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Message started by sensitive on Jun 11th, 2008 at 6:08am

Title: The Face.
Post by sensitive on Jun 11th, 2008 at 6:08am
I had a dream the other morning just before waking up. I saw a face a beautiful face without any blemish at all, it was a perfect face, I 'know' it was female by its structure but I couldn't see any other part of the person, it was just blackness around the face. The face was directly in front of me, looking directly into my 'eyes', the face had an expression of a half smile, the smile you see when you're in conversation with a good friend but i don't or didn't recognise the face at all. The face was definately animated and not like a picture or photograph. Just as I was waking I distinctly recall feeling i was saying 'wait! I need to know more about you' but i was awake then. Usually dreams are there but i don't recall or remember them but I can't get this face out of my mind at all, the image is still crystal clear. Any thoughts??

Title: Re: The Face.
Post by Old Dood on Jun 11th, 2008 at 6:48am
I see 'Faces' all the time.
Usually when I am just about to nod off to sleep.
They 'morph' in and out of the 'blackness' when I have my eyes closed.
Mostly they are female for me too.
As soon as I 'look' at them they disappear or morph into something else.

I always wonder IF this is one of my Guides checking me out or simply 'being there' for me.

Maybe that is your guide 'showing herself' to you....

Title: Re: The Face.
Post by sensitive on Jun 11th, 2008 at 8:49am
This face didn't morph in or out, it was there full on in 3-D just the face. It wasn't there 1 second and gone the next, it didn't disappear when i looked at it, we were sharing an intense look at each other and I was (upon waking) asking her who she was and what was her name, (I knew she was female) it was only my waking that made the the face dissolve, this face had no lines, wrinkles or any other marks, there was a differnet quality about it compared to looking into another 'living' human beings face. This is almost impossible to explain in words...

Title: Re: The Face.
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 11th, 2008 at 1:14pm
Hi sensitive  :) I feel this was a way to introduce a guiding presence to you, a helper was there. sometimes we call this a CW worker. C stands for consciousness, W stands for worker.

that was your 3rd eye opening to view the face. That was all you could handle at the moment in other words. Later, you may have more contact with this what may be nonphysical being.

Or, you could start seeing more faces, images, but for sure it is also an extension of your physical senses, into the nonphysical planes of awareness and many of us are more visual oriented this way to see these things.
I am more auditory oriented so I hear what others may be seeing, in that sense. but I'm excited you are seeing faces.

love, alysia

Title: Re: The Face.
Post by sensitive on Jun 11th, 2008 at 4:03pm
Hi Alysia.

Thanks for the imput, hmmm i'll have to look into this, go into it, i feel i need to know who this is and what they want with me but how do i go into something like this, what do i do or better still what can i do?  :-/

Title: Re: The Face.
Post by blink on Jun 11th, 2008 at 4:40pm
Sometimes I see faces, and they appear to be looking at me, in meditation, or as a memory upon waking from sleep. Recently I was wondering who a young man was, who appeared for a little while. He had beautiful blue eyes and curly hair. No one I recognized, but he was smiling at me. I never figured it out.

But, again, just a face. I have seen others. I don't know why they are "just" faces. No background. Just as if they are hanging there, looking. I don't recall ever seeing them blink their eyes.

Oh, well, wish I could give you more.     love, b

Title: Re: The Face.
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 16th, 2008 at 9:18am

sensitive communicator wrote on Jun 11th, 2008 at 4:03pm:
Hi Alysia.

Thanks for the imput, hmmm i'll have to look into this, go into it, i feel i need to know who this is and what they want with me but how do i go into something like this, what do i do or better still what can i do?  :-/

I don't sense there is anything you can do, but you are curious, and this curiosity may lead you to the answer. perhaps you will study the matter and receive more guiding influences. Many people have seen images and some just blow them off casually as not important. you are not able to blow it off, so you will pursue it in the back of your mind. One day you will get a piece of the puzzle as to why, and how, and the question you seem to ask "why me?"
I consider it's just a nudge to you. to make your mind more open and discover things. I don't think the guide was asking anything of you in particular other than a greeting, a nudge.

the way I grow is to read other's books about such stuff, then I listen for the truth to see if it resonates with my own beliefs, and my heart.

love, alysia

Title: Re: The Face.
Post by betson on Jun 16th, 2008 at 10:05am

Certainly you can ask her to return. Try to duplicate the conditions when she first appeared.
Ask her who she is. But keep in mind such moments are gifts --you're wanting it will not make it happen, so no use putting much will power or anguish into it.

Similarly I used to see such ideal faces a week or so previous to when I met them human form. In life they were slightly distorted, by life I guess, but they closely matched. Now I think they were old friends, members of my Disc Family who were passing through my life. None sparked enough response from me to be my 'soul mate,' but we did share a sense of deep fondness. So perhaps you'll meet her on the earth plane, but possibly in a less perfect guise.

Or she could be your 'anima,' Jung's term for your Higher Self in its female aspects, just checking in to remind you that the quailities you see in her are in you.

Along with what others on this thread have said, some eastern philosophies say to not get too caught up in it, just let whatever it brings flow into your life. Accept it as just one more aspect of the spiritual--you're probably going to meet many such new experiences when you are ona spiritual path!  :)


Title: Re: The Face.
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 16th, 2008 at 12:35pm
I like that advice you gave Bets; you have a way of extending my own thoughts, clarifying them sometimes. I see this happen on the board sometimes. where thought is extended. it's like a group consciousness in that sense.

what hit me the hardest of what Bets said, was the part about the face having been a gift.

Title: Re: The Face.
Post by betson on Jun 18th, 2008 at 9:17am

Just saw a link on another thread to Spirit Faces by Mark Macey.  
He does NOT show what we are talking about, IMO.
Just because a book shows something or a Ph D says something
doesn't guarantee it, ---  again IMO.


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