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Message started by Sonya on Sep 26th, 2008 at 3:26pm

Title: Is there judgement in the afterlife?
Post by Sonya on Sep 26th, 2008 at 3:26pm
I wonder:

Do criminals get judged and punished for their evil deeds?

Do we get pushed away from the light (after a judgement), for doing something wrong in the life?

Would we get told by a being of light, that we could have done better in a lifetime?


Title: Re: Is there judgement in the afterlife?
Post by Still_Living on Sep 26th, 2008 at 4:38pm
There is no judgement, thus no Hell.
It may look like a sort of "review" though...
That's what I learned form various independent sources.


Title: Re: Is there judgement in the afterlife?
Post by recoverer on Sep 26th, 2008 at 4:38pm
I'd say it isn't a matter of being judged, it's a matter of where one fits in. If one used one's life to become a negative minded person, on a like attracts like basis one will end up where negative minded spirits end up. If one tries to be loving, one will end up where loving spirits are. What one believes might also play a role. If a spirit wants to progress, it is free to do so and will receive help. Sometimes spirits are stubborn about changing. I base this on spiritual experiences I've had, spirit messages I've received, and what trustworthy sources say.

Title: Re: Is there judgement in the afterlife?
Post by blink on Sep 26th, 2008 at 6:36pm
I think it is an illusion to look at someone as a 'criminal' because the label is too small -- one is not seeing the essence of the person. Nothing is hidden from the light, but in the light it is changed. None of the justice we know of on this earth has any relation to that in the afterlife. That is my belief.

Title: Re: Is there judgement in the afterlife?
Post by spooky2 on Sep 26th, 2008 at 10:39pm
I suggest to focus on how often we judge ourself. Actually, isn't it the only true way of feeling judged, when one is judging oneself?


Title: Re: Is there judgement in the afterlife?
Post by Romain on Sep 26th, 2008 at 10:55pm

spooky2 wrote on Sep 26th, 2008 at 10:39pm:
I suggest to focus on how often we judge ourself. Actually, isn't it the only true way of feeling judged, when one is judging oneself?


Well said Spooky.. ;)

Title: Re: Is there judgement in the afterlife?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Sep 27th, 2008 at 5:11am
Hit the nail on the head, spooky.  The only judgement comes from ourselves.  

Its funny, a couple of my friends have a tattoo which says.. " Only God can judge me."  Quite a silly tattoo, since it's based on a false concept, coming from the stereotypical fundamentalist christian type god who overlooks all, judges all, and dictates all's afterlife experience.  

An interesting concept regarding judgement and the afterlife review...

During this review, it has been said that we experience every emotion we have caused another individual to feel, and experience all of the effects we have on others,  whether positive or negative.  

The idea exists that the reason for this is because in reality we (at least at some level) are all of these individuals which we encounter, for everything we experience is within our consciousness, (this is an obvious fact and a natural law), and therefore nothing is truly outside of ourselves, but a actually a reflection of ourselves.

This is something one can experience the truth of daily simply by acknowledging the fact.

Title: Re: Is there judgement in the afterlife?
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 27th, 2008 at 6:19pm
Well I do not know if any of you have had a near death experience like me,


There is always a life review where a person’s whole life is replayed and the consequences for ones actions on other people are felt by you as if you were the person, so you feel their joy and happiness and pain and sorrow.

This review is not harsh on people like us who are mostly loving and caring. Indeed it is usually a joyful glorious event of gentle correction and praise, just to guide and teach us how to live in the next phase of existence.

But think of Hitler, he must have also gone through the life review and he would have to have felt the pain, desolation, despair, horror of a mother separated from her child, the horror of dying in the gas chambers of every single person he was accountable for these despicable murders of utter reprobation and depravity.

In the life review God is fair and does not differ from soul to soul. We who are basically good kind people have nothing to fear about the life review. But to Hitler his life review must have felt like an endless hell. Of course a hell of his owns making and a judgment not by God but a consequence of his mistaken life.

God can condense the whole life review into one flashing moment or extent into eternity

Take Care


Title: Re: Is there judgement in the afterlife?
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 27th, 2008 at 7:17pm

For a sweet person although very human and with faults jjust like the rest of us on the forum

For you In Gods Holy Name there is absolutely no judgement waiting, just love beyong comprehension and everlasting meaningful life



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