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Message started by pedigree on Sep 14th, 2008 at 8:26am

Title: Watch death?
Post by pedigree on Sep 14th, 2008 at 8:26am
Has anybody gone to a hospice whilst OBE and witnessed death first hand? It would be a great way for a little verification IMO :)
I know Thomas Campbell says he watched people die and transition to the next phase of life. I wonder how hard this would be for a seasoned projector here?

Title: Re: Watch death?
Post by betson on Sep 14th, 2008 at 10:38am

Interesting idea, Pedigree.  
Yet for those who do project and retrieve, no further verification is needed. That's why you'll see the terms PUL and retrieving so often here, it's a basic aspect of this site's host's writings.

I also wonder about the intrusion on another soul's major transition. Each energy field (soul, for example) has an affect on what's happening around it, so one could interrupt an important process.


Title: Re: Watch death?
Post by dianna on Sep 14th, 2008 at 11:25am
I have not witnessed anyone dieing but my sister has had an obe,so there is definetly a spirit that leaves the body at death.

Love Dianna.

Title: Re: Watch death?
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 14th, 2008 at 12:39pm
Once I found myself in the Zimbabwe bush war and to my horror saw Catholic nuns lying around bloody, raped and slaughtered.

I felt unspeakable pain emanating from one nun who when I went over her found her in the process of dying. She was clinging to life with all her mind in terrible fear,

I reached over to her and said can I help you, I then performed an act that I do not understand up until today. I took her head looked her in her eyes and helped her to die.

I think she thought I was an angel,  due to the peace that came into her eyes as she went off into the long sleep of death

The next morning immediately on waking I said to my wife a saw a sickening scene last night, indeed I felt sick and nauseous myself

Later that day we heard on the news and read in the papers that this exact horror had happened that very night

Those on the forum who have got to know me will know I am not inventing this story


Title: Re: Watch death?
Post by pedigree on Sep 14th, 2008 at 10:48pm

Alan McDougall wrote on Sep 14th, 2008 at 12:39pm:
Once I found myself in the Zimbabwe bush war and to my horror saw Catholic nuns lying around bloody, raped and slaughtered.

I felt unspeakable pain emanating from one nun who when I went over her found her in the process of dying. She was clinging to life with all her mind in terrible fear,

I reached over to her and said can I help you, I then performed an act that I do not understand up until today. I took her head looked her in her eyes and helped her to die.

I think she thought I was an angel,  due to the peace that came into her eyes as she went off into the long sleep of death

The next morning immediately on waking I said to my wife a saw a sickening scene last night, indeed I felt sick and nauseous myself

Later that day we heard on the news and read in the papers that this exact horror had happened that very night


That is exactly what I was after... :) Amazing

Title: Re: Watch death?
Post by spooky2 on Sep 14th, 2008 at 10:55pm
I'm not going OoB regularly, but in a meditation I call mind-journey I asked about what is happening from a nonphysical perspective when someone dies. I then flew with high speed "down" to earth, next to me some white glowing spheres, zick-zacking over a city, and with one of that spheres I entered a room with somebody who apparently had just separated from his physical body, and he was attracted of the sphere until he melted with it and the sphere left.

As well, there is a type of retrieval where retrievees are found just a moment after they had died physically.


Title: Re: Watch death?
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 15th, 2008 at 2:06am
thank you Alan, that was a retrieval and I agree an amazing retrieval. I like to hear of different kinds of retrievals here. so thanks again. I think you really helped the woman.

I once did a phasing type retrieval I can share again. this is not done within sleep area, but with a desire that is conscious intent. In phasing, the body sits quietly, and you never lose consciousness of sitting there, but the focus point in the mind is becoming clearer and more interesting as it unfolds the action.

It was during 9/11. Bruce told us not to overload our emotional natures during this time. I was at first too grief stricken to even try a retrieval. then the Sunday after, I felt up to it, as I had woken up that Sunday with a light hearted feeling and a brief memory of being in a large lecture room, hearing a very high soul instruct us what was coming down the pike and how we were actually ushering in a new age.
the talk was exceptionally healing of the grief over the nation which had somehow settled in my heart and throat.
like a giant had been felled by a slingshot. the giant rose up again and I hoped to help it with it's anger and pain.

9/11 was on a tuesday. so 4 or 5 days I had drifted in a state of daze and that sinking feeling in the stomach before the lecture cured my spirits, and I had known I needed some help dealing with it.

so after that Sunday, I wanted to check the site, just to see if any needed retrieving that had been in the rubble and not found yet.
I didn't expect there would be because I knew other retrievers on other forums were active there.
However a man's face was shown to me. taken aback, I studied his face awhile, wondering if this was a retrieval, or just a man's face.
My attention on him must have created, for him, something small flying back in forth in front of his face. also he seemed to pick up what I was thinking. as he grinned at this tiny thing that was flying in his face.
I was not imagining this, I was trying to figure out how to show him I was there. the reason he grinned was because I was thinking about his thoughts; and I was thinking how good looking he was too.
what he was thinking was how much he used to love this building, how he had tried to save it, now it was just rubble. he could not believe it. so he was in a daze, understandably.
He was just sitting there and there were huge concrete slabs everywhere, he sat on one. As soon as I got his attention; I was puffing out some admiration of him, it seemed, he grinned and when I had the attention, the other helpers that are always nearby it seems, they began to make their way thru the rubble to take him on.

He had a beautiful face. I was thinking I wanted to have a date with him. I think that's why he noticed me. oh well, whatever works to help them move on, is fine with me!  :-*

Title: Re: Watch death?
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 15th, 2008 at 2:46am
I had this retrieval episode long before internet when I was a young man of 24 years of age, This account lead me to do a web search and too my amazement here is the exact event I described in the previous post


During the night of February 7, 1977, seven white Roman Catholic missionaries were murdered by terrorists. They included four nuns. A newspaper report set out the story as follows:

In what the sole survivor described as a senseless, insane and brutal act, nationalist guerrillas last night gunned down seven white Roman Catholic missionaries, including four nuns.

Father Dunstan Myerscough, who is 65, said today that he had escaped by throwing himself to the ground as the guerrillas opened fire from five yards range.

Father Myerscough said he was in no doubt that the killers were nationalist guerrillas, although they had uttered hardly a word before shooting the helpless missionaries.

The Dominican nuns who died were Sister Joseph Wilkinson (58), from Lancashire, and three West Germans - Sister Epiphany Schneider (71) and Sister Ceslaus Stiegler (59), both from Bavaria, and Sister Magdela Lewandowski (42) from Kiel.

The male Missionaries killed were Jesuits - Father Christoher Sheperd-Smith (33), a Briton born in East Africa, Father Martin Thomas (45), from London, and lay Brother John Conway (57), from Tralee, Ireland.

A Jesuit spokesman said that Brother John, who had worked for the Church in Rhodesia for 23 years, had virtually built the mission "with his bare hands".

Father Myerscough, who is British, said that when the guerrillas arrived at the mission they began rounding up the white staff. "They appeared to ignore the black staff and sisters," he said.

The group of eight was taken a short distance from the mission block, where the guernllas then argued in the vernacular as to whom would do the shooting, he said. "Finally, three of them turned on us and raised their guns.

When the shooting started the others ran away."
We didn't know they were going to shoot us until the firing started. I threw myself on the ground. When the firing stopped I looked up and saw that the other seven were dead and that there was nothing I could do for them."

Rhodesian forces are hunting the guerrillas, whom the authorities say belong to Mr. Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union {ZANU). A police spokesman said the group was believed responsible for a series of incidents, including the murder of several black civilians.

Police said today they had recovered more than 100 cartridge cases
fired from Russian-made rifles and a machine-gun.

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