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Message started by Sonia Faith on Aug 30th, 2008 at 3:25pm

Title: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by Sonia Faith on Aug 30th, 2008 at 3:25pm
I think if this is possible, it would spare a lot of suffering for many people.

Somehow, I hope it is possible. We are sometimes so limited here, in time, money, understanding and experience of PUL.

I am somehow interested to know what the members of this site believe.


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by detheridge on Aug 30th, 2008 at 7:00pm
I would be inclined to think that it is possible as there will be other levels of existence that only a few of us currently know about, and surely we can (and do) choose which 'school' we're going to attend. For some that would be physical existence here, for others it might be acting as a helper or spirit guide without ever having has a physical incarnation.
From what I remember of Bob Monroe's books, I believe that he indicated that there are lots of different levels and paths to get where we're going and the ELS is only one of those? (anyone please correct me if I'm in error here)
I think Bob met someone at one of the levels who said that he would go through the whole lot again with all the suffering because the benefits at the end were more than worth it (or words to that effect)

Would that I had that insight....or strength of character!

Best wishes,


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Aug 30th, 2008 at 8:53pm
I believe there are an infinite number of universes with their own unique characteristics and laws which allow one to explore an infinite number of possibilities.  So my answer is YES!

Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by Bruce Moen on Aug 30th, 2008 at 10:22pm

Do you think a physical lifetime could be an opportunity to learn even move about how to experience and express Pure Unconditional Love to a greater degree and lead to graduation for the rest of us how can't seem to learn in other ways?

Do you think that Graduates might sometimes live a physical lifetime to accelerate the pace of learning for taking the longer road?


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by betson on Aug 31st, 2008 at 8:27am

 ;)   Since we're here, there must be a reason. The whole process of where to incarnate or visit must be very efficient, else there'd be universal chaos!  :o

The material world of Earth is very distracting-- so many things to see and do with the materials at hand. We do good/well to keep Pure Unconditional Love as an essential part of life here !


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by Sonia Faith on Aug 31st, 2008 at 10:31am
Thank you all for your replies.


Bruce, you wrote:


Do you think a physical lifetime could be an opportunity to learn even move (=more?) about how to experience and express Pure Unconditional Love to a greater degree and lead to graduation for the rest of us how can't seem to learn in other ways?

Do you think that Graduates might sometimes live a physical lifetime to accelerate the pace of learning for taking the longer road?



Hello Bruce,

Since you answer my question with another question, I am not really sure what I should answer.

The reason I ask this question here, is due to my own experience. Most of my life, I haven't had an opportunity to be equal to others. This means that due to lack of money, etc. I have been much isolated and lacking understanding for about everything going on in my life. Due to that, I am/feel very lonely and there is  mutual misunderstanding, since I seem to have difficulties understanding others and others have difficulties to understand me. Most of the time, I watched people treat each other like objects, more than human beings. In my world, to be loved, you have to be what makes other people happy, and I am not everything which makes them happy. If you do something wrong, there is no communication, you're left alone. (I don't know why, but everybody else seem to think that this situation is normal.)

Since I am so much alone, I have a lot of time to think on my own, though. I think my thoughts are often my only companion.

I am telling you this for a purpose.

I have a point to which I am coming now: I do not experience much PUL or friendship from others. I have to dig very deeply to recall it or create it. In fact, it costed me an amazing amount of effort to deal with any feeling I encountered, whether it were my own or those of others. This caused me many problematic situations that I shall not explain, and which bereave me of my mental peace.

Therefore, as I read what you have to say, I would say that Earth Life System is extremely dissatisfying for me. In fact, I wonder if -- since I do not know any better than the above described situations -- I wonder if I am not gonna get trapped in some mental sphere of my own, in which I recreate only the few things I know in this lifetime, unable to imagine a world of love (where I believe only crumbles of love would fall down occasionally).

I wonder if, I am not going ahead of problems, because I am not learning much about PUL at all down here.

Knowing about a feeling or state of mind, and experiencing a feeling are 2 separate things to me. To give and recall a feeling like love, I believe it must be rooted in a deeper mental structure, which I feel I lack too much.

Sorry about the long message, but one more important thing.

I have tried several times to create PUL, unfortunately, in my view I think I failed, since my direct experience (which is not PUL) is stronger than what I know. I don't think I am coming here to learn anything faster, especially not PUL, because there is probably nobody slower than me, right now. I feel this situation is like going to an exam you know you're going to fail.

I believe that if I keep failing, I have no reason to believe that some miraculous event will happen to me that will change my mental state.

So, I was hoping ELS (=Earth Life System) was not the final thing to learn PUL, because if I am learning at the same speed after death than I am doing now, I am going to need another lifetime.

Since half of the people around me have health (and other) problems, I am truly not looking forward to any other incarnation at at all. I mean, ELS is so insecure, you never know when you're gonna get an accident, be ill, etc. You have no control on how much you experience OR if it is the adequate experience you should have.

This really matters to me, Bruce. Of all the people I know physically, I seem to be the only person patient enough to analyse and study everything in connection to feeling and happiness. I also trained myself to talk about it. (but I think I am being too long in the explanations, which is boring to most of people).
I think that if I could be what I should, I would be very helpful to the people surrounding me and get myself and them higher/better on a spiritual plane.

I still wonder nonetheless, if it is possible to reach PUL in ELS, when you lack to proper tools. If not possible, there should be a solution in afterlife to catch up afterwards. Do you think there is?

Kind regards,


PS: Honestly, when I tell the truth about this (=the state of the situation described above), most of people do not know what to answer me or what to say, but I feel I am in need of solutions. I feel bad even talking about it, because I often feel rejected just for bringing up those kind of subjects. Considering what I wrote you, I am still not sure what answer is right for the 2 questions you asked above.

What led me to your website was not a quest for PUL at the start. What lead me here were visions of my father I had after he deceased. I was searching for more information on the afterlife.


David, you wrote:

"I think Bob met someone at one of the levels who said that he would go through the whole lot again with all the suffering because the benefits at the end were more than worth it (or words to that effect)"


I think you have this state of mind when you truly understand what ELS and everything is all about. When you go through unhappiness/suffering/etc. and don't know what you're up against and find no solution and don't understand, I don't think you enjoy much that state.

But hey, maybe life is like some events we go through, afterwards you laugh with it and think it looked big and grave at the moment, but was in fact silly.




I think we are here for a reason. I just wish I knew why I am here.


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by LaffingRain on Aug 31st, 2008 at 5:00pm
I hope since you addressed your post to Bruce that he will respond himself Sonia, but since you did ask me privately to talk to you, in that you openly asked for guidance from me, I consider that a courageous act of trust on your part, as well, a honor bestowed upon me, that u might think I have something I can give you.
so even though I've been long winded here today, I want to offer my usual axion, be of good cheer, for things can't get any worse so the only way to go from here is up.

you said: But hey, maybe life is like some events we go through, afterwards you laugh with it and think it looked big and grave at the moment, but was in fact silly.

In a sense I can see the wisdom of your statement. to quote Alan Watts, a philosopher, perhaps agnostic, he said after your life is lived, it's all finished, you float home in this other dimension and you return to your disc mates laughing your heads off in the greatest of mirth, to compare notes with them, what went on, etc. what was accomplished, what was left undone, etc. and somehow, being with your mates, the like-minded, your trusted friends and associates brings much greater clarity and grander view in a more unlimited scope.
and this is just an analogy of what a concept is trying to express;
so then you may turn to your group and boisterously say OMYGOD! I REALLY GOT INTO IT THIS TIME! BY JOVE, I THOUGHT IT WAS ALL REAL!  :D

see, you carry around certain belief systems. certain emotions. some of these beliefs conflict with another belief you have. when you are confused, it is evidence you believe both of those conflicting belief systems, and one of them has to go, or you will suffer conflict.

my basic reason or intention today is just to let you know you are one of us. we are all together. every person who comes here and contributes something is part of the greater whole that we reside in. we will not be able to fix whatever appears to be wrong for you right now. but! you will be read, listened to, respected for wherever you are at, and not judged as less than any of us here.

Don't ever worry about being forced to come back here and suffer again. those type of decisions are beyond our C1 ability and made by the higher self as well those event planners we talk about sometimes.

Now, I don't know how many years you've been here in physical but what happens is you can do a life review right now. Look back over your life and access any good times you ever had. Now add them up. Most of us can find a few pleasant moments we had. these moments are related to PUL experiences.
Then as you go along studying the nature of the universe, the nature of your internal workings which we call a life, you learn to be more creative of PUL circumstances, and gradually experience a growing sense of your personal power to create your life as you would have it be by keeping your focus on what "could be".

u should stop immediately this comparison thing you are doing to any other individual upon this planet. you are trapped into a this one is more than me, this other one is less than me.

Just go unto your God just as you are. it's a come as you are party. It's not necessary to please others, but it's necessary not to injure anybody else while you are getting your own knowings. so be kind is the password, but be truthful. you are who you are, not everybody is going to love you, so if they don't, I figure they are really missing out!

mainly because you are courageous. thats a fine quality. meaning you can ask for help, and that's all any of us are doing. asking for love, asking for help. ask and you will receive. I advocate developing the art of patience cultivation within linear time.

when u get home, then they will say, ok, what r u holding? cough it up! you will hold out to them that you developed faith through being patient. think that is not good enough?

It is well worth cultivating patience, for then all things will come to you that u desire.

btw, money should not be a priority, as u know, you can't take it with you, your disc mates would just laff at you if you tried to hand them some paper greenbacks.

well dearie, I hope u are a little cheered up, just to know you are not alone, perhaps you get the point, we all have sufferings which we don't post about, as well perhaps some inner accomplishments we find difficult to share, but would like to. words are insufficient communications device.

you have taken the first step of a journey, each day when u awake, is but one more step; if we can learn to be grateful for what has not been received quite yet within manifested ELS, we then begin to produce the desired fruits of the soul passing here.

now, don't get me started about how separated I felt from my family and others or you will be quite bored I'm sure, as I can rant on that for an eternity. people want to know what you like about them.

tell us how much u love us. I'm waiting..heheheheh :D
we accept you. you take care of yourself and do something nice for yourself when u get down in the dumps.
what I do if I'm not feeling quite as good as say, another day, I try to do something I have never done before.
right away this tends to free up your adventurous side and make you bust out of the conflicting thoughts we sometimes experience.

love to you, hang in, we hear you.

Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by detheridge on Aug 31st, 2008 at 5:10pm
Hi Sonia,
you ask excellent questions and I can resonate in part with what you're saying.
Just so you know you're not alone, I've not got a clue about PUL. Someone I was involved with many years ago banded about 'unconditional love' as an excuse for being in denial about so many things so I finally came to thew conclusion that it was B.S.
Mind you that was long before I discovered Bob Monroe....... :)
Now I'm keeping an open mind on it, because I'm still at the beginner stage -I'm still trying to get beyond Focus 10. But I keep doing the tapes and CDs and letting things unfold in their own time. If it takes more than this lifetime then I suppose it will have to. Mind you, currently I'm enjoying life as a musician, and have already promised myself that I have to come back again and be a musician again because I won't live long enough to learn all the things I know there are still to learn!  ;D

However, consider that when you cross over a lot more things will be clear to you that are not at the moment, and maybe you'll see this life with all its frustrations with the perspective of all your other lives. At the moment it seems hard and makes no sense (I've been there and experienced that despair myself in the past) but when you're up there a whole new bunch of information may be presented to you.
Of course, being a beginner myself, this is not a known to me, but I feel that might be the case.
So I don't know about PUL, haven't experienced it, but that for me may be in the future. I'm just trying the best I can and occasionally I make mistakes (like we all do?).
The ELS, to quote a song lyric written by a friend:
Life is a mystery tour, and we'll all get there in the end,
Life is a mystery, sure, but what counts is the journey, my friend.

Hope this helps,
Best wishes,


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by Bruce Moen on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 6:28am

Thank you for sharing in such detail what for many would be extremely difficult to share with anyone.

I deeply understand what you mean when you say you believe you have no experience of PUL to utilize as a reference point.  Before I was in my early to mid 40s I would have said exactly the same thing.  Your and my life experiences that led us each to seem to lack the ability to experience PUL may be different, but for both of us the result was the same.

My experience of the feeling of loneliness, and indeed punishment, by those around me when I "did something wrong" and was left alone is I believe similar to yours. I remember what it feels like to only have my own thoughts as my only companions. I was an incredibly skinny, tall, weird looking geek long before the word geek was used to describe such people. It was not fun.

One suggestion, if you have ever experienced what you would describe as the feeling of great appreciation for beauty in any form, particularly for the beauty of nature, that feeling is so similar to the feeling of PUL that it will suffice for any of the exercises that I recommend in my teaching. But, it does not have to be the beauty of nature. It can be admiring a beautiful face, like the one I see in your photo.  Gazing at a rainbow. That feeling you sometimes get watching a beautiful sunset.

It wasn't until my mid-40s I had my first experience of the feeling of pure unconditional love. And that came sometime after I started a conscious effort to identify the parts of myself I myself could not stand to be, and one by one accepting them as legitimate parts of myself deserving of my unconditional acceptance. It is an old worn out adage that we must learn to love ourselves before we are capable of loving and being loved by others. In my mid-40s I discovered there is a reason that is an old adage, that is because it is true.

In learning to recognize the feeling of PUL we all begin where ever we are regarding that capability.  This was true of me in my past and it may be true of you and your present.  A definition of forgiveness, for self perhaps in this regard, might be "I completely give up any hope of changing my past experience.  And so I forgive myself for this lack."

From your photo you appear to be much younger than me. It took me over 40 years to have that first, completely blown away level of the experience experience. I think there is still time left for that experience to happen in your life.

Maybe it would be helpful for you to know that it doesn't have to come all at once. The experience of any feeling of being loved or of loving, felt at any level from just barely aware of it to completely blown away, IS the experience of feeling PUL. That it is experienced in a way that could be described as barely aware of it is of no consequence, and it does not matter, as far as learning about PUL goes. I really want to stress this, Sonia, it IS an experience of feeling of PUL. It can be the feeling you get from a really memorable first kiss. It can be the feeling you get from petting your cat. If it is the smallest crumb of the feeling of love is enough to learn more about experiencing and expressing PUL.


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 7:12am
Sonia dear,

The answer is a simple "NO". Life is a school from which we must graduate

However , angels do not incarnate and are created it you like a little higher than mortal humanity



Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by Bruce Moen on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 1:32pm

Alan McDougall wrote on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 7:12am:
The answer is a simple "NO". Life is a school from which we must graduate

However , angels do not incarnate and are created it you like a little higher than mortal humanity

I completely disagree with both of your statements. In my opinion there are no simple answers to these questions.

I know of cases from my own experience of graduates who have never and will never experience physical lifetimes.

I know from my own experience cases in which angels incarnate within physical reality.

Of course these are my own beliefs and opinions based on my experience. I am willing to leave open the possibility that I am completely wrong, that is why I state that this is my belief, my opinion, it is not a verifiable fact that anyone should ever consider taking on as their own belief.


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by recoverer on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 2:33pm
The feeling I get is that there are lots of beings who never incarnate physically, without existing in the manner angels are defined by.  I figure there isn't much of a difference between angels and other beings. We all come from the same source. If you live according to love, then you live according to love.

Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by Sonia Faith on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 2:59pm

Bruce Moen wrote on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 6:28am:
From your photo you appear to be much younger than me. It took me over 40 years to have that first, completely blown away level of the experience. I think there is still time left for that experience to happen in your life.

Actually, I am 30.

I once had a vision when I was 15 in which I was lying in a deep coma in a hospital bed. I did not look that old in that bed (less than 50, I guess). During that vision, I was sucked in a black tunnel and could see 360 degrees all around. I never felt this much peace.

When I woke up that morning, I wondered if it was a dream or some kind of premonition and I sense know it is unimportant.

I think one never knows for sure when his time has come. I think, that I feel if I would die now, I haven't learned all that I could to be the way I want.

To summarize: If I had to die now, I think I am not in the kind of state of mind I want to be. I think I am not in the right state of mind.

In the story of Max's Hell, Max got trapped because of the way he has chosen to think. What about the beliefs you do not choose, but are pressed upon you by education, society, etc. These beliefs get you trapped as well.

I think if you were raised without love and believe this is normal, OR if you fail to know how to be loving, I think you might get trapped as well in an area where people are not loving as well. It must be like some kind of vicious circle, if that is so.

I think it matters to me to know.

Since I don't know the order of the afterlife, I think the only thing I am holding on too, is my will and faith to do my best to reach PUL. What more can I do?


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by Sonia Faith on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 3:18pm
Bruce, everyone, Thank you all for your replies.
Your answers mean as much to me, as do your intents to be of help.



Thank you very much for your kind words.

QUOTE: Alysia wrote:
"Don't ever worry about being forced to come back here and suffer again. those type of decisions are beyond our C1 ability and made by the higher self as well those event planners we talk about sometimes."

Sonia: Do I get to decide then, or does somebody else decides?

QUOTE: Alysia wrote:
"u should stop immediately this comparison thing you are doing to any other individual upon this planet. you are trapped into a this one is more than me, this other one is less than me."

Sonia: Sometimes comparing is the only way to learn. But you are right, I compare a lot, BUT I also get compared a lot. Sincerely, when I compare myself (or when I am being compared) I am often not as good (or not good enough) in comparison to others...even when I did my very best. It gets frustrating.

QUOTE: Alysia wrote:
"It's not necessary to please others, but it's necessary not to injure anybody else while you are getting your own knowings."

Sonia: I am afraid I get to be quite hurtful. I don't always know very well what I am doing when it comes down to other people's feelings. I really wish I were more competent.

QUOTE: Alysia wrote:
"mainly because you are courageous. thats a fine quality. meaning you can ask for help, and that's all any of us are doing. ...
I advocate developing the art of patience cultivation within linear time.
... you will hold out to them that you developed faith through being patient. think that is not good enough?"

Sonia: Thank you for saying that.

QUOTE: Alysia wrote:
"btw, money should not be a priority, as u know, you can't take it with you, your disc mates would just laff at you if you tried to hand them some paper greenbacks."

Sonia: I don't think so. You see, in fact it is not money I lack. What I lack is social contact, due to lack of money. TO fix that: I intent to take courses to change to a job where I have more social interaction. So, I am really working on it, but I am also really tired to get my mind busy to that, I am not looking forward to studying again, really.

I'ld much rather have more time to read Bruce Moen's books which I am reading currently.

I'll see what that gives.


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by recoverer on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 4:30pm

I believe you are worrying when there is no need to worry. The very fact of how you are so interested in PUL shows what you are truly like inside.  Years ago I had what I refer to as a night in heaven experience, even though I was somewhere between an atheist and agnostic at the time. I experienced an afterlife realm that contained a wonderful level of happiness. The state I experienced didn't reflect my state of mind at the time. Up until this point of my current life, I had never experienced such happiness and such an expansive way of understanding. I didn't believe that such a realm of existance existed. Yet I was able to have the experience I had despite my beliefs. Why? Because I was basically a good hearted person.

It sure seems to me that you're a good hearted person. Nothing like Max.  Therefore, when it is your time to join the spirit World you should be able to move on to a nice level of existence without any problems. Your coma experience indicates this.

Our awareness and energy levels are purposely limited when we incarnate into a body.  This enables us to learn the lessons we come here to learn. According to physiologist Candace Pert, our bodies have over 200 different kinds of molecules of emotion (polypeptides). This causes us to feel various things other than PUL, according to how our thought patterns activate these molecules. We become free of them when we leave our bodies during the time of death. Many people who have had near death experiences speak of how freeing it was to be free of their body. As long as we don't get caught up in a negative belief system or negative way of being, we should be okay. Going by your posts, it doesn't seem to me that you are caught up in a negative way of being or belief system.

It is true that it can be hard to find people we can openly share love with. This is okay, because we can connect to love inwardly. When we do so we make an energetic connection to the many beings who live according to love.

I know it can be difficult to tune into love at times. I've had many meditations where I had lots of energy running through me but I didn't feel a lot of love. This caused me to become frustrated.  Once I started to overcome the thought patterns that limited me, I became more able to experience love during meditation and during other time periods. One of the main things I had to overcome was fear.

Here are a couple of meditations that helped me. I'd do them either while in sitting meditation or as I lay in bed awake:

1. I'd imagine myself share love with a lady I'm interested in without touching her. The purpose of this meditation is to see that sharing love isn't dependent on physical contact. Once I'd open up to love during such a meditation, I'd forget about the fantasy part and would go into love as much as possible.
2. I'd think about the various people I know, and consider how willing I am to love them, regardless of what they are like. As best as I could, I'd tune into how each of them is a divine Soul that don't need to meet somebody's litmus test of how they should be.

Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 6:05pm
Sonia says: I think if you were raised without love and believe this is normal, OR if you fail to know how to be loving, I think you might get trapped as well in an area where people are not loving as well. It must be like some kind of vicious circle, if that is so.

Sonia I was raised as an unwanted child; even told i was not supposed to have been born. and you're right that for a time up until my 50's, I believed that I was unlovable, and so if love did come along, even small gestures of it, it was against my belief system that I was getting love. and so it appeared to others, that I was heart closed down to them. and so I was. What really helped was to start reading Monroe, and then later Bruce here, and I started thinking about what I believe, and I had to do some self retrievals, where I went back in the past and discovered what that little girl had been thinking, when she was told she was not lovable.
I discovered I wanted to please mother so much, that I decided whatever she said must be true.
so when I came here, I was always looking to see what I did really believe, and I learned how to engage two thought systems which are in conflict, as if they are talking to each other.

you will find conflict resolving techniques in Bruce's books. and thank you once more for helping me understand how we can be conflicted in our belief systems Bruce. the techique that works so well is to simply say to a negative belief system, oh, I see you have served me so well, thank you, I'll take it from here on out.

something like that. I would see the negative belief as a personage, because it was controlling me and I allowed it to run my show.
this personage however, would always comply to my wishes to go in another direction without taking it along. it was easy in one sense.
then there's this thing of learning how to release and that entails true forgiveness of my mother.

not just the kind of forgiveness that says oh, she didn't know how she injured me so I'll forgive her. It's much more than denial of what went on. There is great power of transformation value, in forgiveness also while doing retrievals, as each retrieval became like a forgiveness exercise in itself.

Forgiveness helps the closed heart to open to feel PUL. like a process over time.

but for now, if you're reading Bruce, you may discover you are doing some growth into who you really are. I agree with Recover, you are on your way and your basis is love.
to try to answer your question below Sonia:
"Don't ever worry about being forced to come back here and suffer again. those type of decisions are beyond our C1 ability and made by the higher self as well those event planners we talk about sometimes."

Sonia: Do I get to decide then, or does somebody else decides?

to my opinion if you have to ask this question, then you are trying to get to step C before you're done with step B. because you are worrying about something that has not happened yet, like eternal suffering.  Since we are all One, we make those kinds of decisions in what I see as a group huddle thing..because once a life is done and we are not in ELS dimension, our viewpoints change quite easily and naturally. So I no longer say to anybody, I'm not coming back to this hell hole...because it no longer looks like a hell hole after I learned the only real job I have on this planet is to learn forgiveness and getting back to love, erases the hurt that went before like it never happened and the heart begins to be open to all, suffering ends then.

it's time for a cartoon for Sonia:
I'm not trying to be funny here, this is an example of comparison thing we are talking about and I'll try to define why it's a harmful thing to do and unlike PUL.

alas, Sonia, this is my life. notice, despite that we are all EGGS and we all have colors, some of us happen to have a few more colors added to the egg shell. This makes the other two eggs feel inadequate or just say there's green envy going on to be comparing like this.
so we call each other names because we were comparing. where my growth lies is to realize they are feeling insecure, and if I get a chance to, I may find a way to reduce their insecurity in my presence if I'm led to do that. but you have your colors, and religious terms, God is a God of equal love for all, and religion and other sources teach us to make use of the gifts and talents we each possess by not worrying or getting jealous, about what another possesses, that goes for enlightenment of others..we need to honor each other wherever we are on our paths.
Sonia: I am afraid I get to be quite hurtful. I don't always know very well what I am doing when it comes down to other people's feelings. I really wish I were more competent.
I don't have details where u say you get to be quite hurtful. but on a spiritual path, if we notice we have hurt someone, we make amends.
how you do that is up to you. in that if something has been stolen you would attempt to return that item to it's rightful owner if possible.
of if not possible going into your prayer closet you would ask for forgiveness. in this way you feel better about yourself.
It's kind of like doing retrievals where you imagine talking to someone you might have injured, and receiving forgiveness. If forgiveness occurs you feel your heart get lighter, and a general increase in your overall state of being within mundane life. it's important to do unto others as you want done to you. this is just one example where you start to feel at one with whomever was injured, however that came about. u simply stop making excuses of why you did it.
Sonia:  in fact it is not money I lack. What I lack is social contact, due to lack of money. TO fix that: I intent to take courses to change to a job where I have more social interaction. So, I am really working on it, but I am also really tired to get my mind busy to that, I am not looking forward to studying again, really.

in a previous post it seemed you were blaming lack of money for some  problems in your life. just wanted to get the point across money has nothing to do with happiness or inner content, despite the collective urge to have lots of it. social interaction I find right here on this board, so I see you have an ability to draw people to you for socializing, this thread being evidence.
and studying, even when we're tired, we cannot escape the way life changes with or without our active participation, so we always study something, even if it's only how to get along with the neighbor next door, it's a study.

I think this is a very good thread, and your the one responsible for many of us to express ourselves
it generates that thing called PUL!  :)

Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by Sonia Faith on Sep 3rd, 2008 at 12:55pm
Recoverer, LaffingRain,
Thank you very much for your replies.


I understand what you both mean.

LaffingRain, I loved the egg-comparison. It's really humorous and very educational at the same time.
Recoverer, thank you for your meditation techniques.

Somehow, I am always sorry when I bring up the subject of money. Whenever I talk about it, I get the feeling to be superficial and interested in material things, like if my intentions were directed towards that in the view of others. I regret I brought up the subject, because I don't feel good about it.

So, hopefully I'll talk about the subject of money here for the last time.

It is not money that is the problem, it is my conceptual world around money that is the key-problem. In fact, many people around me talk about money, how happy they are to have a lot of money, everything they can do because they have money (like travelling, or buying what they want,...) and then, when they are finished talking, I feel they look down on me, because I have no such stories to tell. It constantly made me feel that I was an inferior human, because I was not God-given to incarnate in a wealthy/happy environment. "Inferior human beings deserve less PUL", is what I was non-verbally thaught.

Actually, if I got no money it is my fault. To me, my lack of money became a symbol of my inferiority. I ended up hating money so much, that I gave it away to other people.

You (meaning the members of this website) are one of the most loving people I ever met. I feel sorry that I can't completely mentally participate in that state of mind. It makes me feel sad.

About a week ago, I dreamt about a pilot, that I retrieved (see Retrievals forum), ever since that dream I really feel sick(er than usual). I don't know why, but I keep nearly throwing up all my food. I don't feel good at all and I don't know why.

I'll post something on the "healing with PUL-something" forum.
I am happy to be able to talk about it, here.


Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 5th, 2008 at 12:18am
hi again Sonia, just taking a small bite out of your post for now: you said:

It is not money that is the problem, it is my conceptual world around money that is the key-problem. In fact, many people around me talk about money, how happy they are to have a lot of money, everything they can do because they have money (like travelling, or buying what they want,...) and then, when they are finished talking, I feel they look down on me, because I have no such stories to tell. It constantly made me feel that I was an inferior human, because I was not God-given to incarnate in a wealthy/happy environment. "Inferior human beings deserve less PUL", is what I was non-verbally thaught.
I found that people with or without money have the same issues the middle class do. money lends a feeling of security to life, but as you already know that security can be ripped away quickly just by life circumstances. take the great depression for example; many lost their fortune and committed suicide. thats how important money and identifying with money can get.
no doubt the suidicees came back a little wiser and considered higher truths.

it's people that are important, not whats in the bank, people make people happy. money is just a vehicle of conveyance. an exchange system.
abundance of life force is what you want. that's a feeling of well being when you arise each morning.
you will have it, as you desire it. you will build it. don't let anyone make you feel inferior, ever, but let them be as they are, surely we all have guidance, and that guidance is invisible helpers who come when called with the sincere heart.

they used to call them angels. they are there. I've seen and talked with them. u can try this: say, if there is a higher being in charge here, where would that being have my feet go today? and what would that being like me to say today with my tongue? who needs me today?

Say, I am ready for a change. because you only get to keep what you give away. then what goes around surely does come around.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Can we reach PUL (and graduate) without earth life
Post by ultra on Sep 5th, 2008 at 12:57am
Hi Sonia,

To add to what has been said above:

There are many kinds of poverty in this world, as well as many kinds of wealth.

If money made people happy then rich people would all be happy and they are not - they are frequently the most miserable and end up using their wealth to hide their unhappiness. It frequently complicates life and adds many frustrations.

On the other side, there is nothing intrinsically "undivine" about money either, since it is an aspect of the Mother (feminine divine). There is nothing wrong in having money as it gives opportunity to support life in the physical and to further ones spiritual life while in the physical, or for the evolution of spirituality in the world in general.

I usually invoke gratitude by thanking God both for what I have and what I do not have, leaving it all up to Her how to balance it all for me in the flow of time. That takes most (haha) of the worry out of it for me.

People say that in order to increase supply one trick is to be very grateful for whatever you have, as that is the basis for receiving more. I often pick up pennies when I see them as they are the embodiment of Lakshmi (an aspect of God in the feminine form) in the physical. One day someone saw this and insulted me. I said, "Do you believe in God?" They said yes. I said, "If God wants to give me one cent and I don't take it, how will I be able to receive more?" They got the point, although I still felt a little foolish having this discussion with a stranger about why I will pick up a penny, lol.

I really believe that if you organize your life around a principle and stick to it, the divine will provide what you need to explore or practice whatever that is until it is time to change or move on. Sometimes it just takes some time, patience and determination, but in those times when you do not get what you think you should, it is always a good opportunity to look deeper and see what you do already have, maybe resources not even being used.

- u

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