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Message started by george stone on Oct 30th, 2008 at 4:26pm

Title: Satan and his angels
Post by george stone on Oct 30th, 2008 at 4:26pm
A long time ago God gave satan the earth and all the planets to look after,this was when satan was with god at the time.all the plantets were closer to the sun at this time,and they all had life on them.but than satan rebeled aganist god.he wanted to be higher than god.God than there was war in heaven and satan was defeated.than there was a void.all the plantets were moved back to where they are now.than God had a plan to create a new earth.we all know the rest of the story.

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by hawkeye on Oct 30th, 2008 at 4:48pm
Is GOD an acronym for some other name or meening? Where did this name come from? (Or any of the names that attempt to in-vision an identity for the creator.) Why not Bob or Fred or Amanda for that matter
I don't remember reading about this part when I read the Bible. Mind you that was some years ago and all those  he bigotted
(begot.. spelling? what ever it is) she and she , he, he then had she.. yada yada yada. sort of drifted me off..

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by juditha on Oct 30th, 2008 at 6:39pm
Hi george I beleive that God will put things right and this medium told me that the world will never end because we keep evolving all the time and will go on doing this.

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by recoverer on Oct 30th, 2008 at 6:42pm
Satan is just a concept. Even the Bible doesn't support the concept when you see the history behind the name and the various contradictory and sometimes completely unreasonable ways it has been used.

Anybody who has experienced a higher realm would understand that beings who abide in such a realm aren't about to fall and become demons. No way!

If you make contact with spirit guidance and find that you can trust this guidance, they'll let you know that there is no such thing as a being named satan.

Regarding that old saying that satan's greatest strategy is getting people to believe he doesn't exist, this way of thinking "wasn't" started by a person who made contact with the spirit World and found out how things are. It was started by a fearmongering fundamentalist.

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Oct 30th, 2008 at 7:07pm
My understanding is that past humans, in their limited understanding of the nature of reality beyond the physical, originally thought God was responsible for all things.  

However, more than being praised for the good things in the world, God was being blamed for all of the negative things as well.  

Therefore Satan was created as a balance, allowing humans to dump all responsibility for the world's negativity upon this imaginary being.  

Of course, it seems God in this context is just as imaginary as Satan, just the opposite side of the coin- a being responsible for all good in the world.  

In reality, we are the responsible ones- not some larger than life character.  But we've been over this before...

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Oct 31st, 2008 at 2:00pm
 When I think of "Satan", I think of collective negativity which has been very prominent in this world and has built up and up, and which has taken on a lifeless life of its own in a sense (as kind of a dark cloud which hangs over humanity), and thus which has it's potential influence if allowed to do so.   Others may call it the world, the flesh, the temptations of the world..

 Then, the personal Satan of the individual, which sometimes pulls in or is pulled in by the collective influence.  The personal Satan is what some call ego, or unregenerated, rebellious, dark parts of ourselves, which has concentrated and built up within ourselves throughout our experiences with the physical etc.  

 Astrologically, the latter is most connected to Saturn (notice it's similarity with "Satan"), and the former is most connected to Pluto.   When both become prominent in a person's life at the same time--especially through tension oriented aspects; mighty are the tests and the tensions within self.   The veritable 40 days in the desert type of experience.  Just a call to greater spiritual strength and will.  

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by recoverer on Oct 31st, 2008 at 2:32pm
Related to what Justin wrote, I believe there are different energy levels, and some levels are quite dark, and if one creates in such a way, one might connect to such a level.

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by recoverer on Oct 31st, 2008 at 7:09pm
Going by what I understand,  people during Biblical times believed that God was responsible when things went well and when things went bad.  Since some of these people believed they were God's "chosen" people, they wondered why things went so bad for them at times.  In order to placate them, some of their leaders stated that a supernatural adversary was responsible for their woes, not God. During later translations adversary got changed to satan.

Was this a coincidence? After I finished writing the above, I wasn't certain if I was spelling one of the words correctly, grabbed my dictionary, and it opened to a page that said scapegoat at the top. Perhaps the word scapegoat should be used rather than the names satan and devil.

I Am Dude wrote on Oct 30th, 2008 at 7:07pm:
My understanding is that past humans, in their limited understanding of the nature of reality beyond the physical, originally thought God was responsible for all things.  

However, more than being praised for the good things in the world, God was being blamed for all of the negative things as well.  

Therefore Satan was created as a balance, allowing humans to dump all responsibility for the world's negativity upon this imaginary being.  

Of course, it seems God in this context is just as imaginary as Satan, just the opposite side of the coin- a being responsible for all good in the world.  

In reality, we are the responsible ones- not some larger than life character.  But we've been over this before...

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 1st, 2008 at 4:39am
I also immediately thought of the word scapegoat as I was writing my last post... It's exactly what Satan is.. and maybe, to some people, what God is as well.. I don't think everyone would be able to handle the fact that they themselves were responsible for every aspect of their life and not a 'higher being who dictates everything.'  It's a convenient belief anyway, especially when the chips are down.

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by juditha on Nov 1st, 2008 at 4:09pm
Hi My priest i see every week told me that the more we suffer,the closer we are to God,because we need God more when thimgs go wrong,if everything went right all the time then we would not need God,so i dont mind suffering now as i'm close to God,i love God so much.

Love and God bless     love juditha

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by blink on Nov 1st, 2008 at 9:40pm
Who is Satan. I don't know him, George.

love, blink

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 2nd, 2008 at 1:48am
I actually believe the exact opposite, Juditha.  I feel suffering shows an misalignment with your true inner being, and therefore a distance from God.  (God in this case is no different from our higher self or inner being, for it is from our higher being that we and therefore our lives/creations come from.)

I feel being truly close to God will manifest the ideal physical life. In other words, spiritual/mental harmony brings physical harmony.

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by tgecks on Nov 2nd, 2008 at 10:34am
I am with you on this one, OOBD. Our experience of life may be interpreted as suffering, but God wants us to find happiness. The point of the Cruxifixion is the Resurrection; A Course in Miracles says the cross if is a meaningless symbol without the resurrection that follows. Was that not Christ's point, after all? Look what I can do, see what I can accomplish! This and more will you also do.

And could not a God just simply make us perfect just like that? What is the point of a God that punsihes us for Eternity for not performing perfectly, and make it our nature to never make it?

No-- My God is big enough and loving enough and forgiving enough for all of it, because God is ALL OF IT, even the dark parts, even what we have imagined as evil. We have imagined there is a war, and somehow God can lose....

All There Is is All There Is. I think God is All There Is, even the ring around the collar.....

The priest's job is to keep you coming back and donating, so that "someday" you will deserve blessings. Well, my dear friend Juditha, you are already blessed! You were created that way.......


Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by juditha on Nov 2nd, 2008 at 4:06pm
Hi thomas and oobd  You have both helped me think again about what my priest said and about God as well as i am being confirmed in 5 weeks i got to learn about The Nicene Creed and The Apostle Creed,i am reading up on them but when we have Holy Communion I always say The Nicene Creed in church and Thanks Thomas for saying i am already blessed.i love you all on here my dear friends.

Love and God bless  love juditha

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by recoverer on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 1:55pm
I believe that when we suffer we listen to false ideas our minds create. When we stop listening to false ideas we experience happiness, peace and love, and this is what God is about.

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by juditha on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 2:26pm
Hi recoverer  I agree with you on false ideas can cause suffering but a lot of my suffering has come from others that played a part in my life so far has caused me to suffer and to have a hard time trying to fit into this world and feel that i'm part of it.deannas the same as me because she has suffered as much as i have
It's really hard after years of our brains being conditioned to the fact that we were not wanted by society has really made it so hard to beleive in ourselves,i wish sometimes this suffering would end inside my mind but as much as i try it wont,the same with deanna,thats why our beleif is so strong about God as we both know that he loves us for who and what we are and that means so much to us.

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 4:20pm
It seems that your belief in the idea that you are not wanted is creating that exact reality.  I had the same fear when I was younger, so I know that to change the way others look at you you must first change the way you look at yourself.  You must realize that you fit in perfectly with this world, you are meant to be here, and you are a wonderful and unique person and there is no reason why anyone would think negative things about you.  Even if you don't find these things to be true right now, if you begin to truly believe them you will find these beliefs manifesting in your life in a rather short time.  Instead of sending out fear to everyone and therefore attracting what you fear the most, the idea is to send out love, confidence, and appreciation for the amazing person you are and this will attract similar people into your life, and may even change the way the negative people in your life now think about you.  

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by recoverer on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 4:37pm
They say it takes two to tango.  If you don't want to do the dance a person is doing, start another dance.

One time I experienced pain in my right shoulder blade. I meditated and found out the reason.  The reason related to how I shared love with my mom. My mom wants me to need her, and I figured that in order to share love with her, I'd have to make it so I would need her. Then I realized that I can share love with her more completely if I do so unconditionally.  The energetic block in my shoulder blade cleared and my pain went away.  If I don't respond to my mom in the matter she expects, the process of manifesting in such a way is brought to an end.

I know that difficult situations aren't always easy to unravel, but we need to start somewhere.

When a person doesn't love us unconditionally, he or she shares ignorance with us, not wisdom.

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by Alan McDougall on Nov 4th, 2008 at 6:21am
George dear friend,

Satan is a finite entity and it can only do what Almighty God permits it to do because God unlike satan it is Infinite in power.

Believe me George satan is no problem to God and satan trembles when God is mentioned


Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by Lucy on Nov 6th, 2008 at 12:07pm

Do you really believe that or do you just want to make conversation?

I don't care if you really believe that, but to tell you the truth, I come here because I want to be away from ideas like that!

You don't seem to engage in the discussion either...Why not?

If that is really the frame work from which you operate, I would like to ask if you have read Betty Edie's books. They seem to be more aligned with that sort fo framework, thought they are about love, and your post is not about love. I don't hold the same cosmology as Betty, but I see it works for her, and I experience her work as very loving.

I don't believe God created the world. I believe we did. We wanted to be both God and Satan.

Also there are alternative stories about Lucifer and what happened; how do you know which ones to believe?

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by identcat on Nov 6th, 2008 at 2:32pm
God and Satan are concepts for our limited thinking. Each religion has it's own concept of what God is and what Satan is. Some persons believe that in order to have and understand "good" there must be "evil".  Human beings created many Gods, demi-gods ,demonds and devils. Our ultimante goal as humans on this particular planet is to grasp the concept of pure, unconditional love. You as a human may manifest a beautiful wonderful think (example: a rose) as evil. You will twist it in your mind until it is sinful to look at, think about, smell, etc. That same principal may be applied to a God. When you take the God out of God, you get Satan.
Another seneiro: Take the invasion of Normandy, France during WWII.
When the American solders were there, they were both God and Satan to the other human being involved. A wife in France will say "God has sent you to save us and my family. You are all angles of God for protecting us."
The wife of the German solder says "Satan has sent you to destroy us and to destroy my family. You are all the devil's angels who are destroying us."

The same holds true of any religious belief: If you don't do what the church says and its religious leaders, you are doing Satan's work and God will punish you.
If you  only do exactly what their bible and religious leaders tell you to do, then you get a gold star and God will love you.
Concepts created by humans.  Love to ALL --- Carol Ann

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by detheridge on Nov 6th, 2008 at 4:01pm

Alan McDougall wrote on Nov 4th, 2008 at 6:21am:
George dear friend,

Satan is a finite entity and it can only do what Almighty God permits it to do because God unlike satan it is Infinite in power.


Erm ,
let me get this clear. God permits Satan to do what he does?
Does that mean that God is ultimately responsible for evil by allowing Satan to do his thing?  :-/ :( >:( :o

I'm now totally confused.
Just who is in charge up there?  ::)

David (very tongue in cheek)  :)

Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by spooky2 on Nov 6th, 2008 at 7:14pm
That's one of the oldest problems David. If God is almighty, all-knowing, all-good God won't allow any evil. This problem is a reason to turn away from an all too simple humanoid image of God.


Title: Re: Satan and his angels
Post by identcat on Nov 6th, 2008 at 8:38pm
DITTO, Spooky!  cat

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