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Message started by Sonia Faith on Aug 27th, 2008 at 12:50pm

Title: Dreams of extra-terrestrial
Post by Sonia Faith on Aug 27th, 2008 at 12:50pm
These are dreams I do not understand:

1. Sometimes extra-terrestrial beings. They are with human beings, who want to be like them. The human beings are altered already, like if they were transforming in alien beings. Strange!

2. I often dream I am being chased by a snake. It is really scary. I don't know what to do with that.

3. When I try to direct my dreams in being more positive. It is really hard. I think I once dreamed I heard the voice of God. Maybe I am being crazy.

What do you think it means?


Title: Re: Dreams of extra-terrestrial
Post by PhantasyMan on Aug 29th, 2008 at 10:37am
Hi Sonia,

1.  What do aliens represents you ?   Have you fear about them?  Do you see them as evil? Have you read about reptilians and aliens deceptions?  


I would say that humans in your dreams choose the path of illusion, mechanical life, a life toward ego and power.


Alien are seen as higher consciousness being, more evolved than human... To see helpers (angels).  humans choose the path toward love and higher quality of consciousness to become as those aliens.

As you see, both can be possible, even if they 1st is bad, and the seoncd is good.  

2. Snake are fears.  Mostly related to lower energy center (sexuality, root, grounding, vitality, fear of death).  You have to face them and to be honest with you to find what those fears are.

3.  Don't judge your experience, it creates beliefs in your mind and may lock future experience.s  Always keep an open, but rational mind toward your experiences.  Sometime you understand them much later...  years later.   If you're not sure about them, just let them to be, otherwise, you may fall in belief/ego trap.

I hope it helps, and remember to trust yourself!

Title: Re: Dreams of extra-terrestrial
Post by LaffingRain on Aug 30th, 2008 at 1:34pm
I agree with Phantasy Man. these dreams and obes are symbols of our unconscious mind that need to be consciously thought about and developed so we can set our mind to ease about them and deal with the fears surrounding them.
this way you can own your personal power of creativity and you are already developing this or you wouldn't have posted.
In that sense, dreams and obes, are like seeds that will eventually sprout and bloom into your truth, and our collective truth areas.

I am of the belief that aliens are people too. They have a different system of evolvement, unlike ELS (Earth Life System) there are different levels of their evolvement. Some races have their own little clones, which are like robotic gophers, I think these might be the little grays. this is only my conjectures.
I have read Communion. a story about alien abduction. it's very good, it rings true to me personally.
also read another similar book which rang true, as it talked about how aliens did not know PUL very well. these aliens were very advanced technically but behind in the love department it seemed, and so were curious about ELS.
It seems ELS does incorporate much PUL potential to learn about.
in this book, which I don't recall the name, a woman told her story of being abducted, and a cross breeding between alien and human took place onboard a ship. she noted other women, who had previous to incarnation agreed to this cross breeding, were around and about.

these particular aliens were looking to breed these hybrids by mixing their dna with ours, so that they could survive on our planet as physical beings among us. the gain to humans would be that we would become more technical advanced through the sharing of the dna, which is a strand of information, in each dna strand. it seems their own planet was no longer inhabitable.

they were having difficulty because the hybrids were failing to thrive from a lack of love. so they would bring the mother aboard to love and nurture the hybrid which looked half human and half alien.

I dont know how things are going...I'm just sharing, that there are stranger things in our universe going on than we dream of in our respective philosophies...continue working with your dreams Sonia and don't be afraid of what is seen there.
we will all know our answers in our own time. love, alysia  :)

Title: Re: Dreams of extra-terrestrial
Post by Sonia Faith on Aug 30th, 2008 at 3:12pm
Thank you Phantasyman, Thank you LaffingRain.

You know, I dreamt of reptilian-looking aliens before I read about it.

That is what worries me. Reptilians were always described as ego-centered, superior beings. I watched them in my dreams testing the abilities of human hybrids, and trying to convince people of joigning their cause.

In my dream, they were looking at me, but I left, because I interviewed one of them. He was an injured reptilian, and he had to treat the waste because of his handicapped condition, which degraded him socially. He looked happy to have a function, even a low one, but I found he was really mistreated and left the place.

I don't know what to think, but aliens are a subject that keeps coming back. I even once saw another (inhabited) planet. It looked all orange and dusty and a hidden war was preparing.

I think I have much to learn, but I don't want to end up with beings that are in my vision "on a wrong track".


Title: Re: Dreams of extra-terrestrial
Post by LaffingRain on Aug 30th, 2008 at 3:36pm
I think if I were interested in aliens I would be most interested in the tall ones that look human and are more highly evolved than the other kinds, like the reps. I have not seen any. My daughter has seen the tall one, with long hair, he was both female/male type of being. he inspired her spiritual growth.
as far as the reps and other lower evolved types, I don't think they regard that they are "on a wrong track." rather, some of these see Earth physical life as a mere experimentation place to be.
they do not consider the "doing unto others, as you would have done unto you," as sort of cause and effect thing...they are not evolved enough in that regard.

I do know whatever you focus your mind on, that you will be able to check out the more highly evolved ones unless you are there to be of service to the reps by telling them the right way...

donno, these areas can seem mighty strange..let us know of further dreams..thanks, alysia

Title: Re: Dreams of extra-terrestrial
Post by recoverer on Sep 4th, 2008 at 4:36pm

I haven't gotten around to reading the various sources of information that speak about unfriendly alien beings, because I haven't felt like working myself through all of the contradicting information that is available.  Robert Monroe was told in his third book "Ultimate Journey" that unfriendly alien influences do exist. He was also told that he can use his receptors to tune into whoever he wants to tune into.  He was also told that he is too conscious to be influenced without his knowing that something was trying to influence him. He was also told that he's connected to his I-there (disk/oversoul) which is also connected to many I-theres. This provides him with power and safety.

Robert Monroe did explorer sessions at TMI.  One person he did them with was Rosalind Mcknight. They were told that there are unfriendly alien beings. They were also told that beings who represent the light look out for the human race. There is, however, the matter of freewill. If a person allows his or herself to be influenced in a negative way, this is his or her choice. Even if a person receives negative thoughts in an unconscious way, he or she has the ability to choose whether he or she wants to accept these negative thoughts.

I've had three out of body experiences which served the purpose of letting me know that unfriendly alien beings can't harm me as long as I choose the light. I've also had other experiences and received other messages which told me that it is up to us when it comes to living according to love rather than a negative way of being. Another being "cannot" force its negative ways on us.

I mention all of this because it is possible that you are provided with the alien based dreams you have, so you can join in with beings who represent the light.

I find it interesting that Robert Monroe and Rosalind Mcknight (in her book "Cosmic Journeys") weren't told the names of the unfriendly aliens who exist.  Perhaps the beings they communicated with didn't want the information they provided to get connected with any or some of the various stories about aliens that exist, by naming which unfriendly aliens they are speaking about.

The dreams about somebody trying to kill you might be a symbolic way in which your higher self/guidance is trying to let you know that unfriendly beings are concerned about potential light workers such as yourself. I say potential, when you might already be a light worker. Rosalind Mcknight's book Cosmic Journeys states that some people help with retrievels and other spirit work while asleep without realizing that they are doing so.  Perhaps you are already helping out in some way. You can ask for a dream or two that lets you know.

Title: Re: Dreams of extra-terrestrial
Post by identcat on Oct 2nd, 2008 at 7:20pm
Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I work during the day and have raised my grandson, now 16 and he keeps us busy. Then, during the week at any given time, I can come home and our 3 year old grand daughter is with my husband, and she keeps us VERY busy!
So here is what I have found out for you: According to Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews the Snake represents: Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation and Wisdom. Not bad, eh?  He has written 3 pages about the snake.  I could send you the pages via personal mail if you want. It's too long for the Blog.  

Love and Light-- Carol Ann

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