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Message started by seekingtruth on Sep 19th, 2008 at 6:51am

Title: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by seekingtruth on Sep 19th, 2008 at 6:51am
So, I read all of this about our spirits and our souls and like many, am bogged down with questions that do not end.

I see things on a scientific level, I guess you could say. Many say the afterlife is that of your life experiences/accomplishments and the like. We see the people we knew and all that...

Firstly, who or what keeps track of all this (experiences/accomplishments)?

Secondly, how is it we remember anything since our human (living ) brain stores all of this?

Here is how I see it and question a lot. We do not have some sort of secondary memory storage in our soul. ie.. man suffers brain injuries from car wreck.. doesn't remember anything or anyone... and has to learn to walk over again. He looses on piece of his physical body... and all of his life is gone.
Nor do our souls have some sort of fingerprint for our personality ie . uncontrollably mad man by nature is calmed down to a norm by just a medication that affects the chemical balance in his head... there are many examples for this... who we are/the emotions we feel are all a result of how much a chemical exists in our head and how it is placed and reproduced. Give a very sad person the right pill, and they are happy, outgoing and successful.. almost "a new person."

Also, what about newborns that die by some means or another.... are they just a child for all of eternity?

I could go on and on with the questions I've boggled myself for (almost to the point of insanity I might add), but then this post would never be posted and it would take the same number of years (lol) for any and all responses.

Any enlightenment would be appreciated :-[

Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by Sonia Faith on Sep 19th, 2008 at 7:32am
Hello Seekingtruth,

I am happy you joined us on this forum and I think you share that item of being on that same quest as many of us are: we seek to understand the meaning of things and how things work.

Your post is very interesting and I would be happy to share my opinion.

I think we should make a difference between body and soul, but in physical lifetime our possibilities depend most of our bodies.

If you lose a physical limb, your nonphysical limb probably still exists (as long as you believe it does), but most of us cannot use a nonphysical limb to walk or grab objects.
If you are born with a "depressed brain-state", you might get it better with pills, but I believe there are nonphysical reasons for this kind of birth. The soul is basically an energy which emits vibrations, which can be positive or negative. These vibrations affect the body the same way.

I believe science can solve a lot, but not everything. I'ld like to think that emotion is more than a chemical result, because the process of thoughts is very complex.

Some events in our lives can be lifelessons, other events, I believe, are the consequences of actions (mistakes by others) or facts (earthquake, etc).

This is how much I know myself.


Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by hawkeye on Sep 19th, 2008 at 12:51pm
Hi Seeking Truth, Welcome to the board. This is a great place where everyone's opinion is welcome. I think you will find there are a number of differant ones, with not everyone necessarily agreeing with each other. OK...
Who keeps track?
You do. To whom else would it matter?

Brain stores all of this...
OK lift your arm....How did you do that? OK..what made those mussels work?....OK ..Who/what told your brain to do it? What do you meen, I did? Who is I?

secondary memory storage..
Have you never heard of someone who is in a car accident and has a brain injury? Goes into a coma. Then wakes up sometimes years later and is just fine. Or the people who go out of body when they have an operation or a near death experience.

Mad men...
A pill doesn't fix anything, it only helps hide it or sedates the person who takes it.

Newborn that die...
If you are like me and know that there is reincarnation then you would also understand that no, they don't stay a child for all of eternity. They make the choice to be reborn. (or not)

Its important that you believe what ever you believe. You sure don't have to take my word for it. You will find out the truth for yourself soon enough. I hope you hang out and look around here for a while. Other are far more scientific inclined than I am who may be able to answer your question in a way that is more in tune to your interests. You are doing the right thing...Seeking Truth and asking questions. People tend to ask questions when they are searching for the right answers or new ones.  Good luck in your search.

Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by recoverer on Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:34pm
Hello Seeking Truth:

My feeling is that when we incarnate into this World we do so with the intention of being limited by our brain, nervous system and biochemisty, to whatever extent they limit us. If something such as an accident or drug causes our brain, nervous system and/or biochemistry to be altered, we experience accordingly. When we leave our body at the time of death we are no longer limited by our brain, nervous system and biochemistry.  We could be limited by our beliefs and attachments if we cling to them.

Many people have found that to a varying extent it is possible to gain some freedom from the limitations their brain, nervous system and biochemistry through various means such as near death eperiences, out of body experiences, clairvoyance and meditation, before their body stops functioning.

Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by identcat on Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:34pm
Welome ST-- I hope you find many answers here and also help generate new questions.

You can search the archives with single words like Death, reincarnation, memory and then hit search and you will get many blogs to read on each subject.
Ocassionally when I want to re-read something that I remember seeing, that's what I do.

Each person has his/her own belief and knowledge. We all have inate knowledge that we can't explain "how it got there and how we just know the answer".  When a person passes on he/she take only his/her memory.  We can physically explaine what the brain looks like, and we know there are memory cells, but we can't actually physically see or touch memory.  It's like the air we breath--- we don't actually see it, but we know it exist.  When a spirit chooses to come to the physical, it will choose a condition that is benificial for it's own spiritual/soul growth.  That means: a child might die in the womb before ever being born. Or, a person may live a wretched life until the age of 20 and die or a paradise until the age of 90.  We agree to our condtions before conception for our own personal, spiritual growth.  When we pass over, the same is true of what we wish to pursue in another dimension.

When we are born with chemical disbalances, we chose that condition to be born to. It may help someone discover a treatment that will help 6 billion others on the planet, or it may only affect the person born to the condition and those around him/her.  Even when a monk goes into solitary to pray and meditate for days at a time, there is a keeper who will bring him back to consciousness, feed him, bring him water and then allow the monk to go back into isolation.  It does affect that other person.  When the keeper leaves, he/she has his/her own life to attend to.  Perhaps a farmer who brought the food to the monk. This farmer may have animals to tend to, etc.  It always affects others.  The farmer/keeper may actually be more spiritually evolved than the monk in deep meditation.  We all choose our own roads to travel.

If there is no afterlife/no higher God or being and we just die, we still affect those around us while alive. Then our bodies go back into the earth at some point--- ashes, embalmed, not embalmed and our bodies then become part of nature. Nature still exist and it has it's own soul and memory of another dimention. We go on and on.

Hope this also helps with either and answer or many other questions. We are all the studens and the teachers right up until our death.

Love and Light--- Carol Ann

Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by recoverer on Sep 19th, 2008 at 1:51pm
Regarding what Carol Ann wrote, I agree that we make certain decisions before we are born, but sometimes things don't go as planned. For example, I doubt that a person who ends up being a person who ends up in a lower realm after he or she dies, plans to do so before hand.

Regarding a person who chooses a chemical imbalance so 6 billion others will benefit from the treatment that is found while working on such a person's case, why do the 6 billion people choose to have a chemical imbalance if the first person was all that was needed in order to find a cure? How many times can you find a cure? If the first person was caused to have the imbalance intentionally, perhaps a better plan is to not create the imbalance at all?

It seems as if a circular self defeating logic is found when one thinks in terms of a chemical balance being created intentionally.  Perhaps it is simply a matter of it being difficult to design a biological organism that is infallible, just as it is difficult to design any machine that is infallible.

There is also the factor of how psychological/emotional issues can lead to chemical imbalances. When this is the case, it is a matter of each person dealing with his or her issues on a case by case basis, rather than finding a cure that benefits many people.

Of course there are some scenarios where one person or a number of people learn a lesson that benefits others. Perhaps one lesson is that not everything is intentional. Sometimes the play of opposites work out so that negative things happen even when you don't want them to happen.  I'm certain there are some channeled sources that disagree with me.

Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by betson on Sep 19th, 2008 at 4:05pm
and welcome Seeking!

It must not be one thing, because I find I agree with the above comments,; but particularly Recoverer's  
"We could be limited by our beliefs and attachments if we cling to them."

We could say then that it's the -attitudes- we develop, maybe with the brain's temporary input, that follow our consciousness into later stages of life.

We have seven subtle bodies and each has an energy center (brain?)
that may carry energies back into the afterlife that are transposed into what we call attitudes-- a mix of emotional, mental, spiritual, etc (the same as the  subtle bodies.)

It's all energy   :)


Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by spooky2 on Sep 19th, 2008 at 9:57pm
Hi Seekingtruth,
while I think natural science is one of the greatest achievements of manhood, it has it's downsides, when modern science is mistaken as philosophy or religion. The success of science is that it established a system of standards which are objective, independent of subjectivity. This just means, a large part of our experience is omitted in science. The failure now is to take this narrow objective base of data as the whole and only reality. This simply isn't allowed by logical rules.

Our bodies are our tools of our presence in the physical world. Not more. You can search for the "I" in your body. You'll never find it. While our body is our closest and most private property in the physical, it is still part of the physical outer world, and not identical with the "I". I always think those "we are our brains"- scientists could use some private lessons in philosophy.


Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by seekingtruth on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 11:26am
To me still, I see it as this: You get intoxicated to he point of not remembering... where does this go? It is gone forever.

Also in this afterlife, what way would you have of recalling any memories or even re-living your entire earthbound life as if it were first person non stop? Every aspect of us (personality, decisions, beliefs, intellect) is a result of our brains and how it is composed, along with the experiences that have shaped these aspects.

Any "out of body experience" or vision or dream or whatever you want to call it to me is explainable as a figment of ones imagination, whether drug induced or just some sort of chemical shift in your brain. Perhaps it is a mini-seizure (which most of us have seizures, whether you're epileptic or not... the jerking of your feet as you fall asleep is considered a seizure, as are other everyday "phenomenons").

I guess you could argue we have no way of knowing, but to me it seems something so powerful that is able to enter a fetus as it is formed, leave it upon death and have ultra memory capabilities and travel powers and so on... that it would prevail over a malfunctioning brain/chemical process or whatever the scenario might be.

Most of it seems more fairytale than believable or plausible.

I am not posting this as a bashing or anything on anyone's beliefs or ideals, in case anyone takes this as that.. it is just how I see things. :-[

It is morbidly depressing I know....  but just so you know a bit about me, once in a blue moon I'd get spurts about our being and other related unexplainable matters in the form of panic attacks and my mind races constantly about this with no end in sight day in and day out. I had these as a child on and off and they had been in remission for several years now.. they've just returned and it's seeming to last longer than normal so I have had a lot of time to think about this with my preoccupation this past month... I wish for anything for what I believe to be true but I'm more a man of facts I guess you could say.

Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by spooky2 on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 9:21pm
Quote Seekingtruth:
"Any "out of body experience" or vision or dream or whatever you want to call it to me is explainable as a figment of ones imagination, whether drug induced or just some sort of chemical shift in your brain."

Then, everything else can interpreted as well as imagination. This is why the statement "Everything is an interpretation/imagination of our brain" is so silly, because this then would be valid for our brain as well. Following this, our brain is an imagination of our brain. This is a direct circle and useless for the discrimination of real vs imagination. It is questionable if this discrimination makes sense at all.

You may look at it that way: You (in whatever form) have been (and still are) somewhere in a nonphysical place, took a strange drug and now you're having this strange earth-life trip, from which you will awake sometime.

When you search for answers only in the field of natural science's objective facts, then the answers will be this way. If that is not sufficient, then you should widen your view. As a matter of fact, our daily reality/experience is not consisting of objects in the sense of natural science. Natural science uses our experiences to extract with certain methods things/structures which then are treatable as objects of science. But of course, that's just an extract of reality, and not the basis of reality, as claimed by materialistic-reductionistic scientists.


Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by Alfred on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 11:11pm
I can't add much to what has been said in all the replies above, ST. I would think that most of those here have had similar questions at some stage or other, it would be odd if it were otherwise. My own particular persistent problem is with the idea of 'no-time' in the nonphysical realm - if there is no linear progression, no past, present or future, how does a soul "progress", it must surely be perfect or imperfect, all at the same time. But my inability to comprehend doesn't invalidate the concept (can anyone help me out on this one, please?!).

Re the role of Science - I echo Spooky's comments in that it's a fantastic tool for investigating, manipulating and measuring the physical world, but is worse than blind when it comes to considering a nonphysical realm - it just does not (perhaps cannot) conceive of the possibility.

Even amongst those here, you will see the term "bigger picture" used a lot, which I suppose is a way of addressing a system which we in the here-now find so hard to begin to comprehend. The basic premiss of this site, and of the works of those like Bob Monroe, Bruce Moen, Tom Campbell (all engineers and scientists of one sort or another) and others, including many gifted posters here, is that the best way to try to understand is through direct personal experience - as Monroe always said, "Go find out for yourself!". Put your physical belief system on hold for a while, and just let yourself see what may be there for you, using the techniques these authors have described (read their books - some are listed in the book forums of this site). You've nothing to lose, could gain great insight, and at the very least, it can be great fun!

I wish you all the best in your quest!


Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by betson on Sep 26th, 2008 at 12:10pm
Greetings   :) ,

In the afterlife there is change
but it is not measured by a commonly held tick-tock standard called 'time.'
Time comes from Earth's rotation around the sun, dividing that cycle into smaller and smaller minute sections. ( I meant to say 'mi-noote'  -- :D   trying to make a pun -- sorry !  ;) )  
We measure distance and time relative to our planet, so those measuring systems fall away when the physical falls away.

So souls 'up there' are each changing at their own pace, based upon their changing attitudes, regardless of others' rate of change.

I gave trying to conceptualize measureless, timeless time and distanceless space.  But we can experience it if we get involved in OB activities, since no-time and no-space 'happen' when OB.
Leaving time and space isn't scarey.  All that happens is that
all is here now.
The potential of that is limitless, unmeasured, immediate!


Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by betson on Sep 26th, 2008 at 12:25pm
Greetings again,

Seekingtruth said:

" once in a blue moon I'd get spurts about our being
and other related unexplainable matters in the form
of panic attacks and my mind races constantly about
this with no end in sight day in and day out. I had these
as a child on and off ... I wish for anything for what I
believe to be true but I'm more a man of facts I guess
you could say."  [end quote]
(He also apologized if his thoughts offended anyone.)

Seeing, you are offending no one.  We've been there and see that you are struggling.  Your soul is sending your conscious mind a message, but your training and education for physical life is not allowing you to accept it. Look at what you say: " I wish for anything for what I believe to be true..."

You can keep your factual training for working in the world, but you can accept your beliefs as true for your spirit too !  You may then find yourself giving more time to your beliefs--then they will not have to cause you panic in order to catch your attention. Just tell your mind to gently, gradually reveal its soul truths, so that you can consciously adjust to your whole self.
You're fine--you're on your way to an incredible new view of life!


Title: Re: This is how I see it... have questions
Post by Romain on Sep 26th, 2008 at 2:26pm
Welcome to the board, and as Bet said...You're fine--you're on your way to an incredible new view of life. Enjoy.


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