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Message started by briggs5534 on Jul 5th, 2008 at 10:02pm

Title: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 5th, 2008 at 10:02pm

I was just wondering if, anyone has heard of her?? If, not her site She believes the Reptoids(Reptilians) are controlling our planet, which I do agree with... Our government are their puppets.. She does reverse speaking and has had contact with reptoids giving her disinformation..

Some of the stuff she believes is that they have created a net over our planet and this keeps our five senses dumbed down and in great confusion of our true nature and of the reality we live in.. So, they have created a prison system basically.. This net also, supposedly traps people when they pass over... She believes most people are being deceived by their near death experiences of heaven and light of love.. She says that the reptoids have the technology to manipulate these holographic illusions to people that have had near death experiences..  Which, if she is right than no one is truly safe.. I don't know what to believe, but my heart tells me she is being misinformed..

What do you guys think??

peace n' love

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by betson on Jul 6th, 2008 at 10:23am
Greetings briggs!

I just googled 'near death experiences' and there are way over 47 million references to it. OK  ;)
so they repeat each other and some question it, but even half of 47 million is alot !  Also there's the degree of change these experiences inspire in those who have them. Peggy Kane is just 1 person.

In doing retrievals why haven't we run into the net?  Or into Helpers or victims of the net? I've been reading about retrievals for almost three years and doing them for almost two. No one has spoken of a net before, of being restricted in any way except by their own fears which they brought with them.

I vote No on Peggy Kane.


Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 6th, 2008 at 1:55pm

betson wrote on Jul 6th, 2008 at 10:23am:
Greetings briggs!

I just googled 'near death experiences' and there are way over 47 million references to it. OK  ;)
so they repeat each other and some question it, but even half of 47 million is alot !  Also there's the degree of change these experiences inspire in those who have them. Peggy Kane is just 1 person.

In doing retrievals why haven't we run into the net?  Or into Helpers or victims of the net? I've been reading about retrievals for almost three years and doing them for almost two. No one has spoken of a net before, of being restricted in any way except by their own fears which they brought with them.

I vote No on Peggy Kane.



I see what you mean and I agree with you! :) She seems so paranoid that It is probably making her delusional.. The only thing I agree, with her is about the Reptoids...

peace n' love

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by george stone on Jul 6th, 2008 at 9:13pm
Hello mr practer,do you still have your website?what happened to all those guys who beat you with base ball bats.did you charge them.?

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by blink on Jul 6th, 2008 at 10:04pm
Peggy Kane is obviously a very confused woman. This is utter nonsense. I don't mean to be unkind, but there is nothing substantial to back up her claims, nothing that I can see. Her analysis seems completely subjective, and very unwise. There are few things of this nature which I have taken the time to read, but I have to say that I find what she is telling people repulsive, and if a person were to closely follow her patterns of thought, I believe it could be dangerous. But, maybe I'm completely wrong. Maybe she is amazingly informed about "reality" and she's stumbled upon the most extraordinary information ever. If so, I really need some help understanding how that could be so.

love, blink

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by DocM on Jul 7th, 2008 at 1:13pm
I agree with Blink.  

We should also see that Peggy Kane is getting most of her knowledge from EVP (electronic voice phenomenon), especially EVP played backwards.  This is a very different mode of exploring then TMI or meditation or going OOB, because tapes are, potentially full of mischief.  

To doubt the basic structure of heaven, love and the earth will lead any sane person to madness.  It is fine to question everything, and to explore.  However, Kane's theories place these reptoids at a level that would interfere with God and God's plan.

I believe that we should explore but be wary of evidence gathered second hand, out of fear.


Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by recoverer on Jul 7th, 2008 at 3:07pm
I've read a lot of NDEs, and there is no way they were controlled by lizards. There is no way some of my experiences including my night in heaven experience was controlled by some lizards.  It just goes to show you that there is a lot of stuff out there that you can't trust.

By the way, I have noting against the lizards we see crawling around this earth.

Hey Alan:

You had an NDE. Was it created by some lizard? ;)

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 7th, 2008 at 4:06pm
Hey everyone,

I agree, with everyone's replies that she has to be misinformed for sure... Because there is no way they could fake unconditional love and all of which comes with that in near deaths... Recoverer I like lizards too and agree there is nothing wrong with them.. lol I know your just joking around, but I truly believe in real reptilians that are humanoid in appearance.. She is right about them having a pact with our government and the rest of the world of how to manipulate us and what not.. But she has to be misinformed about them manipulating near deaths.. I also, don't believe all reptoids are evil, they are just like humans, some good and some bad... Also, not all alien races are evil.. Hopefully, Peggy Kane is wrong.. She believe what she hears in reverse speech only speaks the truth.. So, I think she could be wrong about that theory.. Since, she is pushing aside most other material out there that disagree with her information..

peace n' love

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by recoverer on Jul 7th, 2008 at 4:55pm

There have been two times during meditation when I saw a reptilian like being looking at me. The first time I can't remember the details, but the second time which happened about a month ago one looked at me with a real evil look and had a negative vibe. I see and hear spirits fairly often while meditating or laying in bed awake. Some have been really strange looking.

I know next to nothing when it comes to reptilians. I have had several experiences that let me know that I don't have to worry about being abducted by a negative minded alien. This doesn't mean that they don't exist.

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 7th, 2008 at 4:06pm:
Hey everyone,

I agree, with everyone's replies that she has to be misinformed for sure... Because there is no way they could fake unconditional love and all of which comes with that in near deaths... Recoverer I like lizards too and agree there is nothing wrong with them.. lol I know your just joking around, but I truly believe in real reptilians that are humanoid in appearance.. She is right about them having a pact with our government and the rest of the world of how to manipulate us and what not.. But she has to be misinformed about them manipulating near deaths.. I also, don't believe all reptoids are evil, they are just like humans, some good and some bad... Also, not all alien races are evil.. Hopefully, Peggy Kane is wrong.. She believe what she hears in reverse speech only speaks the truth.. So, I think she could be wrong about that theory.. Since, she is pushing aside most other material out there that disagree with her information..

peace n' love

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 7th, 2008 at 6:03pm
Ah yes...I think I have heard this before. Next it will be back to the Bush's and the Queen eating babies for lunch. This seams to stem from Mr Ike... You know what...there is a reptilian species. There is also a Grey's species. Among others. Its not a problem. The reptilians are NOT trying to imprison the planet. Do you really think that given their knowledge, our little blue sphere means anything to them. Most likely we see then because we are attuned to them. Closer spiritually and physical that others. As we are not used to living along side of reptiles so we get a bit freaked out when we see one during meditation ar in a dream. They are not going to hurt us. Take a look at an Iguana some day. Do you notice a smile? The reptilians are the same. You can't see the smile. Your just not accustomed to it. Fear is a strong emotion so in a attempt at communication what would be one of the easiest emotions to project in order for you to remember the communication? Fear. Next time you experience seeing a reptilian in your meditations or dream work, make communication. Send love and acceptance. Go past the physical experience. Attempt to send a different emotion than fear. Leave the hate to the Ike's. There is just to little time for the hate and fear that some wish for you to fill your time with. Just like you and I, the reptilians, grays, blobs, curls, big fish,.... are more than their physical bodies (RAM) also. Try it, you may be very surprised on what you will get back.  

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by recoverer on Jul 7th, 2008 at 6:37pm

I did send love even though it came at me in a menacing way.

According to Rosalind Mcknight's Cosmic Journeys and Robert Monroe's Ultimate Journeys unfriendly aliens do exist.  Cosmic Journeys is the result of Rosalind's Explorer sessions with Robert Monroe at TMI.

hawkeye wrote on Jul 7th, 2008 at 6:03pm:
Ah yes...I think I have heard this before. Next it will be back to the Bush's and the Queen eating babies for lunch. This seams to stem from Mr Ike... You know what...there is a reptilian species. There is also a Grey's species. Among others. Its not a problem. The reptilians are NOT trying to imprison the planet. Do you really think that given their knowledge, our little blue sphere means anything to them. Most likely we see then because we are attuned to them. Closer spiritually and physical that others. As we are not used to living along side of reptiles so we get a bit freaked out when we see one during meditation ar in a dream. They are not going to hurt us. Take a look at an Iguana some day. Do you notice a smile? The reptilians are the same. You can't see the smile. Your just not accustomed to it. Fear is a strong emotion so in a attempt at communication what would be one of the easiest emotions to project in order for you to remember the communication? Fear. Next time you experience seeing a reptilian in your meditations or dream work, make communication. Send love and acceptance. Go past the physical experience. Attempt to send a different emotion than fear. Leave the hate to the Ike's. There is just to little time for the hate and fear that some wish for you to fill your time with. Just like you and I, the reptilians, grays, blobs, curls, big fish,.... are more than their physical bodies (RAM) also. Try it, you may be very surprised on what you will get back.  

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 7th, 2008 at 9:26pm

Icke is a very highly intelligent man and I think he knows what he is talking about.. He's not saying all reptilians are evil.. He's done his time of researching since, 1990 or even a bit earlier than that.. So, please don't criticize this man until, you know for a fact that he's wrong by your own study of research about reptoids.. Many people have seen GWB shapeshift...  The same goes for the Queen..  I believe it is because they are so attuned to the astral world where some of the reptoids exist in the 4th dimension... And they can take over the bodies of this people in power... So, it's kind of like a holographic image of this being from another dimension.. Or shit it could just be really the fact that they are really shape shifters ...

Humans are good and evil just like any other species or alien race..

peace n' love

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by spooky2 on Jul 7th, 2008 at 9:42pm
Now, here comes:

Ever seen a reptilian? No? I haven't, too. So let those writers have their worries if they like, and we'd better have some focus on crazy people rather than on crazy invisible aliens!


Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 7th, 2008 at 10:43pm

spooky2 wrote on Jul 7th, 2008 at 9:42pm:
Now, here comes:

Ever seen a reptilian? No? I haven't, too. So let those writers have their worries if they like, and we'd better have some focus on crazy people rather than on crazy invisible aliens!


Yeah, well your against all the other millions of people that have seen them just now in this era and all the symbolism of them back in the ancient times..

I trust david icke's work and millions of people's sightings over your skeptic view any day!


Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jul 8th, 2008 at 12:36am
 I haven't personally seen any "reptilians" , but i and my wife have had enough dreams with E.T. info in it, which indicated that there are non constructive E.T. influences out there, as well as very, very positive Christ like ones.  

 And i intuitively trust Rosiland's McKnight's info quite a lot, almost completely, it's one of the most pure sources of info i've yet to come across.   Her books have so much Golden energy connected to them.

 Her guidance indicates that right now, because of our collective spiritual immaturity, our hands are being held cause we are like children and too easily frightened and/or negatively influenced.   The ones holding the hands are partly the very positive, loving E.T.'s who know all about the not so constructive ones.  

  According to her guidance and to the spiritually mature E.T.'s, eventually in the nearish future (around 2500 or so), our hands, materially speaking, will be let go of and we will have to face what we have attracted to us.  

They said it operates according to like attracts and begets like, and that through our collective negativity, we have attracted similar negative energies to us.

That which we put out, we eventually have to directly deal with and face.  It is karma, and that is the very meaning of same.  But in any and all cases, there is absolutely nothing to be scared of, and those of us who know what is real in this life, know that what's real can not be truly harmed anyways.  

  That facing time, my wife had a very interesting dream about where she was in a future body.   I had come back to the Earth directly as a helpful E.T., there were major conflicts with a particular group, there was a war going on.  

 For many humans it was difficult and challenging, it was for her even though she was fairly evolved and awake at that point.

 Is this group that is talked about in Rosiland's book and in our dreams, the "Reptilians", well i don't know for sure, and what does it matter what they look like anyways?   My sense is that there are many more positive energies working with us, than not, and we are being helped on so many different levels.  

Rosiland's guides seem to say that it is probable that we will overcome those challenges successfully, partly because of the help we receive from other groups, and because of our own growing spiritual strength.  

  My advice, well maybe the Reptilians are something to be aware of, but not to be concentrated on in the least bit--mostly cause it's a waste of time, especially if there is any fear involved.   Our hands are held and we are completely protected until we are ready to directly face that which we attracted.  

 Like anything in life, we grow mostly by our positive focus and concentration of that which is constructive, spiritual, Light, and loving oriented in life, while at the same time being consciously aware of (in a more detached manner) that which is of the shadow and limiting, whether within ourselves or without.   Some become lopsided and concentrate on one for the lack of the other, and all to soon in doing so, they come to find that what they suppress or repress eventually bites them in their behind and they are surprised by that, while they lose their balance.  

  Summed up in "Be ye gentle as Doves, and as wise as Serpents".   Pretty good, but succinct advice.  Kind of like a picture, says a lot with having to say only a little.  

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 8th, 2008 at 1:53pm
You know Briggs, your right. I shoulden't be apposed to anything that Ike says about the Queen. Bushs, Blair, etc. I'm sure he must be right about them going around and snacking on babies and stuff. I am a little concerned that you think that there have been millions of people see these reptilians.  

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 8th, 2008 at 2:22pm
Now Bush does scare the heck out of me but its not because I think he anything but a destructive, spoiled, religious zealot. Not a lizard or a baby eater. Note: I did not say that hes not a baby killer. That's different. His actions are killing many and have killed many babies in Iraq. His actions, and his war over control of oil have killed a number of babies.  Of course that's only my personal belief. Oh ya, and history. I know that Ike is an extremely smart man. I would never think any less of him for doing what he believes in. And you have to face it. By selling books, you can make a lot of dough. He is selling books (and fear). But what good is he doing? Is it helping? Is it helping move you along a path to a more spiritually aware lifetime. I have a close friend who strongly believes in what Ike has to say. Doesn't change our friendship. She knows I think Ike's a quack. To each , their own. Enjoy and learn from what you are getting from him. It must be a lesson you need to hear. I still say, have no fear. There are no reptiles trying to hurt you. Unless you try to pull off their tails that is.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 8th, 2008 at 8:38pm

hawkeye wrote on Jul 8th, 2008 at 2:22pm:
Now Bush does scare the heck out of me but its not because I think he anything but a destructive, spoiled, religious zealot. Not a lizard or a baby eater. Note: I did not say that hes not a baby killer. That's different. His actions are killing many and have killed many babies in Iraq. His actions, and his war over control of oil have killed a number of babies.  Of course that's only my personal belief. Oh ya, and history. I know that Ike is an extremely smart man. I would never think any less of him for doing what he believes in. And you have to face it. By selling books, you can make a lot of dough. He is selling books (and fear). But what good is he doing? Is it helping? Is it helping move you along a path to a more spiritually aware lifetime. I have a close friend who strongly believes in what Ike has to say. Doesn't change our friendship. She knows I think Ike's a quack. To each , their own. Enjoy and learn from what you are getting from him. It must be a lesson you need to hear. I still say, have no fear. There are no reptiles trying to hurt you. Unless you try to pull off their tails that is.

I see what your saying about Icke and reptilians... He does have lots of uplifting positive messages.. He tells people not to fear them, because we are pure infinite love and loved by God unconditionally and always protected by God etc...He just wants people to open up their blind eyes to see that we aren't really free... That they do have us on a lock down and our manipulating us by mind control and what not.. He says never to let fear take over and that it is and illusion just like everything else besides love and truth.. So, he's not a fear mongerer like most people take him to be... He just wants to spread the truth that we have a bit of a task ahead of us..If we want to evolve mentally and spiritually we have to face our demons and deal with them.. So, we know how to get out of this web of lies... He also, exposes the many lies of religious leaders and religion in general.. So, yes he has helped me to see clearly and made me less fearful of these entities.. He's tired of seeing us as sheeple and wants us to become like the sheppard like himself... If, you don't know about all this beforehand how are you going to react when they come to our planet to control us with the New World Order?!

peace n' love

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 8th, 2008 at 8:42pm
By the way if, you add up all the researchers, psychics, mystics, hypnotherapists and people abducted by reptilians and then the people that have eye witnessed them too.. I'm sure you'd have a lot of people that know that they exist... I'm talking worldwide bro, there has to be atleast millions of people that have witnessed seeing the reptilians... So, laugh at me all you want.. The testimonies of all these people will prove my point that they exist.. I'm not to sure about GWB, and the Queen as being shape shifters, but you never know truth is stranger than fiction my friend!! Ask a scientist that and he will tell you that for sure!

peace n' love

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by SnickeringSnow on Jul 9th, 2008 at 11:18am

GEICO is a large insurance company and on their commercials they use a talking lizard who speaks with an English accent.  Now I'm wondering if that might be evidence that the reptilians have infiltrated not only our government and the Queen, but also our corporations?

I'm thinking that this might be a clever way for the reptilians to lull us into a false sense of security, making us believe that reptiles are harmless, even humorous little creatures.  We'd be vulnerable if they attempted a takeover.

I dunno, is any of this possible?  I must admit, you have made me just a little worried.


Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Stjerneeksplosjon on Jul 9th, 2008 at 2:18pm
I'm not laughing at you, briggs, but...come on! How can you be so naive as to believe in lizard people controlling the world? Now, if there's an afterlife, sure, they could be in control, but in our 4 dimensions we have to follow the laws of nature, and there's just no way George W. Bush or the...the Queen (she has no power anyway, so why on earth?) are reptiles in disguise. And New World Order? Well, there are potential signs out there, in the guise of UN and EU, for example, but I highly doubt it. Next you're going to start talking about Majestic 12 and Illuminati. Conspiracy theories prey on people's fear and boredom, and that's why they keep thriving.  And yes, GWB is one dangerous individual, but not because he's evil, it's because he's stupid, he's unable to see the link between his actions and the sufferings of millions of people. Sorry if you feel offended by this, but I refuse to let blind faith get in the way of rational thinking.

EDIT: Please keep in mind that this is no personal attack or anything of the sort, I'm just providing my personal opinion on what I think is a misguided belief. I too have had several wacky theories in my head, I've just learned to be more of a skeptic. And, remember, being skeptic isn't a bad thing.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm

Starboom wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 2:18pm:
I'm not laughing at you, briggs, but...come on! How can you be so naive as to believe in lizard people controlling the world? Now, if there's an afterlife, sure, they could be in control, but in our 4 dimensions we have to follow the laws of nature, and there's just no way George W. Bush or the...the Queen (she has no power anyway, so why on earth?) are reptiles in disguise. And New World Order? Well, there are potential signs out there, in the guise of UN and EU, for example, but I highly doubt it. Next you're going to start talking about Majestic 12 and Illuminati. Conspiracy theories prey on people's fear and boredom, and that's why they keep thriving.  And yes, GWB is one dangerous individual, but not because he's evil, it's because he's stupid, he's unable to see the link between his actions and the sufferings of millions of people. Sorry if you feel offended by this, but I refuse to let blind faith get in the way of rational thinking.

EDIT: Please keep in mind that this is no personal attack or anything of the sort, I'm just providing my personal opinion on what I think is a misguided belief. I too have had several wacky theories in my head, I've just learned to be more of a skeptic. And, remember, being skeptic isn't a bad thing.

I have a rational mind to and this is not blind faith my friend.. I have studied this subject for quite a few years now... Talk to Cathy O'brien and she'll tell you that GWB is a shape shifter.. She was a brainwashed sex slave by the men in Congress especially, by George W. Bush and saw him change right before her eyes...

I never said being skeptic was a bad thing either.. Oh yeah, and by the way the universe is a hologram.. I bet you think I'm even crazier now... If, you don't believe me that it's holographic, than ask all the scientists like Michael Talbot that have proven that this theory is true... Sounds quite crazy just like lizard people... Truth is stranger than fiction..

If, you don't believe in reptilian aliens, then I must say you are either brainwashed by the media or just plain ignorant.. HOW BIG IS THIS FREAKING UNIVERSE, and you believe there is no other life force out there besides us?! Remember this earth and universe has been around for probably millions of years... So, I'm sure there is alien life forms out there far more intelligent than us, and would be able to manipulate us so easily, like they are doing now... And you believe we are just controlled by dumb ignorant men.. That is what I find to be ludicrous.. These men are only puppets to them and they are killing us all softly..

I'm sorry for sounding a bit harsh at time, I also don't mean to offend you or anyone else that disagrees with me...

I'm going to take the word of many witnesses and researchers word that there are other alien life forms out there like the Reptilians.. Look at all the symbolism from the ancient times of pictures of snake people.. So, not just millions of people have witnesses these reptilians.. That is if you add up all the people in this world now and from the past... I'm sure close to a hundred million people have witnessed them over this whole century and before...

peace n' love

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:25pm
Hey, by the way there are more than just four dimensions.. There is at least 11-16 dimensions..

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by blink on Jul 11th, 2008 at 2:21pm
Briggs, your argument seems reasonable to me. What I notice about these sites which research these kinds of subjects is that they encourage suspicion and fear. That is not all they do. They also promote an open mind and a willingness to look at life in a different way.

However, I think that the mixed messages and convoluted thinking that I have observed add to the fear and despair that many people already suffer. Everywhere, people want someone or something to blame for the evils they perceive in life.

Focusing on negativity is simply harmful to the body and the soul. I see the proliferation of these kinds of sites as a call for help by people who feel trapped in societies which offer little in the way of hope for a peaceful world or future.

At their cores, all of these people are looking for a deeper meaning to their existence.

Unfortunately, what I see is that people are often willing to fight and accuse each other in order to "create" meaning for themselves. And it absolutely cannot be found outside of ourselves, unless we are coming from a place of love.

peace n love to you too, blink

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 11th, 2008 at 4:32pm
Sometimes through my own ignorance I post things that I just shouldn't. Who am I to say that your Shepard, Mr Ike, is not telling the truth. In your existence, both here and in the afterlife, and also throughout the areas of focus levels, you may have a reptilian problem going on. Ike and all his followers may also have the same thing going on with them. You say around 100 million of you. The confusion may be that, not all of us are on the same level of existence. Not to say that mine is below or above, to the left or to the right of yours. That your wrong and I am right. Or Viceversa. Just different. These evil reptilians you speak of do not exist in my beingness. They are not trying to control me or others within my family group. That is why I have no fear of them. My connection with anything remotely similar to a reptilian has been through NVC and not threatening at all. Perhaps there are a number of different species of reptilians. I hope that you and fellow believers in the "Ike" theory, manage to get in control of your world and your lives. I am sure you are being led in the direction you believe you should be going. Enjoy your lessons and learn. We all need to learn from our experiences. I think I will just sit back with all my friends (reptilian and others) and enjoy the ride, the lessons already learned, and the ones yet to be enjoyed.  :D

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Stjerneeksplosjon on Jul 11th, 2008 at 6:25pm

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
I have a rational mind to and this is not blind faith my friend..

Oh, I meant blind faith in general, not you in particular.

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
I have studied this subject for quite a few years now... Talk to Cathy O'brien and she'll tell you that GWB is a shape shifter.. She was a brainwashed sex slave by the men in Congress especially, by George W. Bush and saw him change right before her eyes...

I don't doubt that you have studied it for a long time but...brainwashed sex slave...that right there should give pause to anyone. And by men in Congress...when I hear stuff like that, these alarms go off in my mind, and I just have to shake my head. The probability of something like that going on is about as big as me turning into a cat in five minutes. Not saying that you are lying, merely that the woman seems delusional.

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
I never said being skeptic was a bad thing either.. Oh yeah, and by the way the universe is a hologram.. I bet you think I'm even crazier now... If, you don't believe me that it's holographic, than ask all the scientists like Michael Talbot that have proven that this theory is true... Sounds quite crazy just like lizard people... Truth is stranger than fiction..

No, actually, the universe being a hologram sounds pretty normal in comparison, and just might be the case. I don't think you're crazy at all, it's more the case of you having been attached to this woman and her stories for some reason, and I can't quite see what the attraction is. MK-ULTRA is real, sure, but shapeshifting presidents less so.

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
If, you don't believe in reptilian aliens, then I must say you are either brainwashed by the media or just plain ignorant.. HOW BIG IS THIS FREAKING UNIVERSE, and you believe there is no other life force out there besides us?! Remember this earth and universe has been around for probably millions of years... So, I'm sure there is alien life forms out there far more intelligent than us, and would be able to manipulate us so easily, like they are doing now... And you believe we are just controlled by dumb ignorant men.. That is what I find to be ludicrous.. These men are only puppets to them and they are killing us all softly..

No, I am not brainwashed. Conditioned throughout life, sure, but not brainwashed. Mostly I pay little attention to media, especially the mainstream kind, and when I do, I take things I read with a grain of salt. Reptilian aliens might be out there, and I suggested that in my previous post. There are almost certainly other species out there, to assume otherwise would be arrogant. As for them manipulating us...perhaps. We would never know would we? At least it can never be proved. Therefore, to entertain the idea is of little use, since if they are out there manipulating us, anything we say is what they want us to say, including you. Anyway, believing there are reptilian aliens out there and this woman saying she was a sex slave for (amongst others) a shapeshifting George Bush, are two completely different things. The latter is very much likely either a lie or a sign of deteriorating mental health.

And yes, I do believe there are quite a few ignorant leaders out there. To use a famous quote: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
Of course, that doesn't mean ruling out malice altogether. It's just that by meeting other people and hearing about their experiences (not to mention what I've experienced myself), I can see that stupidity is usually the reason why people do bad things, not malevolence.

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
I'm sorry for sounding a bit harsh at time, I also don't mean to offend you or anyone else that disagrees with me...

I'm not offended, so need for apologies. This is a discussion board after all, and discussing is what we do here. :)

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
I'm going to take the word of many witnesses and researchers word that there are other alien life forms out there like the Reptilians.. Look at all the symbolism from the ancient times of pictures of snake people.. So, not just millions of people have witnesses these reptilians.. That is if you add up all the people in this world now and from the past... I'm sure close to a hundred million people have witnessed them over this whole century and before...

peace n' love

Well, perhaps people have seen them. But again; people seeing reptilians or other unusual things is one thing. Believing Cathy O'Brien quite another. I just hope that this part of your belief system isn't taking you places (physically, mentally and spiritually) that aren't sound. Well, I already think that mentally, it isn't sound, but I think your mental state consists of much more than just Cathy and her tall tales.  ;) In the end, of course, what one believes is of little consequence, as long as noone gets hurt in the process. We make up our own belief systems anyway, isn't that what Moen says?

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 11th, 2008 at 11:42pm

Nice reply back.. I'm glad you didn't take offense or slander me.. You made some valid points.. Yes, I don't let my beliefs in reptilians frighten me or take me to a negative mind set... It use to be that way, but now I am no longer afraid of them.. Because it's true we are infinite love and consciousness.. We technically are all one and from the same source obviously, so were all in this together..

I'm sorry for sounding a bit loud in parts of my last reply.. I just really do believe in these beliefs about reptilians.. Also, Cathy O'brien is a very legit person.. That is from what I have heard from others and from seeing her talk about her experiences..

Also, David Icke is not my shepherd and neither is any other teacher that I listen too.. I am my own shepherd.. I just take what people have to say and sort out the truth and the trash... I don't believe in David Icke's beliefs about Jesus not existing.. Jesus did exist!!!! He did die on the cross... Not for our sins though that is ignorant to believe that.. I follow no religion or organization of anything.. I'm no new ager either, I use to be that way..  Yes, some of my beliefs are new age like , but believe me I'm far from that.. The closest I come to is advaita vedanta.. Which, I doubt half of these people on here know what the hell it is... lol I just follow my heart and soul.. No teacher is great than I or you... No one truly has all the answers.. There are a few other things that I disagree, with Icke about too..

The only hell we face is our facing of our true selves.. What we all have done in our lifetimes, that is every thought, deed, emotion, and what not..  Earth is the only true hell.. We created this hell though..  No one is to blame but our own self.. Reptilians are not our devil to blame the same goes for the illuminati.. We need to blame ourselves for not waking up sooner and seeing what we let happen..

peace n' love to you and all!! :)

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Stjerneeksplosjon on Jul 12th, 2008 at 4:58am
Vedanta..isn't that Indian in origin? Unless I'm thinking of something else.

Just one thing: I don't think it's right to call Earth hell. Remember that there are many people that are having a blast living down here. Of course, if everyone was like me, I'd agree with you somewhat, haha.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by betson on Jul 12th, 2008 at 10:27am

I really like hawkeye's reply about not experiencing the reptillians but that he respects that others do. I feel the same way, Hawkeye, but hadn't got it into words.

Since we have lives in other realms/planets, etc, with Earth being only one of many teaching stations, it's so true that we come with various abilities. We all probably sense various parts of the energy spectrum that supports life, and just don't get the opportunity often to compare our experiences.

Viva all our experiences !


Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 12th, 2008 at 12:28pm

Starboom wrote on Jul 12th, 2008 at 4:58am:
Vedanta..isn't that Indian in origin? Unless I'm thinking of something else.

Just one thing: I don't think it's right to call Earth hell. Remember that there are many people that are having a blast living down here. Of course, if everyone was like me, I'd agree with you somewhat, haha.

Yeah, I know that people are having fun, but if you look around the whole world and see that there is more evil than good.. So, that's why I say earth is hell..

Yes, it is indian philosophy..

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Old Dood on Jul 12th, 2008 at 11:16pm
Anyone ever hear of Clifford Stone?
He has had many experiences with ETs.

In that 'secret world' they use a term called Heinz 57.
Meaning 57 types/races of ETs that 'we' know about.

I believe we are influenced by ETs.
Our governments, our corporations (the real governments anyways) an so forth.
IF that is true then yes we are influenced at least by beings not of this planet.

I suggest watching some of Clifford Stone's interviews/videos.
You will see he is not a nut job.  He is a very compassionete man.
A very loving man.

Here is one link:

For those with slow connections then here is a transcript.

I do not know anything of this Peggy Kane.  But, that still will not get me to judge her.
Who am I to say what she is speaking about is not real?

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 13th, 2008 at 2:12pm

Old Dood wrote on Jul 12th, 2008 at 11:16pm:
Anyone ever hear of Clifford Stone?
He has had many experiences with ETs.

In that 'secret world' they use a term called Heinz 57.
Meaning 57 types/races of ETs that 'we' know about.

I believe we are influenced by ETs.
Our governments, our corporations (the real governments anyways) an so forth.
IF that is true then yes we are influenced at least by beings not of this planet.

I suggest watching some of Clifford Stone's interviews/videos.
You will see he is not a nut job.  He is a very compassionete man.
A very loving man.

Here is one link:

For those with slow connections then here is a transcript.

I do not know anything of this Peggy Kane.  But, that still will not get me to judge her.
Who am I to say what she is speaking about is not real?

Yeah, I've seen his interviews before done by Project Camelot!! He does seem like a great guy, plus I like how he says straight up that he doesn't have all the answers.. He also, believes he has more questions than answers.. So, he seems like a very legit person to me anyways...  

Hell yeah, we are influenced by alien races, especially the Reptilians..

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by DocM on Jul 13th, 2008 at 9:07pm
Reptor........ I mean Recoverer,
SSSSsssssssssssssssssss..........they are on to us!  Puny will never stop our vast covert conspiracy! Ssssssssssss....Have you not heard that we are here "to serve man?"  
But not in the way you think.  It is a cookbook....Ssssssssssssss...

(Sorry, I couldn't resist, as this was off topic)

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jul 14th, 2008 at 12:56am
 People oft ridicule that which is unknown, and that which they do not completely understand themselves.  It's oft a defense mechanism of sorts.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jul 14th, 2008 at 1:08am

Old Dood wrote on Jul 12th, 2008 at 11:16pm:
Anyone ever hear of Clifford Stone?
He has had many experiences with ETs.

In that 'secret world' they use a term called Heinz 57.
Meaning 57 types/races of ETs that 'we' know about.

I believe we are influenced by ETs.
Our governments, our corporations (the real governments anyways) an so forth.
IF that is true then yes we are influenced at least by beings not of this planet.

I suggest watching some of Clifford Stone's interviews/videos.
You will see he is not a nut job.  He is a very compassionete man.
A very loving man.

Here is one link:

For those with slow connections then here is a transcript.

I do not know anything of this Peggy Kane.  But, that still will not get me to judge her.
Who am I to say what she is speaking about is not real?

 Hi there Old Dude,

 Thanks for sharing that link, I did find Mr. Stone pretty believable and sincere.   I'm wondering if he is one of the ones that Rosiland McKnight's guides refer to when they said that some of these E.T. consciousnesses would directly incarnate in human form to help out with the on going communication and contact process.

 There was another link you shared awhile ago, with another guy, which i didn't find all that believable for various reasons, but mostly due to intuition and feelingness.  I remember one of the things this guy claimed was that nano technolgoy had something to do with something completely different than just super small equipment.  It was a total gaffe and he never corrected himself.  Don't remember his name, but he also had the "feel" of a  practiced story teller.  

But this guy on the other hand, dunno, a lot seems to ring true.  Course, that doesn't mean it isn't mis-info.   The best way to fool people is through half truths, for half truths are worse than whole lies, they can deceive even the Soul.    I'm not implying that this is the case, but that i'm open to that possibility with any of these various "whistle blowers".   Like i said, he strikes me as rather sincere.   I also like how he emphasizes service, connectedness, and doing good for others and living more for others than just the limited self is really important.

Thanks again

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Old Dood on Jul 14th, 2008 at 6:49am
Thanks all.  Justin you are gonna have to be a bit more specific on who the person that talked about nano tech is.
I can't think of who that is right now.
It is early in the AM and I am at work.  Brain is not all that awake now. :)

As for reptilians.  Anyone ever heard of Alex Collier?
Interesting story. Many believe him and many don't.
One of 'those'.

I look at things this way.  Is it 10% true? 25%? 50%? 75%? and so on.
Even with DIS-Information when that happens you are at least getting 'some' truth.
DIS-Information has to have 'some' truth blended in it to be 'believed'. ;)
It is a hassle but, it is worth it to me to try to separate the untruths (I will not say LIES out right because some people are not consciensiously lying) from the truth.

Still it is worth a view and a read.  He seems pretty sincere as well.
Not that sincerity is any 'real guide'.

Alex Collier Link:

Google Video Link: (2:00)

This is a 1994 private interview of Andromedan Contactee Alex Collier, where he reveals very IMPORTANT stuff that we should aware of by now he predicts 9/11, talks about various ET races, the truth not told by our media, the ET presence on Earth, the Reptilian control of our government and institutions, the Greys Agenda,the Orion Group, ETs and history leaders, the truth about our Moon, bases on Mars, The Lyran Wars, cloned world leaders, ETs violating our human rights and mocking how stupid we are, treatees signed with EVIL Alien races, where do missing children go, our planet Earth as a living entity, our TRUE human History, higher planes of existance,on RAISING OUR CONSCIOUSNESS, on our human emotions, on our Apathy, on Time Travel, our POTENTIAL as a united race, and the importance to STOP THE WARS, to JOIN AS A RACE, stop ET induced belief systems to control us like they have been doing for centuries, the Staging planned to deceive us, and that we HAVE TO begin TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR OURSELVES AS A RACE and our ascension to the 4th Density or Dimension, "Earth´s Dilemma" and our government SELLING US as a race for GREED and Technology to an Elite ...I hope it is not necessary to say this is TRUE

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Old Dood on Jul 14th, 2008 at 9:47am
About 45 minutes into that last video I posted you will hear more directly about the different Races and their 'class system'.

Draconians are not nice AT ALL!
Pay attention to that part of the video if you want to lear more about this.

I believe Alex is more 'correct' then 'wrong'.

Very fascinating video....

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by DocM on Jul 14th, 2008 at 12:11pm
I meant to inject some levity, without hurting any individual.  Clearly some do not "get" my sense of humor.  However, the problem I have with the reptilian theories are that it is often a fear based system, of control by something far more evolved or powerful than we are.  

It is hard to have it both ways.  When we talk of God and the universe, heavens and hells, now throw repitilians into the picture......

Certain concepts appear far fetched to my rational side.  The categorization of 57 alien species with detailed descriptions?  Come on.  I believe in live in our and other universes, but that strains the sniff test.  

Either we are spiritual beings (mind) manifest in the physical with free will, or we are not.  If not, the cosmology must be changed to include reptilians and aliens into the mix.  


Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 14th, 2008 at 2:25pm
Well, "Beam me up Scotty".  The reptilians are nothing more than a Beingness  spending a physical life experience in that body type. They are no different than you or I. This whole ego thing....we are better than them. Or..They are out to change or in-trap us. What dung. Perhaps they are thinking the same thing. That we are out to in trap them! Cross my physical reality's heart, they are not out to get you. I promise! No more that we are out to in trap them. (They are simply attracted by our limitless spiritual growth potential.) In fact, I think they are a little in "Awe" of us. At least my reptilians have little interest in eating babies or governing bankrupt nations. Mine seem more interested in my growth. Perhaps I can introduce mine to yours. Or you can send yours over to see me and I will be most happy to set them on the right path on this whole baby eating thing that yours are doing. Eating babies here on earth just aint cool!  

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Old Dood on Jul 14th, 2008 at 6:18pm

DocM wrote on Jul 14th, 2008 at 12:11pm:
I meant to inject some levity, without hurting any individual.  Clearly some do not "get" my sense of humor.  However, the problem I have with the reptilian theories are that it is often a fear based system, of control by something far more evolved or powerful than we are.  

It is hard to have it both ways.  When we talk of God and the universe, heavens and hells, now throw repitilians into the picture......

Certain concepts appear far fetched to my rational side.  The categorization of 57 alien species with detailed descriptions?  Come on.  I believe in live in our and other universes, but that strains the sniff test.  
Either we are spiritual beings (mind) manifest in the physical with free will, or we are not.  If not, the cosmology must be changed to include reptilians and aliens into the mix.  


What 'Sniff Test'?  The Humans from EARTH Sniff Test?
The 3 Dimensional Thinking Sniff Test?
Then I will agree. I will agree based on 3D thinking...but, is that all there is? Linear thinking is not enough.
One must think outside of their 3D thinking in order to 'try' to make any sense out of it.
We have been manipulated here on Earth.
From many species.  Our DNA has been manipulated as well.
Why do you think there is NO Missing Link? Scientists cannot find one.
Because our physical bodies have been tampered with over not just thousands of years but hundreds of thousands of years.

A lot of these 'beings' can not only live in the 3rd, but in the 4th, and even 5th dimensions. Even higher then that.
How can we even begin to ask questions if we cannot even understand these 'higher dimensions'?
How can we be so arrogant to think that there is not at least 57 different kinds of life forms in the 'known universe'?
The universe is much much bigger then it's 'physical size'.
It goes way beyond that.

I believe Alex Collier is on the right track.  Is he 100% correct?
I do not know. I doubt it.  However, I believe he is more 'right' then 'wrong'.

Matthew....did you even watch that video? Or did you dismiss it out right?
Was your mind made up before this thread was even started about this topic?
Just asking that is all. (I am not taking a shot at you)
I used to do that a lot myself. THEN I started to listen and more importantly...I started asking questions.
It is about the correct questions more so then any answer.
Why? Because if we do not learn to ask the correct questions then we will never find the answers.

Here is another video link.  
David Icke.
I can hear people groan already.  I can sense people have already figured out what this video is about.
Is that more arrogance?  Is that just EGO doing the thinking?

I have watched only half of it so far and what I have heard fits with today's world.
Pretty dead on in my opinion. far out of this 2:53:42 video that I have only watched 1:29:25 of it....AND
I haven't heard ONE word about aliens of any kind.

David Icke - Big Brother, the Big Picture (July 6th 2008)
Google Video Link:

We are being warned.  No one can say: " Why is this happening to us...?"

Are we 'willing to listen'? Are we willing to put our EGOs aside and take heed?
OR...are we going to do what we mostly do.
Go back to Apathy...
I know this much...'Apathy Breeds Slavery'.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 14th, 2008 at 6:42pm
I watched it Dude. Interesting all right, but I still don't understand why the paranoia is so important. Not one of these so called aliens are here to hurt us. And the other thing is, why the # 57. You know there are many more of us than just those few mentioned. Do you ever recall being hurt in any way by any of us aliens? (Except perhaps the ones who come into the country, work for $5.00 per hour and steal your job that is.) The fact is that when we go on our travels during exploration, we ARE the aliens. Why do you think so many are in wonderment when we show up at the learning or planing centers. To name a few places we go. Now we are the strange ones. Having a body yet still being able to exist without it and in the other plains. We are aliens. If we went to a planet of cows, we would be eating them and their babies. (veal) Well, some of us would be anyways. Think about it Dude. I know I am an alien when I do my exploration to other places and planets. I hope not everyone I meet is afraid of me and paranoid that I have come to their little place in the universe.

(By the way..... you do know what a "dude" is don't you. lol )

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Old Dood on Jul 14th, 2008 at 7:17pm
I never said ANYthing about paranoia.
Do not put words in my mouth...thank you very much!

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jul 14th, 2008 at 11:02pm

hawkeye wrote on Jul 14th, 2008 at 6:42pm:
I watched it Dude. Interesting all right, but I still don't understand why the paranoia is so important. Not one of these so called aliens are here to hurt us.

 Hi Joe,

 I agree with you, there is too much paranoia and fear in certain E.T. focussed circles.   I've mentioned many times that i'm not a fan of and disagree with a lot of info from guys like Icke.  

 However, i don't understand why you keep proclaiming that there are no E.T.'s with harmful or hurtful intentions who are involved with us?  

 Do you know this for a fact?   Why is that reputable sources like Rosiland McKnight's guides (and the E.T.'s she met) and Bob Monroe mention that there are indeed some groups who would do us harm or mislead us?

 What you keep proclaiming, is kind of like saying, "well there are no humans out there that would do any other human harm, mislead, etc." Maybe it is good to be aware in a detached and non fearful way, that yes there are folks out there that do do things like serial kill, rape, molest, con, steal, etc.  

Maybe it is not so good to be actively and emotionally afraid of that possibility and people who do stuff like that.  Fear is pretty pointless, but repression of the shadow side to reality isn't particularly helpful either.  I would rather know and recognize the Whole truth, rather than just half of it..

 Maybe it's similar to the human analogy?    Personally i believe that for now we are protected from direct physical harm by and conflict with unfriendly beings, by beings and energies more intune, aware, and loving than both us humans and any unfriendly E.T.'s.

 But i'm not going to go around and tell people as if i know for a fact, no questions asked that there are no E.T. groups out there who would do us harm if they were allowed too.      I don't even know for a fact, no questions asked, that there are unfriendly beings out there even though my own dreams, guidance, and sources that i find very trustworthy like Rosiland and Monroe say there are.   But since there is more suggestive data for that possibility, well i will definitely mention the possibility.. or maybe even go so far as to say it's a probability.

 Btw, i believe this is a much more immediately knowable subject than the true and full nature of God, hence why i'm debating it a little.  Actually, i'm not trying to convince you personally, but speaking more to folks who maybe more on the fence and open minded about this subject.    

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by recoverer on Jul 15th, 2008 at 12:12pm
I echo everything Justin just wrote. I'd like to add that the three sources I trust the most about ETs; Mcknight, Monroe and Howard Storm through his book "My Descent into Death," none of them get into identifying who precisely various ET groups are.  Perhaps they want to keep a distance from the names used by those sources who overplay the fear and conspiracy game.

Besides Peggy Kane, I believe David Icke might be a part of this crowd. I haven't read a lot of him, but I noticed that he goes way over board with the demonization business and accuses a lot of people of being lizards.  A couple of things really stand out about him. On the one hand he wrote that the person of Jesus Christ never existed. On the other hand he wrote that Jesus didn't die on the cross, instead a drug was given to him so he would pass out and appear dead. Later somebody came around to help him off of the cross. I find both stories preposterous, even without considering how Icke completely contradicts himself by saying two stories that don't blend no matter how far one chooses to stretch one's imagination during a feeble attempt to defend him. To defend such a blatant contradiction is to demonstrate a lack of discriminitive thinking.

Regarding people who believe there is no personal benefit for David Icke to do what he does, it is important to remember that a lot of people become cult leaders not because they expect the whole World to accept them but because they want their followers to put them up on a pedestal as David Icke's followers do.  He probably also rakes in a lot of money.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 15th, 2008 at 1:36pm
Sorry Dude, I am the one who mentioned paranoia, not you. My concern is with "the" paranoia. Fear is a way of entrapment. Fear of death, going to hell, breaking the law, aliens, just to name a few. Its the fear or paranoia that I personally think is not good. I do not attack you. I attack the fear that people like Ike push and sell.
Now as far as these lizards go, yes, if you allow yourself to exist in fear they could effect you adversely. As I personally do not allow it, I experience no possible effect from them. Its as simple as..if you tell yourself that you are week..over and over after day.. guess what, you will be week. If you tell yourself that these reptilians can have an averse effect upon you and your disk group, and you truly believe it, well your in trouble my friend. Anyone can allow themselves to be effected. I feel no need or desire to be weakened by a group of these gecko want to Be's.
I sure can't speak for you or You or Justen or anybody else for that matter. Just because I believe in something doesnt make it reality, in your world. I don't expect it to. But if your on a course of destruction by pushing a reptilian power agenda, then you will find me and others of my disk group discounting what you say. I will never agree or except that reptilians have any power or control over any of us unless we allow them to.
Not that I am saying that you are pushing this agenda. I think someone has convinced you that these reptilians have such power and for some unknown reason to me, you have excepted this control.(along with tens of thousands of others)
With that all said, I apologize for rubbing you the wrong way. Please except my sincerest apologies.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by recoverer on Jul 15th, 2008 at 1:37pm
Something else occurred to me when it comes to David Icke claiming that Jesus was drugged so it would appear that he was dead. DON'T PASSED OUT PEOPLE CONTINUE TO BREATH? Didn't at least one person say, "He's not dead, he's still breathing. I can see his chest moving."

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:00pm
Hi Justin, You ask if I know that there is no need to fear a reptilian agenda. Well yes, I can say just that. I have no fear what so ever of a reptilian agenda that could adversely effect me here on earth or anywhere else. Now, I know  you didn't say reptilians but you said ET's. I believe that there are many different species within physical life reality. A number if ET's. may well be attempting to mislead us. Our weakness could offer them power. I am not worried about it though. I don't feel there is any need for concern about them. I too have read Bob's books, Moen's, and McKnights. None of them have said to "look out!"  There not being paranoid at all about it. Nor do I think any of us should be. But I am only me. I have never written a best seller, started an exploration group, sold millions of dollars worth of tapes and Cd's. But I do know me, and a lot of thanks goes out to these three people mentioned here. Without their encouragement and PUL, I most likely would have been still a scared, entrapped, closed up little soul. I didn't come out of my box by being afraid of the reptilians.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:30pm
Just a bit more here...In all the books I have read, and there's not all that many, there have many different ideas and attempts to have me make my mine up to what is truth. You will never find Bob, Bruce, or Rosalyn trying to win you over to their side. And never by using fear. All three tell you to make up your own mind. Use your own judgment. Be true onto yourself. Any book that uses fear as their means to get you to do what they want, including the most famous book of all, the Bible, has no meaning to me. Don't be confused about my love of "God" or my belief of "God". There is no larger source of PUL than my God. That's why when I read these three people I know their words to be true. Spirit tells me so.  

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by recoverer on Jul 15th, 2008 at 3:24pm

Briggs wrote: "Nice reply back.. I'm glad you didn't take offense or slander me.. You made some valid points.. Yes, I don't let my beliefs in reptilians frighten me or take me to a negative mind set... It use to be that way, but now I am no longer afraid of them.. Because it's true we are infinite love and consciousness.. We technically are all one and from the same source obviously, so were all in this together..

Also, David Icke is not my shepherd and neither is any other teacher that I listen too.. I am my own shepherd.. I just take what people have to say and sort out the truth and the trash... I don't believe in David Icke's beliefs about Jesus not existing.. Jesus did exist!!!! He did die on the cross... Not for our sins though that is ignorant to believe that.. I follow no religion or organization of anything..

Recoverer responds: Kind of ironical that you mention "slander" because David Icke has slandered quite a few people.

If a person can be as "wrong" as Icke is about Jesus, I don't see why there would be any reason to believe him about anything. What if a person walked right up to you and "Intentionally" told you a lie in order to deceive you? Are you going to consider this person trustworthy because he or she has some political views that match your views?

I believe that a part of what David Icke does is prey on people with similar political views. He knows that if you can hook a person with an issue that is emotionally charged, you'll have a good chance of bringing he or she into your way of thinking. Once a person decides that somebody is some kind of hero, it is can be hard for such a person to completely let go of some depedency on the way of thinking such a supposed hero represents.

Are you certain about Jesus not dying for our sins?  Because a lot of people have been inspired by him in a positive way, they lived their lives in a manner where they didn't end up in a lower realm after death.  The sacrifice he made when he willingly allowed himself to be crucified has been important to many people throughout the years. Therefore, perhaps it was a matter of his dying for sins that might've been.

When thought of in the conventional way, perhaps the story of Adam and Eve represents when souls who become human seperated from God (not completely, never completely). Jesus was the first person to reconnect with God completely.  After he found the way he was able to share it with others. His crucifixion and resurection were symbolic representations of his dying of his smaller self so he could become his true self. Not an easy thing to do while in the flesh even though many people have claimed to do so. Since you follow Vedanta you might believe that Vedanta provides the way. I was a follower of Vedanta for years before I discovered that is has some shortcomings. Shortcomings that can't be discovered unless a person is willing to seriously question Vedantic principles.  

When I started to receive spirit guidance from Christ it became more clear to me that there is more to returning to God than Vedantic teachings present.  There is also much more to it than simply becoming pure awareness again. If you think it's a bit much for me to suggest that I receive spirit guidance from Christ, all I can say is that I'm not the only person he helps. The feeling I get is that he helps many people in different ways according to need.  Some people speak of Christ as if he is in some form of retirement. This viewpoint sure doesn't go along with what has been presented to me.


Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jul 16th, 2008 at 11:48am
 Joe, later on you say the below..

hawkeye wrote on Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:00pm:
Hi I believe that there are many different species within physical life reality. A number if ET's. may well be attempting to mislead us. Our weakness could offer them power.  

...But first and before that you say this,

Not one of these so called aliens are here to hurt us.

 So which one is it, as there seems to be a noticeable difference between your statements?

Also, you keep mentioning fear, fear, fear, and how we shouldn't be afraid of any Reptilians or E.T.'s.   I completely agree with you, and i've said similar all along.   But is there not a difference between "fear" and simple "awareness" of the whole pie?  

 According to my wifes dreams and Rosiland's guides and her viewing of the probable future timeline for Earth, come the year 2500 or so, there is a probable direct confrontation and conflict between us and the (hopefully temporally) not so positive E.T.'s.   And i really wouldn't be surprised if that group was the "reptilians", though i don't know for a fact either way.  

  My wife has also had dreams about reptilians (or at least one), and in the dream it is noted that they are apparently allowed to try to psychically influence people and do do that if the person isn't strong or loving enough, or doesn't call on higher forces to intervene.    Sometimes, you gotta ask for help from the right sources...

 Interestingly, my wife has read nothing about reptilians, and we have talked very little about reptilians all in all.  

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Stjerneeksplosjon on Jul 16th, 2008 at 3:57pm

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 12th, 2008 at 12:28pm:

Starboom wrote on Jul 12th, 2008 at 4:58am:
Vedanta..isn't that Indian in origin? Unless I'm thinking of something else.

Just one thing: I don't think it's right to call Earth hell. Remember that there are many people that are having a blast living down here. Of course, if everyone was like me, I'd agree with you somewhat, haha.

Yeah, I know that people are having fun, but if you look around the whole world and see that there is more evil than good.. So, that's why I say earth is hell..

Yes, it is indian philosophy..

Well, even in my deepest troubled states of mind, I try and see the glass as half-full. :)

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by recoverer on Jul 16th, 2008 at 5:33pm
I must add that on the two occasions I saw a reptilian like being I don't know if they are the reptilians people speak about. Whatever the case, I believe our fate is up to us. If we decide to be wise and loving, we'll be okay.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 17th, 2008 at 3:17pm
Mislead us, does not necessarily mean to hurt us. Misleading can also have the result of moving us into a direction that we need not to go. Perhaps lead us astray. Fear is a emotion that in all reality is not necessary or needed as we don't die. (Fear=panic or distress caused by exposure to danger or expectation of pain) Communication with others already dead and/or with other species, and aliens, most often come as NVC. Most time NVC is not easy to figure out unless you are will versed in it and have taken the time and effort to communicate with one source to "get the communication down". Once you change sources, the NVC  may be needed to be figured out again. Now for me, I hope I am much further along my personal path that I won't be to worried about 2500. I need to get through 2012 first.(lol) Perhaps I can help better from the other side by then. I take it you have chosen to be here at that time already, and will be allowing an alien species to have an effect on your or your wife's disk group. As you know, the choice is yours. This dream you wife the effect from the reptilian positive or negative. Is the reptilian trying to assist her in increasing her love level. I am just not sure what you mean in what you wrote. If they are trying to induce a stronger love or make people stronger in some way, is that negative? Perhaps I am confused in what you say also.  
So yes, I have no fear of these reptilians...but  it could be correct that there could be reason for, or a concern about, the possibility of being mislead by some alien species in about 475 years. (Not necessary reptilian.)

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:01pm

recoverer wrote on Jul 16th, 2008 at 5:33pm:
I must add that on the two occasions I saw a reptilian like being I don't know if they are the reptilians people speak about. Whatever the case, I believe our fate is up to us. If we decide to be wise and loving, we'll be okay.

 Yup, i agree, it's essentially a freewill thing, but you of all people know that sometimes loving and well intentioned folks get mislead by not so positive sources and there is suffering involved.   Sometimes it can take a lot to "wake up" again.  

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:18pm
I know I said , I don't agree with David Icke about Jesus.. I believe Jesus did exist and he did die on the cross.. David Icke is not my hero, or guru.. He is just a man that helps me see the truth..

peace n' love

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:38pm

hawkeye wrote on Jul 17th, 2008 at 3:17pm:
This dream you wife the effect from the reptilian positive or negative. Is the reptilian trying to assist her in increasing her love level. I am just not sure what you mean in what you wrote. If they are trying to induce a stronger love or make people stronger in some way, is that negative? Perhaps I am confused in what you say also.

 You seemed to have really misunderstood part of my other post.  In any case, re: my wife's dream, the Reptilian in the dream was very unloving, manipulative, and predatory in nature.   I believe the dream was part symbolic and part more literal in nature.  I also know someone who saw a Reptillian in physical, while fully conscious, and is not the kind of person to make something like this up.   They were very bothered by the vibe of this being.   Fortunately, as i've mentioned, other beings more aware and powerful than these, look out for us, and don't allow direct physical harm (at least until 2500).

So yes, I have no fear of these reptilians...but  it could be correct that there could be reason for, or a concern about, the possibility of being mislead by some alien species in about 475 years. (Not necessary reptilian.)

 Yes, why should any of us be afraid of something that may happen in 500 years, that really wasn't the point i was trying to make.   If these unfriendly E.T.'s weren't something to be aware of, i doubt Rosiland's guidance whom i sense are very loving and aware consciousnesses, would not have even mentioned them to begin with.  

I feel there is a deeper purpose for them disseminating that info to begin with, and NOT to make people afraid, but to make people (and maybe some individuals more so than others) aware of such influences in the ELS.  

 Or, as my wife's dream seemed to indicate, they (Reptilians) are apparently allowed to psychically influence people in negative ways NOW, IF the person involved is not attuning enough to love, is unbalanced, and/or isn't seeking direction and help from more purely Creative and helpful sources.  

 If a person is being influenced by same, chances are they are quite unconscious to it to begin with, and things will only change if they decide to start consciously and purposely asking for help from very loving and evolved sources, and/or start to become more balanced and/or more loving and spiritually centered themselves.   Quite a few people think they are more loving and evolved than they really are.

Again, nothing to be "afraid" of, but something to be aware of, there is a difference, and it would be well that people understood and were aware that there are powerful forces out there that would mislead and thus harm through their negative misleading and influencing.  

 It would be well that when people go into meditation or various altered state activities that they ask for help and guidance from consciousnesses who are purely Creative, helpful, and PUL attuned in nature.    Certainly not Monroe's overly open ended, "as advanced or more than me" stuff--i don't know what the guy was thinking when he came up with that.  

And not in a fearful way, as in expecting something negative to happen or some kind of battle or what not, but just in a conscious, appreciative way, and seeking to open self to the highest possible influences so that self can be the clearest and most effective channel of blessings to others (and all Creation).  

 Personally, i don't look at the Reptillians, or any being or any group of beings as "enemies".   I know we are all part of Source and one another, no matter how far or how long some stray.   I love them and wish them well.  Nor am i afraid of them.  But i certainly don' t want to be consciously or unconsciously influenced by them, nor do i want any others to be either.  

 Again, i believe Rosiland's guidance mentioned the unfriendly E.T.'s for a deeper reason, and that some people who would come upon her material, would need to know more consciously about this group or groups.   Maybe it would be part of their path, to counter balance such influences or what not?   To even begin to deal with things like this, you first have to be conscious of them in the first place.  

Repressing the shadow side of reality in particular, oft leads to issues and imbalances that block spiritual growth in the long run.   And spiritual growth is the name of the game for everyone, isn't it?   Anything that misdirects and misleads from same, could be considered "harmful" in nature.  

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Old Dood on Jul 18th, 2008 at 7:34am
Getting back to the 'Missing Link' of Pre-Humans.

There isn't one.  Why? Why can't Scientists find this so-called Missing Link?

Here is a Google Video that explains just that.

Lloyd Pye - Everything you Know is Wrong - 118 min - Apr 23, 2008

Lloyd Pye is an author, researcher, and lecturer in the field of alternative knowledge. He calls on over 30 years of experience to write and speak about the origins of life, human origins, Hominoids (bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti, and others), and the work of Zechara Sitchin. This broad base of knowledge makes him one of the world's leading proponents of the Intervention Theory of origins, which stands in sharp contrast to Darwinism, Creationism, and Intelligent Design. His classic book about these subjects, Everything You Know Is Wrong -- Origins of Life and Humans, has been fully revised and updated as of July, 2007, and will be available from bookstores or directly from More information about Lloyd and his books can be found at

Google Video Link:

This is very interesting and Eye Opening for those with an Open Mind.

EDIT: Anyone ever really 'wondered' what the scripture means when it says :"The Sons of God and the Daughter's of Men"?
I believe this answers this...Better then anything else I have heard.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by hawkeye on Jul 18th, 2008 at 1:09pm
Very interesting Justin, How cool to see one in Real Time, so to speak.
I missed the predatory part in the story about your wife. Being aware of any ET's is important in itself. Many don't get that there is "contact" at this point already. I sure don't mind being watched over by those wanting the best for my disk group. That of course includes myself watching over me.
I also agree that even the reptilians come from source and therefor are a part of the big picture. There may well be concerns with a reptilian force at some point, I just don't personally see now as being that time or a part of my needed lessons. Perhaps some 450 years in the future will be different. When I spoke to Rosalyn last time she mentioned that she has a large amount of tapes of her sessions with Bob Monroe that she has never revisited. I think I had mentioned it before to you. There could be more insight within those tapes but she also said that she didn't feel the need to review then all. I hope they go to a good place. Another book would be great. Now there is a soul that you can just feel the PUL when you are near her.
I wouldn't want to see anybody's spiritual growth being blocked by the influence of a reptilian agenda that they needn't be concerned about or not even exist. But for some of us, these may be the lessons for our existence here on this little blue marble. Or ones we may soon have. I wonder what physical influences she, Rosalyn, spoke of were? Cancer, being born crippled, making hair fall out, (like me these days). Some physical problems can be important to have, in order to move ahead spiritually. And being aware of "everything" is not all that important to me. Some lessons are learned best when they are not expected.
And Briggs, If Mr Ike is providing you with what you need then its all good. I don't believe in the whole baby eating thing, or the Jesus thing, but are there breeding agendas,? Yes, that's why royals marry royals. The whole Blue Blood thing. Not sure how Bush fits in but...I think it has more to do with politics than lizards. I think that in days gone past, certain families ruled countries. It was better to marry someone in power so as to join forces or to extend influences. That's why I think there is the whole marrying from within.
Of course the only other thing is that I sure don't know everything and you can be sure that I have many lessons to learn. I am sure of that. One lession I have got is that extending love is far more important that fear. I will stick to love. I will leave the fear up to others. And on that's a bit for All of you, including Mr Ike.(and the reptilians of course.)

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Old Dood on Jul 18th, 2008 at 3:03pm
I myself do not know about which 'exact' ETs that have been influencing us but, I am 99% certain that we have been influenced by ETs.

That video I posted in my last post is very very good.
It is scientific and logical.
I do not want to give it away.
That is why I believe it is worth the time to view it.
Yes, it is 2 hours long but, once again it is a lecture.
A pretty detailed one at that.
It is also very current.  It is from April of 2008.

This to me at least 'explains' what has happened in our 'history' that never seems to be discussed.
Or...people simply never 'wants' to discuss it.
It would embarrass to many people.

No different then back when Galileo was showing his 'revolutionary' ideas. ;)
People THEN did not 'want' to discuss it.
They were even a bit more nasty about it too.
You could lose your life for such 'ideas'.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by spooky2 on Jul 18th, 2008 at 9:22pm
About Lloyd Pye, his theory and critics of his theory at wikipedia:


Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Old Dood on Jul 18th, 2008 at 9:56pm must remember that Wikipedia is not the most reliable resource out there.

Very controled and heavily edited.

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by briggs5534 on Jul 19th, 2008 at 2:36pm

Old Dood wrote on Jul 18th, 2008 at 9:56pm: must remember that Wikipedia is not the most reliable resource out there.

Very controled and heavily edited.

That's for damn sure!!!

peace n' love

Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by spooky2 on Jul 19th, 2008 at 7:42pm
Yes, wikipedia is not like our good old printed encyclopedias. On the other hand, is Lloyd Pye "the most reliable resource"? If I would earnestly ponder to follow Lloyd Pye's theories, I would follow the hints I found on wikipedia and recherche them further.  

What about the high degree of similarity in the genom of humans and all other "higher" mammal animals?
And, I can't see such a large evolutional gap in the findings of human anchestors' sceletons that I would worry much about a "missing link". We simply have a very little amount of such material, as we talk about a relatively (in comparison to the dinosaurs, for example) very brief period of time, and a small population. Under these circumstances it's to be expected not to have found yet remains of every evolutionary micro-step. It's probable that some more interesting findings will be made sometime in the future. Maybe even of a very tall humanoid species, as I've heard some big old teeth found in China are pointing to this. I can't see an indication for an alien breeding process.


Title: Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Post by Stjerneeksplosjon on Jul 20th, 2008 at 6:46am
Good words, Spooky!

I just saw the whole film, and I must admit that it was worth it. The theory is "way out there", but many things he say makes sense. I recommend it to everyone here. But again, I also agree with Spooky in his latest post. The theory of evolution as it stands now is very sound. The gaps get smaller each year, to the agony of creationists, and we find out more and more about the past (I'd like to counter that with something near the end of the video, but I don't want to spoil anything).

Wikipedia is "controlled" for the simple reason that otherwise it would be completely useless. It's a fantastic site, with links that provide verification, but of course it is also a product of the mainstream thoughtpool, it reflects the times we live in. As it must be, really. Much better that than hateful and in-denial sites like Conservapedia.

Anyway, I think the mainstream scientific community is too rigid at times, and they are also wrong in some things, I'm certain. The fringe science is of course wrong MOST of the time, but some times a theory is put forth which should be taken more seriously. Lloyd Pye's just might be one of them.

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