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Message started by Alan McDougall on Sep 26th, 2008 at 7:51am

Title: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 26th, 2008 at 7:51am

Does the below indicate that the death penalty is injust or even murder

The last words spoken by criminals before execution  [:-'(]

Well, gentlemen, you are about to see a baked Appel.
Executed in electric chair in New York.
~~ George Appel, d. 1928

You are going to hurt me, please don't hurt me, just one more moment, I beg you!
~~ Madame du Barry, mistress of Louis XV, d. 1793

I am going to be face to face with Jesus now. . . . I love you all very much. I will see you all when you get there. . . . I will wait for you.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Karla Faye Tucker Brown, d. February 3, 1998

Take a step forward, lads. It will be easier that way.
Executed by firing squad.
~~ Erskine Childers, Irish patriot, d. November 24, 1922

Thank you for the change in my life you have given me, the love and closeness of my family and my beautiful daughter. Thank you for using me...
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ John Cockrum, d. September 30, 1997

You sons of bitches. Give my love to Mother.
Executed in electric chair.
~~ Francis "Two Gun" Crowley, d. 1931

They butchered me back there, I was in a lot of pain. They cut me in the groin; they cut me in the leg. I was bleeding profusely. This is not an execution, it is murder.
Executed by injection, Florida
~~ Bennie Demps, d. June 8, 2000
( It took execution technicians 33 minutes to find suitable veins for the execution. The executioners had no unusual problems finding one vein, but because Florida protocol requires a second alternate intravenous drip, they continued to work to insert another needle, finally abandoning the effort after their prolonged failures.)

I'm going home, babe.
Executed by injection, Delaware.
~~ James Allen Red Dog, d. March 3, 1993

Remember, the death penalty is murder.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Robert Drew, d. August 2, 1994

Hurrah for anarchy! This is the happiest moment of my life.
Last words on the gallows.
~~ George Engel
(He was one of four executed after the 1886 Haymarket bombing in Chicago)

I love you.
Spoken to the executioner.
Executed by injection, New York.
~~ Sean Flannagan, d. June 23, 1989

How about this for a headline for tomorrow's paper? French fries.
Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.
~~ James French, d. 1966

I'd like to thank my family for loving me and taking care of me. And the rest of the world can kiss my ass.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Johnny Frank Garrett, Sr., d. February 11, 1992

Let's do it!
Executed by firing squad, Utah.
~~ Gary Gilmore, d. January 17, 1977

I'd rather be fishing.
Executed in electric chair, Louisiana.
~~ Jimmy Glass, d. June 12, 1987

Good people are always so sure they're right.
Executed at San Quentin.
~~ Barbara Graham, d. June 3, 1955

I did not get my Spaghetti-O's, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this.
Executed by injection, Oklahoma.
~~ Thomas J. Grasso, d. March 20, 1995

Lock and load. Let's do it.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ G. W. Green, d. November 12, 1991

You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper.
Executed in California's gas chamber.
~~ Robert Alton Harris, d. April 21, 1992

It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander-in-chief.
Shot by British as a spy.
~~ Nathan Hale, American hero, d. 1776

I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
~~ Nathan Hale

I am innocent, innocent, innocent. Make no mistake about this. I owe society nothing. I am an innocent man and something very wrong is taking place tonight.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Lionel Herrera d. May 12, 1993

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is God's messenger.
Executed by hanging, at Camp Justice in the Baghdad suburb of Khadimiya
~~ Saddam Hussein d. December 30, 2006

I don't hold any grudges. This is my doing. Sorry it happened.
Executed in electric chair, Indiana.
~~ Steven Judy, d. March 9, 1981

Such is Life
Executed by hanging.
~~ Ned Kelly, Australian bushranger, d. 1880

I love you, mom.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Clarence Lackey, d. May 20, 1997

I die innocent of all the crimes laid to my charge; I Pardon those who have occasioned my death; and I pray to God that the blood you are going to shed may never be visited on France.
Executed by guillotine
~~ Louis XVI of France, d. January 21, 1793

My dear Melinée, my beloved little orphan,
In a few hours I will no longer be of this world. We are going to be executed today at 3:00. This is happening to me like an accident in my life; I don’t believe it, but I nevertheless know that I will never see you again.
Executed by firing squad
~~ Missak Manouchian, d. February 21, 1944
(Leader of the Parisian section of a Communist Resistance movement, the Francs Tireurs et Partisans - Main - d'oeuvre immigrée (FTP-MOI). See his entire letter & those of others of this group also executed, at: The Last Letters.

Farewell, my children, forever. I go to your Father.
Executed by guillotine.
Monsieur, I beg your pardon.
Spoken to the executioner, after she stepped on his foot.
~~ Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, d. October 16, 1793

Today is a good day to die. I forgive all of you. I hope God does too.
Executed by injection, Virginia.
~~ Mario Benjamin Murphy, d. September 17, 1997

Shoot me in the chest!
To his executioners.
~~Benito Mussolini, Italian dictator, d.1945

Shoot straight you bastards and don't make a mess of it!
Executed by firing squad.
~~ Harry Harbord "Breaker" Morant, Australian poet & national hero, d. 1902

Hurry it up you Hoosier bastard! I could hang a dozen men while you're screwing around.
Executed by hanging Leavenworth, Kansas.
~~ Carl Panzram, d. September 5, 1930

So the heart be right, it is no matter which way the head lieth.
Executed by beheading.
~~ Sir Walter Raleigh, d. October 29, 1618

Well, the Lord is going to get another one.
Executed in electric chair, Georgia.
~~ John Eldon Smith, d. December 15, 1983

Capital punishment: them without the capital get the punishment.
Executed in electric chair, Florida.
~~ John Spenkelink, d. May 25, 1979

Executed by injection in Maryland.
~~ John Thanos, d. May 16, 1994

Any comments?


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Sonya on Sep 26th, 2008 at 8:12am
There seem to be many people who think of love in their last moments, even crimininals.

Other seem to have a great sense of humor, even in their last moment.

This is the one I preferred:
I love you.
Spoken to the executioner.
Executed by injection, New York.
~~ Sean Flannagan, d. June 23, 1989


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Rondele on Sep 26th, 2008 at 9:29am

My comment is that although some of these last words are touching, we also should be aware of the suffering they caused to others.

We seldom hear about what they did to their victims.  

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 26th, 2008 at 12:41pm


My comment is that although some of these last words are touching, we also should be aware of the suffering they caused to others.

We seldom hear about what they did to their victims.

My reason for posting these comments was not really about how touching they were  but how these criminals do not feel remorse even at the point of death.

Did anyone ask for forgiveness Heck!! I must reread them again and see

Take Care


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by betson on Sep 26th, 2008 at 3:43pm

Thank you, Alan!  Your collections are very thought-provoking !

I think there was alot of ego in many of these.  I mean they knew ahead that they were going to be on-stage and many of them prepared ahead of time for their moment of fame.  ;)
But we can't really know how they felt the hours previous to their executions. Maybe their prayers were said in private --??

???   :(  One fellow spoke as though he had already crossed over -- he said that 'back there', meaning during his execution, he was poked with needles too much. -- ;) Are we allowed to submit complaints during our past-life review ?


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Romain on Sep 26th, 2008 at 6:30pm
Didn't seem like remorse to me.
Interesting tho.


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 27th, 2008 at 6:55pm
I looked at my post again

None of those reprobates showed any remorse for their depraved acts against their innocent victims.

They seem to think the whole thing is funny. Man they were going to get a shock and a very nasty suprise


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by AboveTheWeepingWorld on Sep 27th, 2008 at 7:55pm
Every word uttered by these people, regardless of their crimes, however abhorrent, and their guilt, however true, shows that we are all, at the end of all things, distinctly human.

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 27th, 2008 at 9:25pm

Every word uttered by these people, regardless of their crimes, however abhorrent, and their guilt, however true, shows that we are all, at the end of all things, distinctly human

The one thing for sure is that "they are not is distinctly human", there is no such creature in my backyard (I hope) if there were I would shoot it

If they truly are distinctly human as you stated then I must seek out the best lawyer to get a divorcé from the human race.

Distinctly humans are decent not depraved reprobates. Would you let Ted Bundy baby sit your children? After all according to you he is your equal and distinctly human

Unspeakable recessives, they are not even animals eat their own kind to have sex with their dead bodies like Dharma and Bundy. Come and live were I have to live, they rape babies less than three months old, this is a cure for aids so the were just medicating themselves

Please admit someone!!!!! there is good and there is evil and existence is a duality and we can choose the dark or we can choose the light.

I have lived for nearly seventy years and have not even harmed a little bird. The thought of what these?? Non- human mistakes of nature makes my heart run cold with chills when I think about my children grandchildren. They roam in the dark like their master seeking who they can kill mutilate and destroy.

A gorilla is a much nicer creation of God than these?? I have no words to describe them. You simply never find this kind of evil behavior in gorilla society and we are supposed to be higher on the evolutionary ladder than them


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by AboveTheWeepingWorld on Sep 28th, 2008 at 8:43am
;D If I had children, I would most certainly not let Ted Bundy babysit them.

And it would appear that I phrased my post somewhat badly for which I apoligise...

What I was trying to say was that these last words prove the (in my opinion) amazing contrasts that exist within our species:

For example, whilst many of these men and women died defiant, it is also fascinating that some of the most evil, despicable characters are still reduced to a quivering wreck, pining for their mothers during their final moments.

Yet these people are, however deranged, however evil, still members of the human race- a species which is capable of both great achievements and great atrocities.
They are most definitely not, as you stated Alan, our equals, but are nevertheless of the same race as you or I, a fact which we cannot escape.

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 28th, 2008 at 9:31am

Yet these people are, however deranged, however evil, still members of the human race- a species which is capable of both great achievements and great atrocities.

Your avatar title reveals to me that you are a sensitive loving person, weeping for humanity. And I really meant no disrespect in my post; it was not directed at you but  at all of decent human beings

I agree unfortunately that they are members of the human species, but if I could disown them from this right I would

Take care


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by betson on Sep 28th, 2008 at 10:06am
Greetings  :)

If you all are going to be so tough on these people, please take out Nathan Hale, the American patriot and hero, and all the other heros to causes that are not currently politically correct to current governments---also  :'(  :'(  all the women whose main sin was loving the wrong man.

Betson  ;)

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by hawkeye on Sep 29th, 2008 at 2:26pm
What I read was a number of comments, made before death occurred. There is nothing here that shows what came about once body death happens. Not any of us know what they learned upon their death. I felt a bit of remorse for them. (Where does this whole "feeling what you have done to others" come from.) I went to a classroom, did a short review. Was asked what I wanted to do. Live or die. I said there was some things I would like to compleat first. Family things. Bamm!! Back into my body. Note: I was given a book to review before returning. But nothing about how I effected others and pain or hurt or any of that stuff that I am pretty sure I may have caused over my lifetime. The rest of the people mentioned in the post..I give them a little love. When they died, they were most likely met by people they new. Were offered love and forgiveness if it was necessary for them. And probably, have moved on to better things. Many people here just are not ready to let their hate, or fear, or whatever it is, let go, when it comes to killers and murderers, etc. Hate is a horrible thing to carry into the afterlife. I would think that love and forgiveness may just take you a little further.

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by juditha on Sep 29th, 2008 at 6:20pm
Hi allan Marie Antionette ,i seem to have an affinity with her,i feel when i read her name that i was her once in a former life,but i could be wrong but i just feel this.

Love and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 29th, 2008 at 6:45pm

wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 6:20pm:
Hi allan Marie Antionette ,i seem to have an affinity with her,i feel when i read her name that i was her once in a former life,but i could be wrong but i just feel this.

Love and God bless   love juditha

see if you can gather more info on this Juditha. I know you have a feeling, but can you see any other details, maybe later it will come to you, such as what your bedroom looked like, or where u walked, just any little detail might confirm to you what u suspect. maybe you can tap into the records...

or even she could have been close to you, like a disc member. or you could have been in her family here on earth at the time. you need to see if you can get more details as you may some of her traits to work out this time, some of her problems she incurred, such as getting herself wiped out...why? maybe she designed her life. just searching for answers like yourself. u could even have been her mother.

I got the name Vera Miles as myself being associated with her in some way. I have never discovered what the association is, as she's still alive, and I don't plan on going to meet her. not that curious about her, except if I had become an actress, I think my style would resemble hers on the stage. maybe that's all it means? like a disc member. somehow there has to be reason why we get messages like this related to famous people, but what people think is that we're just making it up.

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 29th, 2008 at 6:58pm
I think maybe Allen, when you transition you will be working with these sort of people, as a guide or instructor. it's because you are a justice seeker in your soul. but they will send you to a classroom before you take on your work, to understand, and to have compassion when you start your work. it's your fervor. your passion for justice is causing your future arrangements, and you do have the ability to teach.

and you missed one that said they were sorry. being sorry is the start of repenting. repenting transforms the wayward soul. sorry itself is a leavener for all of humanity.

The atrocity you spoke of, the babies..I hope this was an isolated event...I may be joining you in that classroom in the sky if not..
we do what we can Alan, in the place we stand in, ask God to guide your grief process so you can teach well. so we can protect the babies of the future.

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 29th, 2008 at 7:00pm

Member unknown wrote on Sep 26th, 2008 at 8:12am:
There seem to be many people who think of love in their last moments, even crimininals.

Other seem to have a great sense of humor, even in their last moment.

This is the one I preferred:
I love you.
Spoken to the executioner.
Executed by injection, New York.
~~ Sean Flannagan, d. June 23, 1989


I liked that one too Sonia. it's similar to what JC said before crucifixion "forgive them father for they know not what they are doing."

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Mr Jonnethon on Sep 29th, 2008 at 9:34pm
Wow... im not sleeping tonight.

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Sonia s dream on Sep 30th, 2008 at 8:05am

hawkeye wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 2:26pm:
Many people here just are not ready to let their hate, or fear, or whatever it is, let go, when it comes to killers and murderers, etc. Hate is a horrible thing to carry into the afterlife. I would think that love and forgiveness may just take you a little further.

As a person, I can honestly say that I lived in hate for about 15 years.

It is not that I wanted it, it is just that I had no knowledge to know anything better. My hate came from fear not to be lovable enough and I hated anything that would cause me not to have love, because I feared lack of love most of all.

One day, I hated somebody so much it erased any other feeling. I decided it was not what I wanted, but the major problem remains that you are trapped in ignorance. Because ignorance is the real trap.

I tried to find somebody who would love me and understand me enough, to see the real me through that hate and help me get rid of the hate, BUT I was excluded because of my attitude (due to hate). The more I got excluded, the less love I physically saw and the less love I saw, the more I hated. It became a vicious circle.

I decided one day, since nobody wanted to help me out of hate, that nobody loved me sufficiently AND that I would do the work myself of destroying the hate.

Everyday I kept thinking why I hated, drilling in my thoughts, trying to destroy the root of the hate. I tried to stop existing, tried to control my thoughts, etc... I tried everything to the point of despair.

I tried everything for 10 years, to testify what it is like, for others who cannot testify.

I was called evil, the people who I wanted love from and I called them evil and bad for not loving me enough to help me, for letting me down (and ignorant) while I was trying so hard not to be hateful. I did not understand how they wanted me to act with knowledge of love, since I had none. I had the feeling I was asked to do an inhuman effort, to give something -- a feeling -- I could not create and did not possess sufficiently for them to judge me worthy of their help.

It costed me more than 10 years to vanquish hate on my own. Nobody told me to do it. Nobody helped me and somehow I pitty the one who excluded me, because I know that they want understanding when they are in trouble, just as I wanted it back then.

Now, I want to give love to those who excluded me, because I don't want to act like them. I asked for their forgiveness, and was NOT given it.

This is my testimony to you.

This is why I want to learn, because I need to fight ignorance.
This is why I write to you.

I'ld even beg you to help me out of ignorance if that is what it takes.


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by betson on Sep 30th, 2008 at 10:08am
Dear Sonia and all,

Although I don't see it in these last words, I think that we all need to appeal to our Highest Source, particularly when in crisis.

Although when in crisis it's most difficult to do that, to set aside the anger and guilt that social customs build up in the soul, and open ourselves to [the possibility of?] Higher Help. Even doing it on a pretend basis opens channels that we need opened.
That's what I did and it has led to amazing change!  


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 30th, 2008 at 1:37pm

That is a lot to soak in. You must have had a deep reason for hating so much

You were deeply hurt by a person or persons, even scarred in your soul.

Finding it impossible to forgive lead you hate them and hate yourself

One you hate yourself, you simply can not love anyone else.

So the road back is first forgive yourself, love yourself you are absolutely unique and a beautiful creative act of God, To believe otherwise is to hurt the Father.

God does not sit and count our sins; he is love and is not judgmental. The only judge you have is yourself

Start this exercise to free yourself from self hate Get pen and paper. You must see yourself as God sees you

If you have being saying (just a example) Use the I am statement

  You think             To God you are                 So in reality you are

   I am ugly                  beautiful                                 beautiful

Doing this you clear out all the negative horrible untrue thought and images from your mind

Your mind has a filing system in the temporal lobe of your brain. Take pen and paper and thing of all the negative files in your brain and replace them with positive I am (something good, lovely beautifulness etc) By doing this you actually erase these files and replace them with positivity

This really works, how do I know I brought myself out of the black horror of self hate I even despised myself



Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by juditha on Sep 30th, 2008 at 3:39pm
Hi allan  Is your picture a moving picture as i see him moving and is he the one thats in harry potter,i cant think of his name is it baldamor.

I liked what Catherine Howard said just before she had her head cut off"I die a Queen,but i would rather die the simple wife of Tom Coalpepper" I admired her for that because Tom was her true love but she was forced to be Queen to Henry VIII and she was only 18 yrs old.

Aylsia This medium told me that in a past life i was a french girl called Mari'e and i was part of the aristocrosy and i was beheaded at the french revolution,before a medium told me this i remember watching that film about the french revolution and i really felt the pain of the french and i was calling the English everything and i always feel sad when i see any pictures of France as i feel i belong there,i have always felt like this about France and i have had dreams where i am talking in french and i dont know any french language,but i'm going to reasearch about Mari'e Antionette as not so long ago she did come to me and asked me if i would paint a portrait of her and her husband King Louis VI.

Love and God bless love juditha

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 30th, 2008 at 5:48pm
thank you Juditha for more info. I too have research on other lives to undertake, but have been procrastinating on that.

I guess I'm having too much fun concentrating on this creature who is alysia. I'm having fun, I must admit, but the growth gets pretty intensive sometimes...for all of us. I can feel other people's emotions. I have to make sure it's mine, or another persons.

Bets, I thought that was good advice for S. and u reminded me how important it is to pretend.

I remember many jobs I undertook, with no experience and how I just plunged into it thinking well, they said fake it until you make it.
that's like pretending you actually know what you're doing.

somehow just that little bit of courage, to pretend I could do the job, whatever it's requirements, and with no particular training, I learned fast, due to necessity. and I was just pretending at first I could do it.
We are able to learn whatever we need to learn by just going ahead and doing it.

And when I was young, I needed to believe in God. I was all alone with no one in my family who I could talk to. Mother did not bond with me. I was an unwanted child. so I needed God. some children pick an imaginary playmate. I picked an imaginary God.

I told him all my problems. God said I would grow up, this too would pass. God always had the right thing to say.
but it really wasn't pretending. I just knew someone or something was listening to me, and loved me also.

Pretending is very important as it takes us beyond doubts into something we need very much. to know that we can persevere despite all odds to the contrary. or appearances to the contrary, because most of what we see on the outside of us, is simply an appearance, an image, perhaps even a lie, or an illusion.

we all know, you can't believe everything you're told. Yet if it comes from within what you are told, as a knowing, then we can fly on that inspiration.
I have another definition for ignorance. it comes from the word to ignore.
the opposite of ignoring is focusing.

ignorance is also like apathy. the opposite of apathy is enthusiasm.

at this time of the century, I am enthused, as those energies are upon the planet as we will see many changes shortly, and perhaps in the blink of an eye.

There is no need to be angry with others who ignore that there is pain and suffering, and lack of love around this planet. it is that their focus is not on oneness, nor love.

they are focusing in another direction and ignoring perhaps your own focus point. It does not mean they wish to oppose you personally. they are only interested in their own focus point.
None of us have reached the apex of our loving capabilities,

but we can get an idea what that apex looks like, by not looking so much as ones like Hitler, or saddam, but looking to those who have left their legacy on the earth planes that others have benefitted by.
because in every case, these were enthused, inspired, and loved what they doing.

then I assume the act of loving what you are doing is satisfying enough that there is no time to be thinking or feeling hateful thoughts.

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by blink on Sep 30th, 2008 at 7:29pm
I am innocent, innocent, innocent. Make no mistake about this. I owe society nothing. I am an innocent man and something very wrong is taking place tonight.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Lionel Herrera d. May 12, 1993

If there is the chance that even one man or woman is innocent, we must protest.

Was there a time when each of us was innocent? It's not up to me to judge these people or to take a stand on where they should find themselves after death.

I refuse to even think about it. If there is a God, surely that is his/her job.

All I know is, if I'm doing a retrieval, I don't get to decide "where to" at all. It just happens.

That's fine with me. You go your way, I'll go mine. If we meet again someday, will we even recognize each other?

Sometimes I wonder.

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 1st, 2008 at 3:08am
Yes people

I agree with all the thoughtful comments before this post. And it strangely

A very long long line up of dominoes appeared in my mind.

One little push of love on the first domino can result in a million dominoes falling over or being effected by that love given to the first domino.

This lead me to googol dominoes and the longest line of dominoes lined up and made to fall over with the initial light push on the first is nearly 4 000 000  4 million. It makes one think how one good act of love and kindness can have the domino affect, unfortunately so does an act of hate

Take Care


Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 1st, 2008 at 3:16am
thats not true (according to my studies and readings) Alan, that hate can make all those dominos fall over the same as love.

a light thought touches more people and multiplies many more times over a hate thought.
and it only takes one person to change the world.

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 1st, 2008 at 7:21am

Maybe you are right; love is passed to person to person. But what about the hateful ideas in despots like Stalin, were his ideas not pushed into the Russian peoples?, for instance when normal innocent Russian people were arrested for noting and transported like cattle to work as slaves until they died in he Siberian gulags

Of course we must not bring up that ultimate egotistical despot Hitler again I think we have devoted enough to him on the forum already.

A person like Jesus did push over the domino of love and his truth about love reverberated down the ages (with much self interpretation leading to appalling atrocities.



Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by betson on Oct 1st, 2008 at 10:21am

I wonder if there are many souls called by a High Power to accomplish an amazing feat--say stopping or diverting a powerful force on Earth. Maybe that powerful force isn't metal tanks and guns, but an attitude that is destructive to souls if they would catch it. Let's say an art student  ;) was called and was expected to use their art to convince other souls.*

But then something happens and the soul called upon to help gets too excited by the task at hand and reacts using the most extreme measures possible -- rather than gently convincing souls through the 'soul-ful means' he was capable of using.  It seems like such a person would still feel justified because they'd rely upon the original call from Higher. They might wonder to their dying day and beyond why they are the criminal.

I wonder how often that happens in families, between lovers, not even to mention the political and royal leaders. --??  :o


* Could the artwork like that of Kathe Kollewitz have been a call to conscience that would have replaaced Hitler's methods if only known a few years sooner?

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 1st, 2008 at 6:17pm
I don't have answers for you Alan, not on a forum where we mostly keep it short and to the point (yea right!) cough.

all I know is my own path. In my path, anger is never justified. self responsibility for what we feel is totally ours.
In my path it is not the world I seek to change, but my opinion of it. when I change, then the world changes.
it's up to the individual to create a peaceful, live and let live world.
because the individual is the whole, and the whole is the individual.
love, alysia

Title: Re: The last words of criminals just before execution
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 4:34am
Alysia dear,

all I know is my own path. In my path, anger is never justified. self responsibility for what we feel is totally ours.
In my path it is not the world I seek to change, but my opinion of it. when I change, then the world changes.

Unfortunately not all people intrinsically love like you; if all people were then we would be living in a much nicer world than we are without having to look back at horrific history.

Just like you Alysia I don’t have the answers that prevent humanity from hurting themselves. But surely given the long history of our civilization, humanity should have learned some truths by now and adopted moral absolutes.

The abuse of babies in South Africa was sadly not an isolated event but happened many times until the perpetrators realized that they could not cure themselves by this hideous method. Thank God this awful practice has stopped as far as I can tell


You are also correct it all boils down to attitude and honesty and loves in the end will conquer evil.

It is a fact that not all people have the sweet loving natures of  Alysia and you and this is saddening to me.



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