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Message started by Old Dood on Sep 4th, 2008 at 4:43am

Title: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Old Dood on Sep 4th, 2008 at 4:43am
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now Producers Discuss Arrest at RNC

YouTube Link Part 1:

YouTube Link Part 2:

After seeing this then I HAVE to bring back this video.

The End of America by Naomi Wolf
YouTube Link:

Post by Old Dood on Sep 5th, 2008 at 7:43am
Nobody says it better then The Daily Show.

Sarah Palin - Vet This!
Sarah Palin proves she has Wikipedia, and denigrates community service.


Bristol Palin's Choice
Bristol Palin has made the decision to have her baby, but Samantha Bee tries to remember another word for it.


Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by blink on Sep 9th, 2008 at 8:13am

Time to wake up. New weapons.....will be used....on you.

Remember this when you are told they are being developed to help protect you.

Just say no to new weapons, new wars....enough people must stand for peace.

When the arm is raised against us we do not fight back. We stand our ground. We take a step back. We stand our ground. We take a step forward.

Time to wake up, right, old is.

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Old Dood on Sep 9th, 2008 at 9:17am
Yes it is Blink.  Here is a little more 'information'.
If people 'think' that this cannot happen in the USA or any other country...then 'Think Again'.
What happened at the RNC this year was Child Play when compared to what really could happen.

Secret Session New World Order Martial Law Plan
Part 1:
Part 2:

Concentration Camps being built for U.S (FEMA CAMPS)

Double Decker Concentration Camp Trains in the middle of the night durning a power outage

Concentration Camps in America EXPOSED

Title: Neuro Linguistic Programming
Post by Old Dood on Sep 9th, 2008 at 12:32pm
Neuro Linguistic Programming is something most people do not know anything about.

Here are some links...

Link #1:

Link #2:

Here is a 3 part video on how it works....

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Now when you watch television you have something else to look for.... ;)

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Dana_15 on Sep 19th, 2008 at 8:28pm
Nice post, Old Dood  :)

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Old Dood on Sep 20th, 2008 at 9:00am
Thank you Dana!

Dana is a Good Soul.
He is a good Husband and Father too.
I have known him for a few years now.
I was a little 'surprised' he found me here.
Google hehe!

I do not get a lot of responses here on this forum. I must make people feel uncomfortable.  8-)
As I told you privately Dana: I do not have all the answers.
I have many questions but, I will not allow myself to get 'stuck' into a way of thinking.
I must press forward.  In order to learn.
To me that is what life is all about. Learning all the time.
We cannot keep ignoring what is in the Flesh.
It is a 'part' of life too. If it had no value then why do we choose to do it over and over again?

Well, I have had enough Internet for a while today.
Time to go lie down and rest. Effin Pain.  I am sick of it.
I am sick of 'talking about it'. haha!  ;)
Mrs Dood has been a TROOPER! Poor thing.  Having to deal with me.
People say it must be wonderful to have a nurse for a wife.
Yes & No.
Yes, because she is knowledgeable and gives me great advice/care.
No, because she has seen it all and you cannot BS her.

She is my Personal Nurse Rachet.  You have to see the movie or read the book: One Flew Over The Cukloo's Nest to understand that.
I mean it in the most indearing way.

Movie Trailer (1971)
The Human Spirit is Alive and Well...

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Cricket on Sep 20th, 2008 at 12:38pm
LOL at "endearing" and "Nurse Ratchett" in the same sentence...  ;)

Seriously, though, I think it's good for all of us to have a personal "BS" monitor...keeps us honest and prevents wasting time convincing ourselves we're put-upon or whatever (given a certain personal tendency toward the "poor pitiful me"s when allowed to get away with it).

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Lucy on Sep 22nd, 2008 at 11:13pm
Did you ever try going to a healer for the pain?

(sorry if you have answered this elsewhere)

if so, what kind?

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Old Dood on Sep 25th, 2008 at 8:15pm
Lucy...I DID answer this.
I also had more in that post too...

ANOTHER post of mine deleted....hmmm...
Something doesn't smell right.
Why are my posts being deleted?

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Lucy on Sep 25th, 2008 at 10:35pm

I saw your reply and I replied to that, so my last post was lost also. I think this has to do with the site being down...not with anyone selectively deleting your posts.

I said something about your not needing to be in the physical presence of the healer; healing can be done at a distance. But if you ever decide to explore that path, I'm sure the information you need will come to you.

Title: Miriam Delicado-Miriam Blue Star
Post by Old Dood on Sep 28th, 2008 at 1:49am
Miriam Blue Star: Project Camelot interviews Miriam Delicado - 104 min - Sep 25, 2008

Google Video Link:

Sedona, Arizona, September 2008 Miriam Delicado was contacted at an early age by benevolent, tall blond extraterrestrials, apparently singled out specifically for a very special role. She was advised by them to keep a low profile for many years, and finally last year, 2007, she was told by them that it was time for her to write her book: Alien Blue Star. With that, Miriam became a minor sensation as thousands of people sensed that her book seemed to have been written for each of them personally. And now Miriam is a woman on a mission: driven, articulate, passionate, and powerful, she tells a riveting story of her very real and physical contact with a highly advanced, Guardian race, and the information she was asked to pass on. Miriam is aware that there are others of her kind. The message is aimed at all people and holds special significance for what George Green labeled the 'Ground Crew': that we are nearly in what the Hopi - with whom Miriam has established a special affinity and allegiance - called the End Times; that our planet and our civilization are in great danger; and that (so far, at the time of writing) timelines do not appear to have changed... although it is always within our gift to create whatever future we collectively wish. We feel similarly driven, and it's our great privilege to assist her in her purpose by presenting this video. This may be one of the the most powerful and important interviews we have done.

Now this takes an Open Mind to not only view but to comprehend...
I myself am still trying to wrap my mind around this.

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Old Dood on Oct 4th, 2008 at 8:43pm
Listen to the first audio file please....Dr. Bill Deagle.

Has ANYone here received any of these 'visions' from any of their 'contacts'?
OR...can ANYone here ask their 'contacts' if any of this is probable?


This is not Fear Mongering....I am just trying to find any confirmation.

EDIT: By the way, you can Right Click on the file and save it.
Right Click then 'Save to Target' on to your hard drive then listen to it at your leisure.

Title: Zeitgeist Addendum
Post by Old Dood on Oct 6th, 2008 at 2:58pm
Just released on Oct 3rd.

This explains how the money problem 'works'.
Works for those at the top I mean...
Also it shows how we can go on a Resource Based Economy instead of a Debt Based one.
Meaning The Venus Project.  Anyone ever heard of this project?
Very cool!

Very well done Documentary and if you want to know how Debt = Slavery then check this out.
It also offers solutions not just points out the problems.

Google Video Link:

Title: Still don't believe me???
Post by Old Dood on Oct 8th, 2008 at 6:45pm
Still don't believe me???
Well, this was released on October 3rd 2008.

Naomi Wolf: Give Me Liberty

YouTube Link:
It is about 28 minutes long.

She is no dummy!
I HOPE she is wrong!

Remember...There is No Such Thing as a Coinicidence!

Maybe THIS could be considered a WOW :)

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by blink on Oct 8th, 2008 at 7:20pm
here is one version I thought worth looking at again:

10 steps to fascism:

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2. Create a gulag
3. Develop a thug caste
4. Set up an internal surveillance system
5. Harass citizens’ groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7. Target key individuals
8. Control the press/suppression of free speech
9. Dissent equals treason
10. Suspend the rule of law

things that make you go hmmmmmmm

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Old Dood on Oct 8th, 2008 at 8:32pm

wrote on Oct 8th, 2008 at 7:20pm:
here is one version I thought worth looking at again:

10 steps to fascism:

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
2. Create a gulag
3. Develop a thug caste
4. Set up an internal surveillance system
5. Harass citizens’ groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release
7. Target key individuals
8. Control the press/suppression of free speech
9. Dissent equals treason
10. Suspend the rule of law

things that make you go hmmmmmmm

Yes, that is her first book titled: The End of America

YouTube Link:
About 48 minutes.

Give Me Liberty is the second part of the story and it even has SOLUTIONS! :)

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Old Dood on Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:40am

YouTube Link:

Pay close attention to the Bill Clinton reference....

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by recoverer on Oct 9th, 2008 at 12:44pm
Old Dood:

I'm not able to access youtube at work and don't have the internet at home. Would you be able to sum of what this video says?

Old Dood wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:40am:

YouTube Link:

Pay close attention to the Bill Clinton reference....

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Old Dood on Oct 9th, 2008 at 6:15pm

recoverer wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 12:44pm:
Old Dood:

I'm not able to access youtube at work and don't have the internet at home. Would you be able to sum of what this video says?

Old Dood wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:40am:

YouTube Link:

Pay close attention to the Bill Clinton reference....

Former Canadian Minister
Of Defense Asks Canadian
Parliament To Hold Hearings
On Relations With Alien
"ET" Civilizations

A former Canadian Minister of Defence has joined forces with three Non-governmental organizations to ask the Parliament of Canada to hold public hearings on with Alien "ET" Civilizations. Paul Hellyer, Canada's Defence Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson, publicly stated: "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head." Hellyer warned, "The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning. Mr. Hellyer went on to say, "I'm so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something." "Time is on the side of open disclosure that there are ethical Extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth," a spokesperson for the Non-Governmental Organizations stated. "Our Canadian government needs to openly address these important issues of the possible deployment of weapons in outer war plans against ethical Extraterrestrial societies."

OTTAWA, CANADA (PRWEB) November 24, 2005 -- A former Canadian Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister under Pierre Trudeau has joined forces with three Non-governmental organizations to ask the Parliament of Canada to hold public hearings on Exopolitics -- relations with "ETs."

By "ETs," Mr. Hellyer and these organizations mean ethical, advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that may now be visiting Earth.

On September 25, 2005, in a startling speech at the University of Toronto that caught the attention of mainstream newspapers and magazines, Paul Hellyer, Canada's Defence Minister from 1963-67 under Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prime Minister Lester Pearson, publicly stated: "UFOs, are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head."

Mr. Hellyer went on to say, "I'm so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, that I just think I had to say something."

Hellyer revealed, "The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalled. The classification was, from the outset, above top secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied minister of defence, were never in-the-loop."

Hellyer warned, "The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning. He stated, "The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide."

Hellyer's speech ended with a standing ovation. He said, "The time has come to lift the veil of secrecy, and let the truth emerge, so there can be a real and informed debate, about one of the most important problems facing our planet today."

Three Non-governmental organizations took Hellyer's words to heart, and approached Canada's Parliament in Ottawa, Canada's capital, to hold public hearings on a possible ET presence, and what Canada should do. The Canadian Senate, which is an appointed body, has held objective, well-regarded hearings and issued reports on controversial issues such as same-sex marriage and medical marijuana,

On October 20, 2005, the Institute for Cooperation in Space requested Canadian Senator Colin Kenny, Senator, Chair of The Senate Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence, "schedule public hearings on the Canadian Exopolitics Initiative, so that witnesses such as the Hon. Paul Hellyer, and Canadian-connected high level military-intelligence, NORAD-connected, scientific, and governmental witnesses facilitated by the Disclosure Project and by the Toronto Exopolitics Symposium can present compelling evidence, testimony, and Public Policy recommendations."

The Non-governmental organizations seeking Parliament hearings include Canada-based Toronto Exopolitics Symposium, which organized the University of Toronto Symposium at which Mr. Hellyer spoke.

The Disclosure Project, a U.S.­ based organization that has assembled high level military-intelligence witnesses of a possible ET presence, is also one of the organizations seeking Canadian Parliament hearings.

Vancouver-based Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), whose International Director headed a proposed 1977 Extraterrestrial Communication Study for the White House of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who himself has publicly reported a 1969 Close Encounter of the First Kind with a UFO, filed the original request for Canadian Parliament hearings.

The Canadian Exopolitics Initiative, presented by the organizations to a Senate Committee panel hearing in Winnipeg, Canada, on March 10, 2005, proposes that the Government of Canada undertake a Decade of Contact.

The proposed Decade of Contact is "a 10-year process of formal, funded public education, scientific research, educational curricula development and implementation, strategic planning, community activity, and public outreach concerning our terrestrial society's full cultural, political, social, legal, and governmental communication and public interest diplomacy with advanced, ethical Off-Planet cultures now visiting Earth."

Canada has a long history of opposing the basing of weapons in Outer Space. On September 22, 2004 Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin declared to the U.N. General Assembly," "Space is our final frontier. It has always captured our imagination. What a tragedy it would be if space became one big weapons arsenal and the scene of a new arms race.

Martin stated, "In 1967, the United Nations agreed that weapons of mass destruction must not be based in space. The time has come to extend this ban to all weapons..."

In May, 2003, speaking before the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Lloyd Axworthy, stated "Washington's offer to Canada is not an invitation to join America under a protective shield, but it presents a global security doctrine that violates Canadian values on many levels."

Axworthy concluded, "There should be an uncompromising commitment to preventing the placement of weapons in space."

On February 24, 2005, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin made official Canada's decision not to take part in the U.S government's Ballistic Missile Defence program.

Paul Hellyer, who now seeks Canadian Parliament hearings on relations with ETs, on May 15, 2003, stated in Toronto's Globe & Mail newspaper, "Canada should accept the long-standing invitation of U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio to launch a conference to seek approval of an international treaty to ban weapons in space. That would be a positive Canadian contribution toward a more peaceful world."

In early November 2005, the Canadian Senate wrote ICIS, indicating the Senate Committee could not hold hearings on ETs in 2005, because of their already crowded schedule.

"That does not deter us," one spokesperson for the Non-governmental organizations said, "We are going ahead with our request to Prime Minister Paul Martin and the official opposition leaders in the House of Commons now, and we will re-apply with the Senate of Canada in early 2006.

"Time is on the side of open disclosure that there are ethical Extraterrestrial civilizations visiting Earth," The spokesperson stated. "Our Canadian government needs to openly address these important issues of the possible deployment of weapons in outer war plans against ethical ET societies."

This is not a transcript of that YouTube but it is a jist of it.

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by recoverer on Oct 9th, 2008 at 6:31pm
Thank you Old Dood:

I certainly believe it is possible UFOs have visited this planet.

I find it hard to believe the U.S. would have technology that could defeat them.

If some unfriendly aliens want to attack us, why haven't they done so?

I have had three out of body experiences that were mock alien abductions. My higher self/spirit guidance created them so I would know that I don't have to be afraid of being abducted. Not that I had such a fear. I figure they knew that a day would come when I would wonder about unfriendly aliens.

I've also received the message that when it comes to unfriendly aliens,  friendly beings have them under control. Some sources agree with this, of course it is a matter of what source you read.

I have a friend who read up on 8 different sources that speak about aliens, and she said they all contradict each other.

When it comes to sources that warn us, what steps do they expect us to take?

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Rondele on Oct 9th, 2008 at 8:21pm
<<The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide.">>

We can barely hold our own in Iraq, but we are going to build a moon base so we can shoot at aliens??  If there are really UFOs out there, they would have technology that would far exceed any pea shooters we might bring to the fight.

Plus the fact that our economy is near rock bottom.  We don't even have enough money to give our troops proper body armor and tank protections.

This is lunacy.


Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Old Dood on Oct 9th, 2008 at 8:23pm
The thing about US (as in Earthers) trying to 'defend ourselves' against ET is silly.
For one we aquired the tech from ET and they could have kicked our buttocks if they wanted too by now.
NOTHING we have is enough to take them on.

There is so much into this that I cannot explain it all here.
Not to mention all the different 'theories' on this.
I am still learning about it and I definitely do not have the answers.
No one person knows the 'whole truth' or maybe it is better put ALL 'The Facts'.

I do believe that some OBEs can be 'abductions' from whatever source of ETs that are doing it.
However, of course not all OBEs or even most of them are ET abductions.
I believe we can protect ourselves from them.

I believe Light it is one of our greatest protections along with Love.

It is a subject that one must travel alone for a bit to 'see' and become 'aware'.
What is in your heart that tells you what is Fact from Fiction.

I am just a herald to trying to get people to wake up to many Facts that are happening in this 3D world.
It is ALL anyone can really do is point in a direction and then hope someone will take the time and energy to really look.

The answers are out there.  As I said many times before it is not all about the answers but the correct questions in order to find out the truth.

I personally believe that Discloser is just around the corner so to speak.
Not in the way many would think either.
It is not going to be like a Hollywood movie by anymeans.
It is going to be one on one in my opinion on discloser of ET.
And when those 'Ones' add up to 'Twos' then mulitply and compound daily. THEN we will have discloser and that no power on Earth can stop it.
We as a race will ascend to a higher realm of thought and conscience.
Higher then the 3D perspective we see around us today.
4th and then 5th dimensions for us awaits and even beyond that.

This is my view.  This is my Truth. I feel it deep within. I cannot help myself anymore with these thoughts and ideas.
I have been awakened.   There is no turning back for me anymore.

So I share what I have seen and have felt in the hope that others find their own true path for themselves.

Call it another of my own 'Wow Moments'.

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by hawkeye on Oct 10th, 2008 at 1:07pm
I like the way you have put it Old Dood..." I believe that some OBEs can be "abductions" from whatever source of ETs that are doing it."... This is close to my reality also. For me, my communication is always with others from somewhere else. (Or nowhere else.) Or somewhere/thing.(?) Therefor ET's are a very good way of explaining who they are. Most often not Greys or Reptilians, although I have had communication with them also. Or at least projected as looking like that. Never, not once have I ever been threatened or hurt. Only guild-ed as I have asked to be. Protected from harm when asked. Given direction when asked. Perhaps its because they see no threat from me that I receive none from them. When I explore in the differant Focus Levels, often my explorations are guided by what could be called ETs. So yes, their here. They are active on this earthly plane. The reason the government is more actively against interaction is that they are not not the ones in control of the situation. Take a look at a place like perhaps, TMI. Mostly it was run/staffed partly by ex intelligence officers over the past um-teen years. And still is. Remote Viewing....mind exploration...physical reality manipulation, etc. If you wanted the best of the best, wouldn't you set up a organisation that look actively for people who can communicate easily with the ETs? Effect changes on Physical matter. Talk openly to an ET. That's not to say the TMI is an institution that is actively working for the World Government. Although in its past, its people and methods were most likely used by them. Its past remote viewing programs are the most wildly publicly announced and excepted connections.

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by recoverer on Oct 10th, 2008 at 3:51pm
Old Dood:

It sounds like you've basically come to the conclusion that things will work out in a positive way but not in the three dimensional terms movieland portrays.


Yes, it's hard to imagine the U.S. Government has the means to creat a base on the other side of the moon.

To all:

I checked out Steven Speilberg's documentary about UFOs from Netflix. Hopefully it has some good info.

Title: Argentina's Economic Collapse....Compare this to NOW!
Post by Old Dood on Oct 14th, 2008 at 4:22am
Watch this video and compare this to the United States.

Argentina's Economic Collapse (FULL VERSION)

Google video Link:

The Parallels are STAGGERING!

What happened in 2001 that 'distracted' US from this countries woes...?
Anyone REMEMBER? Hmmmmm? ;)

This Film is Very Well done...Oh...Subtitles...Sorry!

Title: The Crystal Skull
Post by Old Dood on Oct 21st, 2008 at 5:30pm
The latest Indiana Jones Movie theme was about this and there was an episode of a Stargate SG-1 about the Crystal Skull...

Well here is a REAL one....Very interesting and when combined with other ancient devices then 'things happen'.
Of course I would like to be in the room with it just to see if I can 'feel it'.

Project Camelot: Journeys with the Crystal Skull

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by spooky2 on Oct 22nd, 2008 at 12:33am
I'd like to see a scientific conducted double-blind study if influences from these skulls actually can be perceived. I have read a book of a German woman who owns one, a gift from a South-American shaman, and as interesting these skulls are, this book isn't scientifically substantial, unfortunately.


Title: Brand New Bob Dean Interview
Post by Old Dood on Oct 22nd, 2008 at 10:48am
Yes, this is a new one.
Bob Dean is the one person that I ALWAYS share with people that are first getting interested or becoming Aware/Awake about UFOs/ETs/Etc.

Well, here is one more from this man. He is a such a gracious, eloquent person.
You cannot NOT like/love this man. (now that was very bad grammar...haha)

YouTube Link:

Project Camelot Link:

You can download this as with most other Project Camelot videos/audios.
That way it is on your hard drive and you can watch it even if your internet is down for whatever reason.
(1:45 minutes)

From Project Camelot:

When we met with Bob Dean in May 2007, he stated that ours would be his last interview. After its publication, we received more mail - all of it generous and appreciative, without exception - than for any other interview we have ever done. We were therefore quite delighted when he agreed to talk with us on record once again.

When we asked Bob when he wanted to discuss, he told us that he had important news, from his own inside sources, about Nibiru: the highly controversial Planet X. This video contains extremely important information for all students of Planet X to consider.

True to form, Bob recounts other intriguing stories, including the NRO's classified discovery of "a goddamn boat" high on Mount Ararat, and confirmation of Henry Deacon's report that the Anunnaki are active on present-day Mars. His humanity, his dignity, his integrity and his humor all shine once again in this new video, and we are very confident that everyone who so enjoyed Bob's 2007 interview with us will find this just as entertaining, interesting, and valuable

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Rondele on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 10:07am
Somewhere, can't recall where, I heard that Dean had some sort of contact from Marshall Applewhite who boarded the spaceship hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet back in 1997.

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Old Dood on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 10:26am
I never heard that myself...

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by spooky2 on Oct 23rd, 2008 at 5:21pm
If it's true what Dean said, then this planet could be picked up by smaller telescopes soon, no chance to hide it from public then. Let's see.

Well, the boat on the Ararat story is not really credible, as I guess the Ararat has been pretty frequented by archeologists and tourists, just because of the bible story. A big boat must have been found already (well, there actually were findings). No way to drop some Seals and lift them off again remaining undiscovered imo. And Turkey had never allowed such a thing.

What I wonder about, such high developed beings as the Annunaki are told to be, they must have quite a lot more knowledge about the nonphysical/afterlife than we have. I've always thought that such a knowledge would lead to a more laid back and calm life as that of the Annunaki seems to be. And what would be the relationship of us and them nonphysically? Dean believes in an afterlife, and told that we're in fact eternal beings of light, but doesn't address how the alien races deal with this fact.


Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 25th, 2008 at 1:38am
Dood asks:
Has ANYone here received any of these 'visions' from any of their 'contacts'?
yes. my daughter has contacted an alien. he's a tall one. light being.
he was teaching the entire class room and gave each one a gift, personalized. her gift was a jeweled box of stones of geometric shapes and colors. he also gave his energy to each person by dancing with them. each one received hope, enthusiasm and love from this being. she does not have very many paranormal type encounters, this was like a major occurance for her. I thus remind her of it from time to time and it always makes her happy to remember. the alien had both female and male balanced qualities. he/she appeared with golden flowing hair and a one piece attire, and he was thin. and tall.
you're hilarious Dood. thanks for your relationship description. makes me glad I'm single.

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by LaffingRain on Oct 25th, 2008 at 2:04am
Dood says: it is going to be one on one in my opinion on discloser of ET.
sort of reminds me of William Gambil's book, where he was contacted by ET group, and taught certain spiritual principles of no time/space.
I agree spiritual growth happens this way. It's just an internal job.
however, I still believe in my dreams. I saw a space ship, and so most of my dreams come true in some shape or fashion, and so I am waiting to see what that was all about.

And when those 'Ones' add up to 'Twos' then mulitply and compound daily. THEN we will have discloser and that no power on Earth can stop it.
so in a sense you are saying right now most of us are close minded, so therefore we cannot admit to see what's right under our noses? you're right in that inference, we will see what we want to see, but the more people talk about this stuff, maybe that points to an opening in the mind?
We as a race will ascend to a higher realm of thought and conscience.
Higher then the 3D perspective we see around us today.
certainly. one by one, then maybe, BOOM A BANGA BOOM! well I can dream, right? I also stick to my original assertion, it's an individual thing moving into the higher realms of thought and creation. some just take it easy, moving at their own pace.  poor nurse rachet. haha!

4th and then 5th dimensions for us awaits and even beyond that.
according to my info, which I wonder sometimes, when this will occur, this board in general is supposed to be operating from the 5th level of personal assistiantialability. thats not even a word. so I will go back to sleep now.

This is my view.  This is my Truth. I feel it deep within. I cannot help myself anymore with these thoughts and ideas.
I feel the urgency too over the planet. you're not imagining it. It's there. also time is speeding up. we're supposed to keep our cool.
part of the thing about 9-11 happening to us, it took us by surprise, and as I see Dood here, his function is to not let us be taken by surprise, because what he's preaching is vigilance.
he's trying to get the minds opened. good job Dood. patience. we're all going to need to practice patience no matter what.

I have been awakened.   There is no turning back for me anymore.
Dood, u say you have been awakened, is there anything else you can share about that statement? like a personal encounter with an alien perhaps?

So I share what I have seen and have felt in the hope that others find their own true path for themselves.
I believe in freedom of the press, and freedom of speech. anyone who speaks out about their beliefs will meet resistance, even if they are telling the truth. I'm sure you're aware of this.
and I'm sure u can deal with it. but no, I don't have any fear of the bad guys. life is not that simple, where it was on TV, the black hats and the white hats against each other.
it doesn't bother me either that the US might lose super power status someday in favor of one world government.

I'm all for the day when minimal government is needed. that would mean jumping into the 5th state of consciousness. cross your fingers and remember, sometimes life is two steps forward one step back, but at least we're gaining.
this physical life is not all there is to life. so keep your eyes opened but don't panic.

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by spooky2 on Oct 26th, 2008 at 7:54pm
Regarding the recent video of Bob Dean, I found an article addressing the possibility of Nibiru/Planet X. It is refused in this article:

From an article about a "Planet X"
(snippets from the article, translated from German):

The two infos, "orbiting time 3600 years", the next appearance in the inner region of the solar system in the year 2012 are describing the orbit of the hypothetic planet pretty well. With the celestial laws it can be calculated that Nibiru is in average of about 235 AUs (astronomical units, 1AU=distance earth-sun) in a distance to the sun. If the point of the closest approximation to the sun is at about 1AU, then the orbit has an excentricity of 0.996, the farthest distance to the sun would be at 469 AUs. The orbit of Nibiru would be similar to a long-period comet.

Such an orbit is principally unstable, because every time this planet passes the big planets of the outer solar system there is a chance coming too close to them and being deflected by one of them, causing a collision or (more likely) to be slinged into interstellar space. Since it's origin 4.5 billion years ago Nibiru must have had 1.25 million orbits through the solar system- it's almost impossible that hasn't come close to Jupiter and being deflected.

However, let's assume Nibiru miraculously made it. If it actually had a distance of only 20AUs now, Nibiru would be 500 times brighter than Pluto. Such a planet would be impossible to overlook- even a worldwide astronomer's conspiracy wouldn't help: Every amateur astronomer with an average supply could see the planet through a telescope.

This all is even more true if Nibiru would be much bigger than the earth. Sometimes it's said Nibiru is a "brown dwarf" (an object of 13 to 80 times the mass of Jupiter). Given the approximation timepoint of 2012, this object could be seen with the naked eye! Such a planet would have messed up the orbits of all other planets even with it's first passing through the solar system billions of years ago.

Conclusion: Such a "tenth Planet" is impossible, which is orbiting the sun since billions of years. Possible only would be a big comet, like Hale-Bopp (about 50-80 km diameter), which had been deflected to that orbit some ten thousands years ago.


As well, there is a detailed refutation of Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet:
in English language.



Title: Border Patrol (100 miles from the border)
Post by Old Dood on Nov 3rd, 2008 at 7:55pm
Border Patrol (100 miles from the border) 4:23 minutes

YouTube Link:

When I hear and see stories like this in the United States I sincerly end up weeping.
This was hard for me to take.
Lately I have found myself weeping more and more...
However, Tears can be wiped and away and they also can turn into Tears of Joy.

There is Always Hope....and hopefully tomorrow We will ALL see new beginnings toward fulfilling our Hopes & Dreams once again...

I humbly ask every American Citizen to go out and Vote tomorrow....
It is not just a is our Duty!

Yes, there is Always HOPE.
I am adding to this post not to endorse a candidate...
...but to show how we can achieve our Hopes & Dreams once again....
This is a short but fantastic speech about working together....
About Uniting instead of Division...

YouTube Link:

Tears Of Joy!

Title: Re: Time to Wake Up...
Post by Rondele on Nov 4th, 2008 at 10:25am
Old Dood-

This should scare you even more.  Just wait until civilians are recruited to help the military harass citizens.

You think it's bad now?

And btw, I would be very careful before taking anything an ACLU member says as a factual statement.  They have a long history of making things up in order to advance their agenda.


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