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Message started by Still_Living on Aug 30th, 2008 at 8:05am

Title: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by Still_Living on Aug 30th, 2008 at 8:05am
Greetings all... Your input please  ::)

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by Sonia Faith on Aug 30th, 2008 at 3:02pm
To summarize: I think the afterlife is as real as what I believe is real.


Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by Still_Living on Aug 30th, 2008 at 6:07pm

Member unknown wrote on Aug 30th, 2008 at 3:02pm:
To summarize: I think the afterlife is as real as what I believe is real.


As of now my answer is "Most likely YES it does"... and it does exist regardless of our beliefs. However the appearance (environment or what one actually percepts after crossing over) may vary depending on Belief System.
This is my vision of the subject. Hope to progress to "Yes, I KNOW it for sure" in future.


Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by Bruce Moen on Aug 30th, 2008 at 10:16pm
I had the priviledge of watching about 80% of the people in a Japanese language workshop gather a huge body of verifiable evidence.  One of them was a judge and I was so happy to see her succeed in gathering the evidence and weighing her results.  


Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by LaffingRain on Aug 30th, 2008 at 10:30pm
hi Bruce, I'll bet you have tons of examples like the judge who got the evidence, because of all the seminars you've given.
I've come to believe it's only personal experience that counts after all as the basis for a belief system or faith.

it's funny I'm realizing it's not a person's profession that tells me who they are. I just met a singing judge. who'd a thought?  :D

I didn't think judges had emotions or talents. silly me.

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by betson on Sep 1st, 2008 at 10:49am

Since this poll was posted, I've been playing with the terms 'believe' and 'know.' Do we have to believe in order to know or can we know before we've believed?
They both seem equally important.

Does one really know if they don't have belief?


Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by spooky2 on Sep 1st, 2008 at 9:40pm
Bets, I've heard someone said: "I believe in knowledge".
It shows the difficulty to discern these terms from another.  There are two main ways of understanding these two:

1. Belief and Knowledge are on the same continuum. On the one side would be something like "Believing a little bit" which could be the same like to hold something for possible, and on the other side would be "knowing", meaning to be absolutely certain about something, or believing something to 100% .

2. Belief and Knowledge are something of different nature. Believing is always hearsay and preconception, while knowing is coming from direct experience.

I must say I don't know a means that would enable me to determine, if an opinion of mine is either a belief or knowledge. It happens that what we had thought was knowledge, turns out to be false, and then we call it a wrong belief, we believed to know, but we didn't know. That way, when we think we know something, we can say we believe we know, and in the same moment, we know we believe. And so, it's undiscernible.


Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 3:14am
I used to say "you must see to believe" but you must believe to see.

it seems to work both ways. seeing is believing, but to continue to believe makes one tend to see everywhere what it is they believe, or supporting evidence is everywhere.

like try buying a red volkswagon, when you wanted a blue one.
for the next 6 months everywhere you look you will see the blue one you really wanted! lol.

Is knowledge knowing? book knowledge I don't think is the same as being certain, like going through an experience is a different type of knowing, on a higher level.

you and I do some of the out of body stuff, or phasing. Remember when you met someone that you knew obe, how did you "know" you were really there? and not just a vivid dream?

the one clue I have to offer is that if you contact the person and they also remember being there, then you start to "know."
or you know that something is going to happen, then it does happen, but all you know in that instance is you stepped outside of linear time and experienced the same thing happening twice in a sense.

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 7:19am
It is not something that can be scientifically proven but my Near death Experience brought me to a place of absolute knowledge that we do continue beyond this mortal abode/domain.

If we dont then nature god call it what you like has just played a cruel joke on us

It is interesting to note that the forum is not sure about the existence of the afterlife



Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by recoverer on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 12:25pm
I'm certain the afterlife exists. How precisely it is arranged is another matter.

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by identcat on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 1:28pm
To believe is from the "heart"/emotions.
To know is from the memory/experience.

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 6:47pm
hey Alan, I think it's good 64% of the poll agrees they KNOW.

that's a huge percentage. :)

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by tgecks on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 8:03pm
It really is an extraordinary percentage, but reflects this group. I agree it is real, and I know for sure, but I find that the "structure" I encounter is different from Monroe's Focus levels or Bruce's descriptions.

So, as Joni Mitchell would say, "I really don't know Afterlife at all......"

But then none of us get out of here alive.


Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 3rd, 2008 at 12:56am

identcat wrote on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 1:28pm:
To believe is from the "heart"/emotions.
To know is from the memory/experience.

I like the way u put it Vee. shows where you are at. I figure the reason for a board like this is to put all our heads together and show each other the glimpses we get, as we perceive it through the consciousness exploration we undertake.
until the age of the internet, most of our experiences were kept to ourselves, and the people that had them were considered witches or freaks or crazy, and to some extent this still goes on, and then people think it's best to not even talk about such things that are uncommonly shared.
what I realized more fully, that if we Don't talk about it, we just bury the whole thing and never get a chance to expand on it by communicating the glimpses.

you're different because you say it's memory coming back. I do too, because memory after memory starts to tie in with deep seated behavior patterns I have, although the first initial glimpses into another life say, the temptation is to blow it off, then more and more people come forward, like Alan for example, has had that NDE, and I had similar circumstance that I was dead, and it turned out a spiritual transformation was casting out an old belief system I had outgrown, signifying the death of that belief system.

all the feelings were of death, but the reborn feeling was way worth the death throes! talking about the majesty of being embraced by the light, what we have no word for except that we call it God.

as I forgive, I am forgiven by God myself. it just keeps getting better nowdays to be able to share our incredible adventures here.
the only drawback to be studying what death is and how it is arranged is another thing, as there are few definitions, save some NDE's which speak of the majesty of freedom from body constraint, and the love that is on the other side, we do have focus levels that Monroe outlined as a basis to look at, and go from there.

certainly nobody will be proving anything to anyone else, but the heart doesn't lie, and I say if your heart is into exploring these areas, follow it. who knows, maybe more memories will come just at the right time.

A lot of NDE folks really don't want to come back after they seen Paree! but the very thing that makes us want to stay there, love, is the very thing that makes us come back, love for our family members who want to be with us and would suffer should we leave.

I say this as my mother had an NDE also. there were guides she spoke she told me. So we know we have these guides. they told her she could come with them if she wished. it was up to her. suddenly either she herself remembered or she was impressed by them that she was leaving her firstborn, Joan, without a mother. so she told them I can't leave my daughter, she was only about 2 years old then. she went back into her butchered up body; an illegal abortion she was having long ago. it was not fun, but the right thing to do.

the thing we can't ignore, despite our lack of knowledge is the reference to guides, or helpers.
almost all of my encounters with my former mate were done with the assistance of guides listening in. and with other experiences, I have encountered these people who look quite ordinary, sometimes like a social worker might look, and they always pop up just at the right time to deliver a message, or smooth a situation out for me.

this is why I call it a benevolent universe, despite we have the appearance of troubled times. these people, guides, messengers, they inspire me to call it benevolence operating.
I believe you can see some of that love operating in the books we read right here.

in that case, ahem, no sense rushing the inevitable proof... :)

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by identcat on Sep 3rd, 2008 at 11:26pm
AS I wrote in another blog: This is my paradox: We ask to come here with all memory erased. Once incarnated, we try to remember what was erased.

Love and Light-- Carol Ann

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by Old Dood on Sep 4th, 2008 at 2:20am

identcat wrote on Sep 3rd, 2008 at 11:26pm:
AS I wrote in another blog: This is my paradox: We ask to come here with all memory erased. Once incarnated, we try to remember what was erased.

Love and Light-- Carol Ann

I always 'wondered' that myself.
It does look that way....
A Yin-Yang thing?

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by identcat on Sep 4th, 2008 at 5:51pm
Yep! Can't have one without the other--cat

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 4th, 2008 at 11:35pm
my apologies, as Bets pointed out to me I get Vee confused with Carol Ann...I have no excuse, other than that maybe you guys are vibrating closely together...right. sounds good. love, alysia

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 4th, 2008 at 11:43pm
Carol Ann (notice I got the right name? smile)

I wonder about little children reporting who they were, then as time goes on, they stop talking about it and forget.

I think this is how it must be, so they won't be confused. I think about people who were labeled scizophrenic pardon spelling. I think some of these are remembering being someone else. it does present a reality problem if you're just not prepared to deal with it. I remember a few lives, but just barely and it has been a little difficult to integrate these glimpses. of course the children are never encouraged to remember, unless the parents have a belief in spiritual progression. which is how I think of the old term reincarnation..just progression.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by identcat on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:59pm
I don't remember talking about my previous "life" experience with anyone as a child. When I told my parents about the grey car with the  side runner --- they said there were no cars like that, now. Then I had a recurring dream that I was all in yellow, like a flapper garment and hat in the back seat of such a car. The occupants of the car were attached with mahine guns and then I saw myself above the scene and thought ---that's stupid: I'm dead.  Of course, my parents said it was just a dream. I was quite old (in my 20's ) before I came to remember it was a past life experience. After that --- I never looped back to the dream.  

I had a cousin with an imaginary dog named Buck-A-Luck. He dragged a dog collar and leash behind him and played with this imaginary dog until his parents brought home a real dog and named him Buck-A-Luck. Then my cousin stopped playing with his spirit friend. I really think the spirit merged with the real dog.

We discourage children to play "imaginary". (I don't --- I encourage it.) Yes, the memory will slip away.  Love to All-- cat

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 6th, 2008 at 5:23pm
I didn't have childhood other life remembrances myself, they would come much later, I do remember always asking myself who this family was, that I had come to be born into.

I have read about children are much closer to the spirit world and so they do have a sort of bleed thru occurring.

I think the grey car with the side runner was one such bleed thru as well, it's clear to me, you once lived in the 20's.

I find it interesting, that we can get bleed thru at all, at any age whatsoever, especially I am looking for the reason that so much time can elapse between the memory glimpse and the understanding that it was another life. I think it has to do with we as children, and even as adults tend to believe others when they say, it is not a memory, as it is impossible. Nothing is impossible to me, as nothing on this planet can be said to be absolute and unchanging.
especially our belief systems are subject to change at a moment's notice.

thank you, I find the gangster's era fascinating and believe I once was a gangsters moll and danced the charleston, although I'd be hard pressed to convince anyone but you!
notwithstanding the time it takes to get to an acceptance where u understand, oh, I was there and this was me, there is with the knowing of it, a settling and a calmer approach to life, to know, we did this before and perhaps we can then do it better this time, or if that's not quite correct, we are able to open our minds to all the possibilities of our ever expanding comprehension.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by Old Dood on Sep 7th, 2008 at 2:25pm
*I* believe you get to travel through the MULTI-verse.

Take a close look at this image.
The very small 'dot' is our Physical Universe and that in it's self is very H U G E!

Now add to the fact that there are probably unlimited 'other Multiverses' out there connecting to ours.
6+ Billion souls (give of take) on our planet then that is a Drop in the Bucket when compared to ALL of Creation(s).

Title: Re: Afterlife - is it real?
Post by Stjerneeksplosjon on Sep 11th, 2008 at 1:48pm
Well, I voted that I WISH it is real. It better be, or I have wasted untold hours, haha.

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