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Message started by betson on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 12:14pm

Title: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence and D
Post by betson on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 12:14pm
AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence and Disk Family members ---

It's been mentionned before that discussions here by more experienced spiritual explorers can open doorways for others to have more experiences. This happened to me last night so I thought I'd share it and invite any other updates on FL residences and disk families. Many thanks to blink's recent thread! :D

Twice last night I awoke slowly while in a discussion with somone whose face I could clearly see briefly. The first time it was a man, the second, a woman. While waking there was also a tingle in an area of my brain not usually used--? ::) I tried to keep that sensation in order to keep the reception clear -- As Bruce says, remember where you were when things like this happen so that you can go back. The first time the man was saying they could substitute line #--- for line # ---. When I did try to go back, a woman looked startled, but recovered and said she was one of six such contacts. I assume she was from my Disk Family. I've met three others before but not these two.

Then I thought about my disk family and fell into a memory about a couple in a pleasant one story house that had several deep bays or pop-outs areas with lots of windows. The house was like a town house, attached on its sides to other houses, eight of them in a square with an inner shared courtyard. Also they had atriums and a patio separated from the courtyard by trellises--lots of places with plants! (I recall looking in C1 for such a place when we relocated, and being disappointed that none were available here.)
This place was much more urban than the isolated cabin I've been building on FL 27.

My question is  have you seen residences other than any you've started ?
If we consider our minds as having receptors for communication from our spiritual contacts, have you overheard mysterious conversations that would fit that theory, that they are from spiritual contacts rather than just blather?



Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by blink on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 4:23pm
A tingle in an area of your brain that is not usually used? Where, Bets?

Sometimes I get waves of sensations in different areas of the body during meditation, kind of a sparkling feeling. Feels like some kind of "good thing" is happening.

Another marvelous dream you have posted. I would focus on "verifying" the "places" concerned except that it doesn't sound like you really need verification. Are you going back? It would be really interesting to hear more.

I like the place you described. It's interesting how the courtyard connected all the "units" there.

That "connectedness" reminds me of the rambling house I've visited a few times, where additions are always continuing, and other people seem to be coming and going. Mine still had a "wilderness" area behind it, last time I was there. The rambling house is the only place I have ever recognized as "mine" in my dreams. And yet, I don't actually seem to spend a lot of "time" there.

Hmmmmn, I wonder what it looks like now?

It's funny about the plants everywhere around your courtyard! I'm glad it was so pretty!

love, blink

Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 9:55pm
hi Bets: you asked: If we consider our minds as having receptors for communication from our spiritual contacts, have you overheard mysterious conversations that would fit that theory, that they are from spiritual contacts rather than just blather?  

yes. pretty frequently. It's not just blather.

I was confused a little because I don't think of spiritual contacts as spirits, but as nonphysical folks.
because even though we are physical and they are nonphysical, we are all just folks, if that makes any sense.

let's see...places..seen the nonphysical TMI. never been there in person though, but there are levels everything is replicated by our minds, our likes and dislikes figure in there. it can be as solid as we wish to the touch. we are basically able to build with our minds on the other side but usually a teacher helps to train you to build with your mind.

I once saw an ancient school made of cement and stone, high ceilings, a vast auditorium was filled with young people listening to a lecturer. towards the front about 10 or so rows back, I spotted my twin girls, now women. I had asked about their soul placement in the scheme of things. I took it to mean they were doing well if they attended this ancient school of life and were towards the front. I was told this school is on the other side.

Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by tgecks on Jul 4th, 2008 at 10:42am
At Exploration 27 at Monroe, one of our tasks was to explore the Education Center. It is the very large white columned building on The Park on (Monroe Speak) Focus 27.

I was delighted to see that my guide for the exploration was my partner, who had passed away almost a year earlier from lung cancer, and who I had interacted with during my Lifelines program (who am I kidding--- retreiving her is why I went to Lifelines). She had been on 27 at the Healing Center for many earth months.

Anyhow, she was my guide for this journey, and I was very glad/sad to "see" her. It was very real. We entered teh building and she showed me my carrel, and the Book of My Life. It was like a Harry Potter book, with each page filled with animated figures and writing. And then we went to the learning area. She took me in to a lecture hall which was vast, filled with many thousands of people listening to a speaker WAAAAy down at the front. Janice said, "Come one, I want to introduce you to the speaker."

We went down front, and she touched the speaker on his shoulder, and he turned around. It was ME! And then she touched the other speaker on her shoulder, and she turned around, and it was Janice.

I guess it had never occured to me that perhaps we exist simultaneously in many places, and even at our disk/monad. But like Jesus said, "Why are you so amazed? What I am, you are. What I can do, you can do. This and more shall you do, for have I not told you, 'You are Gods?'"

It is like Highest Self (which I call HS, also for Holy Spirit a la Course in Miracles) is ALWAYS there. Whenever I ask, "Are you there?" HS replies, "Always."

Bob Monroe called them "The Executive Committee" or EXCOM, and Rosie MacKnight found they were present as her guides on every journey, even when she could not "see" them she knew they were there.

So who is it? All of it is YOU, Who else could it be?


Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by hawkeye on Jul 4th, 2008 at 1:34pm
I haven't experienced Exploration 27 at TMI as of yet but have been to "TMI There" on at least two occasions that I can recall. Both times working along side of others. On one occasion I recall our bringing ourselves into a com en focus as we chanted together in harmony and then off to the center of the earth to focus on our grounding energy. Everyone I saw when I was there, when I was there, I new well and intimately. Friends, bonded by love. When I arrived Penny was there and I recall thinking that it was at her request we gathered. This was right at the time of Laurie's death. I remember little else of the eventexcept the chanting and the feeling of the love energy.
The other time I recall communication with my group I was a a theater and we were going over lifetimes and lessons. The place was full of at least a hundred strong. As we talked about the lives we started to watch a movie of life expearences . (The best way for me to describe it) At that point the collective group noticed that I was experiencing a sort of C1. I was told I would have the oppertunity to read it and was given a book. That was the last I remember of it. I had clicked out. I know there are a number of other times that during altered states I have had communication but this is what seems to be necessary to write down at this point.

Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by betson on Jul 4th, 2008 at 2:20pm
Greetings  :D

These are neat experiences you all have had !  
I didn't know it could happen this way!

Blink, it seems to be activated in the upper left sort of forward area for me. Nothing elese has perked that area before   :D


Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by spooky2 on Jul 4th, 2008 at 9:15pm
Hi Bets,
I've seen a building somewhere in the nonphysical which seemed to be built to disprove gravity:

I met someone in the building, I did not recognize who it was, but I had the feeling I have a relationship of a sort with this person.


Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 4th, 2008 at 9:32pm
Thomas said: I guess it had never occured to me that perhaps we exist simultaneously in many places, and even at our disk/monad. But like Jesus said, "Why are you so amazed? What I am, you are. What I can do, you can do. This and more shall you do, for have I not told you, 'You are Gods?'"

I found if I go to just a slight shift, a slight focus on a person, or a PE, a person will say they saw me. then this happened to GP here, before it did me. that his friends would say, I saw you in my dream.
then, same with me, and GP would say "I don't remember, but I get this all the time, so I know I'm out there. only because it's verified by another.

still you would be needing to find the link, or the intention, or why you would make the connection to them, and it's because you were thinking about them in intensity, or altered state, we could say, that in most cases, you hold a piece of their puzzle, and want to deliver, or have that intention.
so the thought form, aspect of yourself, can take your form in the circumstance, and we can say we are then in two places.

however, Bruce reports being in 4 or more places when he's with his class group assisting them in an exploration. and they would report seeing him there. Now Dude reports splitting himself up lately.

my personal example, a few years back. a spontaneous thing, is there any other kind?
a young astral traveler began to tell us of his journeys here. I remembered a particular piece of info I had read about projecting. I got excited that I could help him with this bit of data.
we had formed a relationship and he had done his first retrieval spontaneously by coming here and participating with us in discussion.
so the same day (he was in England) when I emailed him privately, he said he picked up an image of me, that day, and opened then his pm and there I was with the email.
so if there is image, form, identity is ascertained, it goes a bit further than mere intuition, as I think the emotion behind such things, I really really liked this young man, so it was PUL, I think the PUL,
this will cause us to project more than one of us out there.

I have many stories too, I'm sure we all do, where it's just a bit more going on then mental telepathy but we still don't have scientific data on how we can split ourselves up, but it may be we are One
vast connected entity, within this collective astral/mental field of energy, we co-mingle.

very good drawing Spooky, and I see we have someone who is scientific as well spiritual on board!
I think I go to classes at night and study energy, polarity, and stuff I do not study here in C1, I am very interested in anti-gravity, or to disprove gravity..levitation?

Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by betson on Jul 5th, 2008 at 11:02am
You add such a wealth of experience and such a fine way of explaining it-- thank you!

Spooky, your 'building' is fascinating!   Do you know how it works?
Were you in it ?
At first i thought, 'Oh dear, Spooky, gravity is a result of centrifugal force -- a spinning object  (earth and perhaps our subtle bodies within each human body?)  in a large rotation. That's what my husband taught me while using his centrifugal casting machine for lost wax silver casting.  :-?  So one can't stop gravity unless one stops our planet revolving around the sun!'
But then for some reason I look harder at the point that holds up the upright part. It is balancing that heavier half-sphere and so would be sensitive to Earth's spin or could even spin the top part itself ?
And it is on Earth, I assume, because the horizon line is very definite, not like on a focus level where everything floats anyway.
In the Golden Compass they are saying that light and gravity are closely related. So
Does the flat upright part do something to light and instead of casting a shadow, it creates a gravity-free zone?    
Without light and gravity, would it then create a black hole?

It's funny that when I started this I thought I had a little bit to share, but you all have shown it's always about learning much more!

Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by spooky2 on Jul 5th, 2008 at 8:49pm
Anti-gravity for certain would be great thing (if we could control it, otherwise we might get some problems  ;) ). I must admit, I'm a bit pessimistic that we could achieve this technique in the physical. On the other hand, I had some vivid dreams, thinking (during the dream) this IS in the physical, where I floated upwards and flew around, and people looking at me with big eyes! After that dream, when I was alone  ;) I tried to float upwards, but it didn't work  :-[ .

 Yes, I was in that building. It was like a business building with offices, I felt like inside a technical institute or something like that, and that I knew one who has an office there, if not the owner of the building. The flat side appeared to be made of glass. I was with someone, and we looked outside, where this, well, sort of pool is. Above that "pool"  then appeared visuals, as if we were in a futuristic cinema.
 It's shape, and the way it sits on that pinpoint, seems to be intently designed to show that physical laws are not valid in that place, or to show some kind of future technology, which I unfortunately know nothing about. I'd say it was Focus27 or in the neighborhood. F27, to me, can appear in different fashions, sometimes it's hazy and floaty, sometimes vivid and solid.
The gravitational force appears when mass is there, the centrifugal force appears when something is moving not freely, but is forced to move in another way than a straight line (at least in Newtonian physics). So, if the earth would not spin around itself, the gravitation would still be there, and we would even appear to be a bit heavier than we appear to be with the earth's spin (science is funny, isn't it). And if the earth wouldn't rotate around the sun, the earth would fall into the sun, as the centrifugal force is opposed to the gravitational force between the earth and the sun. That's why all planets and man-made satellites have to rotate around their local gravitational center, for if they didn't, they were not there anymore but crashed into their local gravitational center.
Your husband probably has seen Kubrick's "2001- A Space Odyssee" with those great scenes inside the rotating space station. There, the centrifugal force, caused by the spinning of the station, is used to simulate gravity, which is possible in theory, although it seems that this would cause some practical problems, as I've never heard that this has ever been used in space travel so far.


Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 8th, 2008 at 3:41am

Antigravity is more than a possibility it is a reality. The yet unknown force of antigravity as the energy of huge push, if you like, that blasted the universe outward form the Big Bang creation event against the almost infinite gravity of the primordial singularity.

Regards, Alan

Title: Re: AK discussion leads to Focus Level residence a
Post by spooky2 on Jul 8th, 2008 at 8:19pm
Yes, under the conditions of the beginning big bang maybe; here and now, anti-gravitation I've heard exists as a theory in physics, and explains some properties of matter, but this kind of (sort of infolded) anti-gravity can never be used by humans. Maybe levitation is possible, but at least in physical science I can't see any way this could be achieved.


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