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Message started by george stone on Sep 14th, 2008 at 11:00pm

Title: Warning I received from inity
Post by george stone on Sep 14th, 2008 at 11:00pm
I received this warning 25 years ago.The message was very clear,a male voice said that the USA and Canada would be distroyed,and only the far reaches Canada north would be spared.Nothing has happened as yet.But I am sure it will in the future.I did not make this up.I still remember those words.I wrote this message before,and it was removed from the site.please beleive me.GGeorge

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 15th, 2008 at 12:47am
I think the forecast has been changed George. by a gathering on focus 33 of the event planners. however, with visions like these, we can consider them two ways:
an actual dimension exists where your vision comes true, while another dimensional reality opens up alongside that one, and those who choose a different reality to experience, disappear into that one without even being consciously aware, they have done a dimension slide.

like quantum leaps, only without the machine. remember that sitcom?

love, alysia

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Mactek on Sep 18th, 2008 at 2:17am
I also believe that that older prophesies like those are no longer valid.  My rule of thumb is any potential older than 1989 can no longer be relied upon.  It's different now.

There is no need to live in fear, George.  Just be nice and offer love to your neighbors.  In the end, what else can we do?

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by identcat on Sep 18th, 2008 at 1:41pm
George, when I attended TMI Guidelines last year, I received a message that we will finally be sent help from more evolved beings in the year 2010. Another participant received a similar message, and we compared notes. I really think the ORBS that keep popping up are the begining of the message.  It's up to those of us who want more PUL to radiate that love without fear of being chastized. There are many of us who are already in the love mode both here on this planet and in other dimentions who will not let the planet be destroyed with hate and disrespect. The more positive energy we put forth the less likely the planet we love so much will be destroyed.
Love and Light-- Carol Ann

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by detheridge on Sep 21st, 2008 at 3:38am
Hi folks,
I posted a reply to this a few days ago, but I think this was when the site was undergoing maintenance or problems, as it vanished into thin air...
Some of the folks who've replied have mentioned that moves are afoot that change previous predictions. For instance, Alysia, can you enlarge on the event planners in Focus 33 ad what they have decided to work on?
Also Carol Anne, can you give further details on the help in 2010?
It seems to me that things are changing 'up there' in a very profound way very quickly and I'd like to know more!  :D

There's also this interpretation of the latest workings out of the Mayan calendar from Carl Johan Calleman:

Any comments folks?

Best wishes,


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 27th, 2008 at 12:32pm
Hi David..uhm, I think the world changes anytime any one of us changes a habitual thought pattern.
At this time the entire world, which is also our nonphysical world of beings, either of high or low degree, is slowly gathering a momentum.

from what I've gathered we are marching towards the golden age and in less than 200 years will manifest it physically speaking.

until we all "get it" or awaken, each one does this individually within their current lifetime. The event planners, to my understanding, simply gather the energy from our various thoughts, plans, desires, wishes, prayers and put this energy all together to form an event.

this is why the bible said when two or more of you are gathered, there I am. it's a very creative thing, to be joining, for negative or positive purposes, it's the same principle.

essentially, it's up to us what happens, when and where and to whom.
love, alysia

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Rondele on Sep 27th, 2008 at 2:23pm

I checked your website, and I see where they say fake planes hit the WTC on 9/11 along with other equally absurd allegations.

I personally saw the plane crash into the Pentagon that morning while on the way to work and people who have these crazy conspiracy theories really need psychological help.  One of our neighbors was on that plane and when I read crap like that it frankly makes my blood boil.

It's an insult to those people who not only died in the crashes but to those who went to their rescue and to those who even now devote their lives tracking down and capturing the Islamic fascists who would attack us again if they get the chance.


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 27th, 2008 at 6:50pm

"I agree completely with your statement"

Hey George

I believe you heard that George, but remember the future is not cast in stone, so some decision by someone might have delayed it or maybe it will now never happen and God wanted you to pray that it did not happen

A butterfly flapping its wings in China might create a hurricane in America.

Maybe a buttefly flapped its wings and stopped the whole event

Take Care


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by george stone on Sep 27th, 2008 at 9:51pm
I dont know alan,just look at the usa today down down down

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 27th, 2008 at 10:14pm
George, maybe this sounds trite, but, I guess I am trite person..anyhoo, I noticed you and I about the same age, right?

have you noticed as u went thru life, like I have, that things always look worse then they really are?
maybe it's just me. things get better rather than worse. that's what I noticed in hindsight. this thing about seeing the future and then telling that you saw it, sometimes it's the interpretation we deal with. I'm sure you had the vision, we are not knocking that.
it's just that if we all believed it, it would help it to happen.
because we believe it in unison.

well I have a little story. there were some doctors who made a mistake, predicting to my stepfather that his cancer had returned and they would have to chop off his other leg.
he went home to consider things and ended up blowing his head off with a shotgun.
this is because of a prediction. turns out that the doctors had gotten his chart mixed up with someone else. he did not even have cancer returned.
So I know it was is time to go, but before we predict horrible things to maybe happen, I would want to be absolutely certain my vision is not going to hurt someone by making them depressed and to give up hope for our world. as if it was true George, I think I might want to shoot myself as well. I'm the sensitive kind. had enough doom and gloom to last me forever!  if you were in town George, I would teach you how to line dance.
love, alysia

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by detheridge on Sep 28th, 2008 at 5:35am

rondele wrote on Sep 27th, 2008 at 2:23pm:

I checked your website, and I see where they say fake planes hit the WTC on 9/11 along with other equally absurd allegations.

I personally saw the plane crash into the Pentagon that morning while on the way to work and people who have these crazy conspiracy theories really need psychological help.  One of our neighbors was on that plane and when I read crap like that it frankly makes my blood boil.

It's an insult to those people who not only died in the crashes but to those who went to their rescue and to those who even now devote their lives tracking down and capturing the Islamic fascists who would attack us again if they get the chance.


Hi Rondele,
thanks for the reply.
I'm keeping an open mind on all that stuff, and the website (it's anything but mine by the way) does have some curious stuff there.
However, amongst the more crazy things there (GWB is actually a robot?  ;D) there is some useful stuff, like the interpretation of the Mayan calendar, hence my drawing it to your attention.
Of course, anyone can claim that everything is a conspiracy, but we all know that we're not told the truth, and we have to use discernment to decide which is truth and which is vested interests.
You make up your own mind on this. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. That's why I'm interested in others comments on the Mayan subject.

thanks for your reply. I'm intrigued that we'll manifest the golden age in less than 200 years. Is it really going to have to take that long?  :-[
Calleman's prediction (as I've understood from reading them) is that it'll happen much quicker due to time acceleration. Barabara Hand Clow has similar comments on her website:

Best wishes,


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 28th, 2008 at 11:25am
Hi, David said: Alysia,
thanks for your reply. I'm intrigued that we'll manifest the golden age in less than 200 years. Is it really going to have to take that long?  Embarrassed
Calleman's prediction (as I've understood from reading them) is that it'll happen much quicker due to time acceleration. Barabara Hand Clow has similar comments on her website:

I'll go look at handclow. I got my information from Disappearance of the Universe in Gary Renard's book. that's where it says that this here shift in consciousness is accelerating to, to mean that the majority vote comes at that distance in time. also Gordon Phinn's second book will also point out some futuristic type events which point to human spiritual evolution in the coming centuries. Greater technology provides for more time to take up spiritual studies, less need to work 5 days a week to survive. but we have to be realistic.
there are 9 root races (my belief system)  each race has it's own agenda and time period to work out their evolution.

more on my personal beliefs concerning the world: there are beings attracted to this planet who desire war like circumstances, for their own experience of that. So you could look at it that way, that these have to transition eventually, then the Indigo children grow up and begin to take their roles and intentions to promote a more spiritually based society, of live and let live, less disease, less competitive, and thank god! less SPAM!

Aside from measuring how long it takes to get there, we have our philosophies which allow us to be patient.
You can discover a place within you, in your mind, where only the now moment creates the next now moment, and can even go back in the past and create a now moment in the past.

When you find this now moment, it becomes the future, so in that sense, the golden age is here now. in other words, it doesn't happen "out there."
It happens within each individual and THEN it happens outwardly as the numbers increase who create a desirable peaceful environment. then they can give a war and nobody will come.

The first time I saw the title Disappearance of the universe, I was intrigued with some images I saw. I saw explosions, but I knew that would not happen on Earth except in isolated pockets perhaps.
What the title is pointing to, is a shift in consciousness, whereby what disappears is: hatred, intolerance, prejudice, murder, rape, stealing, adultery, plunder of the Earth, molestation of children, and etc and etc.

As you can see, we are looking at a tall order, and new agers, like me, are wishing it would happen more quickly, so we look to each other for confirmation that it's going to happen, like tomorrow. the responsibility returns to the individual, and there are many who wish that somebody else would take over, and make the hurt go away. It remains on the individual, as government in the new age will be sharply reduced as will the police force, as they won't be needed.

I am 61, and I was hoping I would see a massive shift in consciousness. I only see it in the children's faces though. you out there who have children, you're looking at the golden age right in your house. guard it well, they are precious.

love, alysia

However, I'm like you, wishing that it happens in only 50 years or so.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 28th, 2008 at 12:06pm

I am 61, and I was hoping I would see a massive shift in consciousness. I only see it in the children's faces though. you out there who have children, you're looking at the golden age right in your house. guard it well, they are precious

Heck!!!!!!! Yong lady compared to me you have hardly reached puberty. I know I will be long gone before earth becomes heaven

Take Care


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 28th, 2008 at 12:19pm
ok Alan, but I'm past menopause dearie by many years.

Alan, your picture was taken when? you look about 40 years old.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 28th, 2008 at 12:52pm

ok Alan, but I'm past menopause dearie by many years.

Alan, your picture was taken when? you look about 40 years old.

No thirty years ago, I did not put my current image as years of suffering from manic/ depression has left their mark and I come across as a really really miserable old sod. (Which I am not)

However, as I still feel inside the age of my avatar photo, as I have been well now for years the photo displays more of my correct character than any recent photo

But I am a fairly presentable old guy and I don’t frighten little children they seem to love me as I am a great story teller

I am 67 not really ancient yet my mind is a sharp as it ever was, I have four lovely daughters 3 with university degrees and in managerial positions.

In addition I have 10 grandchildren 8 boys and two girls I come from a family of 4 siblings 2 girls who still live in South Africa and 2 brothers who live in Australia.

Bruce my elder brother is 2 years my senior and Roger is  4 years my junior. My two sisters are both younger than me and Thelma a wonderful beautiful souls is suffering from liver cancer much to my deep distress.

Both my parents have passed on; my father was Scottish from the lake area of Inverness (By the loch of the famous lochness monster).

Mother was Jewish but was born I South Africa her maiden name was Siderasky

Unlike me all my siblings have traveled extensively all over the world. My three daughters all travel constantly due to their business needs. The youngest daughter who is 39 is tragically mentally challenged and we are burdened in or old age to help her and her two children who reside with us in a nice 4 room complex.

South Africa is decidely not as nice a place to live in as America, the crime here is unimaginable and we have to live behind burgler bars, razor wire, high walls and private security guards. The police cant cope not that they are trying. Of course South Africa is a place of natural beauty and animal life

I know you did not ask me to give all this detail but why not I have anything to hide from my good friends on this fabulous forum



Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Old Dood on Sep 28th, 2008 at 1:41pm

LaffingRain wrote on Sep 28th, 2008 at 12:19pm:
ok Alan, but I'm past menopause dearie by many years.

Alan, your picture was taken when? you look about 40 years old.

In that case I am changing my name to 'Teen-Age-Dood'.  hehe :)
Except lately with all this healing up from surgery I feel twice my age....[sigh]

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 28th, 2008 at 2:10pm
Dood, I wish you'd bring back homer icon who wonders what kind of hell this is. just a request, your wiggling hand makes me nervous :D

I think this is a good time to take care of your body and I predict a speedy healing due to your alter ego is very ornery and doesn't like to lie down very much.  :)

thank you Alan for telling us of your family and situation. You're right that living in America, we don't necessarily have barbed wire around our homes, but many have burglary systems just as a matter of course. and everybody insures their property, as well, it is required to have insurance, because they told me, if someone slips on the sidewalk in front of your house because it snowed the day before, and you didn't shovel the snow away, they can sue you and win, for their injuries.
I don't have a burglar alarm here, as I own nothing, unless a burglar wants this darn mac...they can have it, would do me a favor.

love, alysia
so I always shoveled my snow in Denver.  :)

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by betson on Sep 28th, 2008 at 5:00pm
Alysia !

:o  What have you done to Alan McD !?   :o

:) I like beards.  Also white hair, and wide domes full of info and life!  
Thank you for sharing, Dear Alan.

Love to all,

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 28th, 2008 at 5:03pm
isn't he sweet for telling us about his family? we don't care what you look like Alan. all that's important is you are here. :)

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by identcat on Sep 29th, 2008 at 7:41am
See that George--- You have Alan telling his soul to us!   I'm the ripe young age of 59!  I have two sons & 2 grandchildren and one sister. My brother passed away 10 years age of a massive coronary.  My husband and I raised our grandson.
Life is a challange---But it's what I chose.  
The DVD is on it's way. Enjoy "What dreams may come:.  Hugs--Carol Ann

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 29th, 2008 at 8:24am
Hey Ladies

Betsi , Alysia and Carol Ann are all lovely ladies and I am proud to know them , be it via the forum

Much Love


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Old Dood on Sep 29th, 2008 at 8:39am

LaffingRain wrote on Sep 28th, 2008 at 2:10pm:
Dood, I wish you'd bring back homer icon who wonders what kind of hell this is. just a request, your wiggling hand makes me nervous :D

This one 'better'?  I love this one. It is actually a Smiley called 'Rant'.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 29th, 2008 at 2:39pm

Old Dood wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 8:39am:

LaffingRain wrote on Sep 28th, 2008 at 2:10pm:
Dood, I wish you'd bring back homer icon who wonders what kind of hell this is. just a request, your wiggling hand makes me nervous :D

This one 'better'?  I love this one. It is actually a Smiley called 'Rant'.

it's called Rantus, as I just kypped it for one of my blogs.
love it! thanks so much

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 29th, 2008 at 2:56pm

Alan McDougall wrote on Sep 29th, 2008 at 8:24am:
Hey Ladies

Betsi , Alysia and Carol Ann are all lovely ladies and I am proud to know them , be it via the forum

Much Love


hey Alan and Carol, heres some of my family details, but if u want to know the truth, I was never bonded much with my family. u guys are my family.

my older sister, stepfather, foster father, genetic father, mother, are on the other side.

my older brother is alive and is immersed in internet gambling and I believe he is retired, says he reads on the shorelines in calif. books of his interest. I would like to have a relationship with him, but I made the move I was supposed to towards that, and I'm waiting to see what spirit wants.

my younger sister by 10 years is alive. also I wait on spirit guidance for this relationship. these are half brothers and sisters.

my twin daughters are 35, still unmarried and have not given me grandchildren which makes me a tiny bit upset, however, being a mom and knowing how difficult pregnancy can be, and equally difficult to raise children, the commitment to that, I do not beg them for grandchildren. the 3 of us when we are together is a bit like the 3 Stooges comedy and the greatest fun of my life is to be with them.
we never fight. except for once or twice.

my genetic father, Pete, dead, flew airplanes for a job, he was surveyor I think. I met him on the phone once. he was Russian full blood.
he was a twin also. I got the dna from him and had twins. I have a picture of him in a sailor suit. he became an alcoholic as did my soul mate husband.

I always wanted to meet my brothers and sisters (half) from Pete's side. however, it never came to pass.
so I don't have extended family. Just me and my girls and our pets.

and you guys are my family and always will be.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by identcat on Sep 29th, 2008 at 5:24pm

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 29th, 2008 at 11:56pm
I did not mention my duaghers ages

Shirley 47

Alison 45

Cheryl 42

Desiere 40

Denise my wife is 65

So I a father at twenty and grandfather at 38


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 30th, 2008 at 6:17pm
continuing this thread and risking being moved to off topic, Alan, I will share the strange circumstances under which I became pregnant.

Before I met my soul mate which I've absolutely no doubt we'd planned on linking up before birth, due to the burst of pure light energy when I first laid eyes on him.

before I met him he had been married to a woman who had two children from a previous marriage.
despite they were married for 8 years and used no contraceptives, she never conceived.

therefore when Mike and I met, he told me we did not need to use contraceptives, as obviously, he had either a low sperm count or none at all, or surely, his first wife would have conceived and she was fertile with proof of it.

I became pregnant with twins (I carried the gene of twins) within about 2 months of living with Mike, showing that it did not matter if he had a low sperm count. possibly the first wife, who was young and healthy, had lost fertility somewhere during the 8 years of being with Mike.

it just seems strange. I think my higher self had something to do with the pregnancy. I did not consider having children as a goal. but I remember a little voice now and then asking me if didn't I think this would be nice?

I think the little voice was the voice of my children in spirit form.

I had gone out of my body 6 years previosly and played with their spirits, flying and chasing one another through the spaces of heaven, laffing and having a merry time.

I wish everyone to know, we are free spirits when we get home, and even when we go out of body, we can see we are different people. more loving and kind, and of course, we act like children with our imaginations.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by identcat on Sep 30th, 2008 at 6:53pm
I agree with you--- about seeing your children before they are born.  When I became pregnant with my sons, both times I told everyone I was having boys with blue eyes and blond hair.  Now, I'm dark brown hair, brown eyes and "olive" complected skin.  My father had hazel eyes and my mom had the brown eyes.  My first husband was light -- and I just knew that my sons were going to be light, also.  They are. (And my grandchildren are blond and blue eyes. ) For the second pregnancy, the doctor swore up and down that I was going to have a girl. I kept saying--- nope, it's a boy and he's blond and blue eyes.  The doctor almost flipped out when my second son was born.  He asked  "How the H--l did you know?"   I just knew.

So , George--- we receive all sorts of messages over "time" .  I will have to re-write what my guides told me about the planet the next time I  write. I have my grand daughter right now and she wants MY TIME!!!  ;D

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 30th, 2008 at 7:19pm
oh thats funny cat. nowdays they can tell you the sex of the child, but back then, I don't know, I only visited once with a doctor through out the PG.  I have hospital phobia.

I knew I was giving birth to a girl. but I thought it would be a singleton.
my mother had a dream I would birth twins. I said,yea, that's what you said about my sister in law and it never came true.

but this time it did. by the time I broke water and got talked into going to the hospital for labor I had the entire hospital in an uproar. the doc had never delivered twins before and had to call in his mentor.

everything went smoothly. except 12 hrs of labor is a bit much on anybody. Mike was feeling especially virile. lol.
I insisted he get himself into the delivery room with me.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 1st, 2008 at 3:18am

What an interesting account of meeting you soul mate. Yes you feel it the moment you touch.

continuing this thread and risking being moved to off topic, Alan, I will share the strange circumstances under which I became pregnant.

Bruce did say that we the forum members must decide ourselves if a thread is off topic or not. As for me this thread has taken an interesting turn which I am enjoying and I have no complaints about it


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 1st, 2008 at 4:47am
thank u merlin for reminding me that we decide whats off topic. I think I carried some needless guilt that I was a sinner.

you're absolutely right, this thread has taken a most interesting turn.

no, I didn't touch him, my soulmate. I just stared at him. I would not see him again for a whole year..then I would touch him!

what met was the energy in the eyes. the light of the soul message is in the eyes, not the touch of the first kiss. there was an abnormal burst of light coming from the eyes.
u know how people say, go to the light? I did go to the light, just a year later.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 1st, 2008 at 7:33am

what met was the energy in the eyes. the light of the soul message is in the eyes, not the touch of the first kiss. there was an abnormal burst of light coming from the eyes.
u know how people say, go to the light? I did go to the light, just a year later

"Lovely, love and beautiful Alysia what a wonderful memory to have".

Mine was touch (she took my hand I was too shy) as I could not see here in the dark movie theater although I knew she was pretty. The movie playing was Debby Reynolds in "Tammy".  That meeting was over fifty years ago when I was 17 and she was 15

She is now my wife of 48 years


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 1st, 2008 at 6:29pm
I'm happy to see someone married that long Alan. I always look for couples who have managed to stay together, for I think it is an accomplishment seldom seen today.

congrats! this is a bit strange, but you mention the song Tammy.
the other night I was doing a karen carpenter number, "for all we know, love may grow."

I was a hit..blush...then I thought I must sing Tammy now and I put my request in but grew weary of waiting and left. I have it at the top of my wish list to sing.

it's because of the melody line of Tammy. it's a lovely tune. I was just surprised to hear you mention it.

so u were shy? so was my soul mate. that's why she loved you dearie.
u must never despair, if you have true love.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by identcat on Oct 1st, 2008 at 6:38pm
Okay---getting back on the subject of receiving messages from the extra terrestrial type.  I think it was Jetman that asked me what the message was that I received when I was in the pyramid lab at TMI.  I had written back to him on another thread a long account, but the the site went down and it was lost!  ( I guess the higher self wanted to look at what I was writing first before posting it here  :D.  

This is what I can remember:  I was in a deep meditative state when I found myself standing at a doorway (it reminded me of the doorway used in the Twilight Zone).  I was looking into blackness. A higher being was to my right, I could feel "his" presence. As I was looking into the darkness, I suddenly saw pieces of a planet coming toward me then disappearing under my feet.  I said "Why did you take me here?"  I hadn't expected to see this at all.  I was hoping to find out more about myself and who I really am. Bummer---- Anyhow, The higher being said, "This is what will become of your planet earth if changes are not made soon."  I thought to myself---Well, what do you expect ME to do about it? You should be telling some scientist and engineers and politicians.  I'm just a lowly office clerk." That thought flashed through me mind in an instant.  I saw huge chunks of what appeared to be copper colored rock. I don't recall any black rock, but the pieces where pitted and reminded me of a meteorite.  
I asked, "If you are so intelligent why haven't you approached us humans and give us a verbal warning? Are you just going to sit back and do nothing and watch humans destroy the earth?"
The answer came back that in the year 2010 there would indeed be physical and verbal warnings from higher intelligences who would not allow the earth to be destroyed. I then wondered why that particular year and why the heck they are waiting so long to help us??? But, then the TMI instructor (I had Skip Atwater) told me it was time to return back to the present.
Another participant who reached a higher focus level than I also received a very similar message, but was told the year 2011.  The participant was so out of sorts and not grounded that he could barely talk.  

That's the message. We will get physical and verbal help from the higher, intelligent beings.  Soon.  

Peace to All--- Carol Ann

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 1st, 2008 at 6:50pm
well it's almost 2009, so 2010 is not far off. the reason I don't have trouble believing you Cat, not at all, because I have a sense that we are all One. which I have been told and believe this also, that future selves do exist.  and that WE are the aliens. but situation in a different time frame of history. the future is history, history repeats itself, linear time is an illusion, invented for the travelers of time. us.

when u begin to see light around objects you are looking at objects being energy. nothing is solid here as we think. it's all energy and movement of energy.  when the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will see peace.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 4:47am
Carol –Anne,

Your account is very interesting and concurs with a similar experience of mine some time ago. I found myself in the dark .sort of as a point of intelligent light energy Next to me was what I took for a being of some higher form than me also an light energy being.

Like you I was shown future events, some which have happened like Katrina and the awful Tsunami.

I was also told humanity must change its direction to avoid catastrophe. Most people don’t like to hear the negative, just the positive so I now never tell what these events are.



Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by betson on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 8:50am

I've seen that also.


Carol Ann, do you think a copy of yours should go over on the prayer for Earth at SHWP Forum today?

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 6:54pm
Corol adds a positive note to this thread: That's the message. We will get physical and verbal help from the higher, intelligent beings.  Soon.

its my belief we also are getting help from nonphysical beings of a high order Alan. not just aliens.
I've read your visions and other's visions. on the net, I've read Nostradomas. Not all his visions have occurred. I think the reason we are given visions is twofold:
1) to prepare us for only for what is to occur in all probability in our own locale.

2) not just to prepare us, but to get us thinking how to prevent it or lesson the destruction by joining with the likeminded to disengage negative energies from building up to the point of explosion.
Negative energy is fear thoughts. as well, a sense of helplessness is a fear construct that destruction is imminent, and there's nothing we can do about it.

this is why exploration of consciousness is first and foremost a tenement on this forum. of your own. not somebody else's exploration and/or vision.

It's not that we don't read your as you say, predictions, it's just that if we totally believed in your visions, we would feel helpless to change things. feeling helpless, we would get depressed, rather some people might get depressed, if they thought life in the body was all there was.

we have to have our own visions Alan. yours do not bode well for our future, nor do they point the aide we are receiving at this time, nor anything positive to focus on, something we can do, as an individual, so we can feel strong and able to prevent at least some of the destrucitve elements.

throughout history someone holds up a sign in the street THIS IS THE END! thats what your doing, if you don't give us some hope while you're showing what you saw.

I have my own visions. they were much less horrificly graphic than yours. as well people's souls chose to enter this time frame, and have picked out their own death exit, many thru one of the Earth changes.

btw, earth changes have always occurred throughout history, they are naturally occurring events.
want to avoid one? don't build your house on a known fault line.

as for atomic war, it's back to there are beings, such as what we call aliens who are interested that we do not totally destroy this planet and they are walking among us as humans. my belief, and I can't prove it, but according to my visions, there will be death only in selected areas, where all concerned, at a higher level, have agreed to take part.

It does help when people surround the Earth with positive light thoughts, as this energy joins with others the same.
It prevents the negative buildup. love, alysia

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by recoverer on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 7:38pm
You people make me feel like a youngster. I'm only 50.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by betson on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 7:40pm

And another reminder, --
A vision can be symbollic, metaphoric.
Also, it can apply to a very small interest group / area. That is how many of Nostradamus' are interpreted; they apply to Paris and surrounding areas.


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 8:59pm

we have to have our own visions Alan. yours do not bode well for our future, nor do they point the aide we are receiving at this time, nor anything positive to focus on, something we can do, as an individual, so we can feel strong and able to prevent at least some of the destrucitve elements

Not all my visions are bleak some are unimaginably beautiful. Also the future is not set in stone and we can effect it in a positive way


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by Alan McDougall on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 9:29pm
Alysia Bets and others in this topic

Mortal humans are only aware of an infinitely small aspect of  the great Super consciousness. There are millions of other levels in our higher selves and we are not now aware of it all. We must cross the rivers of memory to find out

We as human beings then are limited. We are seemingly very tiny aware quantum particles of an infinite Mind or Awareness. We seem so small and minute when we look into the starry sky, but we are not our souls or minds can expand to embrace the whole of existence.

We are not insignificant. We together are the entire the Super consciousness! We are only aware of a very small aspect of our own Mind presently.

We do not know much about ourselves because we live in a very limited human body right now. We limited ourselves on purpose. We are “The Infinite Light” but for now we are limited versions of our ultimate selves

So our thinking and visions affect the future just as they did the past. We are a part of God and all other conscious sentient life in the universe, so our thinking must affect this great creation of ours to, a greater or minor degree according to how highly evolved we are within the Super consciousness or God.

I think that perhaps if we constantly project negativity or if we constantly project love and positively this flows like a river into the collective conscious of all things and alters reality , be it in a tiny minute way

So our contributions to the future are important (and maybe to the past)


Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by identcat on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 10:09pm
Very nicely put, Alan. Thanks

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by bird on Oct 3rd, 2008 at 9:43am
if there is indeed a mass exodus at some point in the future, and perhaps the earth become inhabitable for a long period of time, what happens to our souls? where do we reincarnate to?

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 3rd, 2008 at 3:55pm
thanks Alan, I knew you had an overview to give. I'm satisfied.  :) I just don't like feeling helpless, it's what causes crime in this world.

I totally agree that C1 is as described, limited probe awareness in material bodies. therefore, if limited exists, so does unlimited mind.

Hello Birdie..gosh, in a mass exodus, I suppose group souls would be heading back to the drawing tables and making reacessments what to do next; you know, being co-creators with each other.

I suppose the arguments might go like this:
A: I want to be your mother this time.
B: you're dreaming. forget it.
A: I know I could do a better job than you did as my mother.
B: I'm not going to be your child. and that's final.
C: would you two come over here and help us decide whether Mars is a good planet to be physical on?
B: I won't live on a planet doesn't have enough water! You know how I like water.
C: well, look, we have millions of charts of planets to decide on, it just depends on who to contact here. There's this being who creates planets, I think his name is Zeus, let's go see what has been created already.
B: Ok, I'm game! but I'm not going to be A's child, just thought I'd confirm that with you guys.
C: you're thinking too small again, what did I tell you about that?
B: all right all right, I'll think large. hey, why don't we create our own planet?
A: oh, you guy are silly. I'm going to heaven. bye. see you when I'm sick of heaven.
All: bye! don't go away mad!

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by identcat on Oct 3rd, 2008 at 7:23pm
Welcome dear Bird!!  

If this planet cannot support human life any longer, the the "soul" or spirit  will choose a parallel earth planet.  We aren't the only intelligence in this universe, nor are we the only inhabitable planet.  So, you would be shown   what other choices you have to incarnate to.  

I hope this helps to answer you question.  

I wrote a thread that described our over selves thusly:  There is one Puppet master and on his/her 10 fingers has 10 other puppets. They also have 10 more puppets, etc. We have many choices, yet we are one.
I remember a priest once explained the trinity this way: there are three separate persons in one God: The father, son and spirit. Liken it to three candles; light each candle and you have three flames, but hold them together in one hand and you still have three candles, but only one flame.

Does this help you?   Carol Ann

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 3rd, 2008 at 9:17pm
well it helped me Cat. yes this relates to holographics what u said.
about the puppets. thanks

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by identcat on Oct 3rd, 2008 at 11:45pm
You see George, now your blog is 4 pages long!  You really started a good thread.  Love and Light to you, Carol Ann

Alysia, glad to be of service!! Love to you, also.

Title: Re: Warning I received from inity
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 4th, 2008 at 2:22am
George doesn't say much, but whatever he says definetely has impact. good for you George. :)

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