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Message started by Alan McDougall on Jun 1st, 2008 at 3:18pm

Title: Channeling God??
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 1st, 2008 at 3:18pm
Greetings forum,

The topic of Channeling God on another similar forum resulting in an unbeleavable response. 30 00O views , 80 pages and over 760 replies.

What does this forum think about this?. Can a mortal channel god as this guys says he does (he is not Neal Donald Walsch)

I have my own take on this but leave it to you people to comment before I do.

If no one showns interest well the topic can just be left to die


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by vajra on Jun 1st, 2008 at 5:25pm
What is God is possibly a key question Alan?

Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 1st, 2008 at 5:36pm

I absolutely unlike this guy do to have the audacity to say God is my buddy, who dialogues with me day and night.

But if I could

I might ask:

Why do I exist?

As a start


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 1st, 2008 at 5:46pm
it's left up to the individual Alan to decide for themselves. No one can really say anymore what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Ian asks the right question. what is God? it is not answerable. the ego loves a riddle and tries to answer it nonetheless.

Seek ye only an experience is all I can add. other than there's a heart intelligence we all have as to what is the energy of PUL, which is as close to god as a mortal can get. only an opinion. except to me, it is the truth.  I've no doubt a pure enough channel can channel PUL, and even the not completely pure channellers can move aside the ego for transmissions from a high's sort of like being a radio station. there is no glory in being such btw. is why they call it an instrument. it filters in the truth, but may not even understand what it just did.

if we are all becoming, if we are not finished then we are becoming god; the channellers, pure or impure filters are also in degree of the godhead. just like me and you.

Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 1st, 2008 at 5:56pm
Alysia and Ian,

To me God is "everything that exists" but I am puzzled why I exist as a separate entity while still knowing in some strange way that I and all life are also God, somehow


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by vajra on Jun 1st, 2008 at 6:31pm
Hi Alan. This is a 100% theoretical discussion for me, but I guess my thought is that nobody could hope to do more than to channel a tiny aspect of a universal God - would simply not have the wherewithal to do so.

But if you choose to say that channelling God means channeling some human compatible aspect then maybe you are back to channeling yourself, another human, or at least some being not so much higher than you to make it possible.

Or if it's a much higher being that it'd have to communicate via a small 'human sized' aspect of itself, and in a format intelligible to the channel.

Thus bringing itself down to human scale again.

It in a sense leads to what both yourself and Alysia say being simultaneously true. God must express at human level. Or a human seeking to channel God can only function at his/her own level.

Meaning perhaps that the only way as Alysia says that God can express at our level is precisely as he does - as love or insight into how to live through love via ourselves, and all the living beings and things we come in contact with.

Even this ultimately perhaps reduces to just our total experience - our going inwards to connect with source, our with our true self; and our contact with the external reality.

Which in the end is all God consciousness, or God manifesting at our level. But even this may as Alysia says be influenced by the ability or tendency to interpret of the channel - ego seems to be a definite scrambler of the message.

Perhaps dialoguing with God is necessarily in reality just a consequence of consciousness....

Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 1st, 2008 at 7:16pm

Alan McDougall wrote on Jun 1st, 2008 at 5:56pm:
Alysia and Ian,

To me God is "everything that exists" but I am puzzled why I exist as a separate entity while still knowing in some strange way that I and all life are also God, somehow


So we can start the dialogue, where you say God is "everything that exists" and i come along and say God is All That Is.   so we have a beginning point to try and define what centuries of humans have been yakking about.

so all this time we've been evolving here as us and we still ask the same questions. So lets look at this thread we are on for another starting place. Have you ever, (I've done this) asked yourself why do I post stuff here? I've been here a long time. years. you can bet I started asking this question after several years go by, you have to.

so this is a clue. Because we love to communicate with other humans is one reason. what is happening now in this space we made, that Alan so kindly started?
For starters to larger questions we return to basics first. It's clear, we enjoy the talk. But is there a reason to be someplace else? Not if we prefer to be here, with each other, talking about whatever.

Not only that, we don't talk to just listen to ourselves talk. we actually respond to each other. Ian is in Ireland. I'm in the states, Alan is in Africa.  we are friends. All that's really important is how communicating in a non threatening environment like this, makes us more aware, more conscious, and therefore we need to be aware there is purpose in this monism stuff.

we are figuring out Alan who and what we are, and we are godlings in a larger sense, and now we return to a former thread "Is God Becoming Us?" and it was a marvelous thread!

Channelling God I think is quite possible Ian. I believe ACIM was channelled through the God Head.
That is ascended masters. If God could be said to be All That Is, then who we are is part of that All That Is and in the midst of breaking through the mind filters which prevent ourselves from understanding that premise.

returning to Alan, as he is puzzled why or how he can an ego at the same time he knows he is this mini god perhaps. forgive me if I'm not understanding the question.

I think one answer might work for you Alan, it works for me, that we are here to gather consciousness, or experiences. thereby adding to the whole more fruits we make on the Earth plane.

the fruit is the garden of your own soul, your character development. from my perception, after a life is lived, the disc members always greet you and want to know what you brought back home, ie: the fruits. as well the disc members add their own fruits of conscious objective experiences.

Monroe calls it Loosh gathering. a harvest of experiences, and choices made within that experience right or wrong or somewhere in between. it's because of the free will thing. we can goof off an entire life if we want, due to free will.

Loosh is PUL, or love. or even god consciousness. to make it more simple I'll tell what I see in my imagination; that way you can blow me off if you want.

I always see a table of counselors in my disc. without them I wouldn't exist is how I feel. I listen carefully to what they say, as they have different experiences and I can learn from them without having to incarnate and do what they just went through. I can partake of their fruit in other words.
They always ask me after a life, did you hurt someone this time on purpose? I might say not that I know of, and they might take me back to a point where I had hurt someone and show me how I could have done that differently to prevent what occurred to that person after my deed, whatever deed that might have been. so we can continue learning on the other side, so we don't have to come back and learn firsthand. then they might show me some situations where I considered myself failed in. they could say, we will show you how that failure was really a success for your soul.

then I conjecture we would do this with each member and decide together if everyone's intentions panned out ok, and we would celebrate the victories or set about fixing what failed and/or both, or even wink out of this ELS system, in order to explore other galaxies, and forms of life.

Reason for living? ask a mountain climber why he bothers. because it's there. The Earth has not been appreciated and has been taken for granted. She has fed us and given us a home, and all we do is try to get off her. lol. and go home.
but really, Alan, look at this viewpoint; what if we could bring "home" here? Is that possible?

Once in awhile, the reason I like this board is we do come up with the right question, but it's usually something to do with Who and What we are.

I think this is very abstract thinking. but fun to jaw with ya!

Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 1st, 2008 at 8:40pm

This comes from the other forum Astral pulse

Post in response to a previous non message from "god"

“MS, its not that "god" answered in a way I didn’t like. "God" answered incorrectly. "God" said I asked if he existed, but I was instead trying to determine his intelligence”

The Channeler goes to his buddy "god",

oh my that guy is upset

“god replied”

yes but dont get worried

why not ...he says you are a familiar spirit

“god replied”

but I am not ....he is just scared

scared...he does not seem to be scared at all


but he is. He is scared that he might not be as close to me as he thought

you know

maybe it was a bad idea maybe we should just not do this

“god replied”

whatever you say its your choice

He said I was consulting with Familiar spirits that worries me

“god replied”

Thats what they say about anything they dont understand or have room for in their understanding

but maybe I will be damned for eternity

“god replied”

go with your gut my son

Why is it the people who believes the Bible who have the hardest time believing you are real

“god replied”

they have the most to lose


“god replied”

they think I love only them and they are jealous

and thats what makes them mad?

“god replied”

yes...its just that simple it has been this way since the beginning of time


“god replied”

some people are funny , they desire closeness with me and when they get it they doubt it. They pray to me and then reject what I tell them. The world is full of such people and they are all very very religious, and believe that I am theirs only and they want to rule over others with what they think is their superiour knowledge of my ways, they believe they are the chosen people and though they claim to believe in a “gods response” of Love they act like they serve a “gods response” of hate. Thats people. Thats humanity

pretty sad

“god replied”

yes but I use even this to fit in the big picture and it has a purpose

what shall I say to him the steel guy

“god replied” need to learn what it means to have love and mercy

ok well you allready said it but I will say ...ditto

“god replied”  

you are feeling better in your stomach I see

yes I do thankyou

“god replied”

stay away from acidic food ok

ok thanks

Now forum is this guys communicating with the “Most High”


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by betson on Jun 1st, 2008 at 9:30pm

I could name my parrot god and have as meaningful a talk.

Is the example Alan gave  someone's deceit or a misunderstanding?  If it is one of those, who is responsible for the deceit or the misundertanding ?  Maybe a naughty spirit is having fun with the supposed channeller and the guy really believes it . I can't tell.   ::)

All I know is to be responsible for my own actions and reactions. My reaction is to walk away.  ;)


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by DocM on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 12:29am
There have been documented encounters with God and the divine throughout history, from prophets and other religious figures, and one thing that is missing from these chatty conversations that Alan mentions is the sense of awe, that the channeler is in the presence of the creator of the universe.  We are told of this feeling of awe and humility felt by men such as Moses, when he encountered the burning bush.  Moses was instructed to take off his sandals(he was instructed to do so for he was on holy ground), and he hid his face at the time of the encounter.  In many biblical instances in the old testament, God is experienced through conversations with an angel, rather than directly.  In any event, none of the texts recorded mentioned advice for a healthy low acididic stomach like so many new age gurus might go on about.

For the most part, it has always been my impression that God has left man alone to live, learn, love, make mistakes, and then rise above it in spiritual learning.  When he has intervened, it has been at critical junctures in history, and with a purpose - not at the whim of an indiviudal incarnated man or woman.  

The problem with channeling is that the recipient leaves himself/herself open to a two way conversation without verification of who or what is coming through.  When I am relaxed in meditation, I will sometimes get images or phrases popping into my consciousness - we all do.  Some may be guidance or have meaning.  Some, may be random chatter.  The imagination method may allow entire conversations to develop - again either real two way communication or fantasy.  

Many documented biblical religious experiences with God or an angel occured in people who had not particularly sought out or didn't want the experience (Moses being an example).  Yet the quality of the experience, the transcendental nature of being in the presence of the creator of the universe was always documented as being clear, and humbling.  

I am more inclinedto believe that channeling to be a ruse, either imagined or created by a disincarnate consciousness with nothing better to do.  


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 12:36am
Bets, said


I could name my parrot god and have as meaningful a talk.  

Is the example Alan gave  someone's deceit or a misunderstanding?  If it is one of those, who is responsible for the deceit or the misundertanding ?  Maybe a naughty spirit is having fun with the supposed channeller and the guy really believes it . I can't tell.    

All I know is to be responsible for my own actions and reactions. My reaction is to walk away.[/edit]  

Yes from what I have read he could be talking to a parrot, but Man/girls!! This guys is one persistent being he is convincing himself this is almighty having a chat with him.

One thing I asked him to explain was when "god" answered another person’s hopeful post on a mathematical question "god" said "I don’t do math"

What unspeakable nonsense God holds the universe together with beautiful mathematical principles and fundamental constants, which if differed even minutely, we would just not exist in this material reality.


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by vajra on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 8:02am
Not sure i was very clear, but if God is universal, and we're essentially constrained to making sense of communication with God through our fairly limited sensing and intelligence, then as above we can only be getting by that channel as much of the picture as we can handle.

While in reality God is in everything, if we can only see. This is why I said it reduces down to a matter of consciousness. There's communication all around us if we can only open to it.

But we perceive mostly in accordance with our conditioning/reality tunnels. So it seems likely that overt communication if it's ever for real is likely only to be used in very limited circumstances, for specific reasons.

What comes through must by definition reflect the situation, quality and consciousness of the channel.

Add the fact that we normally can't seem to separate between what comes from source, and what comes from ego and it's inevitable that what's purported to be communication is going to be a mish mash of self delusion, self deceit, and just possibly garbled bits of truth.

Even if this is true what's happening has purpose. It may be about teaching somebody to watch out for false channels, it may be about a channel learning lessons about self delusion, it may be about getting bit of info to a naive person in a way they can accept. Etc Etc.

My thought Alan would be not to worry about it, because to invest energy in finding it offensive is probably just symptomatic of our own beliefs as to what should be in the situation. Fortunately God doesn't seem to stand on dignity, and beyond that I guess it's just another part of life's variety!!

That's not to say we don't have a part to play in the situation - whether it's to walk away, to tip off the gullible or whatever....

Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 11:47am
Hi Ian

You said

But if you choose to say that channelling God means channeling some human compatible aspect then maybe you are back to channeling yourself, another human, or at least some being not so much higher than you to make it possible.

Or if it's a much higher being that it'd have to communicate via a small 'human sized' aspect of itself, and in a format intelligible to the channel


I believe that we might communicate with the "Most High", but on his terms not at our disposal like this guy says he does. God is even giving him tips on health issues, so maybe he will not have to go to a doctor any more, think about what he is going to eat or maybe his entity will even tell him what to wear. Of course with this out goes his free will, as he has to ask god to direct his next moment or event in his life

I can channel my higher self and progress up to a higher dimension of my ultimate being, which is god


if we are all becoming, if we are not finished then we are becoming god; the channellers,

pure or impure filters are also in degree of the godhead. just like me and you

returning to Alan, as he is puzzled why or how he can an ego at the same time he knows
he is this mini god perhaps. forgive me if I'm not understanding the question

I can channel my higher self and higher selves and progress up to a highest Self which is God

It is somewhat of a puzzle to me Alysia, in my death experience I rose into my higher self and progressed into the light until I was God, with a tiny fragment of me still aware of my separateness. We all will become God I went back into the eye of creation, before the beginning and knew all. Of course returning to this mortal reality I became that little fragment of god that is little earthly me

Some will through up their hands in horror at this, blasphemy they will say!!, but it is the truth Gods creation is "not the colossal failure that some religious beliefs would have us swallow",

We are awareness’s that will be able to use all the powers of the GODHEAD when we finally reach  the great Ocean called "source'

Hi Ian

You said

But if you choose to say that channelling God means channeling some human compatible aspect then maybe you are back to channeling yourself, another human, or at least some being not so much higher than you to make it possible.

Or if it's a much higher being that it'd have to communicate via a small 'human sized' aspect of itself, and in a format intelligible to the channel


I that we might communicate with the most high, but on his terms not at our disposal like this guy says he does. God is even giving him tips on health issues, so maybe he will not have to go to a doctor and more, think about what he is going to eat or maybe his entity will even tell him what to wear. Of course with this out goes his free will, as he has to ask god to direct his next moment or event in his life

Matthew said

I am more inclinedto believe that channeling to be a ruse, either imagined or created by a disincarnate consciousness with nothing better to do.  

I really think this is what is happening. As a doctor you are well aware of the mentally ill who think that they are communicating with god or even that they are God incarnated.

The homes for mentally ill persons are full of these poor dellusional people


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by briggs5534 on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 2:41pm
Channeling God imo is possible.. Just look at Neale Donald Walsch.. Although I wouldn't trust many different types of new age gurus..

peace n' love

Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by betson on Jun 2nd, 2008 at 4:33pm
And yet...

quite a few NDEs have been changed by their amazingly close encounter with God.
What they describe is the same as or similiar to the state of mind that ancient mystics
devoted their lives to find.

For some reason most afterlife websites don't get NDEers actively involved.
( I suspect that when you truly know something, it matters less what others
are willing to accept.)
This site is fortunate that Alan's spiritual skills and interests go beyond his own NDE.
He's proven his spiritual gifts more than a couple of times!

Maybe the holagraphic principle is at work here :question
When having a NDE, the human soul is united with God and senses the unity.
Parts and whole perhaps aren't experienced the same way as in the physical.
Heaven knows other dimensions -- such as time :o -- are ceertainly different.


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by LaffingRain on Jun 3rd, 2008 at 10:40pm
if we are all god as one we can channell all facets of humanity according to our level what we pull in, anywhere from the lower astrals to the highest planes where the monads are.

life is in all degree of conscousness. another way of thinking about channelling is the person is picking up thought forms already existent, as well the dimension of astral level we share the same space.

the dimensions overlap as subtle energies. guides, helpers are above the astral negative planes and these are also in degree, but generally carry an energy signature of PUL.
they generally pose as your own intuitions at first.
IE: don't eat acidic foods.

guides and helpers can be people who have left the physical planes but decided to try and help humanity. they don't have 9 to 5 shifts, they do and go where they see a signal from someone who is distressed and who resonates with their own energy signature as a compatible being.
Guides and helpers can also be beings who have never had incarnated life, but nonetheless can be useful to deliver such as inspiration, giving hope to the despairing; in earlier times, known as angels.

They are as much in training often enough, as any human on ELS, learning how to fit a thought configeration into the human energy field. a positive thought. as they are not allowed to interfere unless someone has called out for help.

this is how prayers get answered. Channelling is just a higher order of receiving this intuitive energy and usually the channeller has had a relationship to the entity from way agreement to do the work.

Alan's fledgling channeller is at the kindergarten level, but I think he may improve. He or she is probably excited to find out how we can talk to ourselves, to what seems to be the subconscious and it will talk back. then we can label it with a name if we wish.
If there is an entity involved they are playing along with his wish that this is god, but like I said if we are God, as one, then Bet's parrot is God too.

You all can try this experiment sometime, and some rather surprising answers come from it.
just get a paper and pen and write a question down.
then sit quietly and see if an answer appears which you didn't expect.

You can call it higher self and that works also. but what you get, doesn't necessarily mean it would be useful for another other persons.
sometimes it's very private and shouldn't be shared.

love, alysia

Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by Alan McDougall on Jun 4th, 2008 at 1:33am

Alan's fledgling channeller is at the kindergarten level, but I think he may improve. He or she is probably excited to find out how we can talk to ourselves, to what seems to be the subconscious and it will talk back. then we can label it with a name if we wish.
If there is an entity involved they are playing along with his wish that this is god, but like I said if we are God, as one, then Bet's parrot is God too

As always dear Alysia summarizes the essence of the question so nicely again. My way of expressing this great interconnectivity is what I is accessing the Super-consciousness and this fledlging Channeler must be doing that, and obtaining some truths that way. He certainly is doing no harm to anyone!!

At least he is trying to know what God wants from us, unlike many of our world leaders who are lead by self-interest, power, pride and ego


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by betson on Jun 4th, 2008 at 9:40am
Dear Sweet Soul Alysia,

You do speak truth so well.

That imaginary parrot was born of an awkward attempt at humor
but your truth is gracious and speaks much more clearly.

Thank you!


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by DocM on Jun 4th, 2008 at 10:16am
Nice thread,

The issue, really is whether or not there exists a unified csomic consciousness which is both the sum total of all existence and yet, still an intelligent, directed force in the universe.

I find it too simple and not very satisfying, when given the answer that "we are all God," and because of this, if I speak to my stilled mind and ask for an answer, the answer will always be from God.  Yes, this may be true - in a sense, but not very useful.

If I make contact with a discarnate claiming to be God, and he/she and I both have a spark of the eternal in us, it still doesn't answer the big questions.  If there is a cosmic plan, for conscious beings to realize that love is the answer, and bring back all their experiences to God, then there may be (dare I say it?) a divine intelligence, and a divine plan.

This idea that God exists, and has both a plan for the universe and an intelligence, means that there is, in fact a difference between talking with myself, a mischievous entity, or my parrot, and receiving a divine grace or communication from the Lord.  

It is, admittedly scary to some, to believe that there is a God, as a discreet entity, because that sets up the idea that, hmmm....maybe its not ok to do just whatever feels good, because we are divine ourselves.  It makes us think - maybe, I should see whether I am moving toward God's plan, and what is that plan anyway?

For now, without a better answer, I believe that expressing love is the plan.  Acting out of love and not selfishness.  To follow the golden rule.  

Can guides, helpers, angels answer us and our prayers?  Absolutely.  Are they the creator of the universe as opposed to a messenger?  I think we know that they are not God.

I've been known to whistle at the birds in the backyard.  They respond.  We bond and communicate.  There is something great in all interactions with other beings.  But perhaps a true conversation with God the creator, in language only happens with grace, at certain important points in history, and may not be channeled so easily.  


Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by blink on Jun 4th, 2008 at 11:13am
Do we channel God or does God channel us? If I pay attention to my little finger it might have something to tell me or I might have something to tell it. It does a lot of things without me being consciously aware of the process. If I concentrated very hard all day, every day, I might be able to be aware of my little finger 24/7.

I can draw a face on my little finger and it might show an "expression" of my personality. It might have a silly grin or a scowl. It might just look at me. It is pink and the blood flows into it, and life in all of its strangeness and complexity visits it. It lives.

What would my little finger tell me if I paid attention to it, all day, every day?

Title: Re: Channeling God??
Post by vajra on Jun 4th, 2008 at 11:43am
Nicely put Alysia. That's what I was groping for earlier.

This is talking off the top of my head, but I guess Doc the basic problem with the communication from God issue is that setting aside the question of whether or not he/she ever exists as a discrete entity, the fact is that he/she doesn't do much by way of starring appearances in form.

Even if it was to happen only he/she knows what it might entail - most traditions are very clear that it's only by ascending through multiple levels (some suggest seven is it?) of ever more integrated but ethereal being that this becomes possible.

The phenomenon of Grace seems to be the one instance of direct communication that's usually spoken of, and that's strictly non intellectual and non relative, and more an influence that acts at subtle levels, and by subtle means to inform our deeper knowing.

I think as I've said before we're a bit like a fish that hears about this mythical stuff 'water', and spends his time rushing around trying to find some. He's so immersed in the damn stuff he's not aware of it.  

We seem to have gone beyond even this - to have developed all sorts of cultural and ideological hang ups on top of the basic blockages that prevent our 'seeing' what's not physical - we require a voice from a burning bush or something like that if it's to be taken as 'real'.

He/she seems happy in the meantime to communicate by all manner of means, at all kinds of levels. But it seems likely that if it's going to be in the form of an explicit message that this will be via some series of lower beings.

Another issue in all of this is that even when we receive communication it's very much a matter of personal interpretation as to the source. Meaning that we rely on the opinion of the receiver as to the nature of the source, and as ever given human limitations that's unlikely ever to be very reliable...

All of which is fair and good. But as ever - 'what the bleep do we know......'

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