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Message started by jetman on Jul 1st, 2008 at 10:50pm

Title: the cross
Post by jetman on Jul 1st, 2008 at 10:50pm
This one started I was in a old building very old dirt floor and mud walls. I believe the time was b.c. . There was an oil lamp burning and I was a rabbi or  scholar.  I was talking to another scholar when a woman came in to the room crying " Its a miracle  it's a miracle come see the miracle" .  So the other man and I went to this womans room and there was this hologram of a old woman with a cane she was simmering blue talking but we could not hear her.  Than the hologram woman disappeared and a cross with an eye in the middle appeared.  The woman fell to her knees cry "Its a miracle It the cross Its a miracle". she was crying and rising her hands to the sky.  

The scholar and I started to talk about what could this mean according to the  old books what could this symbol mean in the  old text.  we start quoting verse and meaning.

This is when I wake up what do you think this one means????

Title: Re: the cross
Post by recoverer on Jul 2nd, 2008 at 4:42pm
A single eye on a cross? Sometimes a single eye is symbolic of God.  Perhaps a connection between God and Christ is being made, since a cross can symbolize Christ.

When Bruce's exploration partner Denise met the planning intelligence she saw an image of a single eye above a pyramid and images of Christ.

During my early days of making contact with spirits I used to see an image of a single eye fairly often. This came to an end before I made a spirit connection to Christ. Perhaps this single eye was a clue.

Title: Re: the cross
Post by jetman on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 8:14am
how long was it before you made a spirit connection to Christ and seeing images of a single eye??   ::) ::)

Title: Re: the cross
Post by blink on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 8:39am
My dream interpretation: It seems like someone is educating you. It seems to have "former life" qualities. What is it about the past that you are focusing on right now in your life? Perhaps something or someone to think about.

What a marvelous dream.

love, blink

jetman wrote on Jul 1st, 2008 at 10:50pm:
This one started I was in a old building very old dirt floor and mud walls. I believe the time was b.c. . There was an oil lamp burning and I was a rabbi or  scholar.  I was talking to another scholar when a woman came in to the room crying " Its a miracle  it's a miracle come see the miracle" .  So the other man and I went to this womans room and there was this hologram of a old woman with a cane she was simmering blue talking but we could not hear her.  Than the hologram woman disappeared and a cross with an eye in the middle appeared.  The woman fell to her knees cry "Its a miracle It the cross Its a miracle". she was crying and rising her hands to the sky.  

The scholar and I started to talk about what could this mean according to the  old books what could this symbol mean in the  old text.  we start quoting verse and meaning.

This is when I wake up what do you think this one means????

Title: Re: the cross
Post by recoverer on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 1:07pm

I saw images of single eyes during the initial days of making contact with spirit guidance etc. Below are some of the details of making contact with Christ.

Years ago I had what I refer to as my night in heaven experience. Sort of like an NDE, except I didn't have a near death event. At the time I was an atheist. Along with other things I found out that the person of Jesus Christ did in fact exist and he plays a key role. But not in a fundamentalist way. I didn't see him, hear him, nor did anybody tell me about him. It was more of a matter of experiencing a knowledge that couldn't be doubted.

I forgot about this experience for years. Sort of like people forget NDEs. I got into guru based teachings for a number of years. At the time I figured Jesus was another enlightened guru. Eventually I found out that there are a lot of fake gurus. I figured the same was true for Jesus. Therefore, I wasn't open to the reality of Jesus for two reasons. One, I didn't like fundamentalism and associated him with fundamentalism. Two, I didn't like fake gurus.

After I made contact with my spirit guidance I started to receive clues about Jesus. One time while doing a retrieval, the spirit I was trying to help suddenly forgot all about me because across a bay the image of Jesus appeared, gold light radiated from Jesus and filled the bay, and the spirit quickly floated to where Jesus was.

Around the same time period during the early stages of my kundalini unfoldment, one night while my eyes were closed, I first saw a lifesize image of a heavy metal rocker dude. I could see kundalini flowing within him. He said I use my kundalini for evil. Next I saw a lifesize demonic image of myself. Next I saw the face of Jesus Christ. I figured the message was clear. If I'm going to go through the kundalini unfoldment process I better make certain I do so with Christ consciousness/love in mind.  

At the time I figured the face of Jesus was symbolic. Not a way of getting me to think of Christ specifically. Eventually I realized that I didn't really understand what Jesus is about. So I prayed to God and said: "I can't believe that Jesus plays a key role in divine reality simply because a book says so. I would only be lying to myself if I did so. I am respectfull to what divine reality is. Therefore, if it is revealed to me that Jesus Christ does play a key role in divine reality, I will be respectfull towards this fact."

One night while laying in bed I was shown a crucifix. I asked why. I was shown an image which symbolically stated, "They killed him (Jesus), they put him on display, they spotted his reputation. Then I experienced myself press the high "C" note on my piano (not physically) which symbolized that Christ represents the highest consciousness level there is. Regarding his reputation being spotted, I figure this has been done in a number of ways. For example, when fundamentalists use his name to spread judgment, fear, and separatist ideas, rather than a love your neighbor as yourself message.

Around this time period I remembered my night in heaven experience. I remembered it more clearly years after I had it, than I did during the days that immediately followed the experience. I am not able to recreate the full depth of the experience by thinking about it, but I know that when I had the experience everything I understood was certain. I understood things at a level that is deeper than we understand them while in this World.

One night I was reading an Elaine Pagels book. She wrote that the gospel of Thomas speaks of Jesus as an enlightened man, the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke speak of him as a messanger of God, and the Gospel of John speaks of him as God himself. That night before I went to sleep I prayed and asked for a dream which told me which version is true. I woke up in the middle of the night in order to write notes from a dream, and right before I did so I saw a light flash. I've seen a lot of spirits flash as points of light. This is how I see them when I see them through my crown chakra. This light was much bigger and radiated much more energy than any light I've experienced before. It felt divine. It felt more real than the physical World. I remember thinking to myself with a laugh, "Some people doubt the existence of the World of spirit."

I forgot about my dream notes, turned off my night lamp, and lay on my side. I was overcome by the energy of the spirit who visited me. I didn't see an image of Jesus nor did I hear a voice which said "this is Jesus," but it felt like it was the spirit of Jesus. This spirit worked on my energetic system for about 15 minutes in a manner that was beyond what kundalini has ever done. I felt love, gratitude, reverence and humility towards Christ as this took place.  Ever since the energetic flow in my upper chakras has been more alive, clear and balanced than it was before. After this episode I had follow up visitations that helped clear up energetic blocks. I also found that blockages in my heart chakra cleared away after I let go of the thought patterns that were adverse to Christ.  I still can't say which gospel is more accurate, but it seems to me that Christ can appear to whoever he wants to appear to. Perhaps this is true for any spirit who obtains oneness with God and the other spirits who have done so.

Regarding the image of Jesus, one night I was meditating, I was in an expanded state, and the image of Jesus appeared to me. He gave me a couple of messages and then left.

There have been other experiences, but I figure I've shared enough. I don't mean to suggest that there aren't any light beings besides Jesus. I figure that there are a lot of light beings.  I figure that's the direction all of us are headed to.

Title: Re: the cross
Post by jetman on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:35pm

I have had several dreams that may have been a message from Christ.

The first one was an image of a golden statue of a man wearing a rob with his hands spread towards the sky.  the statue was on the top of a water fall which lead to a clear blue pool of water.

second I was laying down to go to sleep and I was not awake but not asleep and I heard a womans voice say search for me.  I don't know if this was Christ or not, I think it was.

Third the same as above I was not awake but not asleep and I received images of a man being wiped with thorns.  The man was not angry nor scared he felt empathy for the man who wiped him.  I felt that he knew that the man wiping him knew not what he was doing.

These are some for the experiences I have had.  do you think these where messages form Christ.   :) :)

Title: Re: the cross
Post by recoverer on Jul 3rd, 2008 at 2:56pm

Perhaps Christ or a being like Christ.  This is something you need to figure out. When I read about your dreams I get the feeling that you're here to help the light in some way.  Figuring out how is a mystery you need to figure out.

I have dreams on a regular basis which tell me that I'm not doing everything I need to do. Not accomplishing my mission. The main way I try to take care of this is through spiritual growth. Growing has enabled me to help out in ways I wasn't able to help out before.  Nevertheless, I am in need of more growth.

Title: Re: the cross
Post by jetman on Jul 4th, 2008 at 12:27pm

Do you think that maybe we are the light beings just not evolved or ascended yet??  

Maybe the beings where at one point just like us and have become enlightened.  Perhaps we have had life times involving these entity as humans and they are sending messages to us to try and help us become enlightened quicker than if they didn't help out??

I wounder if the answer lies in a past life??  Do you think a past life regression would be wise????  
:-? :-?
What are others thoughts on the matter???  ::)  

Title: Re: the cross
Post by betson on Jul 5th, 2008 at 11:11am
Greetings Jetman,

Past life regressions are affected by the spiritual awareness of the hypnotist/regressor.
Someone who undertands the spiritual dimensions will recognize them and lead your past life questionning in the right directions. they take on the role of like a Spiritual guide while you are going back through your lives.
Not every past life 'regressor' can help you find the spiritual part. Better to talk to some first to see if they seem spiritually aware.


Title: Re: the cross
Post by jetman on Jul 5th, 2008 at 11:17am

What type of questions should I ask the hypnotist to see if she is spiritually aware????

:-? :-?

Title: Re: the cross
Post by betson on Jul 5th, 2008 at 12:19pm
Greetings Jetman,

My questions would be about the life we have between incarnations, because that's when we determine our spiritual growth and goals, and that's what your dreams seem to be about.

You could ask her if anyone she's regressed has told her about their life between earthly lives, (being in the afterlife, being in heaven or some other realm.) If no one has, it might be because she doesn't give them time to go there or she is too focussed on historical facts.

Perhaps if you asked her where she believes we go *between* our earthly lives,
that might give you an idea.  If she's never even thought of those inter-lives, then perhaps she doesn't think of life as eternally on-going;  and if that were the case she might misinterpret or forget important questions for you while you're being regressed.

I'm probably overly suspicious of their abilities because i got burned once by one who was twisting all she learned for her own selfish purposes.
I hope some others here will give you some ideas too as I'm probably abit twisted on this too.   :-[

Title: Re: the cross
Post by spooky2 on Jul 5th, 2008 at 9:02pm
It should be documented on video, at least on audio, uncut, for takehome. You then can estimate after the session, what stuff you've told might be suggested by the hypnotizer/regresser, and what came freely from yourself. Suggestions should be minimized to the necessary degree which is needed to put you in state where you find the informations you need.


Title: Re: the cross
Post by jetman on Jul 6th, 2008 at 6:34am
Thanks all I made an appoint for this week.  I will lets you know how it goes.  I asked about the between lives regression and she has done that. and it will by taped for later.  
;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: the cross
Post by blink on Jul 6th, 2008 at 10:56am
Good luck to you on this adventure, Jetman. It will be interesting to hear your thoughts afterwards.

love, blink

Title: Re: the cross
Post by recoverer on Jul 7th, 2008 at 12:46pm
In my case finding out about what kind of missions I need to accomplish is a matter of how much spiritual growth I make. The more I grow, the more I find out.  There are still things I need to find out.  Sometimes I'll receive partial answers partly with the hope that they will spur me on to make the changes I need to make. I don't believe you can rush the process.

Is hypnosis a way of rushing the process? I don't know.  I figure the need would have to be determined on a case by case basis.  The trustworthiness of the results might be a matter of the hypnotist.  It might be worthwhile to note that Brian Weiss was able find only two people for whom inbetween life memories could be obtained, while Michael Newton found a bunch of people for whom inbetween life memories could be obtained.  Why the difference?. Dave from this forum has written that his findings have been different than Michael Newton's findings.  Dave said that Michael provides too many suggestions. Joe from this forum was hypnotized by Michael Newton, and the session came to an end when Joe found that his counsel was made up of his siblings.  A friend of mine went to see a hypnotist who was trained by Michael Newton, and the results were quite unspectacular.

In a way finding a hypnotist you can trust might be like finding a medium you can trust.  Sure there are some good mediums, but also a lot of fakes.  If you do internet searches with famous medium names combined with either "hoax" "cold reading" or similar words, it can be seen that some of the most famous mediums are faking it. Especially when you see youtube videos which show how they make use of the guessing game.  

Title: Re: the cross
Post by jetman on Jul 8th, 2008 at 9:18am
The hypnosis I have found says that she was train under dr. Weiss. She tells me that she dose do in between lives regressions.  I am going in with an open mind.  I hope to find some answers on some of the details from past dreams.  I go tomorrow and I will let you all know how it goes.   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: the cross
Post by recoverer on Jul 8th, 2008 at 7:24pm
Please let us know how it turns out. If you think of it, ask her if it's true that Brian Weiss had only two subjects with inbetween incarnation memories. Perhaps she doesn't know.  Perhaps it would also be good to ask her if her if a lot of her clients have had inbetween incarnation memories. It might also be good to know how her results compare to Michael Newton's results.

jetman wrote on Jul 8th, 2008 at 9:18am:
The hypnosis I have found says that she was train under dr. Weiss. She tells me that she dose do in between lives regressions.  I am going in with an open mind.  I hope to find some answers on some of the details from past dreams.  I go tomorrow and I will let you all know how it goes.   ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: the cross
Post by jetman on Jul 11th, 2008 at 6:42am
I went and the experience was very interesting.  I was a man in Egyptian time.  I had a love of my life taken away buy her father.  I was killed defending My home with a hatchet looking weapon,  and put inside a pyramid.

the second life I saw was in the year XVII.  I was a man with three son and my wife was dead.  I live by the sea or Ocean on a bay with mountains.  I  designed and built towers of some sort.  I was crucified for some thing I was teaching.  I dead alone on a cross.  

the experience  went very fast. :) :) :) :)  

Title: Re: the cross
Post by blink on Jul 11th, 2008 at 4:51pm
Is there anything else you can tell us about your experience? How long was the session? Were you "awake" or "asleep" and was it recorded? How did you feel about it? Was your curiosity satisfied or do you feel that there is more you wish to know?

Note: a pyramid was mentioned in relation to the "eye" in your original dream before this session. Nevertheless, it is a common symbol. I'm not sure that the fact that it was mentioned is relevant.

What is interesting to me is that these two "lives" correspond roughly to the "eye" and the "cross" symbols in your dream. What are the chances of that? Was your hypnotist aware of the details of your dream?

I think these are important facts to consider in any interpretation; however, I am interested also in how different this "regression" felt from a dream. Did you notice any characteristics of the regression experience that stand out in your mind?

love, blink

Title: Re: the cross
Post by jetman on Jul 11th, 2008 at 6:37pm

I was in the session for one and half hours.  I saw images almost the same way as I did with a posting of the woman face from before when I was not asleep but not awake.  during the session I was wake but completely relaxed.  The session was record on tape, my friend is putting it on cd for me.  I felt emotion's of love lost, during the first life in Egyptian  when the father take the love of my life away, I was crying.  I would not usually cry.  I felt cold when I was dead.  

During the second life I saw I felt very thirsty And keep speaking of how thirsty I was.  This was when I was crucified.  I saw image of thing that I have record in my dream diary.  

I told hypnotist about the dream that I shared with my mother About a year and half ago.  But that was it for dream talk with her.  I have a sense of greater peace,  I feel that we are here to learn about love, forgiveness, peace and kindness and trust.  She asked me during the session what lesson I was to learn the first was love,  I told her that I learned it.  the second life was trust, I told that I didn't learn it.

I am very happy that I did it.  and at the same time I would like to go back for a life between life regression  because I was see images that I can't explain right now as I was coming out, and would love to know more.

peace be with you

:) :)

Title: Re: the cross
Post by blink on Jul 14th, 2008 at 6:56am
Excellent, Jetman, sounds like a very successful outcome for you....and it does seem like it would be interesting to explore the "between life" or "afterlife" glimmerings you might experience in a different session or experience later.

A feeling of greater peace seems like a good indicator of a quality experience.

This session, luckily, opened up more meaning in your dream for you, and, well, there's no harm in asking, is there? It's great to hear the truth, however it least, that's my motto.

love, blink

Title: Re: the cross
Post by jetman on Jul 14th, 2008 at 8:16am
I have gone back over my dream journals and seen some interesting things.  I have a number of towers in there.  Also I have had a dream where there was a ship in a bay that was the same bay that I saw in my session.  I also have had alot of pyramids in my dreams.  I look foreword  to the LBL session.  

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