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Message started by george stone on Jun 28th, 2008 at 7:17pm

Title: Question for all
Post by george stone on Jun 28th, 2008 at 7:17pm
I just heard that a mother father and daugther were all killed in a car crach.Will all of them go to the spititual world  at the same time? George

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by betson on Jun 29th, 2008 at 2:05am
Hi George,

Most souls go soon.  Since the group you mentionned are family members who chose to live their lives together, they also probably chose to die together .  So we can assume they have strong bonds with each other and will all leave at the same time.

But other situations could break up the natural process. If one or two became conscious before the dying process was complete, they might mistakenly try to stay on Earth. They might get confused or bystaders might say 'Don't go! Hang on!"

Generally though the natural process works fine.

Are you conserned about them for any particular reason>


Title: Re: Question for all
Post by george stone on Jun 29th, 2008 at 3:37pm
hi bets,no i saw it on tv,and i was wondering if they would all go to the spirit world George

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 30th, 2008 at 9:35am

If they were a loveing close family I am sure they will!


Title: Re: Question for all
Post by hawkeye on Jun 30th, 2008 at 1:09pm
By passing this way they may well go together, but there is no guaranty. We don't all go to the same place, at the same time. As I believe that this planet and our lifetimes are designed around sacrifice and love, it could be that one made the decision to die at the same time as the other, so to assist in the transition. Not everone knows they are dead and many need help. This is a wonderfull gift to give up ones life to help another.  

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by tgecks on Jun 30th, 2008 at 1:53pm
I think (in my universe) that they will all go at the same time, but maybe not to the same desitination. Perhaps if there was a strongly held, unified vision, or some advance training (like these concepts) to allow transition directly to Focus 27, in Monroe speak, The Park at the end of the tunnel of light where loved ones wait for transitioning souls.

In my experience there are more and more doing exactly that, and not so many in the belief system territories between here and there. Almost like there is a rapid transit rail line....

Of course, you can always chack on them over there, too. It also seems to me that more energies are staying on those energetic levels than previously, they say, "In preparation..."

These are exciting times.


Title: Re: Question for all
Post by george stone on Jun 30th, 2008 at 2:05pm
Yes,but there are thosands of people who die every most be one hell of a tunnul

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by hawkeye on Jun 30th, 2008 at 3:11pm
I think tunnel might not be an appropriate term. It implies area, space, movement through mass, size or capacity. Perhaps even time. This so called tunnel could be as small as a micron and your beingness but a speck of that. Or perhaps as larger as an universe and your soul as big as a planet. (As the girls used to tell my brother." size dosen't matter".LOL)  

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