boring reading for others so I will go on. To jump way ahead I remember leaving that universe and noticing a barrier with light that was almost stationary as little intelligent particles I am not sure how to describe this. I remember traveling towards a point of light and upon entering the solar system drawing lines between the planets. I remember approaching the earth and noticing a space capsule orbiting and looking inside at a man who appeared to look at me as if he saw me. This must have been Friendship 7 February 20th 1962. As the craft went on the light side of the planet I looked at the flickering lights on the earth thinking that these people were all my parents and we were going to make a better world. I then proceeded to travel the opposite direction the craft went me going to the left and approaching what looked like the United States Arizona. Went inside of a dark room and inside a boxing ring or something seeing my father and his brother as little kids around 5 or so my grandfather was a boxer so I am told. I went inside of a blue light and lost my identity which I thought I would be able to keep. I felt betrayed yet I realized that I was aware that I forgot something. I then began to have dreams that was really just one theme white a black horses in a dark mountainous terrain with a red setting sun in the west. The white horses had wings and the black ones didn’t. I was working with the black ones but secretly reporting to the white one and in the dream I was in terrible danger. Upon one meeting with a white horse flew me to the sun where I met three other beings dressed in robs of gold and white. They instructed me that I was in danger here. Anyway, I later remember being born and the strange sensation that it was of being in an open space and the cold temperature as well as seeing the hospital lights this was October 6th 1962.
I remember as an infant trying to communicate with other telepathically only to discover that things didn’t work that way here. I also realized there were people looking for me but I was in a place they would not look and if they did find me my families religion wouldn’t allow me going with them and knew they found another. I then remember the JFK assassination at the tender age of 13 months old and knew that I was the odd one to remember and that others didn’t. I decided to forget and didn’t come back till at the age of 16, 4 years after our family had a close encounter of the second kind which I had a strange dream related to that 1 week before.
Anyway, to cut to the chase since the reemergence of this suppressed memory it seemed as if it were so strong within me that when I remembered it was as if I were there. This remained very strong into my mid 30s. I have had astral projections when I was meditating 3 or 4 hours per day where could see things that were really happening and hear conversations even though I was in the bed in another house.
A woman found me by a dream she had which I won’t get into who happened to live very close to where the Dalai Lamas brother started the Tibetan Cultural Center I didn’t realize the similarities until 2005 10 years after she found me. Anyway, I made contact with Arjia Rinpoche on Losar February 12, 2008 (not realizing that my good friend Dr. Christopher Hyatt passed away that very day. He had warned me not to get involved with those people.) and foolishly gave a name of who I thought I was in my last life “Tenzin Khenrab Gelek Palsangpo” 11th Gyalwang Drukpa who died in 1960 fleeing into India. Arjia rinpoche showed up the next day at a teaching and used everything in my letter seeming very nervous and then left for who knows where for 3 months. Other people told me he went to India but I am not sure. Upon his return he had a complete change in character towards me in a negative sense. I realized that politics would play a role and that is why I said I wasn’t interested in being anything I only wanted answers after all these years. I didn’t even get that I mean maybe I wasn’t this person and that is not the point. My point is that there is something very deep within the universe and the core of ourselves and a unity that far surpasses our own ideas and what we think reality to be. We live in a world with the perception of separation but upon awakening it will all be worth it but that is also just the beginning. I only want others to feel that for themselves.

Title: Re: Tibetan Buddhist Pre-Birth memory
Post by betson on Nov 24th, 2008 at 1:31pm
Thank you very much for sharing that vision here, dewachen.
Apparently you have left us speechless !

It's an honor to have heard your 'dream.' This site is very much in tune with much/most/all of the cosmological view you must have, even though there are different ways of speaking of these principles and the different words emphasise different aspects.

For example, in your closing comment you say:
"My point is
that there is something very deep within the universe and
the core of ourselves and a unity that far surpasses our own
ideas and what we think reality to be. We live in a world with
the perception of separation but upon awakening it will all be
worth it but that is also just the beginning. I only want others
to feel that for themselves."

Would you speak about this further? Perhaps a metaphor would help me 'see' it better. At first I thought it related to a someone else's previous metaphor that we are the nerves of a great being that is somehow a part of Earth; as these nerves, we feel and see for the great being while it is busy Being. --Does that relate at all to your conception of our unity?

I have many questions about your current situation but do not want to put you in any danger. Wouldn't a person of your lineage be a political threat to some?
If you will share more of your knowledge, you might want to leave the reference to Tibet out of the title, as these titles are picked up on Google and maybe other web search engines, which can be searched by anyone who may have political reasons for doing so.

Again, thank you for telling us your stuation.  Is there something we can do to help?


Title: Re: Tibetan Buddhist Pre-Birth memory
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Nov 24th, 2008 at 2:58pm
 Just wanted to say that i found your post very interesting, and nice to meet you.  Welcome to the site.  I offer one practical word of advice though, if you broke your long post up into paragraphs with "enter" spaces, it would be a lot easier for people to read.  

 And i very much agree with you, in many respects it doesn't matter one whit, who we have, or haven't been in other lives, but the Unity at the core is what most matters.

 It took me a long time to more fully put my own priorities in order.  Yet, other life info can be very helpful because it helps you to more fully and consciously realize both your innate gifts/strengths and the limiting patterns/tendencies one brings in.  

No one can work on a limiting tendency and pattern, without first being conscious of it to begin with, and that's the main value in other life exploration and knowledge, but even then its not always necessary to become aware of same to figure out those patterns to begin with.   Different strokes for different folks.  

 And when it comes to such info, i trust my own dreams more than any other source out there whether from other sensitives, naysayers or wannabe spiritual guru types, direct/waking guidance during meditation, past life regression, etc.   I have had too many dreams regarding this subject to doubt it anymore, but i have also lost most of the attachment to the idea anyways.

Dreams are the most reliable source of info on average for anyone, until a person starts to get really intune and more direct or waking guidance can be more trusted.  Course, dreams aren't always easy to interpret either when they tend to be symbolic in nature.  

Title: Re: Tibetan Buddhist Pre-Birth memory
Post by recoverer on Nov 24th, 2008 at 7:24pm
Hello Dewachen, and thank you for sharing.

Regarding what you wrote at the very end,  I basically believe that all souls learn the lessons they need to learn in the same now. Regardless of what century souls live in, we all reach what we're attempting to achieve in the same now, and we'll have the rest of eternity to make use of what we learned.

I had an experience that might've been this end. This realm felt wonderful and the problems of this World were gone. I understood what I experienced to be the true reality, not this World. Of course life in this World can hurt as it takes place. As you say, it'll be worth it. :)

Title: Re: Tibetan Buddhist Pre-Birth memory
Post by spooky2 on Nov 24th, 2008 at 9:09pm
Thanks for telling Dewachen. It seems the greater, and the more vivid this type of memory is, the more aware we are about the greater reality, but as well the more questions can occur for us, while we're still living a life in the physical. I guess this limitation here in the physical for some reason is necessary. It would be great though if we knew a bit more about our "role" here, if there is something special for us to accomplish. But maybe to find out for ourself is part of our task (if there is a task).

So I wish you the right amount of intuition to figure out what this all means for your life, and why you have these extensive memories (while others don't).


Title: Re: Tibetan Buddhist Pre-Birth memory
Post by dewachen on Nov 27th, 2008 at 2:48am
Thank you for your kind words

Well in the memory I felt totally liberated as if I had been born into something which far surpassed anything I had ever known in this world or what we are taught in our religions. In that other universe I felt as if there were an infinite potentiality within a nexus of light as the medium that permeated many different dimensions of consciousness. Before I met this other being that seemed infinite in age, wisdom and compassion in comparison to my own limited understanding, I looked within this sphere of light which at first was like a mirror where I could look at all the trials I had gone through in other lives which were nothing in comparison to this total sense of belonging and unity. I also wanted to be like this other being for when we communicated it was as if my life shared information directly from the other being which radiated from the light rays. There were also dimensions within the consciousness itself and that combined with the unity gave one a perception of an infinity of possibilities and happiness beyond ones wildest comprehension. I also think that this other primordial universe also permeates our own universe and brought it into fruition.

I do not know much about the science of quantum mechanics but I guess a good analogy of unity would be how a boson such as a light particle acts like a messenger particle within fermions which in turn also helps the strong force in binding atomic nuclei together forming reality as we experience as well as, quantum entanglement and teleportation of information across vast portions of space-time simultaneously. If there is reincarnation and how that process would work is also mind blowing to comprehend as to the depth and

variables within the mechanical framework of the universe.

I was born in to a very Mormon family my great great grandmother being Brigham Young’s sister and they always put me down regarding my own experiences because it was not in line with the church. As a result I was never very religious but always wondered what the origin of my memory was. I also remember that I was supposed to tell it and never really knew where to begin since it was so far different from anything I had ever read or heard of.

I thought at first after I began to put the pieces together that I was going to write a fiction novel about it because it was too far out there to be taken seriously. Then I thought I would write non-fiction but then come to the conclusion that I do not really posses much of an in depth knowledge of the subject and it would require much study of history as well as some deeper insights into science and physics to be able to grasp or use metaphors more effectively and expand my own understanding. I am starting to think that writing about my pre-birth memory alone wouldn’t be sufficient and I am not even sure it would be of much use anyway. What do you think should I or should I not?

I am not even sure if I was that person or not. When I first made the connection just before my birthday in 2005 I started searching for who I may have been and couldn’t find anything until one day by accident just before I moved to Bloomington from Arizona in August of 2007. Something about what this person was reported to say before passing struck me at the core and flashed a new memory. “I will definitely take rebirth in India” yet being unsure if that would be the case. It was just a glimpse of something which seemed as if it were already a part of my memory. I do not remember anything at all about living in the flesh just that one little glimpse and that which came after but not before. And that I had to make a change of plan instead of coming back the way I it was planed.

I think the danger that I was warned about was my own growth processes and changing my heart through anger of rejection of my family and peers that I could not really identify with anyone. Perhaps I was born into a Mormon family so different from my own experiences to learn humility since there was such a difference in classes in that portion of the world and the history is not as rosy as most of us westerners think. I still have much to learn.

Title: Re: Tibetan Buddhist Pre-Birth memory
Post by betson on Nov 27th, 2008 at 9:48am
Dewachen said:  I thought at first after I began to put
the pieces together that I was going to write a fiction
novel about it because it was too far out there to be
taken seriously. Then I thought I would write non-
fiction but then come to the conclusion that I do not
really posses much of an in depth knowledge of the
subject and it would require much study of history
as well as some deeper insights into science and
physics to be able to grasp or use metaphors more
effectively and expand my own understanding.

Oh man, you share that quandry with many others !  :)
At the Theosophical Society's reading room in Wheaton, IL
there are  memoirs, diaries, self-published books, as well as publically published works, all inspired by the visions and dreams of those who have seen through the veil/darkness to the Other Side. No one seems very sure of how to bring their experiences out to share.

I don't know of any format that will ensure that your words will convince anyone (although I personally respond well to collections of letters where the writer's words are discussed and questionned by a friendly correspondent.)  Bruce's series, where we can follow his development from skeptic to adept, also carries the reader well.

What happens at a place like this site, is that we can relate to glimpses of what you're sharing due to our own experiences. That carries us into the further reaches (further for me, anyway) of your unique encounters. But if you are asking what to do to go public with your story, I don't know.

You gave a fine description of your encounter with the Light!

Bruce Rubin is a successful screen writer who imparts much actual spiritual truth into his films. He can be contacted through his site on yoga and Theravadian Buddhism. He might be a good one to question.  If google can't find that site, PM me and I'll try to track it down again.


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