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Message started by Kyo_Kusanagi on Jun 27th, 2008 at 12:46pm

Title: Dr Michael Newton on YouTube
Post by Kyo_Kusanagi on Jun 27th, 2008 at 12:46pm

Title: Re: Dr Michael Newton on YouTube
Post by betson on Jun 27th, 2008 at 2:42pm
Thank you for the links, Kyo!

After our host, Dr. Newton is my favorite afterlife explorer.

Odd though, how his books carry more 'power' than seeing his image.
I find that encouraging though, because maybe it shows that we don't need
individual features.  So life in the higher focus levels won't be just a blobs
bobbing around after all.  ;)


Title: Re: Dr Michael Newton on YouTube
Post by LucidityBelle on Jun 27th, 2008 at 3:33pm
Thank you for the links.  I am new here but Dr. Newton's books are one amongst many that I really enjoy to read, over and over.  Most likely because they tend to be quite specific and technical which is something that is easier for me to understand at the moment.   :)

Title: Re: Dr Michael Newton on YouTube
Post by recoverer on Jun 27th, 2008 at 4:41pm
I watched a part of the first video. The story Michael Newton tells is similar to Bruce Moen's story of Joshua.  In Bruce's case he had a liver ailment until Joshua was retrieved.  

Michael Newton clearly states that spirits hang around in the spirit World for a while before they reincarnate. Certainly this would provide a spirit the opportunity it needs to get over whatever injury it experienced at the time of death. This being the case, why do people experience physical problems when they reincarnate?

I believe that on some occasions one of the reasons we find that different sources of information that seem legitimate provide contradictory information, is because it is understood by the spirit World that different intended audience members need different answers. Some people need to hear about the standard view of reincarnation. Some people need to hear about it from a disk/oversoul viewpoint.  It is very possible that the carry over effect of injuries is a clue to those who might be interested in the disk viewpoint.  A person might wonder, "If a spirit goes through a rehabilitive period before it reincarnates, why would it have to carry over an injury? Certainly it would have an opportunity to realize that its injury no longer applies.

If one thinks about it, there is no reason that Joshua had to wait for Bruce to be born and reach the age where he became a retriever in order to be retrieved. Somebody else could've taken care of such a need. So why did the light beings who were looking out for Joshua wait for Bruce to do the retrievel? Perhaps because they were hoping that somebody would receive the clue I'm talking about. This is what took place for me. I was reading Bruce's story of Joshua, and I heard a voice ask: "Where did he put it?" This might not seem obvious, but I understood that the spirit who spoke to me was trying to get me to wonder, "How did the injury carry over from Joshua to Bruce?"  At the same time I could see an image of a very happy lady looking at me as I figured this out. I felt like she represented my disk.

Whenever I've asked about whether or not reincarnation happens in the way usually believed or at disk level, I always get the answer: "at disk level." Therefore, each self/probe reincarnates one time. There could be exceptions. A few other people from this forum and Linn's forum have found the same as I.

Michael Newton speaks about how a soul will sometimes have more than one incarnation at a time.  What happens if two selves return to the same soul at the same time?  Do the two selves and the part of the soul that never incarnated flip a magical three sided coin and decide which member gets to be the surviving soul? If tendencies are so difficult to overcome, how would any one self be able to completely let go of its existence so that in the end only one self/soul survives? Perhaps each self survives. This goes along with what I've found out, and goes along with disk viewpoint.

Sort of related to this I believe it is worth checking out Michael Newton's discussion of "presence" in his second book. If you look in the index for "oversoul" you'll find where several pages of this discussion begins.  

Title: Re: Dr Michael Newton on YouTube
Post by Old Dood on Jun 27th, 2008 at 6:26pm
Thank you for this Kyo.
This is fantastic.  

Now I have more books to buy.  hehe!

Title: Re: Dr Michael Newton on YouTube
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 27th, 2008 at 9:13pm
higher focus levels won't be just a blobs
bobbing around after all.  

hey lovey, I'll be the fly on your screen after I'm dead. laff with me! I'm keeping this form, but I think I'll make some minor changes before I become a blob.

PM, I stole this fly from u I think. drat, where's the bug spray?

Newton is one of my favorite reads also Bets.
thanks Kyo

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