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Message started by baby_duck on Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:08pm

Title: Contacting higher-self.
Post by baby_duck on Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:08pm
Can anyone suggest a mediation or method of coming into contact with my higher-self? Ideally, I would like to merge my emotional body with my spiritual body. I would like to raise my vibrations and experience  the emotions of higher frequencies, such as ecstasy, on a regular basis.I would like to get access to the energy available to me in my higher chakras as apposed to living a reality based on lower chakra frequencies. Also, I was told that I have an obscure gift -powerful magnetic abilities. How can I access my magnetic abilities? Thanks so much!

Title: Re: Contacting higher-self.
Post by gordon phinn on Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:36pm
baby duck:
meditating is the key.  using hemi-sync helps too.  I was swimming when it first happened to me.  But I'd been doing a regular meditation dialy for some weekes before that.
What is your current daily practice?


baby_duck wrote on Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:08pm:
Can anyone suggest a mediation or method of coming into contact with my higher-self? Ideally, I would like to merge my emotional body with my spiritual body. I would like to raise my vibrations and experience  the emotions of higher frequencies, such as ecstasy, on a regular basis.I would like to get access to the energy available to me in my higher chakras as apposed to living a reality based on lower chakra frequencies. Also, I was told that I have an obscure gift -powerful magnetic abilities. How can I access my magnetic abilities? Thanks so much!

Title: Re: Contacting higher-self.
Post by recoverer on Jun 9th, 2008 at 8:15pm
Baby Duck:

First of all, if you want to make contact with your higher self, your higher self already knows it and will do what it can. I know this might sound dualistic, but I think of higher self in a disk/oversoul kind of way.

In some ways you already are in contact with your higher self. The very fact that you want make contact with it shows that you are. A lot of your dreams, intuitions etc come from your higher self.

Regarding raising your vibrational rate, I first got around to making conscious contact with my higher self in an oversoul sense about three years ago, and my vibrational rate has definitely increased. Below are some things that will help you do so:

1. Overcome limiting thought patterns.
2. Make a list of the issues that troubled you during your life, and find a way to let go of them. No hurt or fear is worth holding onto.
3. Open yourself to the energetic work that making contact with your higher self and other forms of spirit guidance can provide for you. Make certain this help comes from beings who represent the light, which is likely to happen if you have sincere intentions.
4. Keep a dream journal.
5. Look for messages in the form of visual imagery during meditation and while laying in bed awake. Some messages will come in the form of thoughts, even though I've found that aspects of mind can sometimes intefere with the process of receiving thoughts. Short waking dreams and OBEs might also become a part of the process.
6. Eat a healthy diet, and stay away from drugs and alchohol.
7. When you meditate, as opposed to watching your breath or something like that, try to notice yourself coming from the formless part of yourself that is aware of everything the creative aspect of your mind and the minds of others bring into being. It isn't necessary to bring your thoughts to a halt or to stop your perceptions in order to get a feeling for this part of your being. When you find that you're feeling more love, peace, happiness and expansiveness, you'll know that you're doing okay.
9. Another good way to meditate is to tune into your spirit self as much as you can, and then look at limiting thought patterns from this perspective.
10. Journaling in some form really helps, because it really helps you get issues you are unclear about in front of you in a manner that really allows you to look at them.
11. Be patient.  It can take time to overcome all of the limitations that prevent us from completely abiding as the spirit beings we are. Not to say that I've completely done so. I'm still working at it.
12. The way things play out for you are liable to play out differently that they play out for other people, and from how you expect them to play out. They sure did play out differently than I expected.

Title: Re: Contacting higher-self.
Post by SHSS on Jun 9th, 2008 at 9:12pm
Hi Baby Duck,

First off, you are already connected to your higher self because you are your higher self and if you were not connected, you would not be.
So to consciously connect or what some would call communicate with your real self, meditate, meditate, meditate.  If you don't know how, OSHO has the best book that I have found on meditation.
Keep it up and eventually it will happen if you are ready.  If you desire to, you must be ready.
It will be more than obvious when it happens.
When it happened to me, I did not even know I had a higher self and thought it was some sort of god.  (which it is, or I am)
Bright lights, symbols, colors, pictures, ecstasy, all sorts of marvelous, wonderful, things can happen; you will never be the same.
With me though, I don't have as much communication now as I'd like.  If I get emotionally upset over something or down in the dumps, I can feel cut off.

Title: Re: Contacting higher-self.
Post by george stone on Jun 9th, 2008 at 10:01pm
I met my higher self in a dream,but i did not know who this person was,untill i asked,who are you,he said I am you.I said no your not,and i hit him in the head and his head fell off.George

Title: Re: Contacting higher-self.
Post by OutOfBodyDude on Jun 10th, 2008 at 10:33am
I believe we all connect with our innermost being, or higher self, on a nightly basis during sleep.  What you want is to bring these experiences into your waking consciousness, to remember this aspect of your self.  

For me, this initially occurred during an OBE to a dimension extremely abstract and nonphysical, where I felt like I was what my higher self would feel like.  During this experience, in whatever dimension I was in, I clearly remember an open telepathic link to what I now realize was my higher self, and a communication between me and this extremely intelligent source which was present nearly the entire experience.  

Recently, I have been DESIRING the conscious connection with my greater being.  Therefore, I have had more conscious experiences with my higher aspect than I was before.  Usually when I have a memory of one of these experiences, it is a series of symbols, the physical translation of the nonphysical experience.      

Most often I will wake up from sleep with the feeling of having just been one with a greater part of my being, yet the details escape me.  The emotions I felt during the experiences, and sometimes even the thoughts I was thinking(I remember some, vaugely), are usually the only thing available.  A feeling of knowing is usually present, there is generally no doubt in my mind that I was just having an experience with my inner self, by my inner self I should say.  Of course, this occurs with no effort.

I soon plan on making a daily meditation schedule for myself, where I plan on going farther into my consciousness than I have been before and creating a relationship with my higher self.  

I expanded my consciousness to reach my inner self just last week.  It actually was not difficult, although I realize it may seem like an impossible task.  The most important thing to do is desire.  You should really want this.  Your higher self will know this, and therefore bring this into your experience (unless of course you have limiting beliefs about this which will conflict with your progress, such as you may really want to connect with your higher self, yet at the same time you may feel it is impossible to do this, or that you simply don't have the skills necessary.)  Anyone can do this if they belief it can be done.

I just lay in the meditative state, with the intent firmly in place, yet in the back of my mind.  It is best to enter the deepest state possible.  Most likely you will begin to see images, or clips of some kind of event, or sounds.  Think about how these may relate to the task at hand.  I have received symbols of the physical representation of my higher self, this symbolizing to me an experience I was having in an extremely nonphysical realm with my higher self.  It may be helpful to begin an imaginary conversation with your higher self, and see if this leads to actual communication.  Usually I try not to think of anything in particular, and just flow with the experience.  It is very helpful to set affirmations before sleep as well, allowing your dreams to show you this greater aspect of your inner being.

I have felt this ecstasy that you speak of many times, usually while out of body.  It seems like the farther removed I am from the physical dimension, the stronger this emotion is present.  The time I felt this the strongest was the OBE with my higher self.  This may be the result of the awareness of who/what I really am due to the conscious awareness of my higher self at that time.  It is a feeling of extreme, unimaginable love bursting from every pore of your nonphysical body, and a deep knowledge of seemingly everything, or at least everything you need to and should know.

To access your magnetic abilities, simply sleep on a giant magnet every night.  In a week you will become MagnetMan.  I actually know nothing of developing magnetic abilities.  

Title: Re: Contacting higher-self.
Post by blink on Jun 10th, 2008 at 12:09pm
Maybe just make the suggestion to yoursef each day or evening that you would like to be open to receive loving guidance. Simplify your life enough that you do not need to be faced with others 24 hours a day. Meditate in a way which feels right for you. Make a written record of dreams and thoughts, and note anything unusual you notice. Find a way to be of service to the world, so you can share the support you receive with others.

I don't know about magnets. I don't know what a higher self looks like or acts like. But I think there are millions of ways to be in contact with spirit. Personally speaking, I believe having the question is enough to begin.

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