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Message started by Alan McDougall on Aug 27th, 2008 at 12:44pm

Title: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by Alan McDougall on Aug 27th, 2008 at 12:44pm

Last night I went OBE and found myself sitting in a wrestling arena somewhere in the USA.

Mike Tyson and a big wrestler were in the ring to do combat of some kind. Sort of who was the most potent a boxer or wrestler.

The huge wrestler knocks Mike off his feet a few times. I then saw Mike getting angry and he punched the wrestler in his face. He fell down (tThe wrestler that is) and I could see he was knocked out and unconscious. I could see that his eyes were rolled back so only the white was visable and he was convulsing

I shouted at Mike and he turned around and looked directly at me. I said Mike you should not have hit him so hard this was most unfair. Mike turned away from me and the poor wrestler was still lying unconscious on the canvas, Mike turned back to me nodding his head in agreement and appeared sorry for his action

Mike got out of the ring and was walking passed me when I again got his attention. I felt his arms and his name “Iron Mike” truly fits him.

We spoke about boxing and he came over as a nice person.

Then he walked away and as he receded I called out to him to leave his calling card, which he did by throwing it too me.

What is your take on this OBE



Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by recoverer on Aug 27th, 2008 at 1:59pm

Perhaps you were being told that eventually all Souls choose the light, because they all have the capacity.

Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by hawkeye on Aug 29th, 2008 at 1:01pm
perhaps a little less jalapeno in the chili. Just kidding.
Now what do I know...but this sounds more like a dream than a OBE. Are you thinking that you were, at that exact time in a ring with Mike and the Boxer? If Mike was fighting on the 26th it should show up on his web page.

Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by hawkeye on Aug 29th, 2008 at 1:42pm
The other reason I say dream perhaps is the direct communication you mention having with him.  You also spoke to him directly. That's not saying you were not having an OBE. If your connection to Mike was working, and you were having a shared OBE then, why not the communication. Sharing an experience together.  

Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by PhantasyMan on Aug 29th, 2008 at 4:15pm

Dreams, Oobe...  Too much labels here.  What is real, and what is not?  Falseness happen in Obee, and truth in dreams.    Dreams, Obee, meditation, void, lucid dream are all experiences.  The important is the quality of the consciousness in the __experience__.

Alan's experience can be symbolic and Mike is the powerful warrior with the ego that induce rage in him.  Maybe it's important aspect in Alan's consciousness.

Maybe it's was a retrieval of Mike's multi-selves... Maybe he truly talk to him.  We're multi dimensional being, it's something that can happen.

Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 6:46am
When we dream that becomes our reality and the waking state a dream.

When we sleep other higher entities in other realities see us in their dreams and our dreams mix with their dimension.

There is a sort of a bleeding between the consciousnesses of higher and lower vibratory states of evolving souls and that is why we should record what we dream.

A lucid 3 dimensional dream with sound touch and color like this one is just another form of OBE.



Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by hawkeye on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 6:03pm
Excellent. I find it interesting that you beliefs are that the dream is also reality. For me, dreams andOBE's are very different. I am not doubting or belittling your experience Alan. Just wondering. I do most of my OOB movement while in a meditative state and as Bob may have called it "Mind awake, Body asleep". A meditative state. When I dream, personally its different. (Interesting OBE you had by the way. )
PhantasyMan, There are many labels. Student/Master is the first that comes to my mind. Both the same and equal. Neither more that the other. Dream/OBE, both important experiences. Both hold relevancy.
Perhaps the question is worthy of a separate posting. "Are dreams and OBE's the same thing?"
(You can see by my earler post that I did not say that it was not an OBE. As I didn't have the expearence, how would I know? )  

Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by blink on Sep 3rd, 2008 at 7:32pm
Oh, the fighters again. Yes, Alan, I can relate to this. I have had this dream too, just a slightly different version.

It seems that all of our arguments are witnessed. What a surprise it must be for someone who finds their way into the afterlife after an entire lifetime.....thinking, oh, I thought this was all about me. But no, there are witnesses.

I think this is an important point, that there are witnesses, observers of what we do, and they are involved emotionally as well. There are no real secrets in the afterlife.

What is your calling card? What did you leave with Mike?

Certainly, he saw you. Your presence made some kind of difference. What was it? Could it be Awareness?

:) love, blink

Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 4th, 2008 at 7:37am
Blink and others

Blink posted

Oh, the fighters again. Yes, Alan, I can relate to this. I have had this dream too, just a slightly different version.

It seems that all of our arguments are witnessed. What a surprise it must be for someone who finds their way into the afterlife after an entire lifetime.....thinking, oh, I thought this was all about me. But no, there are witnesses.

I think this is an important point, that there are witnesses, observers of what we do, and they are involved emotionally as well. There are no real secrets in the afterlife.

What is your calling card? What did you leave with Mike?

Recoverer made a telling point point that even an angry disturbed person has a pure soul and is a very nice person deep down. He was much traumatized as a child was he not.?

Blink yes in the afterlife we have to solve differences and reconcile with one another

About the calling card, I don’t think I gave him mine, but I know he threw down his and I picked it up as he was leaving the arena.

I must find time to follow this up


Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 7th, 2008 at 9:29am

Here is an article I goggled 7/9/2008. I promise I knew absolutely nothing about mike Tyson really accepting a challenge to wrestle...

Those who know me will remember that I have demonstrated real genuine successful psychic ability, such as the remote viewing and telepathic tests

Mike Tyson accepts wrestling challenge

•  Click here to see the Tyson/Austin Raw Is War video clip. (1.9 MB)

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin, right, points a finger and challenges Mike Tyson, left, as Vince McMahon, center, CEO of the World Wrestling Federation, listens in at WWF's Raw is War show. Tyson had appeared as a guest of McMahon's and was about to announce Tyson's role as a guest referee for Wrestlemania XIV when Stone Cold Steve Austin joined the group in the ring for the unexpected challenge. (AP Photo/Eric Paul Zamora)

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) -- Mike Tyson was expected Monday to announce that he would guest referee at Wrestlemania XIV. Instead, he accepted a challenge to get into the ring himself.

Just as Tyson was to make the announcement during the World Wrestling Federation's "Raw is War" program, pro wrestler Steve Austin jumped out and challenged the boxer to a fight.

The two briefly scuffled in the ring. Afterward, WWF owner Vince McMahon announced that Tyson accepted the challenge.

"Mike is refusing to guest referee. Austin embarrassed Mike Tyson and the WWF with his remarks. It was uncalled for and very unprofessional," McMahon said. "Mike is now saying he wants Stone Cold Steve Austin."

McMahon said he would ask Nevada boxing officials if they would let Tyson wrestle.

Tyson spokesman Sig Rogich said earlier that the former heavyweight champion would not wrestle.

Tyson, stripped of his license after biting off a piece of Evander Holyfield's ear in June, was banned from boxing in July by the Nevada State Athletic Commission. Rogich said Tyson would only referee to avoid jeopardizing his relationship with the commission.

Wrestlemania XIV will take place at the Fleet Center in Boston on March 29.

SLAM! Wrestling's WM14 section

Weird and strange is the mind of ALAN

Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by betson on Sep 7th, 2008 at 10:02am

Alan said:
" Mike turned back to me nodding his head in
agreement and appeared sorry for his action."

I hope that your 'dream' ending to the fight has somehow got to Tyson and affected him for the better!

Does anyone know if our own spiritual explorations have an affect on others?
I mean when our intent is not consciously set to affect them.

Now that I think of it, I know it does between my husband and me, but that still leaves what about with strangers?
Could Alan's dream have provided a 'call to conscience' for Mike Tyson?


Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by blink on Sep 10th, 2008 at 4:53am
Strange, Alan. I found myself on that same site a few days back, trying to research your dream. I didn't see this article. I'm really not into sports, don't know much of anything about it.

Anyway, I could name a couple of things that strike me as coincidental. But it's a bit personal to me, actually.

Perhaps you really were there, Alan? It's that crazy psychic thing again! It's everywhere...

Perhaps there is a connection between all events which is not clear to us. I tend to believe it is there. Like you say, Bets, and others say...what is the saying about the butterfly wing or somesuch that moves and affects all of creation? I'm not sure how wide the "spiritual" ripple effect reaches, but there are some very strange coincidences in my life, enough to make me wonder frequently what it's all about.

Title: Re: Mike Tyson the boxer and an Out of Body experience
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 10th, 2008 at 5:38am
Hi Blink,

You said

Perhaps there is a connection between all events which is not clear to us. I tend to believe it is there. Like you say, Bets, and others say...what is the saying about the butterfly wing or somesuch that moves and affects all of creation? I'm not sure how wide the "spiritual" ripple effect reaches, but there are some very strange coincidences in my life, enough to make me wonder frequently what it's all about.

Yes Blink even in the "Physical Now" we are all connected to the Great Cosmic Mind, and indeed interconnected to everything else within what I call the Super-Consciousness, where all information’s, events, both past, exists.

These present, past and future events, can be accessed if we develop the skill to do it



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