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Message started by george stone on Jun 17th, 2008 at 4:32pm

Title: Question for all
Post by george stone on Jun 17th, 2008 at 4:32pm
How many of you would like to have there heaven here on earth,and live here forever staying at the age of 25 and not ever die.with no wars of any kind,not having to work for a anything you want and not get fat,have a wounderful relationship.George

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by recoverer on Jun 17th, 2008 at 4:54pm
No way. I want to move on to a way of being that is quite vaster and more formless than the body based World we experience here. It would be nice if the World became a better place for the short period of time souls live here.

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by juditha on Jun 17th, 2008 at 6:02pm
Hi George   That would make us all perfect and only God is perfect but its seems like the ideal world we all want,only if it was a perfect world our spirit would not learn anything ,its when we are suffering that God comes even closer to us and perfection would mean that we would not put our faith in God,because we would not feel the need for him anymore and a world without our heavenly father does not bare thinking about,i love God so much.

Love and God bless  love juditha

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by george stone on Jun 17th, 2008 at 6:35pm
Jesus said the meek would inherit the earth

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by blink on Jun 17th, 2008 at 7:04pm
I kinda think I'm still working on that one, here and now. I do feel heaven here on earth quite often, George.

What I mean is, I have a "new lease" on life, feeling very much like I did at 25 now and then. I personally am trying not to "be at war" with anyone on this planet. My job, well, I spend a lot of time being able to visit people and subjects such as those on this forum, while being able to maintain my duties, so sometimes it really feels like I'm not working at all. We laugh a lot, where I work. These days, I do eat anything I want, and I'm not any fatter at all! And the relationship part, well, lets just say, it was a very good weekend, all in all.

So, I guess I'm in a minority because I've gotta lotta heaven here already. What can I have in heaven that I don't already have? Maybe, the vision of peace on earth that we all dream about.

I would give up this world for that one in a heartbeat.

love, blink

george stone wrote on Jun 17th, 2008 at 4:32pm:
How many of you would like to have there heaven here on earth,and live here forever staying at the age of 25 and not ever die.with no wars of any kind,not having to work for a anything you want and not get fat,have a wounderful relationship.George

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by george stone on Jun 17th, 2008 at 8:27pm
I dont mean the earth we are living in now.Jesus said there will be a new heaven and a new earth.we will have access to both heaven and earth.George

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by blink on Jun 17th, 2008 at 9:16pm
What a dunderhead I am, George! Could you please explain further? What do you mean, we can be in both places, heaven and earth, but they're both, what? Different, somewhere else?

Wow, I'm getting dizzy.

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by george stone on Jun 17th, 2008 at 11:01pm
No blink.Earth will a paradise,with much more land,and plums as big as watermellon.and the new earth will last for ever along with all of us.George

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by blink on Jun 18th, 2008 at 4:49am
So, that's one kind of paradise, for those who just love this place, planet Earth.

I wonder, how would we live in that paradise? Would there be any buildings? Who would build them? Maybe we wouldn't need any buildings. After all, the new earth has a heaven along with it, so why would we need any buildings?

Maybe just a few gathering places on the earth, and then people go to heaven when they feel like it too? How would that work, go in and out of the "earth body" at will? Or does the new earth body function in both areas, on earth and in heaven.

Sorry for my confusion. I have just never thought about this properly.

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by george stone on Jun 18th, 2008 at 1:24pm
Yes blink,the body we will have will be less dence compared to the human body.we will even be able to fly anywhere we want.are bodys will of pure energy replasing blood,and flesh and we will live forever.George

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by SHSS on Jun 18th, 2008 at 1:41pm
But George, what if I don't like plums?  They are messy and draw flies.  Will we have mosquitoes the size of plums?
This is confusing for me as well.  I don't like to clean the house or wash windows.  Maybe I could take an elevator to heaven while the angels do it.
No, after having thought about it I would not want to be on earth if I went to heaven.
I hope you do not take this any other way than humorous because I honestly can't tell if you are being serious or just joking.

All in Love and fun,


Title: Re: Question for all
Post by blink on Jun 18th, 2008 at 1:56pm
Maybe we will fly together, in this new earth-paradise, George....I will look forward to it.

I had a dream once that my sister and I were flying in a hot air balloon over some hills and valleys where there were horses and green grass and a river that we crossed over. We held hands and felt very peaceful in this balloon. Maybe in this new paradise we can use a balloon if we feel like it, or fly with wings at other times....or maybe we won't even need wings.

I've got it in my mind's I know the details will be "filling in" when I don't even notice that it's happening. That's how things seem to work for me.

Hmmmn, maybe I can visit this new earth now, in my dreams?

What is time like, on the new earth? Is it like earth time? Does the sun rise and set? Is it a timeless place, like the heaven that we hear about, with perpetual daylight? Or is it more like our earth now?


Title: Re: Question for all
Post by george stone on Jun 18th, 2008 at 3:26pm
There will be no time,we will live in the now,there will be no sun gods loving light will worm this earth,and no darkness,but ever lasting light.the earth will be much larger then this present one we have now.fruit of all kinds will be large

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 18th, 2008 at 3:58pm
this thread is like we are using our wonderful imaginative creative ability all together. I kinda like it, so here's my 2 cents. I am in a headspace now where if I died tomorrow, that's cool, as well if I live 45 more years like this dream I had suggested, that's cool too.
I'm in a space where heaven is not somewhere else to look forward to. It is a state of consciousness that will go with me into the afterlife.

I had a dream last night some friends of mine were taking me by the arms into some sort of spa area to reverse the signs of aging. I was laughing and kidding them around that it doesn't matter to me what I look like anymore. then my kids said, mom, we insist.

The body is just a vehicle which holds our creative thoughts. it also holds all our belief systems, whether conflicted or not. whatever we believe right now, will manifest as our truth on the other side of life in a body.

so if you want giant plums, it is quite possible that's what you will get.

I agree everybody is young appearing, the ones I've seen, most folks in the levels I've been to are liking the age of 25 or 30 as their ideal age to look.

also we have the option to be an orb and gather form as we need or want to around us as particles that create that form. I might change my hair color when I get there. I might decide an orb with hair is not very good looking. in that case I will be a bald orb. yes, I think so. it just depends on my mood!

love to you all, Juditha, I want you to be strong. I'm going to be looking for you when I get home.

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by MichaelGordon on Jun 18th, 2008 at 11:28pm
No. That offer was made to me by somebody that came knocking on my door. The pictures looked nice, but the doctrine was not compatible with my line of thought. I intend to return to being a formless energy of love beyond time and space.

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 19th, 2008 at 3:25am

The earth is not eternal and will die like the rest of us in the very far future.

Also in your paradise earth would people continue to have babies, need to build houses, roads. Atfer a billion trillion years man!!!!!!!! George old fella, my next door neighbor's would irritate me and boredom would eat at my soul.


Title: Re: Question for all
Post by george stone on Jun 20th, 2008 at 12:31am
Why alan,earth is a part of heaven,and earth will be not will be here for ever,it will only change and be fruitful just like heaven.

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 20th, 2008 at 3:47pm
George, this is a personal question, so u don't have to answer, are you getting premonitions you are ready to go to the other side soon?

that could be why you brought up this question to all of us. You will like it. Trust me, your wife wants to see you and help you over too.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by hawkeye on Jun 20th, 2008 at 4:09pm
Where do these stories come from? Giant fruit, never ending light? It sounds like a story from a fantasy book, or even perhaps one written to intrap like mined souls in the belief system territories. If it is true that you create your own realities, then this place spoken of might be a fun place to visit, but I woulden't want to stay intraped there. There is far to much more to experience than what some would have you believe. Even areas envisioned by people like Monroe and Moen, among many,can be entrapping. My belief is its far better to keep your heart open and see where love will take you.

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by SHSS on Jun 20th, 2008 at 4:11pm

MichaelGordon wrote on Jun 18th, 2008 at 11:28pm:
No. That offer was made to me by somebody that came knocking on my door. The pictures looked nice, but the doctrine was not compatible with my line of thought. I intend to return to being a formless energy of love beyond time and space.

I agree Michael.  I prefer berries to plums, but I wouldn't care if they were the size of a football stadium.  This place could not be made good enough, no matter what, that I would want to spend eternity in it.  No, it's been interesting, but I'm ready to move on-out of this focus altogether.


Title: Re: Question for all
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 20th, 2008 at 4:22pm
Hi SSHS. I was ready to move to the other side when I finished my book couple of years ago. when you get closer to transition, the outer world loses meaning.
it's not a negative thing to want to leave. its just a knowing u already did what you wanted to do here.

but even though I'm ready, I'm also willing to look at the still small voice if it tells me to stay awhile longer. so it's like the best of both worlds.
for some of us transition remains the scariest and last leap into unknown territory we can do, yet to the oldest of us here, I wish to say I have studied it all my life, and it's not as difficult as the general public think it is, and we shouldn't be afraid.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by hawkeye on Jun 20th, 2008 at 4:38pm
Alysia, You know there is still many things you need to attend to. You may feel ready to go but perhaps just a while longer might be the order of the day. Now George Burns was old, not you.

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 20th, 2008 at 10:21pm
Hawkeye, does this mean you want me to stay?  :D  I didn't say old, just done with my intentions for incarnating which means I either get creative or blow away.

btw, I did find something to fill in my time.  ;)

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by SHSS on Jun 20th, 2008 at 11:02pm
Alysia, LMAO.  I get a kick out of hearing guys say they can't understand women.  I guess it's supposed to be a compliment that you're not as old as George Burns.  Well I'm happy to report that I am not as lumpy as the elephant man.  Gave myself a compliment.  Oh well, it's the old ego, you know.
Anyway, you sound like you know what I mean when you get the feeling you've done what you need to do--no matter at what age.  It's not depression or not having enough, but a sense that you'd like to advance, that you're ready to ascend in some way, that the old stuff just ain't that exciting as it used to be.  Nothing wrong with wanting to advance, wanting to know that you are, in fact, captain of your own ship.  :)  Or maybe I need to learn how to be in the now?  Shift in the now?  :D

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 21st, 2008 at 3:16pm
I get a kick out of this entire board SSHS, and you are a mirthful soul, a good addition.

just to share a little, where I get my attitude, is doing retrievals.

one time a gal asked me to find out about her brother, do a retrieval. A lot of times, no retrieval is necessary, of the traditional kind, where you sidle up and say, psss..did u know you're dead?

so i learn stuff. I went out and found him, in C1. I saw his face and he showed me what he had done to exit. he showed me his purposes were done here and there was a job waiting for him on the other side that he was anxious to do.
He went out on  a motorcyle. I was freaking. he showed me how he flipped through the air, sliding on a greasy wet surface, that his higher self was involved to pull him out.

he said he wasn't growing spiritually here, he wanted to serve humanity from the other side.
of course, it was so difficult to try and explain this to his sister, who constantly grieved for him as he wasn't  that old when he took himself out. she thought to ask, well, was it suicide? no, not exactly, but was one of his exit points he could take in life, if he choose, and he did choose.

he was grinning his head off to show me his flip out action and spinning through the air.

I told her what he was up to, but I don't think it helped her, yet we became friends for awhile.
He had joined the army of lightworkers in the sky to prevent war from breaking out on Earth, he couldn't do that from this side of things.
these lightworkers are also sent into existing work fields he showed me. they are trained over there, just as soldiers are trained here for battle, these CW workers respond to soldiers in battle with strategies to take, comfort, suggestions, nudges of intuition about where the next bullet is coming from, etc.  I was proud of him, but his sister continued to lament.
just to add on a happy note...though he was busy, he still found time to make butterflies appear for his sister from time to time.

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by vajra on Jun 21st, 2008 at 4:22pm
Hi guys. I stayed away from this topic as my initial thought was that I'd not got a lot to say. Reading your replies has got me thinking though.

My instinct is that it's a one to be careful of. On the one hand death is ( :o ulp!) not that big a deal (says he), and there's no doubt situations where to move on is genuinely the right action, but on the other it's got to be so very possible to get suckered into indulging something if we do so.

So much of the learning we experience in life is as a result of an ego orientation perceived as painful. It must be so very easy to end up cutting class rather than doing what's required of us. We're rather easily suckered into buying ultimately unreal ideas too - think of the web based teenage suicide cults that have sprung up recently. Death in that case appeals to the ego as a means of securing notoriety, but there's a few little facts that get lost in the chain of logic along the way.

There's been times I was sure I was screwed but wasn't, and others when out of the blue I discovered I nearly was (illness, accidents, circumstances) and the one thing I can say with any certainty is that I really didn't over the years have a clue what was going down. I'm quite sure at this stage that I was being looked after, but it didn't feel like that at the time, at least not at my level of awareness.

The story I told before of the Zen master who started to strangle the student who told him he'd conquered his fear of death comes to mind. When the student fought ferociously he said 'so you're not afraid of death then????'

It's a notoriously deceptive subject.

I'd be a strong advocate pending some very major raising of my consciousness of taking it day by day, of just getting on with the knitting until the guy with the loud hailer says 'come in no.5, your time is up'. Knowing of course that that guy is ultimately me.....

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by Nanner on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 5:03am

george stone wrote on Jun 17th, 2008 at 4:32pm:
How many of you would like to have there heaven here on earth,and live here forever staying at the age of 25 and not ever die.with no wars of any kind,not having to work for a anything you want and not get fat,have a wounderful relationship.George

George - How about this:
I have heaven on earth...
I do live here forever...
I am any age I want to be ...
I will never die ...
There are no wars of any kind ...

All of this IS, because I percieve it to be that way..

Now imagine if everyone percieved it to be that way, would it then be a collective reality?


Title: Re: Question for all
Post by tgecks on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 11:42am
RIGHT ON, Nanner! Is this not what Moses heard when God said, "I AM THAT I AM?"

So are we. I cannot agree more.


Love and LIght,

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 1:29pm
YEA!!! Nanner, it is always what we focus on that comes true. I am trying to express we will all be ok, no matter how and when we transition. there is no evidence fear is necessary, and certainly no reason to brag if you don't have fear or do not perceive you have fear.

F=false   E = Evidence  A = Appearing  R = Real

We all know what fear feels like, the question is do we know when love is here, fear has no room to be in the same space?
Love is all there is that is real. ok,  prove me wrong, but you can't. Love must become an experience.

Title: Re: Question for all
Post by blink on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 1:47pm
Yes, all, love is real...or shall we say Real.

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