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Message started by JustineS on Nov 16th, 2008 at 2:55am

Title: sex
Post by JustineS on Nov 16th, 2008 at 2:55am
Does anyone know, what is the highest realm in which you can have sex :)

Title: Re: sex
Post by blink on Nov 16th, 2008 at 9:21am
:) Good question.


Title: Re: sex
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 16th, 2008 at 10:53am
Well, since sex by definition requires some type of body, I'd say the highest realm you can have sex is the highest realm in which you are still able to manifest the illusion of having a body form.

Title: Re: sex
Post by Clarity on Nov 16th, 2008 at 11:27am
Interesting topic, can anyone reply from experience over speculation?

Title: Re: sex
Post by blink on Nov 16th, 2008 at 11:49am
First of all, how do you define such a thing?

For some people, the most wonderful sensation possible for them would be to simply hold someone's hand, or to be hugged....

For others, I certainly would not be able to say.


Title: Re: sex
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 16th, 2008 at 12:47pm

Sex can easily be defined.  Just look in the dictionary.  It is technically the penetration of the female genitalia with the male genitalia, but there are variations.  In any case, a body is required... even just to hold another's hand, or to hug.  It is only common sense to say that in realms where a body form doesn't exist, these body-dependent actions do not either.  Of course, the nonphysical equivalent would most likely be the unison of two beings, both merging into one in an explosion of love and ecstasy.  

Title: Re: sex
Post by juditha on Nov 16th, 2008 at 4:05pm
Hi Sex is overated,i would rather have a curry and rice,but if it was Frank Sinatra then i would skip the curry,i have heard though that in the spirit world ,you can have what they call a union of two souls,its like sex on the earth but different in the spiritworld.

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: sex
Post by george stone on Nov 16th, 2008 at 5:52pm
Yes and I also read that it last much longer than here on earth. 30 min earth time.

Title: Re: sex
Post by Cricket on Nov 16th, 2008 at 6:11pm
you can have what they call a union of two souls,its like sex on the earth but different in the spiritworld.

If you do it right, you can have that here, too.

Title: Re: sex
Post by spooky2 on Nov 16th, 2008 at 10:54pm
Well, OOBDudes answer is quite logical. In meditations I found myself in places which felt rather "high", lucid, vibrant, and had sex there. It's handled like an art there.
But I too was somewhere where I hadn't a body like what is usually understood as body, it was like to be an energy field which easily could be expanded or contracted and could take on all kinds of shapes, it was still "stable", but not solid. I then played a game with another "person" with such a "body", and there were obvious parallels to bodily sex, though there was always a sharing of thoughts, emotions, images; so "body-only" sex wasn't possible in that state (but it isn't really possible in the physical either is it?).


Title: Re: sex
Post by Vicky on Nov 16th, 2008 at 11:56pm
Sounds like we have different opinions on what is sex and what is sexuality.  Sounds like some are defining it as physical and some as spiritual.  For me, it always begins with the mind.  For instance, you can imagine a great sexual experience and even reach orgasm without having physical sex.  Two minds can do this together as well.  So I guess then another way to ask the question could be, is there a level at which you lose the desire for sex?  

You know what they say, when there's a will there's a way.

Title: Re: sex
Post by DocM on Nov 17th, 2008 at 10:32am
I agree with Vicky.  I think OOB dude is correct if we are taking a strict definition.  But everything we experience here is a manifestation of thought in the physical plane, including sex.  So, if one is on a different plane of thought, and one has an attraction to another spirit, one could follow one's desires - it depends if your minds take you there.  Will it be the same as sex on the physical plane?  Of course not, but the underlying  basic state of mind/feeling/need can be fulfilled.  I have heard talk of sex on various heavenly planes.  It has been described as an intimate joining, different but still powerful.  

Its all your state of mind....


Title: Re: sex
Post by recoverer on Nov 17th, 2008 at 1:35pm
Lust is one kind of energy, love is a completely different kind of energy. You can't live completely according to love if you also want to live according to lust. Lust is a part of our selve survival instinct. It is self serving.

Because people mistake themselves for bodies, they try to get close to each other through sexual activity. You can only merge completely with another at the spirit level. Body based activity has nothing to do with merging with another, even though people sometimes set up such parameters in their minds. The place where we feel love, our awareness, is the very same place that we merge with each other.

If we want to find where true happiness, peace and love come from, we have to be willing to let go of some of our attachments. If we believe we can obtain what we really want by clinging, we are only fooling ourselves. A big part of spiritual growth is being willing to let go so we can find out about greater ways of being.

Either we can love one person/soul sort of a lot, or we can love all people/souls completely.

The spirit beings I've made contact with don't have physical bodies, and therefore, they don't have sexual organs.

Title: Re: sex
Post by spooky2 on Nov 17th, 2008 at 8:42pm
When I read Recoverer's post I think it's actually important to make clear what one means with the term "sex". Recoverer took it in the narrow, physical-lust-drive-ego sense, while Vicky and me talked about a broader meaning of it. My example with those energy-field-bodies I could describe as a gentle, close, playful exploration of the other with still a kind of bodily component. I won't go that far that this and love cannot coexist, as Bruce tells it of love and fear.


Title: Re: sex
Post by Mark on Nov 20th, 2008 at 12:24pm
I'm getting into conversation a little late but I would like to get back to the original question. I have, both in dream and oob, had sex and it was exactly that. I could feel and taste another human body and it was as real as anything I have done in my waking life. As to the highest level? I do not know. Do we lose interest in such things on the other side? I do not know - but I have indeed experienced sex in "Otherwhere" as Kurt Leland coins it, and it is a fascinating experience.

Title: Re: sex
Post by tgecks on Nov 21st, 2008 at 9:21pm
Bob Monroe wrote about The Pile of bodies having sex over there, and not unusually the rising kundalini of the meditative state can cause rising of the ...urge while out there. I say, "Not now, but later." And it passes and allow for more challenging and serious exploration. It is a body-based human vibration thing (as nice as it is), and I think Monroe talked about it in "Locale One" which is the first layer out, and not in what he referred to as any focus level, which were all in "Locale Two." People found this terminology confusing and it has since been dropped from the Monroe program (Guidelines) in which it was taught, before Laurie passed away even.

Enjoy those pleasure of the physical body now. It does not occur on Focus 27, not in a physical sense (I guess that is a bit of an oxymoron....). I mean, not in a energetic reinactment of the physical act here in C-1 consciousness. And that is as it should be, no? Just MHO.


Title: Re: sex
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 22nd, 2008 at 2:54pm
I like the way y'all are talking about sex!  :) we may reach some conclusions.
We come here to experience life in a body. We are inundated by the media, television, movies, etc that sex makes the world go around and if you are not having it twice a week, something is wrong.

so we have all sorts of expectations around it, as well as guilt trips from religious sources. I would say only we evolve ourselves by accepting sex can be here or there a celebration of one another. A celebration of Love.

If it's done for any other intention, such as to achieve bodily orgasm only, or personal gratification where love is not involved for the other, then I would say that is not the ultimate union of spiritualized sex, but an experiment in sexual union of two bodies trying to meet at the climax point. there are books out for that if you want to be an expert in orgasm reaching. We came here for sensation, don't guilt  trip yourself  while in a body, moderation in all things is good to bear in mind, while traversing through a world of sex, money, personal acclaim basically.

In that sense, as Vicki implies, you are making love all the live long day and making love with your partner is just an extension of your mind to them. here or there.

Holding hands is the best! Holding hands in the spirit realm  was like jumping to the afterglow without using the physical body, or any of it's parts. I remember a particular incident. I had thought of this one person for many years. started having obes concerned with him. Most of them were not sexually related. Somewhere along the line I lost interest in having sex. I look for companionship these days, of others into my field of interests.
I don't feel I'm missing anything. I feel like a man/woman inside, polarized that way. the most prominent emotion I have is a gratitude to every soul I meet.
back to the hand holding incident was a special treat!

I had decided to stop thinking about this person and it was time to make new decisions. When it's time to make new decisions, about where your life is going for instance, is that time where extraordinary obes or experiences can occur.
That same night the hand holding happened. I was in the obe lounging on my bed, propped up against the pillows. I was dressed. Suddenly he was there, not a word was spoken. we have never met in person, but I know his face. He was there in his body, yet a younger version of himself. He sat there just emanating adoration at me.

Every woman should feel this. It was semi dark, I needed to find his hand. I groped and pounded the bed in the darkness reaching for his hand. I was anxious to find his hand. looking down at the bed, he was perched on the edge of it, he saw my hand and clasped it tightly.
As this occurred a surge of love raced up my arm and into every part of my body. our two hands fused into one hand. I could not define seemed like our two hands were just two arms and now one arm. I knew I was receiving a charge up in a sense, due to my decision to find a new direction in life and leave this one out of my thoughts.

The charge up of love, continued for a long time. infusion of love. just gazing at each other. The same as the afterglow of sex here, only quite more intensified within spirit, and carries over the next days and weeks to produce euphoria within C1.

I had to ask him a question. I wanted to know if I was only dreaming. I had not crossed the bridge yet, where obes become so real that there is no doubts anymore. I scooted up to him closer but somehow I must have been expressing my enthusiasm, in this realization that this was really happening. My enthusiasm made myself levitate off the bed a bit, in a hopping motion (lol) I floated back down to eye level with him and his mouth flew open in wonder and surprise. I wondered why. maybe I had sprayed some colors on the atmosphere?
Maybe he thought he was looking at an angel? We were still holding hands fused as one. no, it was just alysia overdoing it again.

as I gazed 2 inches from his face I asked "do you astral travel?"

somehow I had thought he didn't astral travel, so how could he be really here? He frowned at me when I asked that question, and I thought I had displeased him. He turned his face away for a moment to talk with his guides. His guides explained to him about astral travel, I assume, as I could not discern the conversation he was having with them. We continued holding hands throughout.

I waited patiently for his answer. I could see him nodding his head in affirmation of agreement with his guides. He started to turn back to me, then they told him something else and he listened quietly, nodded his head again and brought his face close to mine and whispered intently YES!
I assumed much later that his guides informed him that I studied astral travel and often asked myself if this was real or merely something I had created all by myself, and this was the way I ascertained my personal reality.
then it was I lay back to my pillows relieved that this was real and completely happy and still getting charged up and still holding hands as if the hands were one thing.
the feel of the hand holding, I might mention was very solid and real.
Towards the end of the obe, I began chattering happily to him about my new car, just making small talk. later, he lay on my bed just watching me, still with love on his face, my daughter came into the room and did not see him. I said he's here, touch him. She touched him and drew her hand back in surprise, only I could see him, but she knew he was there as she felt him.
I got up to make my move to another town and he followed me within a symbolic visual language as the obe was now supplying symbology to me of the future unraveling.

He had the funniest look on his face. I have to put this pic up to show you guys the feelings that were there; the expression of feeling on his face was the little guy on the right. I'm the one with the curled toes.

Title: Re: sex
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Nov 24th, 2008 at 1:13pm
 The urge to merge is essentially spiritual in essence...problem is not that basic urge, it's the narrowing and physicalizing of that urge.  

 Sex in the physical can be a beautiful and spiritual experience, but it is SO rare or so my friends who know better than i tell me.  

Most sex which happens in this world, is a curious admixture of the spiritual urge to merge with that of the animal nature of the physical body, with patterns of fear, insecurity, over attachment to one other person and/or body, and the narrowing of Love universal, and all mixed together in one dissipating bag.  

 Most sex tends to slow down, weaken, and imbalance the vibrations of those involved (thus limiting the range and breadth of consciousness).  Interestingly, those who are highly sexed and who rarely, if ever, channel that powerful energy into more creative and less limiting channels, tend to have A LOT of red, and/or red orange colors in their aura.  

This is significant from many points of view and levels of understanding.   Red being one of the slowest vibrating frequencies we perceive, and orange not much faster vibrating.  

 Yet that same intense, willful red energy, when mixed with the blue of spiritual understanding, discipline, and more universal and personality detached care for others, creates or rather manifests as the rather fast vibrating energy of violet and purple, which corresponds to the Pineal gland (and to the Anja Chakra).  

 Fairly spiritual and loving people will invariably have a lot of the latter in their auras, and the more clear, bright, and deep those color emanations, and the more balanced the aura in general, the more spiritual and loving those people will tend to be more of the time.  

 And yet, even this is limiting, for its not the whole, all inclusive and completely balanced White Light--the Source of All, from which colors are refracted and reflected from.  

  IF that powerful, sexual energy gets regularly channeled into more creative and expanded channels, and not dissipated in mixed-distorted merging/sex, then can the Soul more truly, fully and quickly realize it's true essence and reality.  

 The urge, the ideal ever has to be completely Universal and universalized and non physically oriented in nature, for that to be completely and fully realized.  

 Interestingly, i've noticed in the past that when I regularly and consistently meditate deeply everyday, i eventually completely lose my sex drive and have no attachment or interest in same.   But because i don't keep it up, it always comes back eventually.   But during the former period, i feel more alive, more vibrant, more aware, more joyous, i'm more consciously and accurately intuitive/psychic, etc.  

  Interestingly, Edgar Cayces guidance once said that when the Pituitary gland, which his source considered the highest gland spiritually (figuratively speaking) in the body, gets regularly activated and stimulated in the body physical through deep, true, and the highest meditation, it automatically facilitates the experience of a person completely losing the sex drive and is a way to achieve a healthy celibacy.

 Ultimately, his source seemed to believe that eventually humans must realize that physical sex must only be used for conscious pro creation, and that eventually when enough of humanity had evolved spiritually, women would come to know pregnancy without the physical act of copulation and which his source was pretty adamant was actually the case for (and not a man made up myth about) the personality Yeshua Ben Yosef and his not so spiritually humble, but materially humble beginnings.  

Title: Re: sex
Post by recoverer on Nov 24th, 2008 at 1:44pm
I have a lady friend who is quite spiritual, and recently we got very physical with each other without getting sexual. We started out by doing a meditation where we tried to share love with each other as much as possible. Next we got physical, but it was "mostly" about showing affection and sharing love with each other. At one point I made the comment that if we had sex with each other, we'd probably want to eat food immediately afterwards (another physical desire) and she said: "Or have a smoke." Because we didn't have sex we were able to lay with each other for hours experiencing love and peace, rather than the short lived experience of sexual pleasure.

One thing that helps me and my lady friend connect, is that we completely respect each other, and are able to be completely honest with each other without worrying that one is judging the other.  Neither of us feels like we need to push our ideas on each other (This might be hard to believe, considering how I am on this forum at times ;)). What also helps is sharing love without being needy. It is more about giving, while trusting that love is always available even if we didn't know each other.

We wanted to share affection with each other not because we were trying to obtain love, but because we were already feeling love and wanted to express it. We also wanted to become "one" as much as possible.  

I figure spirit beings also find ways to share love with each other. They'll twinkle their light at each other, send a loving thought, or a stream of love. When both spirits send a signal, it is understood that merger can take place. Because humans make use of a body, sometimes they use their bodies to show love and affection towards each other.


Title: Re: sex
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Nov 24th, 2008 at 2:18pm
Nice post Albert, and i agree that the physical can be a tool for expressing a more pure kind of love, which goes far beyond the physical.    

But what i ask myself is, "what is the tendency when involving the physical?"  

Title: Re: sex
Post by recoverer on Nov 24th, 2008 at 2:42pm
Thank you Justin. Regarding your question, I don't know if this answers your question, but when I was with my lady friend, I figure we shared an energy field. I don't believe this sharing can be known intellectually. It is something you feel. We touched each other in various ways in order to let each other know that we are there for each other.  If we became more aware of how we were sharing our awareness and energy together, there probably would've been less of a need for physical expression. The need for physical expression might've gotten in the way a bit.

I must add that my lady friend is more open to feeling other people's energy than I am. She's really empathic. During one of our first get togethers we meditated a bit, and she asked if she could tune into my energy. I said yes, she checked it out, and her description of my energy matched how it was moving within me.

There were a few occasions when our sexual energy became more active, but we were able to stop this by focussing on love and/or stopping an activity that seemed more sexual than other activities.

wrote on Nov 24th, 2008 at 2:18pm:
Nice post Albert, and i agree that the physical can be a tool for expressing a more pure kind of love, which goes far beyond the physical.    

But what i ask myself is, "what is the tendency when involving the physical?"  

Title: Re: sex
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Nov 24th, 2008 at 3:10pm
 The issues with this is that both parties have to be on a pretty similar wavelength and that wavelength has to be a rather expanded and fast vibrating one to begin with, in order for it to be a more creative, expanding, and spiritual type experience.

 As you know, my wife and i have recently decided to practice polygamy.  

 I recently met another woman, under some synchronistic circumstances, and a person with whom i know i have other life associations and karma patterns to heal.   I know this intuitively, i see it in our chart comparison, and we both have a strong attraction to Greece.  

  Part of me, told me to try to keep it more platonic and affectionate in nature, and not to let lust enter in.   Easier said than done, especially when the other person does not have similar ideals or beliefs, is more highly sexed and attached to same, and you're quite open to other peoples energies.  

 I was a bit put off by the neediness i sensed in her, and its effect on me and my own feelings which originally were more affectionate in nature.  I was a bit disappointed in myself, and the next day I heard or thought rather clearly and out of the blue something like, "And this is why you cannot be Christed yet, not until you can completely overcome these tendencies and not let them decide your choices."

Title: Re: sex
Post by recoverer on Nov 24th, 2008 at 4:50pm

There are women at my work that showed interest towards me but I didn't try to establish a relationship with them because I felt as if they would want the kind of sexual relationship people tend to have. My lady friend and I started out as spiritual friends. Early on I found a way to let it be known that I'm not looking for the kind of sexual relationship people usually look for. My lady friend understands why I have chosen such a way. In fact, she told me that she is glad that we didn't rush into sex as people often do.

Perhaps in some cases it is a matter of how a relationship progresses. If two people jump into the sex part before establishing a relationship that is based upon unconditional love, the basis for their relationship might not be that deep. It could be difficult to undo things. Do you figure you received the message you received because sexual contact is something you should avoid completely, or because you rushed into having sex with your lady friend before you had a chance to establish a deeper connection?

There is also the matter of what your lady friend wants to progress to. If your lady friend doesn't want to progres in the same way you want to progress, perhaps there is a missmatch.  If this is the case, perhaps it was a mistake to get involved sexually. You might end up with Becky number 2.

When it comes to my lady friend, it seems quite clear that she wants to progress in the same direction I want to progress.  There are things I can help her with, and there are things she can help me with. Yesterday I thought quite a bit about the sex/love thing. I meditated for a little while in order to receive verification for some of my conclusions. My guidance showed me an image of my lady friend sitting in the same chair I was sitting in, with her arms wrapped across her chest just like my arms were wrapped across my chest. She said: "That's what I've been telling you." I responsed to this message with confusion, was shown another image of my lady friend, she looked at me in a frustrated way, and got up out of her (my) chair and walked away.

Is affection a part of love? What's the best way too express it? Are there occasions when a couple finds the middle ground? On the other hand, we shouldn't consider a partner to be a charity case.

Title: Re: sex
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Nov 24th, 2008 at 5:28pm
Albert, i don't want to go into too much detail here, so i will write you more in full via the p.m. system later on.  For now, Becky and i all in all have a great relationship, and there has been a lot of mutual growth in and from same.  We are still very much together, and all in all we are on a similar wavelength, but for whatever reason, Becky hasn't quite dedicated herself as much as i have to the spiritual path, in other ways she has probably more than i.  Part of it, is just that I've been at this stuff a lot longer than her, and reached a deeper bottom than she did--my life has had a more extreme pattern.  

 We didn't move apart because of problems in the relationship, nor did we decide to practice polygamy because of that either, both were more practical choices.

 As far as the sex question goes in general...well there may be general truths to the whole thing which apply to many or most people, but at the same time there is the individual considerations, and the specific development, karmic patterns, needs, and etc. of that particular person to be taken into account.  

 For some, it would be well to abstain completely from romantic relations, for others it would be well to be more involved in same (though obviously in a balanced manner and with the proper perspective and focus).  For some, the middle ground would be better.  All hopefully with the ideal and practice of love intermingled.

 The general truths and considerations mixed in with the individual considerations and relativity of it all, is what makes this subject rather deep and complex in nature.  

 Re: your specifc questions, etc., i will get back to you via the p.m.

 I do want to quickly say that physical sex between two people, can more quickly and strongly facilitate a bond of Oneness between two people.  Is it completely necessary, nah not at all, but there is some powerful cording that goes on with the act of sex for whatever known and unknown reasons.    

 Sometimes our depth and degree of connection between Becky and i are what causes a problem, cause when there is such a connection and Oneness between two people, it amplifies everything and you feel everything between each other, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the sublime.  

ttyl, going out to eat for now.

Title: Re: sex
Post by recoverer on Nov 24th, 2008 at 5:32pm

Going by your last post, you and Becky still have more of a connection than some of your recent posts (not just on this thread) indicate.

Title: Re: sex
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 25th, 2008 at 6:56pm
what I wonder does it mean to have your arms wrapped across your chest? is that a way of protecting the heart?

what were your feelings about it R? these kind of symbols need to be scrutinized before we get the full benefit of why they are shown.

affection is closely related to love. I think we all are struggling to get to the point where we realize it's no big deal to have sex or not have sex.
I believe if a couple is together, there are reasons for that relationship beyond the expression of sex. I believe in spontaneousness. I don't believe in worrying or inventing problems in the bedroom. if a couple loves each other, they laugh at problems. love shows the way. if they are compatible, issues never arise that they don't deal with openly.
if they have karma, issues may arise around sex, and money, and any number of areas.

in truth, we often don't know what a relationship outcome will be, we don't know what it was for until it's all over, if then.

I think if the relationship ends, it's important to leave them smiling rather than hurt or angry. sometimes you can do this, sometimes you have to go back in your mind and fix the relationship in the past in the present, so you don't create karma with them.

Spirit sends a few past lovers to me, we can fix things in the astral, so there's no karma. It's no more than making sure they have no baggage to carry about you, and that u understand why you thought they were a toad, as I don't think it's anybody's fault when a relationship ends. sure makes a lot of good country tunes though!

I think when you're younger we all feel like having sex and as you get older you become less interested until it no longer crosses your mind, we become interested in higher thought that has not much to do with the body expressions. If it's pure sex, I mean undistorted sex, it's meant to be an exchange of energy.

On a spiritual viewpoint, it is a desire to merge back into God. God is Love. there is no judgment upon the children of God given of God whom desire only God.

Title: Re: sex
Post by recoverer on Nov 25th, 2008 at 9:00pm

Her arms were wrapped in the same way my arms were wrapped. It wasn't a really formal meditation. I just took a moment and closed my eyes so I could receive a visual image. My lady friend had a dream where we were walking in a school hallway together.  I figure this is a symbol for learning together.  When it comes to sharing love, it seems as if each of us has something to teach the other.

The key is, what role does affection play in love? When I was involved with guru based teachings the need for affection was thought of as a needy thing. "You have to be transcendent!"  I've been chipping away at this idea. I figure we all want love. Nothing wrong with that.  Perhaps the key is to find a way where we can have love completely, rather than trying to grow beyond it.

Title: Re: sex
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Nov 26th, 2008 at 1:24pm
 Albert re: affection and love; Becky once had a dream about Yeshua and how he was in his life.   According to her dream, apparently he wasn't the "huggy" type with other people for the most part.  

 There was a little more to the dream, but it was a long time ago, and i don't remember it very well.  

  I figure her dream was trying to tell her that love went far beyond physical affection (of which she can be overly attached to at times, though she is very aware of PUL and what it means), and that one sooo filled with real, deep, and pure love for the real parts of people, didn't have much need to show affection in the more common and typical ways, which are often physically based.  Probably it was a teaching thing too, trying to get people away from the emphasis on the body.  

 But even if all the above is true, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't be open to showing love, through physical affection as long as its balanced with the more important mind/heart balance part of it too.  For what its worth, I actually get the sense that it would be good for you (if only for the temporary) and that you have been too repressed in that area for too long.  

 A well rounded life, and not going to extremes is very well for most.

Title: Re: sex
Post by recoverer on Nov 26th, 2008 at 1:32pm
I hear you Justin.

That said, before I read your post, I had some more thoughts. Nothing new, but worth saying. Different chakras represent diffferent energy levels. The upper chakras represent higher states of being, while the lower chakras tend to represent lower states of being. Sex is a lower chakra energy. I believe that our chakras connect us to different energy levels. If we get too focused on a lower chakra, we get overly connected to that energy level.

There are a lot of people in this World that have sex without love being a factor. The same is true with animals. Male animals fight each other over the right of owning all of the females sexually. Sometimes men do the same, as seen with some religious cults. There might even be some spirits on this level. If you're over focused on sex, this is the energy level you'll connect to. If you want to be focused at higher levels, you'll need to be willing to let go of lower levels. Justifications and rationalizations won't enable your energy to ascend.

When I say "you," I don't mean you specifically. Just a way of speaking.

Title: Re: sex
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Nov 26th, 2008 at 4:03pm

recoverer wrote on Nov 26th, 2008 at 1:32pm:
That said, before I read your post, I had some more thoughts. Nothing new, but worth saying. Different chakras represent diffferent energy levels. The upper chakras represent higher states of being, while the lower chakras tend to represent lower states of being. Sex is a lower chakra energy. I believe that our chakras connect us to different energy levels. If we get too focused on a lower chakra, we get overly connected to that energy level.

There are a lot of people in this World that have sex without love being a factor. The same is true with animals. Male animals fight each other over the right of owning all of the females sexually. Sometimes men do the same, as seen with some religious cults. There might even be some spirits on this level. If you're over focused on sex, this is the energy level you'll connect to. If you want to be focused at higher levels, you'll need to be willing to let go of lower levels. Justifications and rationalizations won't enable your energy to ascend.

 There's the the above to consider, also more.  When i think of and tune into sexual energy, and to the 1st and 2nd Chakras, i get the sense of powerful, concentrated energy.  Kind of like a raging Fire.  

 When one has sex, especially when its lust is a big factor and its more Earthly motivated, that powerful energy dissipates at those levels, which besides that, like you said, tends to keep more of our consciousness and focus in those levels, closer to the animal vibrations.  

  But, that energy conserved, and channeled into the faster vibrating and more expanded Chakras, can be and is a very powerful catalyst to activate those Centers, both in the body (such as the Pineal, and Pituitary for example) and otherwise.  

 It is possible to have sex and even full release, and the latter still take place, but it's not easy to do because lust has to be kept at a minimum.  And since lust is usually a factor to some degree or another for copulation, then it can be hard to keep it mostly out of the picture.  I have had that experience before, and it is amazing, but it's only been a few times in 7 years of living with my Twin Soul.

  Essentially, sure you could achieve full Chakra activation and balance with, or without an active sex life, BUT the latter seems to speed up the process when that energy is channeled creatively (and not repressed as in some Priests, etc. nor dissipated in sex) .  

 As mentioned earlier, i've noticed that when i meditate deeply and consistently for long periods at a time, i just lose the sex drive and sexual urges, and i believe this is the case because that powerful sexual energy of 1st/2nd Chakras is getting channeled into those more expanded Centers then.  As mentioned, during these periods i feel more alive, vibrant, joyous, clear, intuitive, etc.

I believe my guidance has been trying to tell me, to try to go that route more and more, and the more and more i do that, the more and more i will awaken.  

Title: Re: sex
Post by recoverer on Nov 26th, 2008 at 5:21pm
Regarding powerful raging fire, kundalini can be like a powerful raging fire.  I figure its the creative aspect of being. When kundalini is awake, the creative aspect of being is more alive than usual. It can be problematic if you don't take control with love and light as the goal.

I wondered about raising the energy through the activity of sex this morning, and I received the message: "Not in these times." Perhaps this energy is too heavy these days. The World places too much emphasis on the lust aspect when using this energy.  They also use this creative energy in other negative ways. Perhaps in a higher vibrating era this energy will be more pure.

Title: Re: sex
Post by LaffingRain on Nov 27th, 2008 at 6:58am
I'm sure the man J had a sense of humor, which requires having an affinity for his brethren. which means, affection gets delivered with a sense of humor.
humor dispells negativity; transmutes it, releases, frees. affection can be accepted readily, while the light of love can not be accepted so readily. J worked with wherever a person was on their path intuitively.

so I'm putting the two concepts together. love=affection, humor is a tool, a conveyance of love.

I still don't understand who or what this guru was/is that you encountered R. did he say transcendence was going into the nothingness, whereby if you had a weak moment and experience a feeling of love or affection, then it meant you weren't enlightened?

criminy. I'm starting to shiver. or is it just your interpretation, as you mentioned there was love going on (commune?) within the community despite the false teachings.

perhaps this guru was talking about non-attachment to this world and what it appears to offer, insofar as sexual pleasures, or how we get attached to the security of money..etc..there's a lot of distractions which do not lead to an enlightened state of being here.

was he preaching non-attachment and you took that to mean not expressing affection towards anything or anyone?

I don't think transcendence of ego should be that difficult to understand.
heres the way I understand it:

ego that needs transcending can be reduced to certain generally accepted thought forms we hold as collective mind:

such as: 1) do unto others before they do unto you
2) ka ka happens
3) it's a dog eat dog world
4) men aren't allowed to cry, they must appear strong

you get the picture I'm sure, these separated thoughts can build on themselves into a belief system of negativity, then get shoved into the subconscious after many years.

as an example, each such thought has to be transcended into the truth. yes it might be a dog eat dog world, but only if you run with dogs, to the dog, it seems perfectly fine is natural. by transcending each belief system of negative bearing, you would be transcending a fear based, instinctual egoic nature, so to say, you would attain nonattachment status to your own ego's demands, say for retaliatory measure upon a brother.

this is a deep subject. I doubt we can present a comprehensive viewpoint here.

It is natural to feel all of our feelings, good, bad or indifferent. babies fail to thrive when love is withheld. animals when caged up from birth are the same way. they simply don't respond to love if they've never been shown love. an injured animal will even bite the hand that feeds it. In many ways we start out as animals and transcend the nature of the beast.

Monroe calls it a predatory world. I think we're trying to get beyond it, but we still see this in the business world, or in politics, a kind of predatory attitude.

Why I wonder we don't understand what PUL is? Bruce I think coined the term. U stands for unconditional. I think I like to say Undistorted by the thought of receiving gain for an item offered freely.

I'm digressing to personal experience to explain. a performer is receiving "juice" from an audience. Would you say that performer is needy?  needing approval, if you see it that way, then they are needy and that performer would have much inner work to do on themselves, which thankfully, this world provides ample opportunity for self work.

This juice is Love, or call it appreciation factor. same thing. Love is always a positive force that makes more of itself. Keeping a strong front with no affection, love of self expression included, would not enable a performer to make contact with the spark of the god self which dwells within each. The audience knows. they know how it makes them feel, whether what they are getting is authentic and true, or if they are witnessing a performer who is working at it.

the point is, when we're dead, or when someone dies here, we suddenly realize what was important, what remains was the goodness, the love that made a memory imprint in/on the soul.
Love is remembered, too exquisite to be forgotten.

all else is a fabrication, or an advertisement for love. or even a flat out denial love exists. (Hitler for example, most likely did not believe the spark of God/love existed in the Jews, so we would say he was denying the authenticity of love within a certain segment of people)

denial is the opposite of allowing. and there you have an explanation, somewhat of a duality world, and the way to transcend egocentricities which produce yet more denial systems.

yawn. i must go to sleep now. talking my fool head off.
I like to read your posts more and more these days R, you are surely getting your act together.  happy holidays everyone. :-*

Title: Re: sex
Post by recoverer on Dec 1st, 2008 at 3:55pm

Thank you for the comments. You said a lot, so it is hard to respond to everything you wrote. I figure Jesus does have a sense of humor. I've found that my guidance can be humerous at times. Regarding what they are telling me on this matter it is hard to say for certain, because they often leave it up to me to figure it out. Often they offer perspectives. I've found that they are really good at presenting messages that can be interpreted one way or the other. Occasionally they'll tell me the opposite of what's true, in order to show me that I know better, I'm just not considering the matter thoroughly enough.

I got together with my lady friend again this weekend. I had pain between my shoulder blades. When I meditated I could tell it was due to an energetic block (an extension of my heart chakra). I couldn't tell what specifically caused the block.  My intuition told me to wait until I got together with my lady friend before I tried to figure it out. I got together with my lady friend, we became very affectionate, I felt a lot of love and peace, and the block went away.

After sharing affection for a while we went out to dinner, and even though the restaurant was noisy, crowded and clamorous, I abided in a deep feeling of peace, well being and love. I had the same kind of feelings as when I meditate. I believe this shows that the love I shared with my lady friend isn't different than spiritual love. I must add that our sharing had very little to do with lust.

I'm not one hundred percent certain, but I believe that I had the heart chakra block because I still have the idea that in order to reach a high state of consciousnes you have to be beyond sharing love with another person in the way that couples do so.  I doubt that spirits ever lose the need for love.  It is more of a matter of finding a manner of existence where love is certain.

Title: Re: sex
Post by LaffingRain on Dec 1st, 2008 at 10:51pm
Hi R, your lady heals with love. Otherwise you'd still have that pain.
Here is what she is to me, what she built her life philosophy on concerning love. I don't think I'm wrong about her.
I aint lookin to compete with you,
Beat or cheat or mistreat you,
Simplify you, classify you,
Deny, defy or crucify you.
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

No, and I aint lookin to fight with you,
Frighten you or tighten you,
Drag you down or drain you down,
Chain you down or bring you down.
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

I aint lookin to block you up
Shock or knock or lock you up,
Analyze you, categorize you,
Finalize you or advertise you.
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

I dont want to straight-face you,
Race or chase you, track or trace you,
Or disgrace you or displace you,
Or define you or confine you.
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

I dont want to meet your kin,
Make you spin or do you in,
Or select you or dissect you,
Or inspect you or reject you.
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

I dont want to fake you out,
Take or shake or forsake you out,
I aint lookin for you to feel like me,
See like me or be like me.
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

This song is like a roadmap. It promises nothing, it states the negative, not the positive creative abilities of love to heal. Inherent within all is the ability to love completely, without judgment. Here, the author guides his listeners into what love is not. Then they can make their own map from his as each relationship is unique with it's own karma, or problems and the challenge remains with the couples to figure out.

High states of consciousness do not mean you have to be a monk. It may mean two heads are better than one when going for enlightenment. It could also be seen that he who travels fastest travels alone. being with another person can mean taking on their problems as well as your own. As well affection, unconditional love does not necessarily lead to "what couples do."

In a more enlightened society giving affection and unconditional love to another, no matter what gender or sex is a statement of their soul's intentions, and essence; the issue of finding "the one", the one person, is not a goal nor question. The enlightened being no longer sees man or woman, they see the soul which truly is both genders when in their natural state, they are to become balanced.

In our present society divorce is the standard and acceptable procedure which points to the fact we don't know truly why we come together with another of the opposite gender. Therefore I have a plan for myself only. Each must create their own philosophy and it takes a whole lifetime and then some, to create your own paradigm which works.
I say, alone or in a couple, the best you can hope for to create, is a companionship, whereby each allows the other to be fully as possible who and what they are, as we are always becoming more of who we are, things change, you can change with your partner, just as easily as you can change by yourself. If that intention is set.

This is why I put this song up here, my motto, whomever I meet in life, children or adults, all my brothers and sisters, in high or low places, all I really want to do, is be friends with you and you and you..

It's interesting that R says his guides show him a negative where it's later revealed to be a positive.
I find this kind of guidance is the same as the song above, which illustrates a bunch of negatives, and causes the human mind to focus then into the what my mind did, when I studied this song, when I learned from it.

Title: Re: sex
Post by recoverer on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 2:15pm
Thank you for the continued input Alysia. :)

It's been really interesting interacting with my lady friend, because the last time I interacted with a lady friend, I wasn't open to receiving spiritual info.

There have been occasions where either I was meditating or laying in bed awake, and suddenly I would see my lady friend's image and feel her cuddle up against me. I have also felt her presence while my eyes were open. I received a message which states that this happens when she thinks of me.  If spirits can connect with each other simply by thinking of each other, why can't people do the same? It is a matter of receptiveness.

One night while meditating I wondered what my lady friend's soul looks like.  Immediately I experienced an expansive being who was very strong and complete, and saw her soul's light energy. .

Title: Re: sex
Post by LaffingRain on Dec 4th, 2008 at 5:58pm
R says: If spirits can connect with each other simply by thinking of each other, why can't people do the same? It is a matter of receptiveness.
receptiveness and personal development and focus I think. I think it can be likened to the way people do this, they consider it intuition working, but cannot explain it with our language.

sorta like strings resonating to another string, although that string was not plucked, it vibrates to the 3rd octave string...a harmony note. or if you're in a democracy you'll hear a a call for agreement on a measure. the majority rule thing.

above you speak of people and spirits as if they are separate items.
everyone has a spirit inside of a people. so the question you present could be reworded so it can be answered.
In your case you are majorly tuned into your lady friend. you have a signal on her, she on you. it's like an implant in a way. I've had this happen on occassion, that when I meet with someone I've known perhaps in another life, this occurs in obe. this signal device gets implanted, although this is just a symbolic image to illustrate the heart connection. from there on out, my experience is to get an email from them, the answer that I was looking for is in their email and suddenly we are reading each other's minds and knowing stuff about them we simply can't fabricate.

You must have opened yourself up R, or you wouldn't be able to have this experience. good for you.

I do this. I send my boyfriend affection this way. I just picture myself cuddling up and kissing him on the cheek. giving him some happiness that's pure and unconditional. he's a wonderful guy. he too has been reporting he's receiving the affection. it's just fun.
he's always amazed I can do this, but not as amazed as I am that I have this projection ability; I'm still getting used to this ability.
I'm starting to notice how a happy song effects a roomful of people.

also did you know, you all, this is the way absentee healing is done?
It's something we all will learn to do in the future, which is now.

to send healing. also we will all begin to read each other's minds until no one will be able to tell a lie as we can tell right away.

maybe you grew yourself some antannae Rec? (joke)
thank you for the gift of yourself here. perhaps we are generating consciousness here of a new type of human about to descend on the planet.

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