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Message started by Sonia Faith on Aug 4th, 2008 at 4:12pm

Title: Conscious dreams and soul-drilling
Post by Sonia Faith on Aug 4th, 2008 at 4:12pm
Hello everyone,

Connected to the previous topic, the further I seek to break through what I call "bad patterns" of thought and action, the more I stumble on strange dreams.

I dream very consciously and in many dreams I always get hated very much. Also, several times, I felt like somebody wanted to murder me with all that hate. I get so frightened and I do not understand what is happening to me in my dream.

I think I was murdered in a previous life (Actually, I believe they strangled me. They thought I was dead, so they burried me "alive". Which is where I died from thirst, starvation and lack of air.) and in my dreams I still feel this hatred of the murderer towards me. I don't know how to solve this. I think I need to talk about it.

I keep searching for the object of this hatred. Do I deserve this hate? Have I done something wrong? I generally only see the murder itself (or a brief moment before it), never what is previous to it. It is like I drill in my own soul searching for answers.

In other dreams, I get attacked by a dangerous wild animal who looks really angry with me. It always has very sharp teeth.

These dreams make me feel terrible and frightened. I feel so overwhelmed by their hate and fear, that generally I only get paralysed and do not react at all.

What do you think I should do?
What do you think it is? What do you think it means?
I value your opinion on this.

Thank you in advance.


Title: Re: Conscious dreams and soul-drilling
Post by betson on Aug 4th, 2008 at 4:37pm
That's all good, Sonia!

The dreams are presenting you with some underlying causes for your conscious situation. It doesn't matter if they are true in every detail because they are presenting the emotions and attitudes that affect your soul.

Parts of them are saying you are a victim of fear.
To deal with fear you need courage and PUL.
All negative emotions have to do with not enough love, when you get right down to it.
When I first came here I could not believe what they told me to do in a similiar situation >
Imagine the beast, reach out and pet him while talking quietly and sweetly to it. Offer it kindness.
If it slashes at you, it is only slashing at a thought-form of you, since it is only a thought-form in a thought-form world. So strongly tell it 'no,' then offer it a token of friendship, something to eat perhaps.
Repeat as necessary.
The beast has the couraage you need and would make a good friend for you if you will 'tame' it.

If you do this first in your imagination while you're awake, you'll find it easier to do in a dream.

It works  :)


Title: Re: Conscious dreams and soul-drilling
Post by PhantasyMan on Aug 5th, 2008 at 10:15am

I used to have that kind of dreams years ago.  From experience, I have to say that we must look inside us to find the cause before thinking about past life tragedy or bad entity influance.  

For exemple, after many of those dreams, I finally faced them and I asked :  "Why are you doing this to me."  The answer was : "Because you all created this".   A matrix like animation started and the dream disolved.  I finally accepted that I was the creator of all this pain and suffering.  

Fears and many ego'sselves aspects are hidden in our consciouness...  We must have the courrage to find them, accept them and face them.  

Title: Re: Conscious dreams and soul-drilling
Post by hawkeye on Aug 5th, 2008 at 12:41pm
Sonya, Let me run this thought by you. Now if when you died, all the sudden you didn't. I mean not really died. Only your body died. Now if you weren't awair of the reality that there is no death, you could be rather attached to your dead body. Thinking that you were alive. Then when that body is buried, you feel like you are buried alive. This could be the attached "memory" that you are having in your dreams. Sometimes the lessons are difficult to "get". But if you were to receive a lession about being more than your physical body (thanks Bob) could this be a way of receiving it? Just a thought....Sometimes guidance does amazing things...It even brought me to this web site a few years back.

Title: Re: Conscious dreams and soul-drilling
Post by Sonia Faith on Aug 5th, 2008 at 2:23pm
Betson, Phantasyman, Hawkeye,
thank you all for your wonderful advice.

I believe you all hold some truths that I needed to be more aware off.

Thank you for communicating with me.


Title: Re: Conscious dreams and soul-drilling
Post by recoverer on Aug 5th, 2008 at 3:43pm

Some of what I say might repeat what others have to say.  Going by my experiences, our higher self/spirit guidance creates a lot of dreams. In my case I had a series of dreams which would turn into an out of body experience and I'd end up dealing with some imaginary evil being. The more I had these experiences, the more I knew I didn't have to be afraid of evil beings. Eventually these experiences reached a point where I became conscious enough to say: "Alright, I know this experience is created by my spirit guidance, so end it now." and it came to an end.

It is also possible that what you're experiencing is a creation of your own mind, without your higher self/spirit guidance being directly involved. Whatever the case, as others suggest, I suggest that you confront what gives you a hard time during a dream. I don't mean have a boxing match. I mean, tell it your not afraid, or share love with it, or try to send it to the light, or tell it you know that it's just a mental creation. Before you fall asleep set the mental intent to become more conscious during this type of dream.

Perhaps you are concerned about people being angry with you, because an angry person might cause you harm.  I doubt that physical harm is going to occur for you, but even if it did, they could only hurt the physical body you are temporarily making use of, not your spirit self.

One other note, sometimes dreams are used to pass on messages, sometimes they are used to balance out our mental and emotional energy, sometimes they are used for both purposes.

Title: Re: Conscious dreams and soul-drilling
Post by Sonia Faith on Aug 5th, 2008 at 3:46pm

Thank you for your advice. I intent to train myself in dealing with this kind of dreams.


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