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Message started by OutOfBodyDude on Jul 5th, 2008 at 10:30pm

Title: My thoughts on Channeling
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jul 5th, 2008 at 10:30pm
I, as a multidimensional being existing in an infinite number of dimensions, am intimately connected to these other aspects of my higher self, which reside in these other levels of reality.  Communication between these individual yet interconnected consciousnesses is always occuring, but usually unconsciously, or consciously in alternate states of consciousness, such as in the dream state, out of body, or during trance.  This is known as channeling.  This is usually initiated by a more consciously-advanced aspect of my inner being, and yet it most importantly requires my part in the connection, for I must be at a level of consciousness aware enough to be capable of receiving the energy, where as the more advance consciousness will usually always be at this level.

The purpose for this communication is the advancement of the consciousnesses of the individuals involved to new levels of awareness, understanding, and creative expression, this being the purpose for existence.  This experience is not limited to humans, or my present level of consciousness.  Just as higher aspects of my being communicate to me, these more advanced aspects receive guidance from aspects even more developed and aware than themselves, and this channeling process most likely continues into infinity.  

Guidance may be received via dream symbols, telepathy, or sudden bursts of insight or new perceptions, and it is the syncronicity which follows these experiences in my physical reality which confirms the reality of this guidance and its source.  Communication also takes place in levels so far removed from normal waking consciousness that recall is nearly impossible.  There is usually a strong feeling lingering within me after such an experience, a feeling of knowing something extremely important, and yet not being able to verbalize or translate the experience to a physical level.  In cases such as this, the knowledge will usually be unconsciously utilized in my daily experience.

Title: Re: My thoughts on Channeling
Post by betson on Jul 6th, 2008 at 10:13am
Thank you,OoBD,

That's very helpful and clearly stated!

I have just one question, from when you say
"Guidance may be received via dream symbols, telepathy,
or sudden bursts of insight or new perceptions, and it is the syncronicity
which follows these experiences in my physical reality which
confirms the reality of this guidance and its source.''

Are you saying that the synchronicity developes because very soon you find in your own C 1 life
a need to know the information that was revealed to you?

Thank you for sharing your experiences.


Title: Re: My thoughts on Channeling
Post by blink on Jul 6th, 2008 at 10:55am
Dude, well said. You are describing exactly what I believe to be true, at least from the direction of my own rather small sampling of experiences. This is not an easy thing to describe to others. I am amazed that you did it.

love, blink

I Am Dude wrote on Jul 5th, 2008 at 10:30pm:
I, as a multidimensional being existing in an infinite number of dimensions, am intimately connected to these other aspects of my higher self, which reside in these other levels of reality.  Communication between these individual yet interconnected consciousnesses is always occuring, but usually unconsciously, or consciously in alternate states of consciousness, such as in the dream state, out of body, or during trance.  This is known as channeling.  This is usually initiated by a more consciously-advanced aspect of my inner being, and yet it most importantly requires my part in the connection, for I must be at a level of consciousness aware enough to be capable of receiving the energy, where as the more advance consciousness will usually always be at this level.

The purpose for this communication is the advancement of the consciousnesses of the individuals involved to new levels of awareness, understanding, and creative expression, this being the purpose for existence.  This experience is not limited to humans, or my present level of consciousness.  Just as higher aspects of my being communicate to me, these more advanced aspects receive guidance from aspects even more developed and aware than themselves, and this channeling process most likely continues into infinity.  

Guidance may be received via dream symbols, telepathy, or sudden bursts of insight or new perceptions, and it is the syncronicity which follows these experiences in my physical reality which confirms the reality of this guidance and its source.  Communication also takes place in levels so far removed from normal waking consciousness that recall is nearly impossible.  There is usually a strong feeling lingering within me after such an experience, a feeling of knowing something extremely important, and yet not being able to verbalize or translate the experience to a physical level.  In cases such as this, the knowledge will usually be unconsciously utilized is my daily experience.

Title: Re: My thoughts on Channeling
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jul 6th, 2008 at 1:55pm
The syncronicity I am speaking of is the manifestation of the information received nonphysically in the physical world in one way or another.  For example, sometimes I will have insights regarding future situations or events which, when trusting my instinct and going with the insight, have steered me away from a potentially negative outcome.  In more extreme cases of syncronicity, my dream experiences will manifest in my physical life, or a physical event will occur which can immediately be connected to a symbol previously received in an altered state of consciousness.  Basically this syncronicity is the realization of the connection between the physical and the nonphysical.

Title: Re: My thoughts on Channeling
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 6th, 2008 at 6:04pm

I like this very true man, Can I add my bit,  messages come to us all the time sublimely from all around us. If we take in meticulously and observe every input to our mind a clear message often comes though.

For instance while watching TV  or reading a book or listening to music or the radio even in general conversation one can receive a answer to a vexing problem.

Am I making any sense do you concur?


Title: Re: My thoughts on Channeling
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jul 6th, 2008 at 8:06pm
Yes, Alan.  That is what I was saying when I said that messages from our inner being can come via telepathy and sudden bursts of insight and new perceptions.  

Title: Re: My thoughts on Channeling
Post by tgecks on Jul 8th, 2008 at 8:34pm
We do have a tendency to define our universe through our physical senses, but how it expands whenwe use or non-physical senses as well, simultaneously, even.

After I read "Conversations with God" (Book 1) and closed the book I continued to hear it (guidance) in my head. Like asking to the Universe, "Are you there, Highest Self?" and hearing back, clearly, both in your non-physical ears and heart, "Yes, I am always here." It is not whether this guidance speaks to everyone, but whether they listen. Often we do not.

Afterall, this was the so-called "good news" of the message of Jeshua: not that you WILL have the Kingdom of Heaven, but that you DO NOW, and ALWAYS HAVE, ALWAYS WILL! Go figure.

At this point in my spiritual expansion I cannot imagine not listening to my guidance, and ask for a response frequently. It always comes, sometimes in music, sometimes in "coincidence", sometimes in the look from the dog. If you listen, it will come.

Right on, OoBD!

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