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Message started by Alan McDougall on Jun 14th, 2008 at 7:35pm

Title: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 14th, 2008 at 7:35pm

I was listening to a radio talk show the other night, The topic was about angels and how they interact and effects our lives. Each of us are supposed to have at least one angel who guides and protects us all through our lives on earth .

I know very little about angels but have one experience that I am sure was an angel protecting me from harm. As a little boy of six, I was walking home from school instead of taking the bus home after school.

On the way, back I took a dangerous rout through a dense plantation. There was a small gravel pathway through this plantation. I felt an ominous malicious presence behind me, and saw a huge man following me, the faster I walked the faster he walked. He had a sick grin on his face, I began to tremble in fear and terror I knew he was going to do something unspeakable to me.

Then out of nowhere another man, nice and gentle was at my side and began to walk with me in silence. I knew somehow I was safe and the other person just recede into the distance. When we came out of the plantation the nice man said, “do not ever walk here alone again”, and he just vanished.

My aunt Bessie was frantically looking for me says she never forgot this incidence.

The talk show guest knowledgeable on angel facts said we should always ask our guardian angel what their name was and the very first name that poppes into your head is the name of your personal angel.

I did this and immediately Azreal came into my mind. I had no idea who this was or if there was such an angel. Therefore, I did a web search and found he is the angel of death. I thought why I have such a terrible angel as my guardian and noted he was an archangel. Reading about him showed that he is an angel of compassion not dread and the one who takes us across the river of death when we die.

But who am I "little me" to have no less than an archangel as my life long friend. Could the nice man that walked with me through that plantation all those long years ago have been Azreal?

How about each of you people asking your angel what their name is and report the name to this thread. Do a googol search like the one I did if you don’t know anything about the name that popped into your minds


Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 15th, 2008 at 3:34am
Alan, thanks for the story. this really does happen. It was not your time to die, wasn't in the blueprints, that's why the angel was sent. my opinion. I've heard of this happening other sources.

If you aren't supposed to die, then an angel comes. sometimes angels also come as deceased family members, proving they know what's going on down here, or scuse me, the dimensions are like intertwined. be careful what u think if u like privacy. they know everything. will call u on it.

For instance, my grandmother become my mother's guardian angel after she left. Mother had spent much time with her during Nanny's slow illness, taking care of her, then Nanny reciprocated as her guardian. she only delivered PUL. used to tell me how to handle me mom.

One time it wasn't Kathy's time to go either. A car accident was in the being in the wrong place at the right time, or maybe it WAS the right place to be, as it shows us things about our universe, our reality, and just because it's not ordinary to happen, don't mean it didn't happen.
Kathy's car drove right through another car. She just kept right on driving. I wish I could have been with her! lol! Although she didn't mention any angels in the area, still, maybe her higher self, I'm sure was involved.

my Angel's name is David, said he was early Christian. I'm still researching, appears to be like part of my disc and also a life I lived either as him or beside him, very close. He reminds me of certain things Yeshua said, but not the things he didn't say.

mostly, they don't use names over there, it's only here we like to have a name. New agers get too much flack for having guide names. so they don't like to cause us trouble, it's hard enough without having to prove everything to someone don't have the same experience.

However, a friend of mine has a guide/angel name was given of Carlyle, and his name is Ric. I'm the only one I think he could share his story with. He told me he would talk with Carlyle all the time but wasn't sure he was just imagining the whole thing. so he asked for a name. He received the name in dreamstate. Then he woke up and was thinking oh humbug...started reading the newspaper and the name CARLYLE leaped up from the print..and he heard Carlyle say I've been assigned to you, I was your friend in another life. shocked him badly and that night he walked outside under the stars and cried his heart out, for he knew he was not alone anymore in his spiritual struggles.
After that night, Carlyle often rode in his car with him (not visibly) and told him things like, you're making a wrong  turn..etc.I mean, what else would a guide do but guide? even the little things, as a matter of fact little things mean a lot.

It only seems like we go thru life alone and separated. We have lots of help, and it's everywhere once we can see it's possible. We are being watched over.

ok, now I'm going to get in trouble... :P I know I was an Indian midwife. I saw myself, acting the way I always act life after life, impetiously, from emotion. however, I was not judged as wrong what I did, as I loved my tribe and acted from that love.
I was allowed to watch over them as a guide after I was killed. I'm sure I wasn't the only spirit doing this in the camp. I think I was waiting for them to get on my side so we could all plan to be together in another life. not sure, but this seems logical to me. we were the plains type Indians. Might explain why I keep wanting to live in a tent again. I don't like houses and I don't like cars, and cities, I don't like bad tasting water, I miss horses, seems strange to pay rent..well, you get the picture, the Indian life is still with me....

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by blink on Jun 15th, 2008 at 10:58am
I don't really have any experience with "angels" although I love the idea of them, and I feel wings around me when I remember to ask for them. They feel like they are mine, but maybe not, who really knows if they are mine or borrowed?

I did as you asked. I asked myself who, and got the name Ariel. I can't figure out if it's a "he" or a "she" because this angel is described both ways. I don't know all the angel's names, although I know some of them, of course, and I don't know if I just picked that up somewhere. However, that's what popped into my head, with no hesitation.

I read about Ariel and don't recall ever seeing her before from pictures here and there. But, one site does say that when you see lions you will know she is protecting you.

My best friend, who has my same birthday, whom I was out of contact with for 20 years, worked in an animal preserve during the years I didn't know her. The photo she handed to me when she came back into my life was her holding a tiger cub. She has taken pictures of lions and tigers, and a picture of a lion with a full mane blowing in the wind is prominently placed in her living room. She is my "lion person" as well as friend.

She has also taken many photos of butterflies. And there are mermaids everywhere..... Now, I have one. Of course, I had cats for many years. No more, just birds and fish now. But we are both nature lovers in our souls.

Maybe Ariel is her angel, or both of our angels, I don't know. But I meditated upon it, asking that I receive some more information so that I can know for sure.

Here's what one site said about Ariel: Archangel Ariel (aka Arielle, Arael, Ariael, Arieh) whose name means "Lion of God" is known as the angel of natural healing and earth. However, some confusion exists as to exactly whose side Ariel is on. He's ranked as one of the seven princes who rule the waters and is also known as Earth's Great Lord.

thanks Alan, blink

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by juditha on Jun 15th, 2008 at 4:01pm
Hi alan,aylsia and blink  I have had a spirit guide with me for a while,she is a catholic nun named teresa,i told this medium tonight and she told me to tell this catholic nun to go back to the realms of learning as catholic nuns cannot be spirit guides because of religion,i know its not about angels but could you please tell me what you think of this .

Love and God bless   love juditha

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 15th, 2008 at 5:57pm
Maybe the nun is not a nun anymore, and that was just her last life? It don't seem right what the medium said Juditha. it depends on what your feelings are for her, whether she has ever helped you, you must listen to your heart whenever you send someone away from you. your heart will never lie to you.

Blink, this is my favorite lion picture and tiger picture and a mermaid.

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by SHSS on Jun 15th, 2008 at 7:16pm
These are beautiful pictures alysia and Mermaids are my favorite.

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 17th, 2008 at 2:35am
Alysia, Juditha,Blink and SHSS,

Thanks for your response. Another fact I overlooked that angels are supposed to give proof of their nearness by leaving a feathur for one to pick up.


Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by blink on Jun 17th, 2008 at 7:27am
What nice pictures, Alysia! Even a mermaid. Yes, I don't actually know anyone else except this particular friend of mine with a mermaid collection. Then, when I bought one to give her I couldn't let go of it.

This is off the subject but maybe she is an angel here on earth? At least, we try to be that, to each other.

Before I got back in touch with her I experienced a strange craving....I suddenly wanted a chihuahua dog. My partner talked me out of it. That's when the birds and fish happened. When I got back in touch with this friend, she had a chihuaha dog. We also had the exact same bedspread...I had recently purchased it when I moved.

So, it seems that "same birthdays" can mean something. She has a physical ailment, which I share in a very muted form which does not bother me anymore. For her, it is a major part of her life.

Well, enough about those who remain nameless.....I just think it's funny when you find out someone is so much like you.

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by betson on Jun 17th, 2008 at 10:45am

It's good to hear of your spiritual protectors. I'm glad you have them as you are all very precious ! Mine won't tell me its name but I know I don't feel alone anymore.

Alan, I'm glad you added that comment about the feather. When we moved to our current home, on our first walk around we found an iridescent blue feather.  It seemed significant and now I know why.   :)

Thank you.

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by SHSS on Jun 17th, 2008 at 12:23pm
Alan, I have found feathers many times in the most unlikely places; didn't this insight come from the American Indians?
Lately, I have been learning to pay very close attention to synchronicities and the more I do, the more obvious they become.  I have come to believe that when a synchronicity is staring you in the face that it is guidance of some sort from your I/there or god and so I pause and try to remember what I was just thinking or feeling.  I have not seen an angel, but many different types of light shows in various colors that let me know I am not alone.

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by recoverer on Jun 17th, 2008 at 12:38pm
Initially when I made contact with spirit guidance I made contact with my higher self. Eventually things worked out so I made contact with Christ and his spirit is my main guide.  This was a surprise because I wasn't expecting to make contact with him. At some point I realized that I didn't understand who Christ is, and became open to making contact. I still don't know the complete story of Christ's role, but I've found that his spirit can really help a person who wants to spiritually grow.

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 18th, 2008 at 2:53am

recoverer wrote on Jun 17th, 2008 at 12:38pm:
Initially when I made contact with spirit guidance I made contact with my higher self. Eventually things worked out so I made contact with Christ and his spirit is my main guide.  This was a surprise because I wasn't expecting to make contact with him. At some point I realized that I didn't understand who Christ is, and became open to making contact. I still don't know the complete story of Christ's role, but I've found that his spirit can really help a person who wants to spiritually grow.

yes his spirit is still here, I call it the holy spirit, or whole spirit, even though holy spirit is an old term I used to shy away from. I just discovered recently the holy spirit is the Christ, and that one of the things he said which is true, and not distorted by interpretations of others, is that he said he would leave the comforter behind. by thinking of Christ in the sense of the Whole Spirit, it makes me think of wholeness rather than being fragmented or separate from Christ.
I believe we are one with Christ but tend to forget we are one with Him in the initial stages of life here.

I also think Christ did not make Christianity, but was only talking about a spiritual path to enlightenment and mastery of life and death. The bible contains very little about the Man/spirit who walked here, and what it does say is not always the exact words that were said.

it seems also in my journey, that the element of the unexpected visitation is the most prominent feature of most paranormal and spiritual experiences.
It certainly tends to get our attention.

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by Aunt Clair on Jun 18th, 2008 at 7:41pm
Hello again I have not been here for a while . If you will Google further you might find another image of Azrael as a snow white bearded Angel of Death .

In the Jewish perspective he attends the death of children accompanying  the child who dies with wonder and awe . He lifts the vibration of the child to joy to reunion with God instead of a death of pain and fear . And sometimes he is lifting the spirit from the body early to avoid pain just prior to death . He is gentle and compassionate .

For example , a young male died in a flaming car but reported he never felt the pain . He screamed once and then the angel lifted him from his body . He followed the body by ambulance to the hospital and saw his family grieving but felt only euphoria and attended the body until its death a day or so later .

Azrael has omnipresence like Michael and other archangels . He is seen like a Santa Claus figure by many children but in different clothes . He raises their vibration so that
they might have a joyful death .

I feel you were blessed . And I suggest to you it is possible that the voice belonged to a man in the family a deceased spirit as often one will call the angel to the side of a child in a dangerous situation . It is possible that both saved your life .

Concerning Guardian Angels , I have this opinion based upon my experience and my observations as a clairvoyant which is a bit radical and I do not mean to offend anyone .I am merely stating my theory which may be different than your own .

When I do a clairvoyant reading of a sitter I see the GA in a variety of stages .

The primary or basal stage is a winged energy of light . The colours of the light are a message like the aura from the angel these are the angelic influence . This basal angel has no face .

A higher level is the angel that has a face but not your own . This is the face of a past life you had in which you connected with the angel and now you work in your monad protecting future selves .

Then there is a higher level where the face of the sitter is on the Guardian Angel . This sounds unbelievable I know . But when I read the sitters online I can not see their face in remote view I see the energy and when the spirit faces appear I see them as they are energy . So when the
face of the sitter is on the angel I can tell them what they look like and it always amazes them and confirms that aspect of an online reading .This means that the sitter's consciousness has connected with the angelic aspect during this lifetime and may  have done so in the past also .

A higher level is the united GA HS . This is the magician who has united their Higher Self to their Guardian Angel and is working on connection to source and ascension . It looks different and has a higher vibration . The HS is buttery yellow energy separating at the sunstone of teh chest .. The GA is sapphire blue energy separating from the moonstone of the head . The united HS GA projects from the Heaven Stone above the crown and it is Chartreuse Green .
The Bosal body has 3 stones earth at the belly , sun at the chest and moon at the head . The heaven stone can not be clairvoyantly viewed until it ripens or fills with light which occurs naturally as part of a predictable continuum of the human energy body .

Beyond this are various apprentice angelic stages where the magician begins to soul rescue and heal shamynically with ArchAngelic guidance . If the magician ascends upon death that angelic aspect can be emancipated too and work as an angel . Other angels are eternal and created by God but within the cosmology of the human is this path for ascension or descension . I have been taught in meditative trance with peers that Christ emancipated the
4 principle archangels each during a different lifetime ; Michael , Auriel , Gabriel , Raphael .

In the Pista Sophia and in the Gospel of Judas Christ cajoles us to do the same to follow him . He projects out of self a legion of angels and asks the apostles to do the same but only Judas can . And he can only project his own angel . Christ says it will take 2000 years for humans
to start to be able to do this . We are entering that age where our souls have evolved enough to begin angelic work .

In films like Its a Wonderful Life , this is alluded to . God creates all . We are created in the image of God .We wear a body of light which by our service and love we can tailor to assist the Godhead .

So Alan another possibility is that besides Azrael , is that two were there and the man angel was your own guardian angel looking as you did in a past life .
Cosmology of the Human Spirit
Light Watcher ~ monad observes and teaches ascension
One or a group of high collared purple gowned figures  will appear eventually one will wear the face of that magician These are influencing the monad to ascend .
united GA HS
guardian angel
path of ascension /\
higher self
lower self
path of descension \/
guardian demon
united LS GD
Dark Watcher ~ self destruction . the dark magician destroys self with suicidal , self sabotaging influence . This is a failsafe of Godhead to stop the spirit from evil deeds .

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 19th, 2008 at 3:32am
Hello Aunt Claire.

From your post

In the Jewish perspective he attedns the death of children accompanying  the child who dies with wonder and awe . He lifts the vibration of the child to joy to reunion with God instead of a death of pain and fear . And sometimes he is lifting from the body early to avaid pain just prior to death . He is gentle and compassionate .

For example , a young male died in a flaming car but reported he never felt the pain . He screamed once and then the angel lifted him from his body . He followed the body by ambulance to the hospital and saw his family grieving but felt only euphoria and attended the body until its death a day or so later .  

Azrael has omnipresence like Michael and other archangels . He is seen like a Santa Claus figure by many children but in different clothes . He raises their vibration so that  
they might have a joyful death  

This is very assuring and the angel that walked with me had the same loving aura you mention in your nice post


Uncle Alan (that avatar picture of me is young me 36 years of age)

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by SHSS on Jun 19th, 2008 at 12:07pm
Aunt Clair, I hope you stick around and bring more magic and humor with you.  I was surprised to hear Monroe teaching how to make a magic wand, how to use color and all kinds of magic.  I love magic.


Auntie SHSS

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 19th, 2008 at 10:12pm
welcome back Aunty Clair. this is Aunty alysia.

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by Aunt Clair on Jun 21st, 2008 at 10:27pm
Thank you Aunty Alysia  :D

Oops ! Mea Culpa the Jewish Death Angel who assists the child is Ariel .

Ariel - Archangel Ariel's name means, "Lion of God." He is the Keeper of the Sacred Wisdom and is the Angel of the Earth. Ariel is usually depicted as a serious-faced man of mature years with flowing silver hair and violet eyes. He wears a cloak of rainbow colors that flash and  
glow in his aura.

more images

more text



Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by vajra on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 7:00am
Hi all. Have just read through the thread as I've been away for a while.

I can't add any specifics from experience other than to say that I've known from a very young age that through a long series of accidents, mishaps and illnesses not to mention a life long tendency to hang it out on a motorcycle that I've been very well looked after.  :D I'm probably being saved up for a very big one!

One thought that does strike me is this. Depending on your particular belief system you can describe angels and other spiritual beings in many different terms. Buddhism has a huge range of Buddhas, gods, demons, devas and other beings. Christianity tends towards saints and angels. Angels have been developed into a whole system of belief by some within the new age. Hinduism has it's own families, as did Egypt, as do native traditions all over the world. It goes on forever.

We know meanwhile that mind creates. That the reality we perceive is of our own making, that while lots is specific to ourselves that it also shares lots of commonalities with what's perceived by others. e.g. our shared view of the world.

So it seems very likely that what we each perceive in terms of spiritual beings  is a reflection of our own life experience and/or beliefs.

I like the view that says that despite local appearances there is only one. One mind, one God, one source that at the relative thinking mind level manifests our combined internal (esoteric) and external realities (which are actually all a part of the same whole) in terms that we can make sense of - drawing on our personal store of archetypes, images and so on to paint whatever picture it needs to communicate at our level.

One which is of course relative or dualistic since that's what we're set up to perceive - when we do perceive absolute realities not based on subject/object time/space (e.g. Monroe's focus 15) we struggle to make sense of them beyond sensing pervasive love and the like.

You could say that the creative intention is the mind of God in action, that what manifests (internally and externally) is God inasmuch as we can perceive he/she/it. (that view kind of brings a different and rather more pointed slant to what polluting the earth and harming its inhabitants means, doesn't it?)

In this model all these spiritual entities are the forms that aspects, tendencies or archetypes within this universal mind manifest in so they can communicate and act in ways we can perceive in the relative. This includes negative (wrathful) as well as positive (peaceful) entities - the polarities must exist in a relative world. It also provides for the possibility of various levels of beings ranging from those directly involved at our personal levels (guides, angels and the like) back up via ever higher levels of merging to God.

It's perhaps worth saying as well that the ordinary (e.g. the brick you trip over in the street) is just as much a manifestation of the divine in this model as the appearance of some entity in a dream. Both have the ability to heavily influence your life.

This isn't an original view, it's the teaching (at a slightly higher level) of most of the great spiritual traditions. But it does suggest that there's a point beyond which our trying to map out and rigidly cling on to the existence of a permanent world of objectively existing beings becomes pointless. Downright unhealthy in fact. It just becomes another restrictive belief system.

The nature of the cosmic ordering service is such that in order to work with us it'll just serve up whatever objects and entities it can draw on from our belief systems. Need a devil so you can work your fear of evil - no problem. Need the blessed Theresa to intercede on your behalf - no problem. Need a channeling from the Pleiades - no problem either. Need a visit  from a grey - at your service.

Ultimately we seem to exist within and are a part of it seems a very magical reality created by the interchange of mind and energy. Einstein got as far as showing us that matter and energy were interchangeable. Modern quantum physics has shown us that these are both ultimately controlled by intention - that existence is built from the interpaly of mind and energy.

Best of all our experience and that of thousands of years of exploration has shown us that this is ultimately a loving intention.

Robert Anton Wilson used the term 'chapel perilous' to describe this ever shifting but very wonderful hall of mirrors. All that's required us is to lighten up and join the dance....

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by blink on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 7:44am

Aunt Clair wrote on Jun 21st, 2008 at 10:27pm:
...Mea Culpa the Jewish Death Angel who assists the child is Ariel .

Ariel - Archangel Ariel's name means, "Lion of God." He is the Keeper of the Sacred Wisdom and is the Angel of the Earth. Ariel is usually depicted as a serious-faced man of mature years with flowing silver hair and violet eyes. He wears a cloak of rainbow colors that flash and  
glow in his aura.

I have seen someone like this in meditation, but sans rainbow cloak. His flowing silver hair was very long.  I think I would remember a rainbow cloak that flashes but there was nothing like that. As far as I could tell, just the nondescript robes so many of them seem to wear in pictures. He functioned as a guide once that I remember, and visited during a meditation once where I had a profoundly healing experience in a natural setting. No wings either, though, not that I remember. But there was a "resurrection" of sorts with a child involved. That is, if I am remembering correctly. But yes, I can definitely relate to the long silver hair, straight, all the way down his back.

thanks auntie, love, blink

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by Nanner on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 8:19am
Alan and everyone matter of fact,
I recall doing just as everyone here had advised me to, when I asked for my guides name just before falling asleep..

Remember I was told the name : Kalip or Kaylipp (however its spelled)

I am still searching to find out if this is an angel - to no avail.

Alan or anyone - do you know of a site where I can search Angels names?

Love to all,

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by blink on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 9:05am            here's one

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by Nanner on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 11:02am
Thank you Blink - couldn`t find the name Kalip / Kelip in any of the names..  :'( Wonder who this kalip is..  :-?


Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 2:05pm
Nanner, I hope you find out someday who Kalip is, because I heard you mention the name awhile back. I think that you will find out, just because you desire that.
that's how it works with me anyhoo, but sometimes it takes awhile before the pieces of the puzzle all fit together, this thing called life.
Maybe Kalip wants you to search for the answer and learn how you are able to get it.

maybe Kalip wants you to be persistent? well, now you have me bugged, so do tell us if you discover Kalip.

I remember the name Laughing Rain popping into my tired brain one day, after I woke up from a nap. I thought, hmmm. what does this mean? must be a guide I thought. I was just learning how to use the imagination at the time. so I thought I do a little conscious retrieval.
lol. where oh where is my guide Laughing Rain? I imagined going out in space and looking for Laughing Rain to guide me to whatever..
it's bugging, I can assure you, to have a name in your head like this and not know what it means.

so to alleviate this bugged feeling, I went out and found some Indian guy. I asked him are you Laughing Rain? Fraid not he said. Oh, U must be Laughing Rain I said, because you're the only one here. So, like guide me then.  ;D haha!  I grab his arm as he's getting away from lunatic gal.

Only now I realize, this particular little exploration was true, that Laughing Rain is not that particular Indian, thus I am reprieved from being just another new ager who has Indians for guides.

I am the Indian! or, scuse me, there was an Indian maid once that I was. It was just her body that died. Here I am again! Voila! a new body, same person. However, the name Laughing Rain was meant to be a pen name and I had no idea it was to be a pen name at the time it was given.

what irks me a little is I have tons of dreams which I can never figure out until AFTER I've lived through the they do me not a bit of good to go about predicting anything. as hindsight, they are good book material.

well now that I've cheered you up, I am sure you keep will keep receiving. love, alysia

Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 26th, 2008 at 5:13pm

God purposed to create beings of independence. God wanted to segment his Awareness into specific functions. God created a reflection of his awareness and gave the reflection purpose.

He purposed in his heart to bring into the dream, beings of beauty and intellect with a sense of self. God gave them permanent independence and free will. Angels do not die nor do they grow as humans grow. Their design and function was set for eternity.


Title: Re: Your guardian angel who is she or he?
Post by betson on Jun 26th, 2008 at 8:55pm
Hi Nanner,

I don't know who Kalip is but could it be Kaleph instead?

I thought Kaleph sounded familiar so I googled 'Kaleph spirit' and alot of info came up.  Don't know that it's pertinent but you could check it out.


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