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Message started by Reborn on Jul 14th, 2008 at 5:57am

Title: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Jul 14th, 2008 at 5:57am
I all.  I am new to all this, and started using the hemi sync gateway program.  I read outofbodydude's journal and it was really fascinating and useful.  I will be writing my development with the program here.

Ok…I am still doing the same exercise “advanced focus 10” to get better at the fundamentals.

Here it is…on Friday night I did not feel tingling in resonant tuning.  However when I was doing my resonant energy balloon, felt tingling as well as what can only be described as “cold heat” on the soles of my feet (imagining energy coming from my head and receiving again on soles of feet).

Yesterday, I felt tingling on my body each time I did the breath in on the resonant tuning.  This time I made a decision to believe that there is energy around rather that just visualize. I was lying down with my palms facing down.  Not soon after I was in focus 10, I suddenly realized two of my thumbs were pointing upwards (through no conscious desire).  So I relaxed them again and let them drop.  Towards the end of focus 10, I suddenly saw a bright orange light.  Immediately I saw it as a digital display of time at maybe around 2 meter distance away.  This was a surprise to me and I was slightly startled so I immediately opened my eyes and it was gone when I closed them again. I wonder what I have just it a dream it a different state of conciousness??

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by hawkeye on Jul 14th, 2008 at 1:05pm
Hi Reborn, The important thing is to remember that the tape or CD is just a tool. What do you think that the numbers were? An experience I had while doing a exercise at RMR during Lifeline was interesting. I was well into the CD and all the sudden I saw a frog. Big as can be and right beside of me. It freaked me out to say the least. The moment I allowed the emotion to effect me (freaked out) I came back to C1. What I had done was to go out of body and to a small water fountain just outside of my room. I was there right beside the frog. I was pissed at myself for allowing my emotion to end the out of body experience. That's the short run on what happened. So.......these numbers you saw....what did they look like again? I am not saying that you went OOB. Only you know. All I am saying is that, I was right beside that frog and had no idea of what or where I was at the time. Only when I excepted  the experience did I finally "get it".  

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Jul 15th, 2008 at 6:08am
Hi Hawkeye,

Thanks for the insight.  I made a discovery yesterday.  I was reading "Journeys out of the body" by Monroe, and he talks about being on the borderland sleep state before a OBE.  In this state we see images and also light patterns which are influenced by our experience during the day.  That day I drove to the fields to pick strawberries.  Because there was a garden show going on, there was alot of traffic.  Hence I was stuck in traffic on my way home.  I journey that was supposed to take 15 minutes took over an hour.  Thinking of that day, I realised that the digital time and the colour of the digital is the same as the time display in my car!!!  The digital time display in my car is located in the centre just below the front window.  I was probably preoccupied with looking at the time while driving that this image pop in while I was in focus 10.

I think its time i progressed onto the next exercise tonight - "release and Recharge - detach from old fears and negative emotions".  I think fear is the major obstacle for me.  I mean all I saw was light and a digital time and I was startled (similar to your case regarding the frog).  It's easy to just think back and think that we should be afraid but its different when we actually experience it.

What is the lifeline program all about?  I want to go through the whole gateway series and then plan a trip to monroe institute for the 7 day course (which I have not decided yet).

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by tgecks on Jul 15th, 2008 at 9:31am

Unless they have changed the "rules" at TMI (which is possible) you must take the Gateway program in person in order to do graduate programs. The Gateway is offered currently at TMI in Faber , VA, the IONS Peta Luma campus, and in Europe (Spain). It is occasionally done in Japan as well. When I was at the Remote Viewing Practicum one man had done only the CD series at home, and there was some discussion as to how he got in to a graduate programs without Gateway, and the loophole was closed (they said).

I might add that I did the entire series of six sets of Gateway CDs, up to and including what is called Focus 21. While I enjoyed it, it was nothing compared to being at Monroe, in an official CHEK unit, hearing Bob's voice in stereo, and with that fantastic group energy and intention. Evenif you can get in to Lifelines without an in-person Gateway, I think you should consider doing Gateway in person.

As for Lifelines-- It is a program designed to teach you to do retrievals and become familiar with the level called Focus 27, The Park at the end of the tunnel of light at NDE'ers describe. So far it is my favorite program I have taken (I have done Gateway, Guidelines, Heartlines, Exploration Essence, Exploration 27, Remote Viewing Practicum, and Starlines next week).

AS nice as those CD series CDs are, it is not a substitute for the in-person at TMI Gateway IMHO.


Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by hawkeye on Jul 15th, 2008 at 1:09pm
Thomas is right in saying that there is nothing like attending TMI for Gateway and you really do get so much more. That is not to say that you won't get a lot from your home program. You will. The home program was specifically designed for just what you are doing. Originally Bob had only intended for home study courses to go up to Focus 12. Its thanks to Laurie that you can now go as far as Focus 21 at home. Enjoy all you get from your Cd's. They are worth every penny. Bruce's books and tapes should also be considered as well. And enjoy yourself looking around here as questions pop up. You can find a lot of help and answers to consider.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Jul 17th, 2008 at 9:09am
Thanks Thomas and hawkeye.

I will definately go to TMI for gateway.  Lifelines sounds really good.  I have read the retreivals archive here and its fascinating.  Its definately something I would like to do in the future.


I decided to progress onto the “Release and Recharge” exercise. This is an energy conversion exercise designed to clean, balance, and revitalize your entire system gently.  In this exercise I was told to do what I have learned in the previous exercises before further instructions when I reach focus 10.  The order is energy conversion box, resonant tuning, resonant energy balloon, the affirmation and get myself to focus 10.  I did the resonant tuning and then the resonant energy balloon.  During my REBAL I noticed the track go into humming.    Hence I have done all this too early!  So I started resonant tuning again.  During the resonant tuning and resonant energy balloon I did not feel the tingling as in previous exercises.  I counted up from 1 to 10. Relaxed each of my body parts starting from the jaw when I reached 4 until 10.  I was told to go to my energy conversion box and then to open and perceive my fear, blow it away in a bubble, perceive the emotion associated with the fear, blow that away and then feel the memory and emotion before the inset of this fear.  For me, I did not perceive anything when I opened the box.  I just blew away a empty bubble.  This process was repeated 3 times.

In the exercise I did not feel anything different, maybe because it’s the first time I doing what I learnt in the previous exercises without prompt (and so I did them too early), and in addition I felt really hot through out the exercise.  After the exercise I felt sweat on my back.  I believe this would have happened in spite of the exercise.  I wonder how important this exercise in my journey to out of body experience and to experience a higher state of consciousness.  Could it be missed?  I’ll give it another go before making a decision.


Did “Release and Recharge”.  This time I made sure I was not hot during the session by wearing a vest instead of a t-shirt and the duvet only covered me up to my waist.  Again with the energy conversion of perceiving my fear, I did not notice anything.  I did however move into a focus 10 state more deeply than yesterday as I started getting random images (the ones you get when you are just about to fall asleep which happen so quick you can’t remember them).  By the way, Monroe started the energy conversion before I counted to 10.  I was on count 4.  So I just breathed in, imagine the number 10 and breathed out.  Half way through the session I started feeling hot again!  When I finished the exercise I felt a bit sweaty on the back.  Is this to do with the exercise at all?  I also I am still wondering whether I should just skip this “Release and Recharge” exercise.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by hawkeye on Jul 17th, 2008 at 2:14pm
Heats good. It could shows an increase in vibrational activity. Now an empty bubble when you had been thing about what/...worries.... now what could they have meant? empty...nothing....?hmm.. (Remember, the heat is good. I suggest not skipping any exercises.  
I love focus 10 :)

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 17th, 2008 at 2:36pm
Hi Reborn..I will let Joe and Thomas offer advice whether to skip release and recharge exercise as they are more qualified to answer.

but just from intuitive stance, if seems it bothers you to sweat some.
maybe it is distracting, yet maybe it has a deeper, spiritual cause, that you may be actually releasing something, more than just water through the skin, it could be toxins releasing associated with mental areas?

if so, you are on the right track for sure. please continue to share your exercises, I am deeply intrigued.

about the surprise element within Obe, or altered states and/or spiritual progression:

I am a Course in Miracles teacher of God, as well a student of life itself. I am quite in alignment with everything that comes out of TMI. Especially as we begin to speak of releasing fear/mental concepts about that in particular, and we discuss what PUL is.
so I'll try to illustrate my point with an Obe/retrieval account where fear was conquered, to do a retrieval, and replaced with the singular value of Love in all it's basic, uncomplicated beingness.

It appears that part of each person's journey on this Earth is the development of courage within the soul. Also it appears that where fear is in the subconscious area, this is like a block to express PUL, which would be our ultimate desire to express, as PUL itself expands mental concepts right into our afterlife areas.
therefore, the disiplines we undertake to release fear constructs is being illustrated on this thread by Reborn, and also by Dude, and all the others. we owe our progress to TMI and Monroe. I give gratitude.

One night I spontaneously found myself standing lucidity, with all of self awareness present, standing in a field, lonely and frightened.
Here I dealt with my fear; to be afraid or to be courageous?

I was able to think while out of body. this is not always the case.
I knew I had just been laying in bed shortly before this incident.
therefore I wondered how I had gotten to be standing in a field, and who knows but what I could be injured as apparently, I had not intended to be here.

somehow I still managed to enjoy the beauty of the moon and the night and the tall waving grain, and the stillness of it all.
A decision would have to be made whether to take flight or stay.
My curiosity won out. I stayed, to see what would happen.

As I made that decision, all fear left me and I sensed the dawning of courage upon me at that moment, because I believed ACIM, that nothing real can be threatened, that nothing unreal exists, herein lies the peace of God.

good decision. pat self on back and proceed. A colt approached, bounding over the dark grass of an acre of land, I heard only the rustle of it's approach, and for a moment a small fear returned, as I could see nothing and it could be another type of animal, not quite so friendly.  Finally fear left again as I viewed the colt. It was glad to see me. I realized at once the lonely feeling I had felt at first was coming from this colt, which was about to die in real time area.

At the present time, it lived in back of property. I had spent time watching it play with it's mother and it had given me pleasure.

I did not know it was a retrieval until later, as well, I was getting a peek at a future event, even as Reborn saw the digital clock he would see later. (a place of no time) I spoke to the colt and accepted I was now it's new owner briefly. the colt was relieved it was no longer alone. my love would save it from that circumstance.
then it was I knew I was spirit, and that PUL had joined us as one.

sensing I could not stay out here forever loving this little big critter, I somehow knew I could create a mother for it. we are so creative when out of body, no reason to think we cannot be creative and with courage as well within physical time/space reality.
Up pops an old mare..I am a bit surprised, but this is just what the colt needs to perform this retrieval. She is dying.
Her legs are folding into the dirt. She has no reason to carry on.
I again experience fear! NO! I command the mare, I tell her about the colt, that it is her purpose to nurture the colt, and so she must not die.

She listens to me. It seems I have power over life and death here.
she arises, I turn to the colt and direct his attention to her.
The colt makes it's own decision..sees it's own kind and runs to the mare and they immediately start bonding with snorts and head knocks and gentle whinneys..end of retrieval.

if this is not evidence of eternal life and related to PUL, then I will have to eat my hat collection.

and so paramount to be courageous in life no matter what circumstances we might find ourselves in, to know that fear is a misperception that we can be separated from living joyfully in by respecting all life forms, as the animals are also us.

the more we face off with fears, we can see, we are interested in overcoming the fight or flight extinct within our very DNA. It can be done, I promise you, to concentrate on the effects of PUL to change our hearts.  :)

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by spooky2 on Jul 17th, 2008 at 8:58pm
Hi Reborn,
you don't have to repeat the release&recharge exercise until you feel something special. In the Gateway Voyage every exercise is only played back one time.

 This energy conversion box you can modify as you like. It's function is, as Bob tells, to free you from any disturbing thoughts. Many people imagine a sort of vacuum cleaner, sometimes I imagine I send some thoughts into deep space, sometimes I imagine an office where I put those thoughts on the desk to go back to them later. You can imagine this briefly at every point in any exercise when some thoughts are de-focusing you.

 Some people have OBEs while listening to HemiSync, but most people don't. Therefore, when focusing on an OBE, it might be that other experiences are overlooked. The breakthrough I had in the Gateway Voyage was, when I seemingly started to daydream. I was still aware of my physical body, and followed a story in visuals and mental language, of the perceptual type we know from daydreams. After the exercise I wrote it down. At some point I noticed, it was quite a lot what I had written down. And the story was very different from those I usually make up. That's the things you should just let unfold, even if it feels like fantasy at first.


Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Jul 18th, 2008 at 5:30am
Thanks for the support guys.

Joe, could there being no fear from the box meaning I have no concerns???

LaffingRain, thanks for sharing your experience on overcoming the fear.  The best way to overcome the fear is feel it and do it anyway.

Have you completed the Gateway Spooky?


Did “Exploration Sleep”.  This is where I go through the energy conversion box, the resonant tuning, the REBAL, affirmation and focus 10 on without prompting.  I did not notice anything special while of this (in addition my wife moving a bit in bed did not help – usually I do the exercises before bedtime, but decide to do this exercise at bedtime because we are supposed to just sleep afterwards).  Unlike that last two days, I did not feel hot this time (maybe the “Release and Recharge” was working at a subconscious level???).  I did not feel I was deep in focus 10.  When Monroe told me to turn my body like a log on water (this is when we turn our nonphysical), I tried to but felt it’s my physical muscles trying to do the work.  I guess I am not deep enough in focus 10.  After turning I was supposed to lift up away from my physical.  I did not achieve this.  Also in the session, he told us the sounds will make us remember our out of body during sleep.

Normally I don’t remember my dreams.  I think this is because I didn’t want to remember them.  To me this is a way for the brain to get rid of all useless information and rejuvenate.  Hence remembering dreams for me is detrimental to health.  However, to achieve OBE it is good to remember dreams so that eventually we are aware that we are actually in.  During this awareness, it’s a good opportunity to do a OBE (what I read from William Buhlmans book “Adventures Out of The Body” says).  

When we do remember the dream, it’s was suggested by William to write it down.  So here it is - today I had a dream about being in a grocery store with my wife.  This one is quite pronounced as I am typing this up at work and not straight after being awake.  There were two floors, and we were on the ground floor.  We were trying to look for something (I can’t remember what).  When we went to the till assistant to ask her where they were located, she didn’t really acknowledge us.  She just went to chat to the other till assistant at the other till parallel to hers.  I felt quite annoyed by this.  So we went upstairs.  They were selling sweets and snacks up there.  What caught my attention were pop corns in packets and transparent box.  I thought those would be useful when we go to the cinema.  Also during this time, I believe I wanted to get what we need as I had something to do afterwards.  That something is exercise (probably the gateway one!).  

I did have several different dreams before this one that is completely random.  One of them I had to swim across a swimming pool with my mum (I think) and we had to go through some obstacles (don’t remember what they were).  When I got out of a pool, I saw an older man sitting on a chair.  I believe he had been shot, and have just died.  His son walked away and as he did, his father started speaking (he was still dead but awake).  I felt sorry for him and shook his hands and hugged him.  However when his son came back to do the same, he refuse him.  

I do wonder what this dream means.  I am interested in doing the lifeline program in the future and would like to participate in retrievals of lost souls.  Well the first thing for me is to get out of body first!

Yesterday, I found a hemi sync cd series called “Journeys Out Of The Body” ( which is geared especially for OBE.  Have anyone tried this?  Should I give it a go (bearing in mind I am doing the Gateway at the moment).

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by hawkeye on Jul 18th, 2008 at 1:43pm
Well Reborn, I don't know what it means. Its more important what you think than I. When you attend TMI and do Gateway you will find that no one is going to give you "the answers". You will get a lot of "OKs" , and "Hmm, all right then". You see, you are the one who knows whats, what. Not anybody else. Know one is there to have you believe what they think. Or is trying to lead you in their direction. They are just offering a way, not the only way, just one way, in helping you find out more about yourself. They never say that their way is the best or the only way to do it. Its just their way.  
Review the guides that come with the Cd's or tapes. Listen to the exercises as often as you wish before moving on. The first time I did my tapes I went through them all in order and sometime three of four a day. What I got from them still blows me away to this day. By the way, I listened to them on "mono" that first run through. Since I have gone through them a number of time. (in stereo) I still get so much from them every time I listen to them. I tend to use the freeflo tapes far more often than the others. Of course the take home exercises I got when I have attended different programs at TMI.
"Exploration Sleep" is the tape I was listening to at TMI for one of my first recognizable OOB experiences. (It may have a different name at TMI)I saw myself lift a leg over the top of myself to do the roll. Freaked me out and I went back in body. Spooky is right, you only do the tapes once at TMI. Although I think that its due to the amount of time you have there and the amount of tapes you have to listen to throughout the week. You can go back to Gateway as many time as you like. Redo the tapes or Cd's as often as you want. Be your own guide. Enjoy yourself.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jul 18th, 2008 at 2:27pm
  Well said Joe.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 18th, 2008 at 3:05pm
just one other thought for Reborn. Since u have a good handle about fear, in that you said the best way to overcome fear (which is also fears can be seen as doubts)  u said, to go ahead and feel fear, and then do it anyway.

excellent philosophy, and much better than standing still in indecision.
so, you could be trying that release exercise, and from what you said, you couldn't find anything like fear to release because you are already good at dealing with fear.

what I'd do in this case is save this exercise for if you need it at some point, where fear has returned about some situation. not that it will, but if you really have a handle on fear issues already, no sense trying to create fears just to get rid of them.

maybe you are ready to do retrievals? your dream of the dead man seems to imply that it might have been a sort of test you gave yourself. I found in my first retrieval, I did not know what I was doing, how to retrieve, so it seemed a test.

People think retrievals are some big mysterious thing when they can be a lot easier to perform than we think. I think you are going to be doing some here shortly, is my feeling.

to let u know how easy they can be, I did my first back in the early 80's without the use of any exercises, and discovered some others who do them spontaneously without studying much, they are just loving people doing what comes naturally.

Yet I so believe in TMI, and I am so grateful to Monroe and Bruce, all I have learned. For it was Bruce himself who told me I had done a genuine retrieval, but that I should return to the scene, just so I could be certain it was successful.

Not that it was vague or dreamlike, quite the contrary..I had just read Ultimate Journeys by Monroe at the point, and was curious if I could do a retrieval..while I was thinking about it, my curiosity and desire to do one acted to set an intention.

setting an intention is very important. Bruce talks of this in his books. Before we can do anything whatsoever, here/there, we must set an intention. Somehow the intention got shoved to the subconsciousness, yet nonetheless, I had set one.

so I won't reprint my first retrieval again, but I think you are able to set an intention to do one, and ask for a guide, as the guide really did help me a lot during the retrieval.
I think your thoughts/desires/intentions are seen by Spirit, and any intention to serve life is recognized and acted upon according to your request to know yourself.
for these that you retrieve, you are one with them, you only serve yourself to serve them.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by hawkeye on Jul 18th, 2008 at 4:19pm
Alysia hit the nail right on the head. Intention is vital.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 18th, 2008 at 5:48pm

hawkeye wrote on Jul 18th, 2008 at 4:19pm:
Alysia hit the nail right on the head. Intention is vital.

thanks for you comments Joe. I was reading about your experience with the tapes, where you were doing the sleep exploration and I'm glad you told about where you lifted a leg up to go over the top of your body as one of your first oob experiences.

then you express your feelings, to say, freaked out. that's a pun, right? haha!

One time, to share like stories, so we know we are all basically on the same page, I was re-reading Monroe and desired to do an obe. It had been a long time since I had tried.
so I set that intention mentioned. I sleep on intentions and they are produced in the night, oh about 75% of them.

like you, I was happily freaked the next morning. It wasn't my leg moving, but similar to you.  I was asleep, or the body was asleep, so I will call this focus 10.
I was not in a dream, some part of me, the intention part reminded me of the desire to go obe. groggily it seemed I started to comply by rolling over. it took a supreme effort to roll over.

then as I beheld an image of my body. I'm still physically asleep but I see this image. I had two bodies. One was facing against the wall, the physical, the other was facing in the other direction.

then to confirm the situation, I awoke to C1 perplexed as I knew I had rolled over, yet not in the physical, and that caused the freaked feeling.

just another exercise to help us realize that we are not these flesh creatures we so identify with for the moment.

I always get so elated at these moments.

thanks again for all you contribute here. you guys give me so many lead ins, otherwise I wouldn't know what to talk about.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by spooky2 on Jul 18th, 2008 at 8:11pm
Hi Reborn,
quote: "Have you completed the Gateway Spooky?"
   Yes, GV and Lifeline.
   A little while after the Gateway Voyage I was curious what might be beyond Focus 21, so in a HemiSync session at home I asked for a brief look on the region beyond F21, and some minutes later I had my first retrieval experience. So, it is not necessary in every case to attend Lifeline to do that, but it helps many people to pay more attention to those kind of experiences, and accept them as possibly real. Crossing water, as it was in your dream, can symbolize the journey to another nonphysical region. You might enjoy an extra-exercise. Play back a free-flow Focus10 recording and imagine you would return to this dead guy and see what happens. You can ask for a guide if you feel like. You might talk to him if he's allright and such. You might say, you know a better place for him to stay, and that you would get him someone to bring him there.
   I have this OBE-CD set. The day when it arrived, I had an OBE, but before I listened to them! Don't know if this was just coincidence. I used them several times, and will use them in the future, but so far, while listening, I had no OBE. It sounds a bit different than the Gateway tapes, more like you sit in in an aeroplane and hear some humming pink noise, it's relaxing. I'm working on my relaxation and quieting-the-mind skills without aid (except earplugs), and then try again. From my experience, these skills have to be extremely good developed to achieve an OBE on a regular basis. I've had three OBEs, and all while bodily sound asleep, when I became more conscious in/after a dream.


Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Jul 21st, 2008 at 7:50am
Thank you all for your comments

Joe, I have decided to the exercises 3 times before moving on to the next.  Initially I felt like doing an exercise many times to get it "mastered" before moving on, but I now think that could take me forever to get anywhere lol.

Alysia, in my life I have attempted to get out of my comfort zone inorder to improve.  My way of thinking is that once we tackle our fear region, our comfort zone grows and encapsulates it.  

To do a retrieval I still need to do a obe first?  

Spooky, that is an interesting interpretation.  Right now I have done "Exploration Sleep" twice.  Will do it the third time tonight.  Again when I did it yesterday, I remembered my dream.  When I get into the free flow exercise, I will give it a go in remembering that man.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Jul 21st, 2008 at 8:05am

spooky2 wrote on Jul 18th, 2008 at 8:11pm:
   I have this OBE-CD set. The day when it arrived, I had an OBE, but before I listened to them! Don't know if this was just coincidence. I used them several times, and will use them in the future, but so far, while listening, I had no OBE. It sounds a bit different than the Gateway tapes, more like you sit in in an aeroplane and hear some humming pink noise, it's relaxing. I'm working on my relaxation and quieting-the-mind skills without aid (except earplugs), and then try again. From my experience, these skills have to be extremely good developed to achieve an OBE on a regular basis. I've had three OBEs, and all while bodily sound asleep, when I became more conscious in/after a dream.


I have a feeling the obe cd set may help more for obe since the sessions are one hour long while the gateways are 35 mins.  The gateway will offer take us to higher states though.  I think I'll get the cd set and work through it in between gateway exercises.

So how did you get your obe.  You actually fell asleep first and then realising you are actually dreaming, you managed to get out of body? And before falling asleep, you were doing your exercises?

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by spooky2 on Jul 21st, 2008 at 10:45pm
Hi Reborn,
yes, 35min is too short for a good exploration I'd say. You could edit the recording on your computer, repeating some parts of an exercise.

About my OBE, look here:


Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 23rd, 2008 at 1:34am
Reborn asked: To do a retrieval I still need to do a obe first?

briefly, no.  Phasing is more preferable, more advanced type of retrieval. Obe or dreaming, are related altered states. there's no right way or wrong way. Monroe at first was going obe. Later, the phasing was taught by his students.
I have only phased a few times. It is from C1 you do it. directly, without going to sleep. It reminds me of remote viewing, but with a spiritual slant of desiring to help.

yes, very good synopsis of your fear expanding into your comfort zone. or, say, making friends with fears. most fears I've been with I discovered had no real basis, except in my propensity to frighten myself.

while you are doing various exercises, I'm sure something good will happen for you. I would like to mention the 3x3 breath, energy drawing exercise as extraordinarily helpful for one of first phasing/retrievals. It's up in Resources here at the top of the page somewhere, and in Bruce's books.

1) bring energy in thru the feet, circle it up the body, don't hurry, bring it out the head and circle it back to the feet. keep circling it while expanding it outward. Try to feel it moving. as an added feature, I circled the energy to the top of the world.. I then expanded PUL in all directions.
when I came back to C1, kinda floated around with a goofy smile on my face, very relaxed until the phasing retrieval began. A guide had arrived to assist me and we spoke before taking off. She asked me what I wanted to do. I told her a retrieval. On the way, she disappeared but I encountered other guides along the way.

These exercises, though requiring disapline, which I have little of that, they are very important. Good for you, that you are motivated.

Spooky, I reread your fantastic, dual consciousness obe again. I remember it from 2006. I think the way u describe Monroe fits him pretty well, as I remember meeting with him out there briefly once too. he didn't have a mustache to show me, but that's ok. I'm sure it was him! I also saw once people sitting in circles at TMI.

that's amazing obe Spooky, yes I do believe there is more than one body that we have. it seems though, it's one of those once in a lifetime experiences, as it seems to mind boggling to have those more often occur, don't u think?
all my experiences were one time events, never to be repeated even if I wanted to.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by spooky2 on Jul 23rd, 2008 at 10:17pm
Alysia wrote:
"it seems though, it's one of those once in a lifetime experiences, as it seems to mind boggling to have those more often occur, don't u think?"

Can't get enough of that stuff! Well, honestly, to experience there is no reliable reality anymore, having no control and not knowing what's happening is highly unpleasant and not amusing. But if something similar would happen again, I might react cooler, with the previous experience in my mind. I'd like to fly around with this awsome clear sight as sometimes is reported, a sight I've had one single time, briefly, in a lucid dream.


Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Jul 24th, 2008 at 5:15am

LaffingRain wrote on Jul 23rd, 2008 at 1:34am:
Reborn asked: To do a retrieval I still need to do a obe first?

briefly, no.  Phasing is more preferable, more advanced type of retrieval. Obe or dreaming, are related altered states. there's no right way or wrong way. Monroe at first was going obe. Later, the phasing was taught by his students.
I have only phased a few times. It is from C1 you do it. directly, without going to sleep. It reminds me of remote viewing, but with a spiritual slant of desiring to help.

There is certainly alot for me to learn.  Phasing vs OBE method, different focus levels, different techniques.  I'll need to do baby steps and concentrate on each at a time. I have been listening to Robert Bruce techniques and he advocates sitting down rather than lying down.  He suggest we imagine and feel we are pulling ourselves up a rope with our eyes closed.  

I am finishing the second Monroe book "Far Journeys".  I have "Ultimate Journeys" and "Astral Dynamics", still deciding what to start on next.  I'll buy all of Bruce Moens books in the next few days from amazon.

Recently I have moved onto the free flow exercise.  The first session started yesterday, though sleeping next to my wife and baby didn't give me much room to relax lol.  I do feel more tingling while doing my resonant energy ballon.  As I draw up energy from my feet, i could feel the tingle as to where the energy I visualise is moving. I don't think I acheived a proper focus 10 this time because of the condition.  I remember a strange dream (I notice that I have a pronounced dream whenever I do "Exploration Sleep" and this time "Free Flow" just before sleep).  The dream completely random but I'll note it down anyway.

I was driving my porche (I don't have one in real life) and then I saw growing areas of blackness on the ground.  Its seems that these areas of blackness come from something alien and I should not get on it for it is dangerous.  For some reason, I got out of my car and went somewhere else.  After a while I realised I could not get back to where the car as the blackness has blocked the path.  Next thing I know, the car comes crusing down with sparks, fully modified encased in a metallic metal.  It had a life of its own.  Four pillars unfold out from the car emitting this blackness and it flew off.

Spooky, your OBE experience is truly amazing.  Thanks for sharing.  Did you notice that after your first experience, it became easier to achieve a obe there after?

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by hawkeye on Jul 24th, 2008 at 3:15pm
Alyasa, I don't think Bob was the first to go OOB, or have a OBE. He came up with the arcanum mind you. People have been going OOB sense bodies came into play or so I would think.

Reborn...body asleep, mind awake.. Also, In my personal experiences, I have "seen" my energy as a vehicle many times. Sometimes as a car and other times as a plane.
responding to what you they do at TMI my response is Hmm...OK.....What do you think?  Is there anything else? (lol) By the way, you are doing very well.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by spooky2 on Jul 24th, 2008 at 9:55pm
"Phasing" was introduced by Monroe as a
1. General term, meaning simply that we can change our focus; when we focus on a nonphysical reality, we phase into this reality, and phase out of the physical reality. So, phasing is a synonym for changing our focus. From this, it contains OBEs as well as Bruces method of "Focused Attention".
2. Specific term. In "Far Journeys" he told of his discovery that he could skip some steps to get to a nonphysical destination; instead of going out of his physical body, then out of his second body, he would just "phase" out of the physical into the nonphysical.

Monroe often, at the end of a chapter describing a nonphysical journey, he wrote of a signal that he had to return to his body, or he just was pulled back. From this we can conclude, Monroe's journeys took place in a full out-of-body state.

Hawkeye: I think Alysia ment, in the early times of his experiences, Monroe went out of his body "classical", while later he learnt a simplier, quicker method (see above).


Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 25th, 2008 at 3:48pm
thanks for clarifying Spooky about phasing.

I think, in discussing where you switched from one reality surrounding to another and that it was not amusing, or necessarily pleasant, I can understand, yet I think it was awesome.

at least my comparison, of seeing, perceiving two of me, a personality, and a higher self, that I can relate had some unpleasant feelings come with that, but only momentarily, as higher self had told me what to do about my personality.

then there was that other time; when I felt I had died and began working in some other environment, then the next moment opening my eyes in a motel room with the inference I was now back to my regular life with a different perspective on things.
I was relieved actually to be back. whew. still alive.

Reborn, yes you're doing good work. I can tell!

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Jul 26th, 2008 at 8:07am
Thanks for all your supportive comment.  I am sure your thoughts are helping my progress in some subconscious non physical level.

Just before sleep I did the  "Reinforcement Exercise Of Relaxation" from the obe cd.  I was quite surprised that there was resonant tuning exercise but just the breathing exercise that was taught in "focus 3" of the Gateway Series.  Did my gateway affirmation and Monroe counted to slowly to 10 and I felt myself getting more and more relaxed with each count.  When I reached 10 it I felt very relaxed and enjoyed the feeling.  After the exercise I took off the headphones and drift to sleep at around 1am.

I awoke at 6am in the morning.  Felt tired but I also wanted to do an hemi sync exercise, since William Buhlman said waking  up after several hours of sleep and attempting OBE is one of the techniques that he uses.  So I put on my headphones on and listen to "Condition A" of the obe cd. Monroe, described Condition A as "the ability to hold calmly in the borderland sleep state, indefinitely, with your mind on an exclusive thought."   I did my gateway affirmation.  All I heard was white noise, and in a sort while Monroe says "Remember your purpose..".  I did not feel relaxed at all, just feel tired.  The environment did not help as I heard cars driving past and my baby occasionally crying in the other room.  After around 20+ minutes, I got bored and took off the headphones and drift to sleep (saying my affirmation just beforehand).

I had a pronounced dream again (bear with me on this one).  I dreamt I was waiting at a bus stop to go somewhere.  Then I reached a shopping centre.  There was not a lot of shops.  My met my friend Russel there who went to the hairdressers.  I followed him and then left him to go for a walk while he had his haircut.  I then saw my 10 year old nephew eating chips outside of Mc Donalds.  I asked him, "why are you eating chips, its almost 6pm and you won't be able to have dinner".  He said Russel bought the food for him.  I said "you should just not accept it as you're going to have dinner soon".  I then walked over to the cinema (I felt I was with my wife but I did not see her), and walked into the doors where they were supposed to play "Terminator Salvation".  When I got in I was alone, and all the seats were empty.  I decided to exit the empty screening, but could not see where I entered.  So I just walked down some steps.  when I got down the steps, on my right was a wide wooden door.  I noticed I could not walk any more.  As much as I tried I was walking on the same spot!  I thought "how could this be".  Then I realised that I am dreaming!  I was ecstatic (William Buhlman says the best way to go OBE is from a dream).  I was thinking "I finally done it!  Wooohooo! I realise I am dreaming.  Now I can go OBE!...errr..ok..what do I do....ok imagine I am!".  I did not see myself fly in the dream.  The visual is still the same.  I am still standing there next to the wooden door. BUT i felt my physical body floating.  "Yeaaaah! the eyes!".  Then all of a sudden I am in my bed, I see the bedroom door slightly open and there is the morning light coming through.  From the visual, I know my head is on the pillow on the bed looking at the side of the room with the door.  BUT i feel my entire body except from my head floating.  So if you picture this....its like my physical body is lying on its side facing and my non-physical floating at an angle to the physical because my head is still attached.  I felt no fear at all.  "I need to get out!"...i was trying to get out...and then I decided to used my arm.  I lifted my arm in front of me and pointed to the direction of the door (the door is like 3 metres away).  I saw a very faint outline of my arm and hand.  Then I attempted to reach to the door and pull myself out!  I felt my hand grab the door and I pulled.  Immediately there was a sudden jerk my visual.  The door has not moved and I am still 90% detached.  I felt tired and started losing focus.  I passed out and then in a quick few moments became awake and opened my eyes.  When I opened my eyes, I realised I was actually lying facing the opposite direction (towards my wife and the wall).  I then turned myself over to look at the door.  The position of the visual was exactly as it was when I saw it a few moments ago, and the door looked exactly as it was i.e. slightly open with the morning light coming through.  

Things to note here.  I did not feel any vibration.  I felt immediate floating instead.  I felt really nice also.  I did not feel fear.  I felt excited, happy and determined to detach myself from the physical.

What I will trying next time (hope I will remember!) if I am in a similar

- say "clarity now! awareness now!" , which should help my focus
- while struggling to detach myself, ask "I deeply desire the help, and assistance of those who's wisdom and development is greater than or equal to my own".  Hopefully someone nice could pull me out  :)

I am really happy as it seems the hemi sync exercises seems to have been working on my subconscious even when I feel its not been doing anything and most important I feel I have made progress.  Thanks for the encouragement guys!

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by spooky2 on Jul 26th, 2008 at 9:53pm
Congratulations! You're quick!


Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Aug 4th, 2008 at 11:30am
Thanks Spooky.  Just to say I have not been doing the exercises recently.  For the past 5 days, I've had a sharp pain in my left hemisphere and also pressure.  Not sure what it is, so I have paused my journey until it gets better.  

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Romain on Aug 4th, 2008 at 12:59pm

Reborn wrote on Jul 21st, 2008 at 7:50am:
Joe, I have decided to the exercises 3 times before moving on to the next.  Initially I felt like doing an exercise many times to get it "mastered" before moving on, but I now think that could take me forever to get anywhere lol.
To do a retrieval I still need to do a obe first?

Hello Reborn;
Mastered and exercise before moving on; don't think we really have to mastered a exercise or exercises. But having a fair working knowledge of it would work also. If my memory serve me right; with the GE there a booklet with informaitons and i think they do say not to try to master an exercise but to continue with the next one when you feel comfortable; As Joe say they do build on the previous tapes/cd. I know there a few that i haven't mastered
To do retreival do you need to go OBE,
Bruce try many time to go OBE and was not very sucessful, phazing is more in his field.

Keep at it is all i can say you'll get there and please keep posting about your journey.
With love; Romain

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by betson on Aug 4th, 2008 at 3:52pm

OBEs are ultimately unnecessary but because they have some slight physical sensations, they seem more 'real' for newbies.  At least this is what I recall.
The phazing then can just sort of ease itself in and substitute for the more awkward OB exits.
With phazing here's less 'friction' as the subtle bodies slide out, so it's probably less wearing, and so it allows a person to get "out" more often.
:) There are always new goals, new experiences, Reborn.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by LaffingRain on Aug 4th, 2008 at 5:04pm
hello Reborn, with the sharp pain, you could do an exercise I've used.

it's my own and you can make up your own. follow the pain to see if it moves. if it starts on one side, see if it moves to the other side, using the imagination. then see if a thought, like a subconscious thought is attached to the pain. if you find a memory popping up, follow that memory and it could lead to the cause of the pain.
once you find the cause, work with it mentally.
pain is usually connected to a mental area of cause, a belief system that needs changing.
theres always a reason for pain. hope you will discover it.
love, alysia

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Romain on Aug 4th, 2008 at 5:35pm

betson wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 3:52pm:
With phazing here's less 'friction' as the subtle bodies slide out, so it's probably less wearing, and so it allows a person to get "out" more often..

Bet..wearing...never head of that before..maybe that's why sometimes i feel all worn out.. :D :D :D

With love;Romain

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Aug 5th, 2008 at 6:26am

Its 12.30am and I lay down on the bed in the small baby room. I tried to moved the pain as  Alysia suggested.  It does move but its not under my control and it stays in the left  hemusphere.  It also goes towards my eyes giving pressure to them and also lower down my  head near to my neck.  It came to the centre at the top of my left hemisphere, where i  focussed on it.  It focused itself into a point, and I imagined rods that stuck around it,  immobilising it.  The pain remained there not moving at all!  But then this required my  focus and I soon let go, and the pain expanded outwards again.

Then I put on my head phones on to listen to Hemi-Sync Pain Control. Basically this audio  attempts you get you to sleep without feeling any pain.   As she counted slowly to ten, I  used the focus 10 technique.  It feels great to be in focus 10. For the past 2 times i used  this audio, I believe I got to focus 10 quite easily, probably because each count is more  spaced out than with the Gateway Exercises (in this audio, she does not call it focus 10 but  just says with each count, you get progressively relaxed).  Whenever I get to 10, I feel  pressure in my head, and it feels warm and darker.  The pressure is not uncomfortable but  feels cosy, so I always welcome it.  Then she counted from 10 to 20 where 20 is where I  should get to deep sleep.  I have always fallen asleep between the 20 count and this was no  exception.

4am woke up.  I found it difficult to sleep and gave the audio another go.  This time she  counted to 20 and I was still awake! Took the headphones off and attempted to do it alone.   After awhile I succeeded.  I had a few random dreams, centred around me, my holding my  daughter, meeting up with family and running around hiding from these people wanting to  shoot me.

Then after a while, I can see the outline of my room from the view point of me lying in my  bed.  I focused on it, and it became clearer.  However, it is not in colour.  Its kinda dim  and blueish but I could see my surroundings.  I started feeling vibrations, and I thought  "wow great, time for OBE".  I could hear slight buzzing and also some birds chirping.  I  focussed my awareness about a few feet infront of me just infront of a small table.  I felt  the vibration get stronger.  It felt great and I float out with my arm stretched (I could  see my arm stretching out).  I got out, and decided to move round the bed and out of the  room.  As I passed the bed, I contemplated whether to see my own body.  Since if I think of  my own body I may just jump straight in again.  But as I went past, I glanced at the bed,  and did not really make out my body as it was very quick.  I continued into the living room.   The vision was still blueish and dim yet i know it is morning.  So i shouted "Awareness  Now!  Clarity Now!".  All my view is now clear like normal sight but I am back in bed again!

The vibration started again, but I started feeling uncomfortable with the muscles just under  and around my chin from ear to ear.  Its like I am having a cramp.  I got up (i did not  think whether it was obe or not, i think this is when I shifted into dream state).  I looked  in the mirror, and there was this bad looking expression on my face.  My neck muscles was  all tensed up and my cheek muscles was pulling which looks like I am sucking my cheeks in  with my lips pointed.  Not a nice sight at all.  Then I realised where the vibration is  coming from.  As I breathed in, I saw the tube like tension extending from the bottom of my  face down the neck is vibrationing.  Its as if the air is being channeled through these  tubes and causing the vibration.  In addition, once this air came it, it had no way out and  caused my skin there to start ballooning.  So i started moving this pocket of air, up my  neck and face and into my mouth to let it out again.  I had to do this each time I breathed  in.  Did this a few times and the experience ended.

This is a strange experience.  I was not scared, I just thought it was strange.  Makes me think whether the earlier part of the experience was infact a obe or just a dream.

on another note, it seems that phasing is easier to do than the classic exit judging from the replies.  What is the best way to learn phasing?  What book or audio should i get for this??

Thanks very much everyone.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Aug 5th, 2008 at 7:41am

Romain wrote on Aug 4th, 2008 at 12:59pm:

Reborn wrote on Jul 21st, 2008 at 7:50am:
Joe, I have decided to the exercises 3 times before moving on to the next.  Initially I felt like doing an exercise many times to get it "mastered" before moving on, but I now think that could take me forever to get anywhere lol.
To do a retrieval I still need to do a obe first?

Hello Reborn;
Mastered and exercise before moving on; don't think we really have to mastered a exercise or exercises. But having a fair working knowledge of it would work also. If my memory serve me right; with the GE there a booklet with informaitons and i think they do say not to try to master an exercise but to continue with the next one when you feel comfortable; As Joe say they do build on the previous tapes/cd. I know there a few that i haven't mastered
To do retreival do you need to go OBE,
Bruce try many time to go OBE and was not very sucessful, phazing is more in his field.

Keep at it is all i can say you'll get there and please keep posting about your journey.
With love; Romain

Thanks Romain.  I will attempt to continue my gateway journey tonight as the pain has reduced abit.  I will do probably just do the exercises twice and then move on.  I like to progress and get impatient when standing still.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by LaffingRain on Aug 6th, 2008 at 3:03pm
Hi Reborn..everytime I see the label Reborn, I think he picked a great user name for himself, as I see our user names as a sort of intention setting affirmation. so I see him Reborn everytime I read him.

it looks like a little progress, to immobilize this pain as you played with it, gained a little control. a suggestion from my side is when you are playing with it, talk to it, and ask it why it's there. then wait for the answer. regarding a headache, my 10 yr daughter once had a headache. she pointed to me where it was located. right between the eyes. so I told her to go and imagine it to be gone.
in her case, there was no cause for a kid to have this, so it was probably something to do with her blood sugar, a mild toxic reaction can cause headaches.
she did her little meditation first time ever and ran back to tell me it worked! she had felt a little "POP!" between the eyes. theres a gland there. she said she saw a little door open. as the door opened the pain went out the door.
so smart!

I know you are the impatient type from what you say. so it's important to wait for the answer. once you know, can hear the cause, the answer, pain control is no big deal, as u begin to understand you do it to yourself for the learning and growth.

btw, Kathy here on this forum twisted her ankle once and could not walk, she sat there and healed it up instantly.

I hope she's reading this and will once more relate her story how she did that.

Buhlman, William has given us the "CLARITY NOW" command, as well probably some other projectors and I do like the concept alot.
I would think we can affirm clarity now before an exercise, so that maybe that intention will manifest automatically during an obe.

maybe, just guessing, you popped back in the body as you believe so strongly in your physical 5 senses, to produce the only "real and clear" perceptions. so you went back to the body. I think of obes and phasing as developing a 6th sense. TMI has better explanation, that there are physical senses, and there are "non/physical senses."

You give very detailed sharing here; don't think I've seen such detail from obers yet, except  Dude and Ryan. thank u anyway!

Scuse me laffing, but the face in the mirror is your own exercise and it reminds me of one I I found out during an acid trip when I was only about 19 (I don't recommend drugs for mind expansion yet I cannot discount the few experiences I had on it)

I was on such a trip with a small group of people who wouldn't talk and they were all in their private I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I found out a thought of love made me look pretty, and a thought of fear made me look ugly. thought was moving like a snake across my face, like an actual moving thing under the skin. I started to have fun by watching my face change with each new thought, whether bad or good, I didn't have bad thoughts, just fear or love thoughts. so I see your exercise as very important as YOU are not that face in the mirror, You are what's behind the face.

In the same way, you could deduct, that the pain, and the cause of the pain in your head, is not the real you, but the discovery is yours alone in dealing with it. pain is usually, the cause is subconscious. once it becomes conscious, what it is related to is a guilt trip on yourself most often, or a conflicting belief system where denial is enlisted.

an obe, phasing, and dreaming, these are all related states of altered consciousness. many go obe from a dream state. then from an obe, you can even slip into a dream.
when you become lucid in a dream, I think that is similar to phasing, but not quite the same thing. from lucidity also, many have gone obe.

Phasing I think occurs when you are being so relaxed in the body and using an intention method. in that case, in phasing, you are not asleep, but aware of the body is sitting in a chair, and you seem to be in two places, but it's like the body is not interfering with your inner travels for the moment because you are focusing elsewhere than on body sensations.

I find it amazing Bruce phased in a restaurant while eating dinner with a bunch of people buzzing all around him...wait till you read that part..

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Aug 6th, 2008 at 7:28pm
Thanks Alysia, I will give your suggestion a try.  My pain has reduced since the other day.

LaffingRain wrote on Aug 6th, 2008 at 3:03pm:

Scuse me laffing, but the face in the mirror is your own exercise and it reminds me of one I I found out during an acid trip when I was only about 19 (I don't recommend drugs for mind expansion yet I cannot discount the few experiences I had on it)

haha...thats could be it...its my exercise for resonant tuning!  A much exaggerated expression though LOL

Your daughter is so talented to get rid of her headache the way she did.

Thanks for sharing your interesting trip.  I have not had LSD before but it seems to get people into other states of conciousness but with alot less control.  I listen to coast to coast am and there have been a few people who uses LSD for their experiences.  

I have Bruces book on Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook but not the others.  I need to buy them.  What I really want to get is the accompanying audio but his store is closed till 20th August.


Laid down at 12.30am and started on the "Threshold: Problem Solving" exercise.  I am
prompted to start the usual routine i.e. energy conversion box, resonant tuning, resonant
energy balloon, gateway affirmation and then reach focus 10 where "Monroe will join me
there".  Again, I ended up too slow as when I got to count 4, Monroe already started
speaking.  I had to immediately count 9 then 10.  If only the exercises provides more time, as I notice that more spaced out counts is alot more likely to get me into a proper focus 10 state.  The problem with these exercises are they are recorded back in the days when cassette tapes were the mainstream and a maximum of 35 minutes recording time meant time was short.  Anyhow, Monroe instructs me to think of a question/problem I have, ask it and wait for the answer.  This is supposed to be answered by our higher self, and not instantly either.  It could be many days weeks or months before the answer materialises.  I was asked to do this about 3 times.  This all I remember.  When I woke in the morning, my headphones were next to me, I did not remember finishing the exercise nor taking my headphones off.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by hawkeye on Aug 7th, 2008 at 6:19pm
You may find that after getting to F15 and further , the "time" may just work out OK for you. I know 35 Min is short in many of the exercises but you can still achieve much. I also suggest looking into Cd's direct from the TMI store. Many are much longer in duration than 35 Min's. Just go to the Monroe Institute site and then link to the TMI store/books and Cd's. I know when I listen to my tapes, I wish they were longer also. Mind you when I am in the zone, so to speak, I don't notice how long I have been in the different Focus levels. As an example, when doing free Flo 12, many times I end up in an education center. While I am there, I never no how much time goes by. I could be there for hours within the 35 Min's of "this " time. All I really know is that when its time for me to come back to my body and present time, I wish I was able to stay there.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by hawkeye on Aug 7th, 2008 at 6:43pm
Also... don't worry about "clicking out"...You are still getting all you need from the exercises. Sometime it is better to do the tape sitting up a bit. This might help although being in "C1" is just not necessary. Personally I find that I love the feeling.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Aug 8th, 2008 at 6:26am
Thanks Joe.  I think being really tired when I doing the exercises made the click outs more likely.

Laid down at 12.30am.  Did "Threshold: Problem Solving" exercise again.  This time I managed  to get to focus 10 before Monroe starts speaking.  The way I did this with each breath I  progressed a count.  Certainly doing it this way meant I was not deep in focus 10 but I made  it in time for the rest of the exercise. Anyhow during focus 12, I felt really hot and had  to move the covers away.

During the resonant tuning and REBAL, I took a different approach to visualisation.  Before  I was picturing movement energy.  Now I am concentrate on the feeling of the energy on my  body and moving my awareness there.  For example for resonant tuning I would feel the energy  coming into all parts of my body, and during the REBAL I would feel the energy come down my  body and move up again through the soles of my feet.  I still imagine a visual image of the  energy but I don't put much importance into it.  Presently reading Robert Bruce's book  "Astral Dynamics" and am on the section of "New Energy Ways".  He people get bogged down and  give up because they can't picture things when asked to be visual.  Visual is not much to do  with sight visual but tactile imaging.  He says the major energy conduit of the body is in  the soles of the feet and secondly the hands.  From my experience, I have found it easy to  feel tingling in my palms of my hands and especially the soles of my feet when doing the  exercises.  They feel like they heat up too.  Infact, I'm finding it's getting easier to  stimulate these areas.  For example, this morning when I was on the london underground on my  way to work,  I sat in the train doing tactile imaging on my big toes, imaging energy  sprialling on the big toes joint.  As I did that, the soles of my feet started to tingle and  heat up also.


I have created a journal where I could put all my developement in one place.  It is here:

I have added all my posts there and the replys from you all as its all part of my development.

I'll be adding my experiences there from now on (feel free to make comments there  :)) but will also copy them over to this thread.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by Reborn on Aug 11th, 2008 at 4:56pm
On Friday when I came home from work, my wife told me about a dream she had.  In that dream, she knew she became aware that she was dreaming.  She saw me and asked what I am doing in her dream.  I replied “That’s because I am out of body!”

Going back to the two exercises I did on “Threshold: Problem Solving” on 6th and 8th of August, I asked “Please provide me with information that I need to know right now” since I did not have any specific questions I wanted to ask.  On Friday while listening to how GM foods are affecting us on Coast to Coast am, it was brought to my attention in one of the youtube comments of googling “esoteric agenda”.  It led me to the following video:

It puts together many of the phenomena and activities that are happening in the world.  The video is a real insight into what is really going on, and the reality we are living in  At the end of the video, it talks about how we should find out more about true selves, that we are truly more that we are led to believe.  It’s a brilliant video and has further motivated me to continue my journey of self discovery.  Finding this video may not have been a coincidence and may have been the or part of the answer to my question in the problem solving exercise.  I also sent the link of the video to my brother on Friday.  He later told me that he had been wondering how to overcome his “fear” the day before and having watched the video, it’s seems to have answered his question also! I suggest those that are reading this should watch the video, it’s worth every minute.

Today I received the “Adventures Out Of The Body” CD set by William Bulhman. There’s a lot to go through.  I think I will delay using those CDs.  At the moment I am doing the Gateway Experience, reading “Astral Dynamics” by Robert Bruce, and reading “Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook” by Bruce Moen.  So I feel I am bombarded with information and exercises already.  My plan is to concentrate on the Gateway Experience exercises, order the audio workshops by Bruce Moen, and work with them in parallel once I receive them. Oh and also occasionally listen to “Reinforcement Exercise Of Relaxation” from “Journeys Out of The Body” Hemi Sync CD as I felt so comfortable in focus 10 the first time I used it.


Laid down at 1am and progressed onto “Threshold: One-Month Patterning”.  This exercise works from the basic assumption that thoughts manifest as things, and that which we think, we become.  You can use the patterning process to create or enhance many areas of your life: your physical self, your mental self, your emotional self, and your total self; for where you want to be, what you want to be doing, and what you want to accomplish.

After the usual routine to focus 10, I am asked to thinking of what I would like to come true to my physical me and then release it.  It also asked me to think of what I want in other areas of my life.  I found it really hard to concentrate during the exercise and fell asleep.  Next thing I know is that I woke in the middle of the night with my headphones still on.  I really need to do these exercises earlier else I’ll continue falling asleep or clicking out.

Title: Re: Gateway Experience Journal
Post by hawkeye on Aug 15th, 2008 at 12:32pm
Hi Reborn, Just a thought on the "one month pattering". I used that exercise to move my life in a direction that took me to TMI for my original Gateway week. Just a thought.

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