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Message started by jetman on Sep 17th, 2008 at 9:37pm

Title: An entity stuck
Post by jetman on Sep 17th, 2008 at 9:37pm
It started  in a church I was talking to a minister about my beliefs.  She agreed with me and than started talk about paranormal activity.  She said that he (the entity ) was not angry but just confused.  she also said that the paranormal activity was very high here on Murray street Perth.  She took me around back the church I than saw a sketch of an old man with a distorted face.  I know this was the entity she was talking about. I Than heard voices and saw a pair of shackles on the wall moving around with no one in them.  

this is when I woke up

Title: Re: An entity stuck
Post by identcat on Sep 17th, 2008 at 11:21pm
Jetman--- what you want to do now is interpert it three different ways:
Logically--- what in reality set off the dream?  Had you been talking about church or to a minister. Perhaps something on TV?  Do you know of other neighbors who are interested in the paranormal? Was the sketch something you saw in a magazine or billboard?

Next:  Symbolically--- What does church/minister represent to you? Is it a safe haven? I the minister someone you confide in?  Is the distorted face representitive of a distorted vision in the dream? Something not clear to you in the paranormal? Are the empty shackles represenitive of someone who is set free?

Third: Spiritually-- Does the church represent a place where the soul is a haven in? Does the minister represent a higher spirit guide and perhaps the old man as an old, unwanted belief?  The empty shakles may represent your free thinking about the soul.

Hope this helps in some small way--- cat

Title: Re: An entity stuck
Post by jetman on Sep 18th, 2008 at 8:23am
I have not talked with a minister for along time.  This minister was agreeing with my set of beliefs  the of energy and the oneness of god and the true teaches of Christ and other enlightened beings.  I have never seen this sketch before of the old man in his 90's deep wrinkles and his mouth appeared to have had a stroke.  The thing that gets me is the address Murray Street Perth and behind a church??????

What are your thoughts

:o :o :o

Title: Re: An entity stuck
Post by betson on Sep 18th, 2008 at 10:16am
Greetings Jetman,

Since there's no geographic space in the spiritual, it seems you don't have to be too concerned about where this took place.....

.....Unless of course you want to go back there in a meditation
and ask for the old man in the picture. Perhaps he needs a calm soul to ease his mind after his stroke so that he can rise to heaven?
In other words, you'd be offering him a retrieval.

By the words of the minister and the open, freed shackles, it seems that the church now accepts such spiritual activity. Perhaps telling the old man that will ease his mind too, since he seems involved somehow.

I think Identcat's method (written above) is excellent too!


Title: Re: An entity stuck
Post by identcat on Sep 18th, 2008 at 1:57pm
Thank's Bets--- I agree with your analogy.  I thought that perhaps the old man needed someone in the physical to help him progress. Perhaps the physical location could be as afore mentioned: something someone talked about or perhaps jetman recently passed by.

By taking the dream and translating it into 3 parts: Logically, Symbolically and Sprirtually, an agreeable conclusion may be reached as to the meaning of the dream.  A dream is a personal experience, so what one symbol means to me may be way off the conception of the person who had the dream.  

Jetman--- write down you conclusions for all three interputations then come to a positive conclusion.  You were "there" for a reason. Must be you have lots of PUL   [smiley=wink.gif]

Love, Light and lots of Hugs-- Carol Ann

Title: Re: An entity stuck
Post by jetman on Sep 18th, 2008 at 2:47pm

I will try to get back there and offer help.  I will let you know what happens when I get there.

thank you

Title: Re: An entity stuck
Post by jetman on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 12:28pm
I believe I got there through meditation.  The entity was confuse about the thing he had done.  I not sure what the entity did I didn't get into it.  I   told he that it was ok to move on and to forgive himself for the things he did.  The entity disappeared into a bright light and that was it.

::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: An entity stuck
Post by betson on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 4:25pm
Congratulations, jetman!  

You did just what he needed, and that's all we have to do.  :)


Title: Re: An entity stuck
Post by identcat on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 7:54pm
That's a true retrieval!  Good for you!!

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