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Message started by Bob McKelvy on Nov 1st, 2008 at 10:29pm

Post by Bob McKelvy on Nov 1st, 2008 at 10:29pm
[b]Almost posted this in the dream section because it started out as a dream and turned into another reality. Most of the time our dreams are not dreams as we thought they were. Instead, they are another reality we are parked in.

I have had the same recurring dream for the last six years. In this dream, I am always on another one to two year assignment in Saipan, or the Philippines, and on two occasions, one on the TV series of Survivor working with the crew and even one as a pioneer setting up a new colony on the Moon.

Each time, I have a strong feeling of happiness because of the adventure that lies ahead of me, and sadness because I will be cut off from life in the states because it is the price I have to pay for this adventure. Most of the time, I wake up and feel relieved that this was a dream.

Last night took a strange twist. This time it was to Saipan for a short four-month tour. Was missing my wife wishing she went with me on this trip.
She hated Saipan. Met many of my old friends there and took in the tropical scenery and monsoon rains that I missed so much. The drought is still with us and much worse in South Texas. This particular dream became very vivid and detailed, more vivid and detailed than the reality in this physical.

The loneliness was also much stronger. It was dark in Saipan and started to rain. The reality that this might be a dream came to me. Woke up in the middle of it. It was still there, dark and raining. Another wall or portal opened up. Saw myself lying on my bed in my bedroom, saw the bedside clock, getting around 4:45 AM, almost time for me to wake up and go to work.

About that time, my physical woke up. Clearly saw myself in the other portal in Saipan. Asked the Saipan Bob to try to drink some of the rainwater to make sure it was real and wanted to see if he got wet from the rain. He did. It was delicious! Both of us loved it. He was soaked from the rain. Both of us were watching each other at the same time amazed by the experience that both of us were having. We could clearly see and interact with each other at the same time in our respective universe’s.

Looked at the bedside clock again, its almost 5 AM, and time for Donna to come into my room to make sure I am up. Both of us saw her walk into the room at the same time. Did not want this portal to close. Told the Saipan Bob to save some of that delicious rain for me.

As soon as I got to the lab, went online and checked the Saipan weather for my time. They are 16 hours ahead of us…… Around 4:30 AM my time, it was dark and raining in Saipan. WOW !! My guess, is that because of this ascension business, our universe down here as we perceive it, is starting to merge into the higher worlds. What happened to me, will starting happening to many of us as more portals into the higher worlds start opening up.

Love Bob  :)

Post by Lucy on Nov 1st, 2008 at 11:40pm
Thanks for the post. I don't quite follow how you experienced this, but I was interested to see you post that you think dreams are really other realities. I have the same idea about some of my dreams; they almost seem to be some parallel experience, not just a dream.  Don't quite understand how the portal worked, but that's OK. You always have something interesting to say.

I thought Ike had lots of water. I wondered how you made out in all that but here you are so you must be fine!

Post by betson on Nov 2nd, 2008 at 1:43pm
Dual realities --- or Dual Bobs ?!

That is so fascinating, Bob !
Bruce was once seen in two different places during a workshop--do you think you could have bilocated?
Also, I take it you were never in the service in Saipan where you may have had a dream of living in dusty dry Texas ? That would make this experience some sort of time/space wormhole, I guess.

I just mention these because I've heard them being explained before and I still need to hang onto what I've already
learned.  :D :-[

Thanks so much for sharing your experience of planes/ dimensions!

Post by spooky2 on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 9:23pm
That's so odd I don't know really what to say!
You are saying your awareness wasn't flickering between the Saipan-you and the US-you, but it was simultaneous?

Confusing!  :D

Post by Bob McKelvy on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 9:45pm
I lived in Saipan for two years , the Phillipines six years  and several other countires  working as a traveling Microbiologist  ( "Germ Chaser"  :)  ).  My guess, is that you leave a good part of your energy signature there which makes it easier to be in several places at once.   This has happened to me a lot.
Will post another experience on that a little later.

Spooky, it was weird to me because both Bobs could clearly see and interact with each other.  When the Saipan Bob got wet, felt his wetness even though I was dry in bed.  When he drank some of  the rain, I had the same taste sensation of how delicious the tropical rain was had that he had.    Both of us were well aware of each other and amazed by what was happening.  He was my twin in every sense of the word.

Hope this helps !  Bob  :)

Post by recoverer on Nov 4th, 2008 at 4:18pm
About ten times in the past several years, while laying in bed wide awake with my eyes closed, I saw a duplicate of myself looking at me in a very clear way. When I would look at this other me, I felt as if this other me had self awareness and was aware of me. We never had a conversation with each other.

I don't know if this other me is an actual other me, or a symbolic representation of an aspect of myself that my higher self created. This morning I didn't see this other me, but for some reason came up with the idea of assimilating an aspect of myself that I don't like, and transforming it to a love based aspect. I was then sent a symbolic visual message that made the point that as opposed to assimilating this aspect, I should get rid of it by letting go of the ideas that allows it to stay alive. Consider the Banshee story Bruce Moen wrote. It wouldn't be good to assimilate such a self created being. It would be better to get rid of the ideas that allows it to stay alive.

Perhaps in a very vivid way, Bob's higher self enabled him to see that a part of himself is still attached to Saipan.

The closest thing to bi-location I've experienced is when my higher self enabled me to become aware of what it is like to be aware of about 12 different selves at the same time. I didn't become aware of them to the extent a higher self/oversoul would become aware of them, but enough so I could tell what it is like to be a being who is aware of multiple selves at the same time. It wasn't a problem to be aware of multiple selves, because I was a being that was much larger than the 12 selves. I was this large being, yet I was still me. It was really cool.

I've also had the experience of being aware of myself flying around astrally while maintaining awareness of my physical body. The two experiences were superimposed over each other. I didn't experience myself having two minds.

Despite the fact that this physical World has some limited parameters, I figure for the most part our true selves don't have limitations. We can create all kinds of things.  

Post by spooky2 on Nov 4th, 2008 at 8:47pm
Thanks Bob for responding!

Recoverer's post, telling of to be aware of 12 persons/beings, points to this thing I find odd in particular in Bob's experience.
  In Recoverer's experience, as I understand it, he was a big being which was aware of these 12 beings, and I guess it's, principally, similar as being aware of our different limbs at the same time, being aware of, as Bruce maybe would say, different probes of a higher being, and the probes would be like different body parts we can be simultaneously aware of.
  Bob's experience, in my understanding, was different, and is, to me, much harder to comprehend, because there was NOT this "center" from which both Bobs were perceived from, which would have provided the basis of all awareness as we know it, the "here" (in an absolute sense, in difference to the relative spatial places of objective science), but instead there were actually two single awarenesses, both with this "here" sensation, which at the same time knew or even experienced nevertheless their oneness. Crazy!


Post by recoverer on Nov 4th, 2008 at 9:03pm
I must add that whenever I've seen another me, it felt like this other me was me. The main feeling I would have during such an experience is curiosity.  I guess not enough curiosity  :D because I never got around to figuring out why precisely I saw what I saw.  I have tried to talk to this other self a bit, but never received a response. My higher self is probably just having fun with me. As Jack Benny used to say, "Now cut that out!"

Post by spooky2 on Nov 4th, 2008 at 9:38pm
Well Recoverer, it seems your feeling was like mine when I watched a story unfold, and when I watched a person in particular for a little while it flashed through my mind "it's me!"- it appeared to me to be a past life of mine, or at least related to my present life. I could to some degree experience what this other me experienced, but not in a way I'd say I dove fully into this life/person so we couldn't look at each other as single, full persons.


Post by LaffingRain on Nov 14th, 2008 at 4:14pm
I remember another experience Bob recounted.
He sails sailboats. one day the mast? hit him in the head and he was immediately transported into another life. an islander life. I believe these visits of being someone else, can be summed up by considering Monroe's I/there. The I/there, is composed of many lives lived, yet they are all personalities which continue and we are able to occassionaly tap into the I/there. This would imply our bodily station, here, is much the same as having owned various models of cars over a single lifetime, for instance. poor analogy I know, but I'm more aware than ever of being many people inside of me, and this actually is nonthreatening for it gives an unlimited perspective to our being.

Bob, if you're reading this, I would much enjoy seeing that story of when the mast hit you, the particular way you told it was very good. to compare a bit with this latest adventure. or I think the good folks here would enjoy reading it for discussion.

nothing quite like being knocked out of your body!
although, I wouldn't wish that on anyone even for purposes of being enlightened!
I met myself similar  to what R recounts. only we did converse by telepathy. This other self was everything I seemed not to be at the time. She was very friendly, enthusiastic about meeting "me."
It was many years ago when I was closed down in the heart area.
She had come to get my heart to open to all life. at the time I was too much in awe of her, that a split could occur this way. I do remember thinking in the morning, when I looked in the mirror at myself, I felt better about myself. For she had told me I was love.

I think the best part of the experience was remembering how I had asked  a question and how she had been the answer to come to me.

this knowing that I could ask a question and actually get an answer was what gave me some faith, or empowered me to search deeper into myself, what I am, who I am, what I can give to life as a result of these kind of experiences.
for if she was me, and I couldn't deny it was I, seemingly split, she was, perfect. That is why I was uncomfortable. I believed I had problems unsolvable.  as time went on, I discovered the problems are solvable. there is simply no question that has not an answer attached to it. my particular problem at the time was not much different than anybody else's.
It was to get beyond childhood programming issues, to understand we are all the same. we all want love, but measure that love by different means. I had closed my heart long ago. Bruce wrote about this closed down heart also in his books.
I remember reading about that here and thinking that's exactly what happened in my journey as well.

So I discussed her as labeling her Future Self in my book.

and now? Future self is HERE!  :D  lol. she wouldn't touch me with a 10' pole back in the 80s. I carry a belief that we become "more of ourselves" through linear time walks. in that more of the I/there descends as energy through the heart chakra and the mental area.
I also liken this to being reborn, as religion used to call it. but, ah, that was another lifetime!  :)

Post by Vicky on Nov 17th, 2008 at 12:45am
Hi Bob, I enjoy it when you share your experiences with us!

Good posts people, very interesting.  It's got me thinking about my own experiences too.  The closest similar thing to Bob's experience that I've had of my own would be easiest described as stepping into a past life and reliving the last moments of that life, although it became apparent to me that it wasn't really the past per se, as it was a life taking place simultaneous to mine.  During that experience, I had full memory of being this other person and remembering her life, as well at the same time remembering and knowing my self now.  It definitely was crazy!  But it made sense to me.  I understood it.  And I was torn between the two, feeling I belonged to both.  

From other similar experiences what I have learned is that when my conscious awareness is so acutely focused in an area of consciousness, then that area becomes what feels more real to me than everything else at the moment.  It actually feels physically real.  It is only when I am able to "pull back" my awareness just a little, to a point of observation, that there becomes enough of a detachment that I can see other aspects of myself or have more than one awareness of myself taking place simultaneously.  A dual awareness.  I've even felt the split 3 ways once, but not more than that.  Was it Recoverer who said 12?  I liked what you posted Recoverer, very interesting stuff you say (as usual).


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