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Message started by Alan McDougall on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 12:12am

Title: Lucifers desire
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 12:12am

Throughout the Angelic Realm the news had instantly spread. Lucifer had discovered the jewel God had revealed to them was waiting to be found in the Infinities containing the Physical Realm. They gazed in wonder then burst in song. A blue and green jewel of incredible complexity, danced to the rythym of life. The blue was from an ocean that teamed with life. Life was just beginning to discover the land, carpeting it with an emerald green growth. It was a beautiful world full of strange wonders. Never before had the Patterns of God been so complex or dynamic in their interactions.

God granted observer status to every Angel. The wonder of ever changing life had been found among the infinities. And God wanted to share his most Divine Jewel among his Eternal Angels. All of the Sons of God loved the new reality, but none loved or desired it as much as Lucifer.

God perceived Lucifer's desire. God had compassion and moved to grant Lucifer's desire. God commanded Lucifer to inhabit the newly discovered world with the commandment to guide the life there to its ultimate Lucifer felt power and desire for the first time as he took possesion and authority of the most beautiful Jewel he had found for God

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by betson on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 6:11am

And then what happened?!   :o

If Lucifer were doing his job correctly, would we have more spiritual knowledge, or is the Afterlife a separate realm? What is Lucifer's assignment--just the earthy Earth ?


Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 10:02am

The next instalement is coming if interest is shown!


Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by recoverer on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 12:49pm

It's really hard to read that style of writing.

Where does this come from? I've noticed that different sources use the name lucifer in various ways.  Some believe Lucifer is a character in the Bible, as spoken about in the book of Isiah.  Back around 500 B.C. the book of Isiah didn't speak of a fallen angel named Lucifer. It spoke about a fallen king of Babylonia, a physical person. More than 800 years later translators added fallen angel language. I doubt they had a fact based reason for doing so.

When people use the name lucifer in various ways, I wonder where they are coming from.

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by tgecks on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 1:09pm
Wasn't Lucifer God's most beloved? He loved God so much he refused to obey God's mandate for the Angels to obey mankind, and it was for this he was "kicked out of heaven" and "fell.:

In some of the I AM dialogues it is suggested that God realized that all of it, including Lucifer, was part of all there is, and that all there is is just that: ALL THERE IS. IT is suggested that God realized that it, too, was Him, and in fect his most precious part, too.

And I also find it very hard to read that font, even with my bifocals on. Please do not take this as a personal insult as you have suggested it is inthe past. It is not an attack at all.


Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by recoverer on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 1:26pm

What you wrote reminds me of the Islamic version of Adam and Eve. According to this source God created man in the form of Adam, told his angels to bow to Adam, one angel named satan wouldn't do so, God called this angel wretched etc and damned him for all of eternity. I don't remember the precise details, but basically got them right. Whatever the case, I don't believe this story for a second. Seems rather ridiculous. God couldn't get an angel to bow to Adam and therefor damned the angel? Really hard to believe.

There are a number of contradictory stories about Lucifer.  

Personally, I find it hard to believe in fallen angels. For one thing, if they are created by God for a special role,  could they actually fall? Some say they do so because of free will.  Free will doesn't mean we have to act foolish and become a fallen angel.  Look how it goes for people. They become bad usually because they are exposed to negative influences. What negative influences would an angel who abides in heaven be exposed to? Certainly such a being would know about the power of God and wouldn't try to take God on.  Such a being would understand that it is just one limited part of the infinity of God.  Certainly such a being would know about things such as love, humility, grattitude and reverence. Even if an angel did fall, I figure its connection to God would be partly severed, its love level would go down, and accordingly its energetic level would go down.

Perhaps there have been some aspects of God that became over curious. Parts of what they created have to find their way out of the confusion that was created.

tgecks wrote on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 1:09pm:
Wasn't Lucifer God's most beloved? He loved God so much he refused to obey God's mandate for the Angels to obey mankind, and it was for this he was "kicked out of heaven" and "fell.:

In some of the I AM dialogues it is suggested that God realized that all of it, including Lucifer, was part of all there is, and that all there is is just that: ALL THERE IS. IT is suggested that God realized that it, too, was Him, and in fect his most precious part, too.

And I also find it very hard to read that font, even with my bifocals on. Please do not take this as a personal insult as you have suggested it is inthe past. It is not an attack at all.


Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by blink on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 1:30pm
If I were "Lucifer" I wouldn't bow down to or "obey" mankind either. Maybe Lucifer knew something we don't. I guess that's how the story goes anyway.

I think it's kind of exciting that all the angels didn't/don't do the exact same thing.

love, blink

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by recoverer on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:00pm
I'm all for divine will.  

What if there was a man or woman who had a house for years and years. She arranged things so that this house is the most wonderful house possible. Because of her loving nature she made this house available to others. All of the love, happiness, peace, beauty and knowledge one could ever have is available. Would it be right for a person to suddenly come into the house and start making demands of how things should be? Or should this person have a little humility and show some grattitude for the invitation that was extended? Should this person consider the possibility that the lady and the housemates she lives with figured the absolute best way to live their lives within the house years ago? I'm not suggesting that a new person couldn't make some humble suggestions. Certainly we all have something to contribute to the potluck. But certainly it would be quite arrogant for this person to attempt to completely change the dinner plans.  I believe things extend beyond this story when it comes to God. A person wouldn't even exist if God hadn't gotten around to creating he or she. If rebelious angels do in fact exist, they aren't for me. They should stop being so arrogant and so lacking in grattitude.

In a way, perhaps each of us has a little rebelious angel within us. It enables us to have the choice of freewill. Which way do we want to choose? Does it trouble us to have humble, reverent and loving thoughts towards that which is divine?

wrote on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 1:30pm:
If I were "Lucifer" I wouldn't bow down to or "obey" mankind either. Maybe Lucifer knew something we don't. I guess that's how the story goes anyway.

I think it's kind of exciting that all the angels didn't/don't do the exact same thing.

love, blink

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by blink on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:29pm
Surely a God of infinite compassion can forgive an angel for his curiosity? :)

love, blink

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by juditha on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:30pm
Hi alan and all

Love and God bless    love juditha

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by blink on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:35pm
OMG Juditha that is one scary looking dude.


Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by recoverer on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:42pm
I'm not qualified to speak for God, but I would say that God would forgive anybody. That doesn't mean that the actions of unfriendly spirits should be aplauded as their unfriendly actions take place.

wrote on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:29pm:
Surely a God of infinite compassion can forgive an angel for his curiosity? :)

love, blink

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by juditha on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:56pm
Hi blink I agree with you it is a scary looking dude,i thought it was interesting how demons were portrayed through the centuries and this link is of the old folklore tales of demons through the centuries.

But part of me beleives theres are such demons in the world and i feel these are evil people that have died and are still trying to spread there evil around the world,so i do feel evil spirits exist as part of the devils army.
Someone told me once that they thought some of the devils army consisted of UFO'S but i'm not sure what to think about that.

Someone also said that my name Juditha sounds like Lucifer and that was my woodwork tutor and i ran out of the room crying as that really upset me, so my keyworker  at the centre told him to say sorry to me, as i love God so much and thats why it upset me, when he said that Juditha sounds like Lucifer.

Love and God bless       love  juditha

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by blink on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:58pm
I can understand how that might distress you, Recoverer. It is so difficult sometimes for agreement to take place on what is "creative" and what is "destructive" so that would certainly not be my own call, unless I somehow am connected to all that is.....and then, perhaps my opinion might matter, at least a little.

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by recoverer on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 3:00pm

The person who said the devil's army is UFOs sounds like a fundamentalist. I believe that there are some unfriendly alien beings, but there are also friendly alien beings. I figure the friendly beings look out for us. To what extent the unfriendly types get to influence us I don't know.

wrote on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:56pm:
Hi blink I agree with you it is a scary looking dude,i thought it was interesting how demons were portrayed through the centuries and this link is of the old folklore tales of demons through the centuries.

But part of me beleives theres are such demons in the world and i feel these are evil people that have died and are still trying to spread there evil around the world,so i do feel evil spirits exist as part of the devils army.
Someone told me once that they thought some of the devils army consisted of UFO'S but i'm not sure what to think about that.

Someone also said that my name Juditha sounds like Lucifer and that was my woodwork tutor and i ran out of the room crying as that really upset me so my keyworker  at the centre told him to say sorry to me as i love God so much and thats why it upset me when he said that Juditha sounds like Lucifer.

Love and God bless       love  juditha

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by blink on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 3:55pm
I really don't understand why someone would compare your name to Lucifer, Juditha. That is outlandish! That's an old-fashioned word, isn't it, outlandish! I think it means "bizarre" and would probably be an easy thing to say to someone who tries to "unsettle" you that way. Like, you just say, "That's outlandish!" with a smile and a laugh. You'd probably have to practice it, because it's hard to say when you get surprised like that. It's supposed to have an explanation point after it.

That's an interesting idea, that troubled spirits could be spreading their dark ideas around, only occasionally being seen. I sometimes wonder if that is true. It seems that most spirits are just doing what comes naturally....

I know that lots of cultures have used masks that are similar in appearance to this pictured demon. And, some demons are a little bit cute, like gargoyles.

I tend to think it is all a kind of mental projection, a way to see a picture of what is difficult to describe emotionally. I will take a look at this folklore. Now you have got me interested...

love, blink

wrote on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:56pm:
Hi blink I agree with you it is a scary looking dude,i thought it was interesting how demons were portrayed through the centuries and this link is of the old folklore tales of demons through the centuries.

But part of me beleives theres are such demons in the world and i feel these are evil people that have died and are still trying to spread there evil around the world,so i do feel evil spirits exist as part of the devils army.
Someone told me once that they thought some of the devils army consisted of UFO'S but i'm not sure what to think about that.

Someone also said that my name Juditha sounds like Lucifer and that was my woodwork tutor and i ran out of the room crying as that really upset me, so my keyworker  at the centre told him to say sorry to me, as i love God so much and thats why it upset me, when he said that Juditha sounds like Lucifer.

Love and God bless       love  juditha

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by LaffingRain on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 10:13pm
Alan, I heard the Lucifer thing is a symbolic name for the split mind of man.
like the image of the devil in one ear, an angel in the other.

just a symbol, not a personage being. the devil is also the voice of the ego which would lust after power and selfish gain, in that sense everyone has a little devil in them, everyone has a little divine.

I also heard that the symbol of Lucifer has returned home and is no longer loosed upon the world.

yet we dream awhile until we see the truth that the atonement has happened already. therefore, be of good cheer! love, alysia

Title: Re: Lucifers desire
Post by Alan McDougall on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 11:29pm

My letter style used was just an expression of my creative poetic nature.

Before going deeper into the subject and assuming there was an angel called Lucifer. The fall of Lucifer was his out of control desire, a believer in Buddha philosophy will pick up were I am going with this topic

Would know what I will be getting at later.


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