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Message started by Alan McDougall on Jul 18th, 2008 at 4:57am

Title: Out of body I saw a great king and his horse die?
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 18th, 2008 at 4:57am
Last night during an OBE I went to a place and time where there appeared to be some sort of conflict going on between the Romans, Greeks and some other culture I could not identify.

A great king was in the throes of dying and I was on with him and a the chariot racing to somewhere. The others and I looked at the three horses that were pulling the chariot at great speed. I said to a person that these horses couldn’t possibly continue at that unbelievable pace.

Indeed the horses slowed down stopped and one by one died of exhaustion. The dying king weeping and wailing in abject sorrow grabbed his beloved dying great white horse, overcome with sorrow so deep I simply could not comprehend it.

Then the great leader lay down and also died and the whole nation began to morn in great sorry."The king is dead" "the king is dead" they as one wailed over and over again.

What amazed me was the great love these ancient people had for their horses and the great love and care they gave them

Who do you think was this great  king, who do you was his beaufiful great white horse that he loved more than life??



Title: Re: Out of body I saw a great king and his horse die?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jul 18th, 2008 at 12:56pm
It sounds to me like this event was a symbolic drama, in other words, you were witnessing an aspect of yourself acted out in symbolic form.  Think about what the characters and the happenings from this experience mean to you, and what relation these ideas have in your life.  Of course, this may not be the only case.  Perhaps you were witnessing the events of one of your simultaneously-incarnating selves from a past time, in other words another aspect of your higher self having a physical experience in a period of time "before" ours.  

Title: Re: Out of body I saw a great king and his horse die?
Post by juditha on Jul 18th, 2008 at 5:27pm
Hi alan I dont know why but i feel this great king represented Jesus as he was a great king and the white horse signifys to me as being of the light of the world and the love that jesus would have felt for this white horse which also stands for the pureness of love,and i feel the other white horses were symbols of God,s angels.I also feel when this great king died it was a symbol of his crucifixen and that he had risen into the pure light of spirit.

I feel that Jesus took you on this journey with him to show you the love and light which shines from your heart,and also i get that you have this white aura around your body that comes from within your soul.Meaning there is much love emanating from your presence.

Love and God bless     love juditha

Title: Re: Out of body I saw a great king and his horse die?
Post by spooky2 on Jul 18th, 2008 at 9:55pm
When the body (the chariot and the horses) dies, then the soul (the king) must leave this world; there will be sorrow then, before finally the soul detaches from the physical.

If I remember correctly, Plato in his "Phaidros" pictures the ride of the soul as a charioteer with horses (I can't remember if it were two or three horses, Plato considered the soul consists of three parts: Mind, courage-like, drive/flesh-like).

Another interpretation:
A sovereign is nothing without means of might, even when he is loved by his nations' people.
("A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!" Shakespeare, Richard III)


Title: Re: Out of body I saw a great king and his horse die?
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jul 19th, 2008 at 6:33am
Each member of this board could attempt to interpret this experience for you.  And chances are, most would have a unique interpretation, different from the rest.  My point is, the only one who knows the meaning of this experience is you.  I would analyze each aspect of it and see how they correlate to you, for everyone has different beliefs, different thoughts, a different personality, a different life, , and therefore correlations will be unique to the individual.  Thats not to say some may be similar, or even exactly the same, but it must first and foremost be interpreted by the one having the experience.  

Title: Re: Out of body I saw a great king and his horse die?
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 19th, 2008 at 2:48pm
Bucephalus, the mighty stallion, died of battle wounds in 326B.C in Alexander's last battle. Alexander founded the city of Bucephala (thought to be the modern town of Jhelum, Pakistan) in memory of his wonderful horse.

Like his hero and ancestor Achillis, Alexander viewed his horses as "known to excel all others-for they are immortal. Poseiden gave them to my father Peleus, who in his turn gave them to myself"

Alexander named his "prize horse Bucephalus and so loved the animal" that when he died, in 326 B.C., he named a city after the horse -- Bucephala."

I felt it was something of this nature.

Juditha , your interpretation is also beautiful, maybe the white horse represented those that died for their purity.


Title: Re: Out of body I saw a great king and his horse die?
Post by blink on Jul 19th, 2008 at 4:44pm
Just a few thoughts.

The King is ego, you are Love. You try to warn the King that everything is going too fast.

Two of the horses are Past and Future. They die, and the King relies on the Present.

What is left when the King and the Present are gone? Who is left?

You are Love, and you are there to comfort the others.

love, blink

Title: Re: Out of body I saw a great king and his horse die?
Post by betson on Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:05pm
OK,  :D  here's another one--
Wasn't it Mohammed who rode into heaven on a beautifu white horse? Did he say he would return? Perhaps he did return and the two other horses stand for countries or battles which brought him back. When his main one dies, he has lost.
It's a guess on my part. I didn't consult my OverSoul on this.

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