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Message started by juditha on Oct 20th, 2008 at 2:54pm

Title: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by juditha on Oct 20th, 2008 at 2:54pm
Hi I was told by spirit to meditate and see a door and it would open and there will be this brilliant light and i was to walk through it so i could be shown by spirit what they wanted me to know,i did meditate and the door opened and as i walked into the brilliant light 2 spirits walked each side of me and led me to my dad and dad told me i had to start getting my life in order and that all is not always as it seems,then i was shown this red cage with me in it and told that my life is in a baron field,i was then shown three doors, one blue, one red and one white,and told i must choose the white door as the other two were full of woe, i was told i cannot go on as i am, then i was shown this golden path,which i will eventually walk on,there was someone on this path in the distance and this person will be there for me,but i could not see him clearly as i felt this was a male, and my life will turn for the better, then 3 spirits surrounded me and told me to keep giving out my love on the earth and that spirit are always with me as i am never truly alone.

Then i asked spirit to give me messages for you and this is what i got.

Matthew I was shown alterations being done on the outside of your house,there are two children standing near your home and also getting the name John,i'm getting this name as a friend, i feel he is in spirit and much love is being sent.

aylsia I'm being shown 3 labradors around you,golden in colour,i feel that 2 are in spirit and one is with you on earth,i'm getting the names of rusty,jez and amber for these dogs and rusty resides with you,i'm also getting the name ann for you feels much like a grandmother or mother figure ,she says there has been much rushing about lately and she wants you to slow down,there is much love around you and you have felt this love many times.

vajra I'm being shown 3 lights on a silver band for you which symbolises a silver ring with 3 diamonds which are red in colour,this ring is special to you and i feel it belonged to your grandmother and you have kept this for some one special in your life,you are being sent much love.

hawkeye i'm being shown you walking through this forest of fern trees,you are surrounded by peace and love and you have many things going on in your life at the moment and you are on a bit of a crossroads and unsure which road to take but spirit are saying that you will choose the right way soon and they will help guide you to do this,getting the name erron for you and i feel this is a motherly link and that she is round you many times with love,she's giving you red roses.

romain I'm being shown greek statues around you,greek goddese and looking over this beautiful small inland near the sea,also i'm getting loreete for you or lorretta and im being shown the number 12 which is going to be important to you,much love is being sent from spirit to you.

bets I'm being shown 3 letters for you which are being shown in your hands,these letters are going to bring much happiness and good fortune for you,you are going to excel your talents in many ways,there is a rainbow over you at the moment and you will see many wonders of the spiritworld and you will feel spirit around you giving there love and guidance,much love for you from spirit

blink I'm being shown twinkling stars of light to do with a picture of art that i feel hangs in your home as you have a love of art and also you have much love in your heart especially for others even though you have been tested many times in your life and have seen and suffered at times but spirit are ther trying to gudie you and surround you with energy and love,i'm getting two names here susan and racheal and they given me like close friends like sisterly love for you.

alan I'm being shown Jesus with his hands on your shoulders ,its like Jesus is giving you love and support also i'm seeing you being blessed by Jesus surrounded by giant stones on sacred ground ,there is much love coming to you from spirit and there saying that you will prevail in all that you do on this earth plain and also being shown a brown and white dog which is very close to you

recoverer I'm being shown 2 spirits of light each side of your bed and in your dreams they try to guide you into making the rigt decisions in your life and also influenceing you in the knowledge of the spirit ,i am being shown that you have a native american indian guide and i'm getting his name as living wolf,he guides you many times and sometimes you have felt his prescence around you,he has been with you for a while,he wants you to open up to him more,much love to you from spirit.

george I'm getting this lady here for you whos giving me the name of margaret whos showing mw this pearl necklace which was special to her ,shes mentioning the name mary and also that you are trying to hard and need to take it more slowly than what you are as you will reach your goal in the end,much love from spirit

david i'm being shown a driveway with a red car on it and flowers each side of this driveway,i'm also recieving much love from spirit for you,i'm also being shown the name leistershire which connects to you in some way

Lucy i'm being shown you in a blue dress,this is to do witha family wedding and also an anniversary in december ,feel its to do with a passing also a birthday in february round about the 27th,much love for you from spirit

spooky im being shown an image of you in the alps and a blonde girl is with you and im being giving the name of mary not sure if its connected with this girl also there is much happiness i feel around you at the moment above all the muddle that goes on in your life at times,i also see train journey ahead of you,much love from spirit.

I've written this word for word from spirit as i have to give what i get,sorry if it wrong as i'm only a practising medium.

Love light and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by spooky2 on Oct 20th, 2008 at 11:07pm
Hi Juditha, thank you for the positive message!
Yes, some muddle around and to go through, and I hope it's getting better. Blonde girl: I had an image of a blonde girl in my mind recently, don't know who it was. I have a blonde sister, we're good friends. I'm not living in the alps, but have been there (a blonde girl was also there), it was a turning point in my life. Not sure about the train journey and Mary, we'll see.


Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by blink on Oct 21st, 2008 at 2:11am
Yes, thank you so much, Juditha, for that love-message. There is a lot of warmth in your words for everyone.  

It's interesting that you have some doors to choose from -- that is part of my meditation that I am doing right now, three doors, but they represent different time-space areas. I am trying to identify the doors and make use of them, but I think it is happening in dreamtime.

I have felt the presence of one or two 'spirit' friends just recently, and suspect that they could be visiting me in disguise....but I am speculating. I'm not sure on the names, but I will ask, no harm in asking.

I was lying around meditating in the 'golden light' earlier tonight. That feels good!

much love, blink

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by betson on Oct 21st, 2008 at 9:26am
Thank you for these messages of love from spirit,
Dear Sweet Judith,

Your words fit with what is happening in my life now and you've presented hopeful developments!  I really appreciate your message!

Love, Bets

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by detheridge on Oct 21st, 2008 at 10:26am
Hi Juditha,
many thanks for the message, although I've just started driving a blue car (not red  :() and I don't have a driveway at my house (I live on the side of a hill  :-?)
As for leicestershire........... :-[ :o
I'll wait and see if anything turns up.
Nice to hear that spirit's keeping an eye on me: I probably need it!  ;D

Lots of love,


Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by tgecks on Oct 21st, 2008 at 11:16am
Nothing for the rest of us?


Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by PhantasyMan on Oct 21st, 2008 at 12:01pm
hi juditha,

I'm glad you had this positive experience.  I know life was hard for you recently.  Take this boost of energy and go foward change, and don't resit them.  Try somethings new!  Get rid of old habits and beliefs!

take care

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by hawkeye on Oct 21st, 2008 at 12:11pm
Juditha, Thank you so much for the reading. I live in an area that for many many miles around me there is only West Coast rain forest. The nearest small city of around 5000 people is about 70 mi's away. I feel my closest to the Creater when I am surrounded by it and walking through it. I have also held the name of Erron very close to my heart. I wanted to name my own girl that. Even just reading the name and saying it in my mind causes me to phase.
Thank you, Joe

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by juditha on Oct 21st, 2008 at 2:13pm
Hi tgeks (Thomas) I have asked spirit to give you a message and this is what they gave me  You are going through many stages in your life,but there is something coming for you quite soon,and this will be good in many ways,also there will be travel over water,so there is a holiday coming,i am being shown 2 dogs who were very close to you,one dog is small a brown colour looka a bit like a terrier,the other dog is bigger looks a bit like a wolfhound and are around you with love.I am now get the names of elenor annlouise and sarah all sending there love,i feel there is an anniversary in October a birthday in May and April and also a passing in may,spirit are now giving you a bunch of violets i feel these are from your grandmother as she was fond of these on earth also i sense your grandfather and he shows hinself as tall and is wearing a tweed waist coat and a hat also hes giving the name of Ernest for you with much love.

Thomas i have written this word for word as spirit have given it,hope i got it right for you.

Love and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by Cricket on Oct 22nd, 2008 at 9:51am
The dogs reminded me of a reading I had a couple of years ago.  The medium said "He's got a *huge* dog with him."  Since our other dog had just died, that was the one I was thinking about - I honestly forgot his wolf mix that had died five or six years earlier.  I argued with her pretty stenuously, but she never backed down, never said "Well maybe he's not that big."  She insisted that he was with a *huge* dog.

It was two days later that it hit me that it was Harley.  He was a *huge* dog...  ;D

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by vajra on Oct 22nd, 2008 at 8:08pm
Hi J. Thank you for the thought, and for the message. I can't quite place the ring, although my wife's engagement ring while gold and with three separate white diamonds sounds quite like what you said.

I wonder if perhaps the meaning was symbolic, that the three red stones in a silver band stand for something?

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by betson on Oct 22nd, 2008 at 9:47pm
Hi Juditha!

Today I got two or three of the letters you told me about from Spirit! The third one was actually a package but it symbollizes some new communication between my brother and I, so I think it is the third item. All of these 'letters' have great importance to me!

Thank you very much, Juditha!  You are right on!  


Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by dreamer on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 9:35pm
It's heartwarming to read all this. Thank you Juditha for sharing. I wish you well!

Love, Carolyn

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by juditha on Oct 28th, 2008 at 4:42pm
Hi vajra Im tuning in with spirit asking what the three red stones mean upon the ring,there telling that the ring reoresents the time of christmas as a memory link is from that time and im still being given that this belonged to your grandmother,coming from your fathers side,this ring is in your family,could you please check this out vajra if you do not recognise this as spirit are sayingthis ring will turn up.

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by recoverer on Oct 28th, 2008 at 6:09pm

I like the message you received. It reminds me of some of the messages I've received. In different ways I have been shown white light with the implication of choosing it.  I believe you received good advice.  I received lots of assitance when it comes to making my life more loving, happy and peaceful.

Regarding the message you received for me, I do receive guidance through dreams and other means.  I can't say that I've become aware of the spirit of a former Indian man. The only guide I've become aware of by name is Jesus Christ.   This morning before I got out of bed I meditated and became aware of some spirit beings who presented themselves to me as people with smiles on their faces.  With their looks I could tell that they were saying, "Here we are, right with you." It felt like we were sharing the same space. Next they showed me some happy little children. I believe these children represented disk members that have yet to incarnate as humans, and are aware of what has been going on in my life.

Title: Re: 1 was told by spirit to go through the light
Post by vajra on Oct 28th, 2008 at 10:41pm
I'll ask again Juditha. It's very possible there's a ring not known to those I asked. Thank you.


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