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Message started by betson on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 7:47am

Title: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by betson on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 7:47am

We find on this amazing spiritual journey that a side effect is the extra psi/ spiritual abilities that develop. I'm wondering how you would interpret this recent experience ---

About six months ago I began getting messages that I would be living in a new house 'soon.' I took these messages to refer to the afterlife or a new incarnation after that. But more and more frequently I'd be thumbing through magazines and suddenly get the message 'like that one!" when I saw certain style houses. So I began to doodle out the images and then combining them, with encouragement from HS/OverSoul.

About a half month ago I found the exact house in a real estate ad-- frustrating since we're not in the market for buying a house. It even had a little barn for a horse, a childhood dream of mine!
Last week we rented a vacation house sight unseen based on the fact they accepted pet dogs. Whoa -- it was that same house (some proportions changed slightly) !
:o  Good grief! --How many can there be ?! It has some unique features, different enough that I'd never seen it previous to all this!

:D   ;D   :D
Is this some humor sent from the spiritual realms?


Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by vajra on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 8:47am
Hi Bets.  Guess I've no idea, but maybe it depends where the message is   coming from.

Could be a reflection of your deeper urges, just a dream, could be predictive, could be guidance, could be your noticing this type of house because of your interest.

In my life stuff that's meant to be acted on keeps falling into my path like that over a period of time, but there's usually a sort of 'knowing' that comes with it regarding what's to be done.

Maybe there's context - other thoughts, feelings, input that might help figure you it out.....

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by Bruce Moen on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 9:49am

From my experience I would say that as we continue on this journey Guidance can become a bigger factor or influence in our lives, Here and There.  As our perception opens our contact and communication with Guidance can become clearer and more recognizable.  Helpers and Guides seem to be always on the lookout for opportunties to demonstrate this through our experience.

So as a "what if" exercise . . .

Suppose we have at some point in our "spiritual journey," as you put it, asked for clearer perception of our Guides and/or Guidance.

Suppose a Guide would like to assist with our desire for further opening and developing our perception.

What if the Guide had a peek into a place like Focus 15 and saw that your decisions and desires were leading you toward living in a different house.

What if the Guide had been with you long enough to know what you would like in a house, and, did a little time/eventline search in Focus 15 to find a house or two that would fit your desires that would be available in the right time frame for you.  And, this Guide started laying in eventlines in Focus 15 to get the crossover point needed to bring you and the house together in the same space and time.

What if the Guide found a way to communicate with you and began pointing out what this house would look like.

What if you found the house the Guide described to you and rented or bought it.

Do you suppose that this experience might teach you something about how Guidance communicates with you?  Do you suppose it might also help you begin to trust your perception of this kind of communication when recognize it in the future.  Do you suppose your "spiritual Journey" would be assisted perhaps accelerated as a result.


Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by betson on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 12:47pm
That was so cool, Bruce   :D

It felt like we took a little walk together !
When I got to the end I could then see that it all led to the affirmative.  :)
You really have a wonderful way of explaining things --  Thank You!

:)  Bets

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by george stone on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 7:17pm
ive read,that if you dream about a house,it could mean a man or a woman is about to come into your life.George

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by Vicky on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 8:41pm
Hi Bets,

When I read your post, my first thought was that you were noticing the instant impressions you were getting about "living" in a new house, but then you changed to telling about what you assumed it meant.  Then you go into saying that it was too bad that you weren't in the market for buying.  Then you say that you ended up needing to rent a vacation spot and it turns out to be the house you'd been guided to.  

So what I see is that this information was coming to you before you had really asked for it.  That's probably what made you assume it meant one thing, when it really meant another.  However, your first message was only "living in a new home", which by all accounts is what you'll be doing on your vacation.  The message didn't say "buying a new home".  

What I've learned is to try to just feel what I'm getting, and try really hard not to think it through too much.  That always messes me up!  

I like Bruce's walk-through too.  Bruce, you do have a spectacular way of thinking.  I love how your brain works.   :)

So Bets, my advice is to definitely listen to these little nudges and just go along with what you are feeling, and I believe that trusting and listening to the feelings will definitely open you up to more meaning and knowing.  What I've found for myself is that I seem to get info on an as-needed basis.  I find that I can't get more until I'm in the right place for it, meaning the right frame of mind or I have gained some insight on my own, through experience or thought or whatever.  It's like climbing a set of stairs, as you go up you will gain more info of what's up above, but if you just stand still you will be stuck with what you get at that level.  Keep moving and you give yourself opportunity for more.  

Vajra, I like what you said here:

"In my life stuff that's meant to be acted on keeps falling into my path like that over a period of time, but there's usually a sort of 'knowing' that comes with it regarding what's to be done."

That's me too.  

Mind if I share something of my life here?  It's about living in a new house too.  I will be divorced in a few weeks and a few months ago I was worrying about where I would be living.  To make a long story short, Bruce helped me learn how to think the right way instead of the wrong way.  Instead of worrying about what will be, and not being sure if I'm making the right decisions or how they will work out, etc, he said to put up an ad on Craig's List only describing the exact area, what I need, and when.  Don't include price, just exactly what you need.  Of course my worries were "what if I don't find it, what if it doesn't exist, what if I can't afford it, what if they don't have something available when I need it," etc.  But I did it anyway.  My ad said the specific location (and I was really specific because I want my kids to attend the same schools they've been attending), that I needed a 2 bedroom with a basement, or 3 bedrooms, and that I needed to move between August and October.  Three days later I got a call from a guy who said he had exactly what I was looking for.  It is 3 bedrooms with a garden-level basement, it's in the precise location I named, and he needs me in by September 1.  And the price?  $1150 a month, the price which was the most I could afford.  If he had said 1200 I wouldn't have taken it.  But everything matched.  He said that he just happened to look on the Internet a few months early because he was hoping to find someone looking for the same time frame to move.  He even said he cried when he read my ad, it was that moving to him because he knew we were both being "matched up" at that time.  Wow!  Am I ever pleased.  So of course I shared this with Bruce and he said it definitely sounded like it was guided by Helpers.  I agree.  

Thanks for letting me share that!  What I learned was that my worrying wasn't doing me much good.  It finally came to the point where I needed to throw out the garbage and only work with what I wanted.  It didn't matter if I didn't know how it would be possible, only that I kept myself in the framework of what I want, rather than what I don't want.

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by Vicky on Jul 22nd, 2008 at 8:45pm
PS--Hi George, nice to finally see your face!

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 23rd, 2008 at 3:13am
Hi Bruce, hi all!  I agree, Bruce, you have quite a flare for bringing clarity  on a subject. hope you are settled in, speaking of housing.

George, nice to put a face to the voice. you know Vickie, I want to congratulate u your house finding, and that Craigs list is amazing results, I once found a buyer for a house, using Craigs list, when a buyer could not be found in my own state; I know guides were working it for me, to match me up.

thinking about what Bets was getting..I work the same way as you do; in general, I write down dreams, and most often don't figure them out until after the even has happened and I re-read the dream log, but here lately, as time goes on, I can interpret what it means a little faster.

dreaming of housing: a year or two in advance of purchasing a house I saw two houses I would purchase. on different occasions of dreaming. one I would live in, one I would rent, and then live in both of them.

all this was perceived very confused, but written down, as I felt myself to be really there, as in obe.

noting what Vicki said, I am dogmatic about perceiving all my feelings within dream or obe, or any exploration.
because whatever the feeling says, is what I feel when the actual event manifests, so the feelings are what helps me know I am in the right place.
in this circumstance I felt the presentation was a gift to me, yet knowing this was exciting to receive a gift, yet the confusion would remain until the event happened.
I viewed a house, rectangular, small, boxey, plain, uninteresting. Inside an old couple lived out their last days. despite it was not my style of housing, it was clean, tidy, well maintained and the old couple were very happy with their house, where they seemed to spend a great many years there in comfort. as I stood there feeling anxiety I would purchase this house, and questioned where would the couple go if I purchased their house?
I would figure it out later, just as Bets figured it out, by living it out.

finally time goes by and I did find a house like the one described. I bought it from an old lady who had her own time/event planners working for her along with mine. She too, cried at the deal. the market was slow there. I felt like I was doing her a favor, and that it was all planned to happen like this on higher levels.
what the dream failed to report, I was the one  going to make it clean, tidy, and well maintained for some future occupants, as my service that I do that. (I've done this before, buy low, sell high, make repairs)

this makes me think we are involved in producing our future all the time, and hopefully, I think this is true, it does become clearer, that we are guided, and that helpers do bring people together, who need each other. I like the term event planners. suits me well.

I broke even on the sale, which told me I had been placed with the seller to serve her purposes over mine, which I was ok with eventually. and I sold it thru Craigs list, in a market place where absolutely nothing else was selling. a miracle.
I sold it to a single middle aged man. the couple I saw? I think but don't know for sure, that he will eventually sell the house to an older couple, who are on a low budget, but it will be perfect for them.
in the dream I saw I was getting kudos for their satisfaction.

Title: Guides or Us?
Post by DocM on Jul 24th, 2008 at 8:04am
I think this is a great experience, and definitely gives some confirmation to Bets that we are more than our physical bodies.  The main question/issue I have, is about whether or not the image/impressions is from a specific guide/individual, or from Betson.  Some may say, its a moot point, but I think the question has relevance.

When we connect with our subconscious mind, sometimes we are privy to information of many types.  Indeed, remote viewing and and various forms of precognition back this up.  

How then, do we know that their was a specific guide giving the information/hint, as opposed to Betson tapping into the universe, being open to the information and getting a glimpse of the future?

This is what I am searching for, because the notion of individual guides, guardian angels, a "soul group" is fascinating to me, and sounds quite loving, but is very different than my tapping into an "information channel" so to speak and getting the info. that way.  The difference all comes down to the notion of guidance.  Either their are wise discarnate loving spirits constantly guiding us in the physical, or our own minds become open to the possibilities and start to see new vistas, events, etc.  

If guides do not usually assert their will/opinion or even identify themselves to most people, how do we truly know what influences are guide-related, and what come from ourselves?


Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by recoverer on Jul 24th, 2008 at 11:33am

In my case it's quite clear that guides communicate to me. As clear as if I had a conversation with another person. Right now I don't imagine that I'm writing a post to another part of my mind. If you ever see an image, try to see if you can feel a presence behind the image. See how interactive the image thing can become. Images can take the form of short waking dreams that provide an answer.  When it comes to receiving thoughts, I believe there is more of a likelyhood of your own thoughts inteferring with the process.

When it comes to the scope discussed on this thread, I've had experiences where it seems like things were arranged.

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by Lights of Love on Jul 24th, 2008 at 11:34am
From my experience the most reliable guidance comes from within, which I consider to be a direct connection with the fullness of my inner/higher self that is also in connection with the totality of collective human consciousness. In this case information received flows from within. When you receive guidance that emanates from deep inside you and has no emotion attached to it, just a free flowing quality, this then I consider to be the most reliable. However, we still will filter it through our current human experience/consciousness and therefore may misinterpret or misunderstand the true meaning. If I receive information and have an emotional reaction, I consider the information to be contaminated.

Information/guidance that comes from other beings may or may not be reliable or what I consider to have a greater quality. For me this is most often received with expanded senses such as seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing, etc., but there is a definite lack of flow from within me. Or in others words it is clear that the information is from outside of me.

There are some things that might indicate the quality of another’s consciousness. For example, what do you feel emanating from them? Is it purity of love or something else? If you see them, do they have bright or dim light? If you feel them do you recognize something familiar about them, if so what? Don’t ask them what is familiar… ask your inner self. Let the answer flow from deep within you.

Another way we receive information is by using our energy field to reach out and “feel” the world around us. For example if you are having a conversation with someone where they appear to be truthful, but are not really speaking truthfully, you can know this by what you feel within the consciousness of their energy field. The best liar in the world cannot truly hide his/her dishonesty.

We receive information all the time. Paying attention to how we receive it can be an indicator of the source.


Title: Re: guides or us?
Post by Vicky on Jul 24th, 2008 at 12:01pm
Hi Matthew,

I too have often thought about the same things.  I think in the example Bets gave, it is a little hard to tell which it is, psychic info her brain/mind is picking up, or info coming from a guide.  What I believe is that psychic experiences and such are the means of receiving information from guidance.  So whether you call it psychically picking up information that’s floating around out there in the universe, or whether you call it psychically receiving information from guidance, the point is moot in that respect.  It really is a matter of perspective and perception.  How does an individual receive and perceive information?  

I think, personally, it really boils down to what you are able to allow yourself to believe.  The common denominator is our own consciousness and the power that we give it when we decide to utilize it.  What Bruce teaches about trusting and listening to Guidance isn’t so much to the point of directing you toward “you must believe in these guides and helpers that we have”.  What it points to is the fact that we ourselves can learn that we have an individual consciousness and we can learn how to use it and how powerful a source it is.  When you begin to use it and see the results, that confidence and trust opens up your perception and ability to perceive even further.  Why so many of us who’ve had significant spiritual experiences experience beings helping and guiding us, I can’t tell you.  Other than, that’s just the way it is…or that’s just how the human consciousness perceives.  So now you arrive at the “moot point” theory again.  

Some psychic information that I receive is just a precognitive thought, or just a clairvoyant vision.  But some others are delivered from a source or being that isn’t from me.  It’s delivered from a being apart from my own physical self and what I know myself to be.  That way of experiencing psychic information is, in my experience, information coming from guidance.  When I receive information from guidance that is something I had no way of logically knowing, and no physical sense means of picking up, and it is presented to me from an actual being apart from my own self, then what I’ve had is an experience of a being other than myself who is giving me information that I cannot possibly have known otherwise.  And as a result, I choose to believe and call this “guidance”.  

Whether you want to call that “being” just a made-up manifestation that I’ve created unbeknownst to my own self, or whether you want to call it an actual being, it is really a moot point.  I tend to lean toward choosing to believe in my very own experience.  And if I experience a being outside of my own self who is giving me information I cannot possibly have known through normal means, then that’s what I experienced.  On another occasion I might experience a clairvoyant vision of some future event.  Or I might have a vivid dream that ends up coming true.  Or I might have a really great idea, put it into use, and find out that it was a really great thing that I did that because it saved me a lot of trouble down the road.  Whatever the case may be, we take our experiences for what they are, and they begin to build our beliefs of why things are the way they are and how they work, and how we can utilize what we know.  

I believe in trusting our own experience and utilizing what we know and what works for us.  Our very own consciousness is the key to experience.  After that comes belief.  What do you chose to believe from your own experiences?  If something continues to work for you, you continue to believe in it.  And it continues on that way until you have an experience that changes your belief.  

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by blink on Jul 24th, 2008 at 1:09pm
It makes perfect sense to me that a true guide is unobtrusive, and can even be ignored if you so choose, Bets. Humor is definitely part of it all, at least for me. I didn't think they were "real" for a long time.

Now I am beginning to talk to them out loud. Much of the time my mind wanders, lost in my own thoughts. I need help...don't we all?

I believe that the guides assist in clarifying/clearing events for us, and in helping us to find our way to our future self.

How we see/interpret them? Maybe it doesn't matter so much, as long as we are listening.

I find that it is an interactive process, however. We can become more open to experiences provided by the larger Self. Our experiences with these guides can help us to open up, slowly building our confidence in this type of communication.

Perhaps they work toward a "tipping point" -- that point at which our doubts disappear, and the "yes" seems obvious.

love, blink

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 25th, 2008 at 3:18pm
Doc said: Either their are wise discarnate loving spirits constantly guiding us in the physical, or our own minds become open to the possibilities and start to see new vistas, events, etc.  

the short answer to this, according to my experiences, I'm in agreement with the rest of you in our oneness, as oneness is another one of my beliefs.

the short answer is it's not either this or that way. it operates there are wise invisible beings who will assist if asked: we can call them CW's. consciousness workers.
they don't like to be labeled, so they don't like to be named with a name..they would prefer you get a self empowered feeling as you navigate ELS, and not become dependent on these especially, although they do act out of love/service ideals. new agers then will stop talking about how wonderful their guides are, while the person who may not be aware they too have guides, or could if they opened their minds to the possibility, would feel inferior or that the new ager was putting them on.

yet there is also just being tuned into a flow of consciousness, or being able to tune in, such as what Kathy said, knowings come.

these knowings can sometimes be from a helper, trained in the ability to impress a thought upon another, who is growing, who is needing and asking for help in spiritual mastery.
In that case, it is taken as intuition, owned as personal, and this builds trust in self, rather than trust in outside sources.

being tuned in for me, has a relation to my belief paradigm of the oneness of all mankind despite religious differences or belief differences. this belief makes it much easier for me to hear direct voice from other beings, complete with their own tone and inflection, on occasion, and only related to questions I've had.

This lets me know my thoughts are being picked up by other beings or that my surrounding aura pattern is being read.

and they do send smiles and laughter, while the other way, just being tuned in, then it feels like I'm receiving energy, and that "I" am not this body but I am at home somewhere enjoying that hominess, yet I'm perceiving I am here also. yet there is no guidance factor operating at these times, just a beingness, like the answer to a question that you didn't know you had asked for, but it's delivered ahead of the asking.

I got a message a few days back, just to share. felt it was from a guide: "You will continue to see images even after enlightenment while in a body."

I took this statement to mean, I will always be working with symbols and images while I yet remain in a body, but that those images and symbols, such as words and my dreamstate or altered state symbols, these are not absolute reality to impart as that.

good thread guys

afterthought: Doc suggests opening the mind is a precurser to viewing greater vistas..another way of saying that is to ponder on possibilities, is to consider other's beliefs as to those possibilities, but it boils down to making a choice to even consider another's beliefs..
for as you all know, we certainly don't wish to believe everything as the definition of C1 is living within limited perspective, a focus, to achieve a certain definite experience.
to say, you can't be both a republican and a democrat at the same time, so another party was invented to suit our beliefs, for that experience.

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by vajra on Jul 28th, 2008 at 12:32pm
Hi Kathy, Vicky, Alysia, all. I'm one of those that doesn't usually get 'personalised' (as in 'person to person') verbal communication, and if I do it's symbolic rather than conversational.

But yet I do seem to get pretty clear guidance i think. I called it a 'knowing' earlier, but your description of a thought that could be your own but has this still, steady, peaceful and unemotional (but not cold) quality to it sounds very familiar Kathy.

It can surface as a feeling about something too - for example when I set eyes on a book I'm meant to read. That turns out to cover a topic that's been bothering me.

I tend to get the thought very clearly, and then have stuff pop into my life that supports it, or reminds me of it - surrounded by the same feeling.

It's actually a moment's experience of the sort of peace we perhaps all hope for. Less so nowadays, but my mistake can be to think too much about it and bury it in the intensity. Years ago I'd not have noticed it at all....

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by betson on Jul 28th, 2008 at 5:05pm
What you all are saying is very helpful !


I'd like a T-shirt or bumpersticker with your phrase on it, Kathy!
It's both an announcement and a request or invitation:
'Knowings, (please) come"

That's cool !

Love,  Bets

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 29th, 2008 at 8:44am
Ian said: But yet I do seem to get pretty clear guidance i think. I called it a 'knowing' earlier, but your description of a thought that could be your own but has this still, steady, peaceful and unemotional (but not cold) quality to it sounds very familiar Kathy.

Kathy is describing still, steady, peaceful and unemotional (but not cold) state of being I can most identify with as guidance, but it's beyond guidance to me. this is the best description in as few words as possible, that I have come across.
I do liken this state to "eye of the storm quiet."

a very powerful state, yet not pushy powerful, just knowing what to do at all times is perfect, the way is made smooth.

not cold, but implies warmth. warmth associated with PUL. or love, like love but beyond what is loving superficially, also encompassing that knowing, perhaps empathic knowing, when we are seeing our oneness, rather than our separation from each other.

In this state, when it occurs for me, time slips away quickly because it is so enjoyable there, and yet tasks get done on time.

here's a Zen? saying: what happens before enlightenment?
chop wood, carry water
what happens after enlightenment? chop wood carry water.

the only difference is the pleasure derived from chopping wood and carrying water is so much more...

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by Romain on Jul 29th, 2008 at 10:33am
Hi Bet;
Bruce ask at the end....

Do you suppose that this experience might teach you something about how Guidance communicates with you?  Do you suppose it might also help you begin to trust your perception of this kind of communication when recognize it in the future.  Do you suppose your "spiritual Journey" would be assisted perhaps accelerated as a result.


What are you views on this ?

Has it change anything? Did it made you more open to Guidance?
Is your perception changing/accelerating/communicating  lately about/with Guidance?  :)
How your're feeling in all about this last part?
I really would like to know and sure others would to we may learn somthing from this.
Others have answer for you but how do you fell about it??
Curious one here... :D

Much love Romain

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 29th, 2008 at 11:22am
yes Bets! please tell us what u think.

Hi Romain, glad u are here again. you know, when I first read what Bruce said there it hit me square in the face how important it is that we can trust the perception and that does accelerate this spiritual journey, when it begins to happen again. these glimpses we can get.

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by Romain on Jul 29th, 2008 at 11:25am
Hi Aly;

Yes it it me too..:)

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by betson on Jul 29th, 2008 at 12:58pm

Do you suppose that this experience might teach you something about how Guidance communicates with you?  Do you suppose it might also help you begin to trust your perception of this kind of communication when recognize it in the future.  Do you suppose your "spiritual Journey" would be assisted perhaps accelerated as a result.


Yes, the experience that Bruce led me through hit me so hard that all I could say was 'yes' to each of those questions !  Mainly the result is that I can now fully trust Guidance !
Even within that brief half-year of house-images, I couldn't get a sense of how Guidance worked until Bruce showed it step by step. Now I can see that even if I don't fully understand each cause, the result will be the best  I could ever imagine--or better than what I'd imagine, I mean.
Looking back over my life I can see some of the trails that Guidance was laying out. But I kept going off the trails, sometimes in fear of where they might be leading, sometimes just to see if I could do it better my way. (The 'Fool'?)  To me I seem very mild but I now see I've been very onery with Guidance.  
Will power now seems to me to be a focussed energy useful for Earthly concerns. I am done with using it to try to deny or twist what Guidance was telling me.

One of the most effective moves my Guidance has made was to bring me to this site. Thank goodness I didn't fight off that direction!  You all are real and I learn so much from seeing how you all build your wisdom by following spiritual guidance.
My gratitude goes out to you all, Bruce, and Guidance!


Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by vajra on Jul 29th, 2008 at 1:36pm
Thank you for that Bets. There's a few of us for whom conscious guidance is quite new phenomenon, sounds to me like you were at least getting the message even if you weren't very biddable!  ;)

That's more than I could say until quite recently!

The bit that's interesting for me too is that 'knowing' or intuition has always been a central part of my life. But i repeatedly ignored it in favour of my conditioning, and caused huge grief and illness for myself.

It's only in recent years with lots of meditation that I've developed enough awareness and steadiness in my view to actually perceive it as qualitatively different  - to feel clearly that it's more than my subconscious.

Makes me wonder just how much I miss! More to the point it maybe shows that while we nearly all have work to do to open, but that it's do-able.

It maybe suggests too the importance of doing the meditation and other work needed to create some space in our usually helter skelter minds...

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by Romain on Jul 29th, 2008 at 2:13pm

One of the most effective moves my Guidance has made was to bring me to this site. Thank goodness I didn't fight off that direction!  You all are real and I learn so much from seeing how you all build your wisdom by following spiritual guidance.
My gratitude goes out to you all, Bruce, and Guidance!


Bets; And we are very glad you did.
Thank you for the reply.
Much love;Romain

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by blink on Jul 29th, 2008 at 2:33pm
Trust guidance....

Great result, Bets!

Thank You for your consistent good cheer, intelligence, and encouragement. Your dedication to discovery is tangible to me here, and an inspiration to all.

love, blink

Title: Re: Interpretor? Trickster? Presentience?
Post by LaffingRain on Aug 1st, 2008 at 11:47am
I can't quite see you as onery Bets, but maybe you can be.

these images can still be vague, almost like teases. almost always I feel a nudge to record the image while it's happening, so I can also record it in C1.

I've decided to start working with my voice activated tape recorder again and see what happens. Lord, I have the funniest voice ever when I'm half listen to it, it's emotional and curiously childlike and a detectible sense of humor.

might want to try that tape recorder..there is a need to repeat the first word as there's a delay before it starts rolling with the voice activated ones.

I remember when I saw my houses way back then, I just forgot all about them but I had recorded them on the puter.
I then got distracted about where I was going to live, I read a book about becoming an expatriate in Mexico, got fired up about that, started researching property (price is right) took spanish language lessons for awhile, and then ended up in NEW Mexico, where those house images were.

Also spirit works in strange ways...the spanish teacher advised me a woman living alone in Mexico, even if in an American community, is perhaps something I might want to rethink. there was something about the way he said that, I knew it was true.
so sometimes these images are just not real enough to consider they are actually guidance working, until after the fact, and we draw the connecting lines, then we wow ourselves...

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