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Message started by wade on Jul 25th, 2008 at 8:48am

Title: A OBE to remember
Post by wade on Jul 25th, 2008 at 8:48am
This past saturday they had fireworks at the end of town over the water. As I sat and watched the fireworks a thought popped into my head. So I followed through with it. I imagined a pink mist of PUL come across everybody within a 10 block radius and sent everyone there love and harmony. When I got home a stayed up for a little bit then went to bed. The vibrational status of my body was off the charts but I was so relaxed and calm. So I jumped in bed and went to sleep.
The next thing I know is the familiar feeling of going threw the bedroom wall and floating above my house. The moon was out and bright which lit up the sky so beautifully. I could see others all around me at different distances. One was so beautiful. From a distance I could see the figures robes blowing in the wind. It loked like a death eater from the harry potter movie!! I didn't fear it or have any fear of it. I was in awe. So I decided to go to the moon and bam I was softly coming down to the surface. It was an amazing site!
 Then I focused on going to the akashic recorda and in an instant I was in what seemed to be a library. There were others in there as well. I asked a women if I could view my records and she said they were temporarily unavailable which I thought was odd. Then a women came up to me and handed me what seemed to be 2 or 3 coins. One of them shot across the room from my hand and everyone started laughing. I asked if I did it but dont remember the response. I do know that in ancient greece they would give each other coins as a symbol of a relationship. Iusually dont remember my obes with this much detail but after the laughing I woke up. It is an amazing thing to experience and I just wanted to share it with everyone.....Anyone had something similar?

Love wade
Lovew yas     wade

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 25th, 2008 at 1:13pm
Greetings wade nice to meet be it via the forum!

Then I focused on going to the akashic recorda and in an instant I was in what seemed to be a library. There were others in there as well. I asked a women if I could view my records and she said they were temporarily unavailable which I thought was odd

I have seen this library during a near death experience. What I saw was a whitesh translucent marble like building, with strange people robed in white milling about. Maybe they were evolved beings

The building seemed to resemble a classical ancient Geek structure so maybe it was a construct of my imagination.
"Pathenon like maybe"

Can you describe the place you experienced in more detail as I am very interested?



Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by recoverer on Jul 25th, 2008 at 2:53pm

Sounds like a cool experience, and I like how you shared PUL with a bunch of people.

Perhaps the coins were a symbol for chance. You can get either heads or tails when you flip a coin. Perhaps when the coins were placed in your hands you were being told that your destiny is in your hands. There is no need to limit yourself by what happened in your past. It is best when our past educates us, rather than limit us.

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by wade on Jul 26th, 2008 at 11:24am
Hello alan and recovere. Greetings.

"Can you describe the place you experienced in more detail"

Well the library was quite normal like a college university. Alot of books stairs going up 2 levels alot of wood though. Beautiful dark wood outlined everthing it seemed. As for the people they were young and dressed like today. I have the impression that the woman with the coins wore all black with long black hair. Its possible she was wearing a robe. As far as the outside I didn;t see it. Another weird thing was when I went to read a title of a book on a shelf It was in a text or hyroglyph familiar to me but I can;t pu tmy finger on it.

"Perhaps the coins were a symbol for chance"
When I wrote this I didnt say anthing but I believe you are right recoverer. The coins to me looked like or at least reminded me of the I-ching. The coins were hollowed and square in the center but round on the outside. Also as far as the past I wanted to see were I went and what happened to me when I had my near death experience and the records would have that. I suffer still to this day from severe depression which only took form after the NDE.

Well thanks guys. And thanks for the insights. I will have to process it and see were it takes me.

Lovew wade

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by betson on Jul 26th, 2008 at 7:34pm
What a great experience, Wade !

Congratulations!  Wow!

I've only 'seen' The Park and some of its buildings from a distance,
from a nearby bluff and on a fly-over. Your experience however
seems very complete, even if your interpretation of events is still
Where did you get the idea of 'blessing' people beforehand
with a pink mist of PUL? That must be very effective !

Your vibrational status being off the charts must mean you are ready
and cleared for such explorations! Perhaps if you go on more such journeys,
your depresssion will ease up. Your trips can take you back but
you can also fulfil your karma' here. You'll have both worlds!

I'm very happy for you!  :D


Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by betson on Jul 26th, 2008 at 7:49pm
Hi Alan,

I've also 'seen' the dome of the pantheon-type building up there.
My conscious expectation was that the Akashic records were in/under a
pyramid type structure, so I was surprised that the pantheon was
indicated as the library during my OBE 'tour.'

An old (C-1) campus near me has a domed building that used to be a library but
now it's a student center for underclassmen. I walked there before I'd had any OBEs and was shocked at how familiar yet how wrong that area seemed. Even then some sort of unconscious memory/model told me that the domed building should be a library, that the buildings and walkways should be white, etc. I'm so thankful for this site, the participants and host, for letting me know where that AK memory came from!


Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by channy aka cbuk on Jul 27th, 2008 at 10:06am
Hi All,
Wade: Cool! Impressive!

From the book ASTRAL DYNAMICS by Robert Bruce.
Page 412

“...the akashic records are an energetic dimensional structure with no actual shape or form. The appearance of this structure is affected by projectors’ angles of perception, belief systems, and creative abilities. Projectors’ needs for a definite and well-known structure within which to work have created a fairly solid library-like astral structure, which has been added to and maintained over many years.
The most popular structure is the traditional library scenario. Imagine a large and imposing white stone building, beautifully kept, with wide marble steps leading through several large stone pillars that mark the main entrance.”


Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 27th, 2008 at 10:18am
Greetings  channy,

It is indeed an honor to connect with you channy.

The most popular structure is the traditional library scenario. Imagine a large and imposing white stone building, beautifully kept, with wide marble steps leading through several large stone pillars that mark the main entrance.”


I am sure this is the place I visited during my NDE... In this place I felt a fathers beautiful unconditional love.

Much deeper than my earthly father.I wept for the beauty of this place and felt very reluctant to leave it



Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by wade on Jul 27th, 2008 at 5:57pm
Hello Channy and thank you....

"Where did you get the idea of 'blessing' people beforehand
with a pink mist of PUL?"
Well betson I was at a fireworks show in my hometown and I was sitting on the road and it just came to me to send everyone there PUL so I did. I been doing that for years. On highways from east coast to west, And a bubble originating from me which expands to the end of the universe the explodes and Pul wave go in every direction!!!

"I have seen this library during a near death experience"
Well alan I've had a NDE as well and havent recovered from it as of yet. Its been 9 years and the depression is still there. Did you have any depression after yours? What did you do to thwart it if any or did you have no problem adjusting when you came back?

Love as always wade :D

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 27th, 2008 at 9:18pm

I have suffered almost life long with depression and the depression caused my NDE. I am a severe manic-depressive (I do not like the term bipolar calling this horror bipolar reduces into a little mood disorder, which it decidedly was not in my case. Every second Hollywood star and celebrity now comes on TV claiming to be a manic-depressive, and is medicated unnecessarily)

I saw you request to be linked to my yahoo messenger list and this is fine by me.

I will be away for a few days and get back to you.

I understand your yearning for the beauty and wonder you saw while on the other side.This wordly reality is such a bleak shadow. of the safety and love of heaven. While there in the light which I thought was God,  I was told no, the light is not God but we were standing in the the breath of God, which is his enternal  LIGHT.

But you came back for a purpose and you must try to find out what that propose is and realize it before you cross over again

Blessings light and love


Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 28th, 2008 at 2:12am
Hi Wade and all

I like what Alan said about standing in the breath of God.
anyone who stood in the breath of God would have a hard time coming back to serve life here.
I applaud both of you for your inspiration to me.

Wade, I have seen in an obe a very ancient stone massive educational building, most remarkably I remember the sensation and feeling of this was like an ancient school of knowledge of the ELS system.
The library I saw was books stacked to the very top of the ceiling of every single earth life, although maybe they will put the books on computer chips soon? I don't know, I'm old fashioned; there's something about holding a book in your hands, that is not quite the same as slipping in a CD disk.

about the way Wade, you sent love. It is a genuine service to do this sort of thing. I believe it's part of your service, as it certainly does have effects.

I remember doing this once..I also went obe that night after doing the love exercise, so it does increase your vibrations to do this, allowing an easy obe exit.
I can't explain why it works this way, but hearing you speak of your obe, I remembered my own exercise, and being surprised that I could feel love for the world in such a general sort of way.

it really opens you up.

heres a tune..what the world needs now, is love sweet love, it's the only thing, that there's just too little of...

thanks for your post Wade. keep us updated.

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by blink on Jul 28th, 2008 at 8:10am
If you return to the place of records, please tell us more, Wade. I am very interested in this place, and have not visited it, to my recollection.

thank you, a wonderful experience, blink

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by wade on Jul 30th, 2008 at 8:30am
Hello all, thank you for your compassion and support! ;)

"If you return to the place of records, please tell us more"
I certainly will blink thank you...

"It is a genuine service to do this sort of thing. I believe it's part of your service"
Hello LR, what do you mean by service and what other kind of services are there? Like ummm retreivals and such? and does that sort of thing come more easier to others like you or is it a gift?

"But you came back for a purpose and you must try to find out what that propose is and realize it before you cross over again"
Yes I have been trying to find my purpose and have done the focus levels and such to see but really havent' had alot of impressions. I ask to speak to y spirit guide in my affrimation to seek answers but its been 7 years and my progress has been really slow to none. Do you or anyone else have any ideas that I could try to get this info? I dont have many OBEs and the focus levels have been hard as well. I do get dicouraged because of years of lack of progress. Any insight would be appreciated..

Love wade

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by betson on Jul 30th, 2008 at 9:16am

there's an insight within your first post here, Wade --

You seem very joyful about the effect of sending the pink mist of PUL out to others. Then it led to an even more wonderful  OBE ....
So why not just keep on doing what you discovered, sending PUL?
That may be your gift to share!


Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by wade on Jul 31st, 2008 at 8:10am
Hello and thank you betson I will and have been doing that. I didnt want to start another thread but wanted to share that I had another obe yesterday!!!
I was tired and sat back in the chair and I all of a sudden I was floating above myself! I tried to move out torward the window and a flower invisable like, you could see the outlines and it floated over to me and landed on my mouth. At first I was frightened but I just let it go and it dissapeared. I also had the impression that the color was red. It reminded me of a pattern of a chakra! Then bam I was in my body agasin. So I relaxed and oput I went!!! I remember I was still breathing as I was floating. I kept going back to my body seemed like everytime I closed my spiritual eyes so to speak I would go back. I had alot of difficulty this tim going anywhere. It was really weird seperating wioth my body and my breathing would be inturrupted for a second and then I would be out agian!! I also stopped breathing in spirit form but it weirded me out. I could hear myself breathing in the chair. Anywho I figured I would let you know about this..

Love wade

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by betson on Jul 31st, 2008 at 10:43am
We're all I'm sure very happy for you, Wade!


A higher intelligence is offering you these experiences so I wouldn't be concerned about going anywhere. Just let it build your confidence and go ahead and offer the Universe PUL !

You'll be fine! I get the impression that your Higher Self has been waiting a long time for you to take this step. Remember that you chose to send PUL the last time?  that was you putting your will in this direction, setting your intent. You don't have to force these experiences but if you will say to yourself/Higer Self that you want to have them, you will progress.

:) :) :) I'm very happy for you, PUL-man!


Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by LaffingRain on Aug 1st, 2008 at 10:54am
Yes Wade, I'm happy for you too. Bets said it all for me. in that the way you do your PUL exercises is opening you up to these experiences of your unlimited being. The PUL is quite like setting an intention on the mental. it takes time to get to where you're going with it.

that's the first time I've heard of a flower kissing you on the lips!

what a unique happening. Red is for vitality. I can share I once was obe and a helper out there (in here!) pointed at my glowing solar plexus and commented it was a lovely shade of fushia pink!

these experiences do tend to shore up our flagging confidence in ourselves to grow in true knowledge...

what I mean by service Wade, is...wait, I feel a joke coming on
A guestion to God: dear lord, I know we are all here to help each other, but what are all the others here for?

I meant I felt that you may be gifted with a positive emotional nature which is able to feel PUL more easily, to send it out. believe it or not, many people are too mental to feel PUL consistently enough to share it. so I'd say you with this gift, or ability, and the more u use it, the unselfishness of your intention yields up further experiences, that your higher self enacts for your learning.

however, your ego is trained to find fault with yourself. Ego will say, you are "less than" or more than, it is a comparison mechanism.
it continually measures your progress.
the spiritual life you are headed towards does not measure your status in comparison with anybody else.
you are making yourself depressed because of your beliefs.
however you can change your beliefs, and stop  comparing yourself to are unique, theres only one like you sweetie in the entire love yourself.

love, alysia

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by wade on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 3:03am
Well Betson and LR, I just sent you 2 some pul for your beautiful and meaningful responses inwhich you both help me to see in me what I can;t
"the spiritual life you are headed towards does not measure your status in comparison with anybody else.
you are making yourself depressed because of your beliefs.
however you can change your beliefs, and stop  comparing yourself to are unique, theres only one like you sweetie in the entire love yourself"

and to hear that I am
" your Higher Self has been waiting a long time for you to take this step"

so I can move forward and process my expeiriences more! I just sent you both a Aura of pul. I hope you enjoy them!!! Thank you both for helping me and pointing out what I need to not only walk the path but to learn the path and understand things that I may not notice.
With much lov,gratitude and appreciation,

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by LaffingRain on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 3:20am
thank you Wade..just to say, I did receive the aura.  :)

Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by Alan McDougall on Sep 2nd, 2008 at 7:57am

You are a natural you might be amazed that many others strive for years before the have an experience like yours



Title: Re: A OBE to remember
Post by betson on Sep 6th, 2008 at 11:55am
WOW!  :o

Wade, I did get PUL that day! Really strong, sir!  
Thank you!

Sorry I didn't see your post until now and didn't know who to thank!


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