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Message started by recoverer on Oct 16th, 2008 at 4:01pm

Title: UFO prediction that didn't happen
Post by recoverer on Oct 16th, 2008 at 4:01pm
Perhaps some of you heard of this.

Title: Re: UFO prediction that didn't happen
Post by blink on Oct 16th, 2008 at 4:45pm
I viewed her apology video put out today, and it seemed sincere. I cannot imagine that she thought things would go this far, when initially contacting the smaller group. She appears to have tried to stand up for her beliefs with some semblance of integrity. She looks genuinely disappointed to me.

Title: Re: UFO prediction that didn't happen
Post by hawkeye on Oct 17th, 2008 at 1:54pm
Bob Monroe's explanation of the "non-human intelligences" was that they do exist and it was known to him. Although how many or how many differant species no body knows. He also thought that they have scarcely any interest  in who and what we are, and that communication with them is almost an impossibility, because we don't understand their methods of do so. There is little doubt that a spaceship hovering over a major US city would cause panic to many people. Most likely it would cause a major military response due to ignorance also. I doubt any ET would infringe upon our world by do this sort of thing. In order to not have this happen, communication would have to be made before hand and to the masses. So no one would freak out. Understanding the communication, even if provided, is unlikely. I would think it would come through NVC, which can be hard to figure out. The differances between the two communicating species would make this exchange difficult to say the least. It can take years to do. An example is the communication between pets and humans. It happens but only after some time of working on it. That communication is between two beings that live within the same point in phyical reality. Most often living within the same four walls and interacting every day. Communication with a differant species, from a differant planet, or galaxy even, perhaps a differant reality, could take some time if possible at all. How do you explain water to someone who has never experienced it? Without words. Not knowing their experiences or language. The best chance is to go through who you are able to make contact and see if you come across those who have already experienced phyical existence here or at the very least somewhere. Of course to make the contact you need to know you are in communication. Being open to communication in as many forms as imaginable is important also. An example is when you dream. What do you experience? This is a communication. If only to yourself. Sometime when you are a parent you feel your child. Like if he/she was in some sort of danger and you just know it. That's the communication I am talking about. They put out a energy and you pick it up. Again you have been under the same roof living a common existence. I think that makes the communication easier. There are a few exercises offered by TMI that can open yourself to increased communication through NVC that have been extremely useful to me. Two came within the Gateway tapes I bought a few years back  and one I received through membership at TMI. "Communicate With Your Pet" I think it is called.(Its avalable to everyone through the TMI Store on their website.) I think that if you want to communicate with other who are not currently apart of this human experience, these exercises can be assistance. They have increased my ability to understand NVC far more that I did before using them. Now as for me, my communication with the beings that I have had are with those who have experienced the phyical life experience. I have yet to know or discern if I have had communication with others who have not had this experience. That is not to say that they have been human. Only that they have been in the phyical which has enabled me to understand the communication easier.

Title: Re: UFO prediction that didn't happen
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Oct 17th, 2008 at 4:31pm
 All the info that I personally have, or my wife as received about this very question, indicates two main things.  

 That the "date" is not set in stone, and is fairly dependent on our collective progression or lack thereof, and that it will be yet some years before full public and physical like interaction.  

  I expect more towards the mid or latter part of the decade of 2010.   Especially after the collaspes have fully evolved.  

 We're seeing the economic and social aspects develop, and then increasing Earth and climate changes.   But it will come in cycles and waves, and in different proportions.  

 We are to learn collective humbleness, as we have in many other cycles spread over tens of thousands of years.  

Title: Re: UFO prediction that didn't happen
Post by recoverer on Oct 17th, 2008 at 5:29pm
Hello Justin:

Good to hear from you. How are you and Becky doing?

I haven't let go of everything I want to let go of, but I've found that it has become easier for me to experience a really nice feeling of love and peace. I wonder why this is, since I haven't completely let go of some of the limitations I want to let go of. Perhaps doing so partially helps.

Title: Re: UFO prediction that didn't happen
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Oct 17th, 2008 at 8:51pm
 Glad to hear that you are experiencing a lot of nice feelings of love and peace lately.  

 I wouldn't worry about your limitations too much, the more focus we give to those, the more we empower them.  And besides, despite your Taurean mindset tendencies (perhaps part of the limitations you have come to work on and overcome), and though we don't always agree on things, i know you do have an innately loving heart.  I felt that when I met you in person.

 Just concentrate and focus on love, and things will work out the right way in there own good time...

 Becky and I are doing well, but very busy (me mostly with work and her with many things).  It sometimes feels a bit odd living apart after having lived together for almost 7 years, and sometimes a bit odd when she calls me up and tells me about the dates she has been on, etc, but not that odd.  

 Living apart (because of jobs), has helped renewed a better sense of independence within us both, but perhaps more so in myself, which I think is ultimately a good thing.  

  News for me, I'm investing in an electrical (and/or foot) powered bicycle and plan to ride that exclusively to work, unless there are large snow storms.  I'm ever trying to work towards being more "green" despite the fact that I know it really won't matter in a few years or so anyways, because of what will probably be happening.  But I believe in being positively active in the present, and working with whats in hand.  In the end, it's what "feels right"...

Not much else, should be meditating more consistently.  Will talk to you later.


Title: Re: UFO prediction that didn't happen
Post by recoverer on Oct 28th, 2008 at 7:43pm
Thank you for the input Justin. Sorry for the late response. I was on vacation for a week, and I'm quite busy at work now.

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