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Message started by Justin aka asltaomr on May 29th, 2008 at 11:24pm

Title: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuition,
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on May 29th, 2008 at 11:24pm
 This may belong more in the Off topic section, i'm not sure, feel free to move it or i will erase and move it.  Two parts, the first is about meditation increasing everyday intuition and the 2nd is about Kundalini breathing exercises and Hemi-sync state.  

  Anyways, i've always been somewhat impressed by the very visual abilities that some here have when it comes to perceiving nonphysically, especially since i seem to lack that ability or common experience.   Occasionally i do get vision flashes when i meditate, but not that often.   In the past, i've been a bit frustrated with this seeming lack.  

  Seems my intuitive ability tends to work more as an automatic knowing/feeling thing--kind of like hearing in a way, but not sensory based or oriented usually.  

 Anyways, i've noticed that as i've been meditating more and more consistently (i still occasionally miss a day or two here and there), i've notice it's been increasing more.   A couple of little recent incidences come to mind.   A few days ago, i was contemplating eating a banana but since i've been dealing with candida overgrowth issues i didn't know if that would be good or not, cause i know that they are fairly high sugar and somewhat high glycemic.

 I wondered in my head, i wonder how much sugar this banana has.   Instantly after thinking that i *heard* "17 grams".   I also just knew that it wasn't me or my conscious mind, but guidance or some more expanded part of me.   I'm one of those nutrition label readers, but bananas do not come with nutrition labels usually and i don't remember looking it up  before.  

 So i decided to look it up on the net.   At first i was a bit disappointed cause the first site i looked at, i saw something like 36 grams of sugar.   But i checked the serving size, and it was for a cup of banana and i figured that was probably more than one medium large banana.   The site actually had various options like small banana, medium, large, etc.    I picked the one closest to what i thought the banana matched up to, and sure enough it said 17 grams of sugar.  

 The other day, i was shooting my bow with some of my wifes arrows out in the woods.  Really bad place to shoot cause i'm a beginner, there is a somewhat deep layer of leaves on the ground, and there is a lot of poison ivy around.  

 I shot and lost one arrow and couldn't find it anywhere, and my wife warmed me that i better not lose another then stalked off (she was somewhat sick and pm'sing at the same time so a wee bit grumpy).    

So what did i do, i proceeded to lose another.   This time though i decided i would look for it till i found it.  I started to get a bit frantic when i couldn't find it, all the while thinking to myself, "this isn't going to be pretty...boy is she going to be mad at you."   I had to get back soon to get ready for work and i didn't have much time, plus mosquitoes and ticks were happily attacking my tasty flesh.  

 On an intuition, i thought, hey why don't i meditate a bit and ask guidance for some help?   So i took a few deep breaths, relaxed but focussed myself, and asked "Please could you lead me to the arrow?" and i gave thanks for any help i would receive.    

 I just started walking and not thinking, and i came to an area which just felt right to check even though i couldn't see anything.   I swished the leaves around with my foot, moved up a little more and swooshed some more leaves and there the arrow was, having been completely buried under the leaves.  I found it pretty quickly after i went within and i asked for some help.

Moral of the story, practice and consistency really helps.  Nor don't presuppose or expect the info to come in a certain way or not.   Just believe and know it will come.  

 I guess i'll save the Kundalini etc. stuff for a reply to this thread.

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, Hemi sync state.
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on May 29th, 2008 at 11:56pm
 So Kundalini breathing exercises and the Hemi sync state.

 I've known of a certain Kundalini breathing exercise for a long time via my studies into the Edgar Cayce readings, which once or a couple of times recommended them to a couple individuals.

 I never tried them though.  I just didn't feel ready for it, though i've been curious.  After some 12 years or so, for whatever reason i came upon them again and felt ready for it.  

 After trying them the first time, i felt very energized, and it was kind of like a pretty quick, Hemi-Sync like state and feeling that i've gotten during really deep and long meditations using H.S. audio.  I was surprised by the similarity between the Hemi-Sync state and the Kundalini flowing to the head glands.  This seems to have facilitated in upping my everyday type intuitive capacity or tendencies.  

 I've also seem since to have zero interest in self or shared sex.   I can still get "turned on" if there is a lot of effort involved, but i feel no need to initiate nor to come.   The activity in general just doesn't interest me lately.  

I find this interesting because in the Cayce readings, the source of same said that when and if the Kundalini energy reaches to the endocrine glands in the head during meditation, a person will lose the desire and interest for sex, and that is is a natural and safe way of achieving celibacy if one was interested in it (unlike the whole repression method which doesn't seem to work).

 This led me to think a bit about the whole Jesus thing. A lot of people seem to want to believe that Yeshua was married, had kids, etc. but i believe he started to have his kundalini flowing completely 8 through his system at a fairly young age, and probably would have had no need for or attraction to such activities as the average person (especially males his age).   So, considering my recent experiences, i say why couldn't he have been completely celibate?  

 My intuition leads me to believe similar to what Recoverer's guidance has shown him multiple times in various ways, that if one's sexual energies are redirected consciously, it can really increase the overall energy at one's disposal.   Spending or using that energy (especially through coming), especially when lust is involved, can really drain the energy system.  

 Interestingly, and seemingly coinciding with this, is i've been led to and feel like i should be eating a lot more fresh and alive foods.   I'm just more attracted to and crave it for some reason, and i've been steadily increasing the amounts of enzyme filled foods, and i've also become more and more vegan in eating habits (this is partly conscious though because of animal-compassion issues).  

 Anyways, has anyone here tried Kundalini breathing exercises?   What's your experience if you don't mind sharing.  

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by vajra on May 30th, 2008 at 5:31am
:) Hi Justin. Thought for a minute you were pasting a piece of one of my previous messages - there's an amazing level of similarity there between limited visuals, psychic ability, working with kundalini, sexual responses and diet. Right down to language and having to be careful with a low GI diet as a consequence of a tendency to candida and blood sugar issues.

My visuals seem to arise in a state like lucid dreaming, but right on the edge of sleep. No way can I hold it if I'm tired, I just drop off and blink out. It often happens that I'm just getting into something, and the lights go out.

My 'extra' is perhaps that my endocrine system is a little messed around. Mercury was in the mix, although there were probably genetic and upbringing issues too. My thyroid and thyroid hormone utilisation were messed up for many years, nowadays I'm on synthetic thyroid hormone after removal of my thyroid due to a fortunately encapsulated cancer.

My experience is that I also experience flashes of visuals, but not the cinerama of some of the guys here. Lots of psychic stuff too - wall to wall synchronicities, RV ability, lots of intuitive knowing, occasional more interesting psychic stuff.

Comes and goes a little - if life gets hectic I tend to lose some of it, if I'm nice and relaxed it works and the feeling is very obvious - a sort of soft, almost blissful ease with an edge of sadness, rawness  and emotional opening. I don't really know what the factors are but I've wondered if there's not more to it than just mood. I'd not thought of exploring the link with diet, which in my case is more to do with health.

The retreats in darkness we've previously discussed seem also to be a powerful trigger as a result of triggering effects involving glands like the pituitary.

I've tried the Cayce kundalini method in the form I read of it, and some variants like breath of fire from books (Dave recommended a Hatha Yoga pradipika) and a yoga class, making the pot (working with muscles in the abdomen and posterior) and so on but not as yet very seriously - I've been cautious given that one hears stories that uncontrolled release of kundalini can reputedly leave one badly messed up and ill.

This after many years of Buddhist shamatha style meditation, and a well established practice - maybe 40 min daily with the odd miss. Some work with Hemi Sync CDs too.

My experience is that the kundalini produces quite an intense raising of energy - to the point where it can easily be felt, and where visually people and objects start to develop auras. Sometimes leading to a complete white out. It's never progressed to complete loss of the physical, but I've not persevered for longer then maybe twenty minutes.

Kundalini energy seems to be right at the centre of our journey. Philip Gardiner's DVD explores how it crops up all over the place. 'Secrets of the Serpent - In Search of the Sacred Past' The DVD seems to be just a documentary like review, but it is interesting and brings home how pervasive it is. All the great civilisations, traditions and many historical figures seem to have worked with it. Also how orthodox Christianity sought to stamp out the knowledge, and how as a result it was driven underground.

The falling away of the urge for sex does occur, as does a significant overall energisation and a change in physical appearance - people start to comment on how well you look. It seems in effect to be a diversion of what expresses as sexual energy  - it's not by accident that tantric and other ritual sexual practices have always been used by secret esoteric societies and so on are in this space too.

This broad scenario has continued for me for many months, I've been quietly plugging away in the hope that something more might happen, but not so far. I'm sure it's important not to get results oriented or fixated on exotic experience either, hence the easy pace.

Some of you guys seem to have the facility to produce visuals relatively easily, not sure why.

I know that in my own case I've had to work my way past some very severe and illness causing and emotionally restrictive energetic blocks to get to my present point - with some fairly spectacular 'opening' experiences along the way. So it's probable that there's more to be released.

Anyway. All inputs appreciated...

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by betson on May 30th, 2008 at 2:46pm

Regarding the banana and the arrow, I can sometimes get that kind of information, but only after I appeal to my Higher Self or Oversoul. It must relate to whatever beliefs we've picked up as it sounds the same, as the link to breathing and kundalini applies for me too.

Previously when I've heard of 'expanded awareness,' I didn't relate the term to expanding sensory awareness. I just thought it was some sort of awareness 'out there.'  ::) But it is expanded in the physical sense, isn't it?  Mine works to route me away from traffic accidents, for example, as though it has a bigger expanded overview of my surroundings.

Good to hear your experiences and explanation, Justin.  It helps make 'sense of it all!


Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by recoverer on May 30th, 2008 at 3:41pm
I'm just going to write what comes to mind, so hopefully it doesn't come out too unorganized. I'm not going to provide every single detail, just what seems important.

First of all, I've found that if you sit in meditation it gives your kundalini the time to do its thing. One thing kundalini does is push its way past psychological/energetic blocks. Another thing it does is help clear up some of your physical problems. For example, one night I'd feel pain in my right hand. Later on I'd wake up in the middle of the night and feel electrical energy by this hand. I'd wake up in the morning and the pain would be gone. The next day my left hand would be worked on.  You know that feeling you get in the palms of your hand? It's really alive for me now.

It may be that hidden knowledge is also brought to life. Early on during the process I would occasionally be shown like flip books, and I would see a number of images that quickly appeared one after the other. It is hard to say what the images were, yet they were quite clear. Perhaps some form of hyroglyphics that a part of my mind understood.

I never took part in breathing exercises, even though at times spontaneous deep breathing would take place.

I meditated a lot and this gave my kundalini a lot of time to do its thing.  I went through a period of time where things unraveled too quickly. Thought patterns came up quicker than I was ready to deal with them, my energy felt unbalanced, and I had contact with the spirit World without understanding what was going on.

Because of my extensive knowledge about gurus, I didn't want to seek the help of a guru when my kundalini came to life a second time (after doing so a first time, years earlier**). So I made contact with spirit help. They provided lots of energetic work which included a few occasions where I could feel what felt like a pair of hands working on me.  I found that I could address a particular part of my body, and my guidance would respond by having energy work on that part of my body.

It is important to find a way to determine which thought patterns/emotional issues trouble you,  because doing so will enable your kundalini to ascend in a mostly harmonious way. I say "mostly" because a lot of people are likely to run into some problems.

Eventually I made a spirit connection with Christ. One night his presence worked on my energetic system in a manner that went beyond what kundalini did.  The energetic flow in my upper chakras became more alive, clear and balanced. Since this occasion the same presence worked on my blocks a number of times. There were times where it felt like my head would be ripped off as energy pushed towards my crown. At first I had to really tune into my faith as this took place. After a few times I found that nothing bad ever resulted. At the end of such a process I would end up in an expanded and peaceful state.  Such intense sessions no longer happen.

Regarding the sex drive, my guidance presented the issue to me in a manner where it was up to me to decide whether I want to overcome it.  Once I did so it was made known to me in a number of ways that if a person wants to live completely according to love/higher self/Christ consciousness, he or she needs to overcome his or her sex drive.  Part of the reason is that you can't completely love all people if you continue to view some of them as objects of sexual pleasure. Another reason is that you allow a part of your energy to be stuck in your lower chakra area. Or another way to look at it, just as you wouldn't expect to experience love completely while you are experiencing fear or hate, you can't expect to experience love completely if you're experiencing lust.

I've found that awakened kundalini by itself won't help one get over one's sex drive. Their are many kundalini gurus who made a practice of taking advantage of their followers sexually that prove this point. This includes some very famous gurus I won't name.

I've been completely celibate for more than a year and a half now, and it hasn't been problem. Yet I still find women to be physically attractive. I do believe things are improving for me. I've found a number of ways of viewing sex that have helped me develop some freedom.  My spirit guidance has provided me with various viewpoints that also help out.  My guidance has also been telling me that if I wanted to completely let go of my sex drive I could. Consciously I really want to, however, a aspect of my mind keeps clinging.

In some ways, kundalini is an energy that will manifest in a manner that you allow it to manifest.  It is extremely important to want to grow in love if you go through the kundalini unfoldment process.  

If you receive spirit help from spirit guidance, I believe it is important to have the spirit of giving back.  This can take place in various ways.

I've found that it is important to have a healty diet after your kundalini awakens. Other wise your energy might be unbalanced, and kundalini will have to waste its time cleaning up negative food energy.

Regarding bananas, a while back I had three dreams in which a banana occurred that had a worm in it. I searched the internet and found that bananas tend to have a lot of parasites.

**Regarding my kundalini awakening a second time,  for a number of years I was involved with teachings such as Advaita Vedanta and Chan Buddhism, and because of this I was only interested in experiencing pure awareness. Therefore, I set the intent for my kundalini to stop coming to life, and it stopped doing so.

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on May 30th, 2008 at 3:49pm

wrote on May 30th, 2008 at 5:31am:
:) Hi Justin. Thought for a minute you were pasting a piece of one of my previous messages - there's an amazing level of similarity there between limited visuals, psychic ability, working with kundalini, sexual responses and diet. Right down to language and having to be careful with a low GI diet as a consequence of a tendency to candida and blood sugar issues.

 Haha maybe i'm your doppelganger (i'm sure that spelling is probably way off).  I do remember some of that above stuff you had earlier talked about, but i didn't realize it was that similar.  

My visuals seem to arise in a state like lucid dreaming, but right on the edge of sleep. No way can I hold it if I'm tired, I just drop off and blink out. It often happens that I'm just getting into something, and the lights go out.

 Yeah, i've wondered if maybe i'm not going deep enough or something.  Dunno, i know that nutrition can affect dreaming in remembering them more vividly etc., i wonder if those same nutrients might help increase waking visualizing?


My 'extra' is perhaps that my endocrine system is a little messed around. Mercury was in the mix, although there were probably genetic and upbringing issues too. My thyroid and thyroid hormone utilisation were messed up for many years, nowadays I'm on synthetic thyroid hormone after removal of my thyroid due to a fortunately encapsulated cancer.

 I remember that part.  Dunno.  In a way i guess i'm similar in that i've dealt with a really imbalanced and over toxic body for a long time, especially growing up in this latter generation and in this country.

My experience is that I also experience flashes of visuals, but not the cinerama of some of the guys here. Lots of psychic stuff too - wall to wall synchronicities, RV ability, lots of intuitive knowing, occasional more interesting psychic stuff.

 I occasionally get the movie-dream type stuff, but it's somewhat rare.  Maybe i grasp after it too much, or maybe it's really not that necessary to begin with if i'm still receiving info in some way?

Comes and goes a little - if life gets hectic I tend to lose some of it, if I'm nice and relaxed it works and the feeling is very obvious - a sort of soft, almost blissful ease with an edge of sadness, rawness  and emotional opening. I don't really know what the factors are but I've wondered if there's not more to it than just mood. I'd not thought of exploring the link with diet, which in my case is more to do with health.

 Diet could definitely be a factor.  Check out Cosmic Journeys, and the chapter, "Control: the foods we eat (or something like this).    Rosie's guides repeatedly emphasized to both Rosie and Bob Monroe that in order to open up more fully and holistically to nonphysical perception that the body had to be more balanced and strengthened, i.e. through diet, occasional fasting, etc.   Cayce's guides seemed to indicate this time and time again as well, though at the same time they also said it's not so important what goes into a body as what comes out figuratively speaking.

 On numerous occasions, i've gotten guidance to eat a food called "Mummy food" in the Cayce literature.   Cayce's source recommended it a few times to a few individuals and said it would be almost a spiritual food for such developed bodies as those they were addressing.  One of the main ingredients in Mummy food is Figs, and its interesting to note that S.G. Buddha supposedly sat under a Bo tree (a type of fig tree) while doing all that meditation and becoming enlightened.   Wonder what he ate when he got hungry?

Anyways, i'm getting the candida issue rapidly more and more under control, and i plan to commence on eating mostly Mummy food and fresh, live raw foods and see what happens.  As well as doing some more fasting.  

 Generally, the more live, fresh, and raw foods you eat, the more energy and vitality your body will have, which opens up energy to do other things.  

The retreats in darkness we've previously discussed seem also to be a powerful trigger as a result of triggering effects involving glands like the pituitary.

 Prolonged darkness affects more the Pineal gland, and things like Sun gazing when the Sun is near Sunrise or Sunset can help to stimulate the Pituitary gland more so.   The Pituitary gland is the "master" gland, both physically and spiritually speaking, and though it sits lower than the Pineal in the body, it's actually the endocrine gland that more so corresponds to the Crown Chakra.  

The Pineal more so to the 3rd eye/Anja Chakra, but in reality they are so interrelated that they both kind of correspond to both Chakras in different balances.   BUT Pituitary is Golden and resonates to a faster vibratory energy than does the Pineal.

I've tried the Cayce kundalini method in the form I read of it, and some variants like breath of fire from books (Dave recommended a Hatha Yoga pradipika) and a yoga class, making the pot (working with muscles in the abdomen and posterior) and so on but not as yet very seriously - I've been cautious given that one hears stories that uncontrolled release of kundalini can reputedly leave one badly messed up and ill.

 Yes, i believe people have to be really careful when trying to use these.  Cayce's source also cautioned people to only open up in this manner, when focussed on the highest within self and that a cleansed mind AND body and open heart were first necessary.   I didn't avoid trying this so much out of fear, but just intuitively i didn't feel ready for it.  I go more by inner intuition than intellectual curiosity usually.

This after many years of Buddhist shamatha style meditation, and a well established practice - maybe 40 min daily with the odd miss. Some work with Hemi Sync CDs too.

My experience is that the kundalini produces quite an intense raising of energy - to the point where it can easily be felt, and where visually people and objects start to develop auras. Sometimes leading to a complete white out. It's never progressed to complete loss of the physical, but I've not persevered for longer then maybe twenty minutes.

 Lordy, twenty minutes!   I do one set 7 times (feels right), and that probably only takes a few minutes at most.  

Kundalini energy seems to be right at the centre of our journey. Philip Gardiner's DVD explores how it crops up all over the place. 'Secrets of the Serpent - In Search of the Sacred Past' The DVD seems to be just a documentary like review, but it is interesting and brings home how pervasive it is. All the great civilisations, traditions and many historical figures seem to have worked with it. Also how orthodox Christianity sought to stamp out the knowledge, and how as a result it was driven underground.

 Yup, i like the Egyptian images of the snake which goes to the top of the head and then drops down between the eyes.  It seems the Egyptians knew what Cayce talked about, that it's really the Pituitary and not the Pineal gland which is symbolically or energetically the highest gland in the body.

The falling away of the urge for sex does occur, as does a significant overall energisation and a change in physical appearance - people start to comment on how well you look. It seems in effect to be a diversion of what expresses as sexual energy  - it's not by accident that tantric and other ritual sexual practices have always been used by secret esoteric societies and so on are in this space too.

 It seems to my mind, that a lot of the knowledge has been twisted, misinterpreted, or misunderstood along these lines.   Lot's of times they seem to become just another vehicle for satisfying the Earthly and ego appetites.   It's interesting but you hear about so many supposedly enlightened teachers who turns out have a raging sex drive, which kind of makes me doubt that their kundalini is flowing in a complete and balanced manner.   More than likely, it's like what you mentioned a little bit above, where prematurely raised K. can cause all kinds of issues and havoc on both the body and on the mind and emotions.

This broad scenario has continued for me for many months, I've been quietly plugging away in the hope that something more might happen, but not so far. I'm sure it's important not to get results oriented or fixated on exotic experience either, hence the easy pace.

 I practice this and mediation in general, with the intention and motivation that it helps me to become a clearer and more positive channel of blessings and help to others.   If it doesn't help one to become more loving, there is no point in doing stuff like this.  Either way, kind of like you said there is no rush, and it's best to just let this stuff mostly develop on its own as more of a side effect and not as a central emphasis or intention/desire.  

Some of you guys seem to have the facility to produce visuals relatively easily, not sure why.

 Yup, i've wondered about that too.   It just may be that some folks are wired a bit differently than others.   It could be analogous somewhat to physical senses and the different emphasis's and capacities in different senses that people have.    Interestingly, Cayce's guides matched up the different races to various major physical senses and seemed to imply there was some kind of general, collective influence of the bodies of different races more towards one than the other.  

 For example, the Black was said to correspond more to taste, the Asian to hearing, the White to sight or vision, the Red to feeling, etc.  

 Because i have a pretty strong Celtic descent, which i'm pretty convinced is more related to the Red (originally Atlantean race, but more commonly related to certain Mid and Eastern North Native American tribes) though obviously has been heavily mixed with the White, maybe there is a different emphasis than folks with a more purely White descent?   Don't really know, but bodies, races, etc. are kind of like a reflection of interweaving individual and collective karmic tendencies over periods of time, mixed in with some more purely environmental pressures and influence factors.

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on May 30th, 2008 at 3:50pm
I'll have to get back to you later Bet's and Albert, but thank you for responding.

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by betson on May 30th, 2008 at 3:51pm
Hi R,

did your kundalini really stop coming to life, or is it there and channelled so that it has the same intent as you do?   And regardless, how would one tell the difference?


Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by blink on May 30th, 2008 at 4:07pm
I tried a couple of "kundalini" yoga videotapes way back when. In those days I was very concerned with physical strength and health, and pursued them in a very focused way. I found the tape that I particularly remember to have been pretty strenuous and repetitive. It was a discipline. I enjoyed my other physical activities more.

Kundalini is not something I've studied. I would have no idea how it relates to sexuality. However, I find the idea that one must "conquer" one's lust a little extreme, at least for me. I feel that all of our impulses have a good reason. I do agree that such lustful thoughts/reactions can be considered a creative force which can be used in many ways.

Of course, love is the higher goal, the one which can show you the holiness in just about anything. I went to hear some music last night and this place I go is full of wonderful, positive energy. I don't know why it is so "light" in that place. No one else was dancing, but I danced through both sets of music by myself in the small area next to the stage. Most everyone else was riveted to their seats. I was feeling happy and centered and just in love with life. Perhaps I amused a few people.

Whatever kundalini is, it was sure flowing everywhere it was supposed to be flowing last night. If that was it, it was gentle, happy, spirited, loving, and completely aware of everything around me, and every movement of my body.

Perhaps it flows freely when one feels free. Just a thought.

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by recoverer on May 30th, 2008 at 4:11pm

Yes it did really come to a halt after I willed it to do so. At the time it hadn't completely unraveled. I don't believe I could do the same today.  Not that I need to. If a person reaches the point where they live according to love completely, this person's energy will follow.  Not to say that I've reached this point, but I'm working at it.

The energy I'm talking about can be quite powerful. Have you ever pumped gas and felt the hydraulic pressure as the nozzle turns off? Kundalini can sort of be like this, only you feel the pressure within you.

For the most part I "don't" go by book knowledge when it comes to kundalini. I go by my experience.  There is probably some degree of misunderstanding when it comes to book knowledge. There are times where I feel more than kundalini. For example, when I've received energetic work from Christ. Or when I help with retrievels in a way where spirit energy is run through me.  Sometimes it is hard to tell where our energy starts and the energy of other levels of spirt being begin. For example, I figure our disks have a ton of energy. What does it feel like when we make an energetic connection to our disk?

betson wrote on May 30th, 2008 at 3:51pm:
Hi R,

did your kundalini really stop coming to life, or is it there and channelled so that it has the same intent as you do?   And regardless, how would one tell the difference?


Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by recoverer on May 30th, 2008 at 4:22pm
Regarding visuals, if a person doesn't experience them extensively at first, perhaps things are being energetically prepared when they do experience them.  My ability to receive them improved. Such imagery gets to the point where it can be interactive.  For example, one time I was reading something that I was interpreting in a way that was confusing me, and suddenly I found myself underground like a trapped miner.  I was calling up a hole that reached to the surface and asking for help. This was a way of telling me that I was burrying myself with the way I was thinking.

Perhaps it is more beneficial to try to tune into one's spirit self, rather than focusing one's attention on something like one's breath.  The way to do this is to simply be one's spirit self without worrying about what kind of thoughts or perceptions appear within one's awareness. By this later statement I don't mean that one should ignore the visual messages one might receive.

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by vajra on May 30th, 2008 at 6:37pm
What's interesting guys is that nobody is reporting the dramatic variety of kundalini experience, even explosion. It's something you hear of sometimes leading to major crises, but i wonder how often it happens in reality.

The two things that struck me in the Cayce material was the advice that it's so important to proceed with right intention  - that this is energy that can be wrongly applied. That we should repeat our intention every time.

Also (which amounts to something similar) that it's better to open the higher chakras first - that if this is done that it makes possible a more gradual opening, wheras it can apparently be pretty uncontrollable and likely to lead to problems and wrong usage if this is not done.

Sounds R by your experience like myself and Justin may be on the way, that it just needs more time. I've experienced the dealing with aches and issues etc you mention too - i find in fact that when my energy drops (although it's much more stable now) it sometimes triggers all sorts of odd pains.

It's amazing Bets how much difference raising some energy makes. I find the same - that some places have this really heavy energy (it's often that way in old bars), while others are so light and positive.

The sexual cooling thing has for me not been a matter of willpower, more a matter of a natural easing. Theorising it's maybe because the energy gets diverted elsewhere.

Thanks guys...

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by recoverer on May 30th, 2008 at 8:31pm

I can't say much because I have to run, but I've heard that a lot of people have problems with kundalini and I can see why.  Things went much better for me than some people I know of.  I get the impression that Kathy from this forum did well with her kundalini awakening.

Regarding being careful like Cayce said, I'll share what I've shared before.

One night I saw a full life image of a heavy metal dude (while my eyes were closed). I could see kundalini moving within him. He said that he uses his kundalini for evil. Next I saw a lifesize demonic image of myself. Next I saw the face of Jesus Christ. I believe the message was clear. If you're going to go through the kundalini unfoldment process make certain you do so with Christ consciousness/love in mind, because things might not work out well if you don't.

I've found that one's ability to create and make contact with the spirit World becomes more pronounced once your kundalini really gets going. Also, your subconscious mind becomes more alive. You'll find out about patterns of mind you didn't realize you had.  

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by LaffingRain on May 30th, 2008 at 8:47pm
Hello Blinky dear  :) I do what you just described. yes the people loved you. ;)

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by betson on May 30th, 2008 at 9:08pm
Hi Vajra,

Re: violence, I was just being polite.  :-[  :-?

Kundalini slammed me into the refrigerator so hard that my shoulder was bruised for a week.
It squeezed me until I thought my eyeballs would pop out and my heart would be impaired or stopped.
It tripped/spun me across a floor and through a door into a closet of coats, thank goodness since they softened my landing.
the worst session lasted about a half hour, with other sessions for along a week or so.
I wouldn't wish that kind of awakening on my worst enemy.

That's why I asked recoverer if he knew for sure whether his had been tamed. I wanted reassurance.
I appealed to Christ but apparently my Christianity had lapsed. It only stopped when I finally thought to ask it if it killed me, who would be its 'host'.
I also wonder if it is operating through what I call my OverSoul. Is it the expanded awareness that I'm asking for more and more information?
We talked about kundalini before but those were gentler times when we avoided fears during our emphasis on PUL.  I still believe and experience that PUL is the essence of the answer.


Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on May 30th, 2008 at 10:23pm

betson wrote on May 30th, 2008 at 2:46pm:

Regarding the banana and the arrow, I can sometimes get that kind of information, but only after I appeal to my Higher Self or Oversoul. It must relate to whatever beliefs we've picked up as it sounds the same, as the link to breathing and kundalini applies for me too.

Previously when I've heard of 'expanded awareness,' I didn't relate the term to expanding sensory awareness. I just thought it was some sort of awareness 'out there.'  ::) But it is expanded in the physical sense, isn't it?  Mine works to route me away from traffic accidents, for example, as though it has a bigger expanded overview of my surroundings.

Good to hear your experiences and explanation, Justin.  It helps make 'sense of it all!


I believe it can be both, expanded sensory awareness which is basically being filtered through your brain via the sensory areas (and thus get interpreted in a more sensual like way), or more pure awareness which is just pure knowing and feeling in nature.   The latter is and was our way of perceiving before getting involved with this whole splitting, and space/time thing i believe.  Some sources say that if you can develop the latter more, it will lead to much less misinterpretation and skewing of the info you get.   In any case, my hunch is that whatever works best at the time, can change and depends, and sometimes (or lot's of times) info comes in on many different levels at once.  

 Thanks, i'm not sure how much sense i've made of anything, but i definitely appreciate the appreciation.  

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on May 30th, 2008 at 10:57pm

recoverer wrote on May 30th, 2008 at 3:41pm:
I've found that awakened kundalini by itself won't help one get over one's sex drive. Their are many kundalini gurus who made a practice of taking advantage of their followers sexually that prove this point. This includes some very famous gurus I won't name.

 I believe there may be subtleties here.  I'm not going by book stuff here, cause i've read very little about Kundalini all and in all, but going more by intuition.. but i believe there is a difference between getting the kundalini active and having it completely flow unimpeded throughout your entire system in a figure 8 manner.  The latter is the ideal situation, and what eventually accompanies full Christ Consciousness awakening or what some call the final and full enlightenment (wherein the body physical gets translated into pure coherent light energy).  

  Some folks get it active, but because they have *blocks* and imbalances within their system, it doesn't flow in that ideal manner, and oft doesn't even activate the higher Head glands, but will sometimes OVER ACTIVATE the lower glands like the gonads, adrenals, etc.

 This leads to those out of control guru types, who because they have had some unusual energetic experiences, their intuition may increase, etc. but their ego tendencies are still very strong, come to believe they are fully enlightened and don't you know it, oft proclaim it to the world and look for followers.  

 What is "Kundalini" to begin with anyways?  Is it anything "outside" of self, nah, i liken it to the Raw Consciousness energy that Bruce talks about, and which we all have within us because it's part of universal energy, but a very "concentrated" but UNORGANIZED energy.    Kundalini is creative energy or rather creative potential, and it's PRETTY MUCH THE SAME THING AS SEXUAL ENERGY, THEY ARE ESSENTIALLY THE SAME ENERGY.   And just like sex, it can be a creative or a noncreative thing.  

  Kundalini does relate to love, but for it to reach and flow completely through your system in the ideal figure 8 manner, from the lower glands to the higher glands and back and through, you have to be filled with pure love more than not!    Love is the catalyst or the key holder to that eventual experience.   As it flows through the higher glands and Chakras, the energy becomes increasingly organized, faster vibrating, expanded, more conscious, and refined in nature.   It's like your beaming a laser of light through various filters (except that the filters are all connected), and what you are ideally looking and hoping for, is for it to go through ALL the filters simultaneously, which then will equal the pure White Light Consciousness.   Kundalini is pure active energy, the Centers are both active and passive, kind of energy transformers which either step up or slow down the vibratory frequencies of said engine starting energy.

A person cannot really force Kundalini to vibrate to faster centers than what they themselves are already consciously vibrating at because of their Freewill.  It will only go as "high" (figuratively speaking) as much as you fit yourself as a channel for Source and Christ Consciousness in your daily life.   If wrong intentions, motivations, suppressed ego or separative type desires, tendencies, etc. are involved, again it will over stimulate lower centers, and instead of INTEGRATION AND COMPLETE BALANCE/MERGING  between all the major Centers, you get polarization, imbalance and INHARMONY which leads to various weaknesses or extreme conditions whether physical, emotional, and/or mental.   Often a person will become OVER sexed in such cases.

 Or at least that is my intuition and understanding.  


Regarding bananas, a while back I had three dreams in which a banana occurred that had a worm in it. I searched the internet and found that bananas tend to have a lot of parasites.

 Dude, that totally blows goats!   I didn't know that.   Maybe that's why bananas are one of the very few fruits that Cayce's guidance told people to avoid?  

Either way, i haven't been eating them much at all lately, and really shouldn't be anyways because of the candida overgrowth.   Pretty much the only fruits i've been eating lately are lemons (fresh juice of same), avocados, and the occasional moderate amount of watermelon.  

 But good to know about the bananas and thanks for letting us know about that!   Just don't tell me there is something wrong with avocados now..pretty please with kelp salt on top.

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on May 30th, 2008 at 11:41pm

wrote on May 30th, 2008 at 4:07pm:
Kundalini is not something I've studied. I would have no idea how it relates to sexuality. However, I find the idea that one must "conquer" one's lust a little extreme, at least for me. I feel that all of our impulses have a good reason. I do agree that such lustful thoughts/reactions can be considered a creative force which can be used in many ways.

 I would say it's pretty much the same thing as pure sexual energy.  Sex energy seeks what?  Merging.   Merging is another term for or rather facet of love, but merging can be motivated from things other than love, and when it is, it blocks, limits, and facilitates stuckness.  There is a difference between enjoying the fruits of the earth but not being attached to them, as compared to being controlled in some manner by them as most people are with lust.  If one can make love purely out of higher motivations beyond purely physical pleasure, desire, and sensations, then sex can become more fully creative.   But that seems quite, quite rare, for lust to be so absent in such unions that involve physical bodies because of the nature of the body to begin with, see? (even many nonphysical mergings and unions involve attachment and limitations of some kind).   The world does need to be transcended within self, before you can fully remerge with Source.

To consecrate the body of each to one another, to act as a channel to bring an awakened Soul through, well that's about as creative an act as one can do in this world and still be involved in something "physical".  

As far as the whole conquering thing, Vajra wrote the following:
The sexual cooling thing has for me not been a matter of willpower, more a matter of a natural easing. Theorising it's maybe because the energy gets diverted elsewhere.

 I can't speak for others, but it's been pretty much the same for me.  I wasn't seeking, desiring, wanting, or intending that this happened, it just happened and since i'm not that attached to it anyways i can let it flow away without any concern.  But in any event, i see the benefits and positive aspect of this...

 Also, i would point out there is a very big, important, but sometimes subtle difference between repressing or trying to "conquer" something, and consciously redirecting it for a higher purpose.   Not everyone is called to go to the ultimate in this life like say Jesus (though he asks us to try in whatever life we find ourselves in).  

But when this energy is consciously redirected throughout the entire energy system and to the fastest vibratory center, which is "guarded" by and resonates with the Pituitary, it is an amazing, powerful energy boost to the entire system.   The more energy you have, the more you can do and be (the more you can Love and channel Love), and at that point for it even to be directed all the way to and through the Pituitary, Love as in PUL type must be your motivation, your ideal, and your practice.  Well more so if its constantly flowing through all the energy centers in a perfect, balanced, and merged manner.

 As Ian says, this powerful energy that corresponds to sexual energy and desire is getting diverted somewhere else and so you just lose the desire for it to begin with, or rather the desire gets refined, universalized, and non attached.  It is still "sexual" energy in a sense, because it is "merging" energy, except that now it becomes Universal Merging, and not limited in nature such as lust or romantic love oft involves.   Limitation attracts and begets limitation.   Universality attracts and begets universality.  God or Source is Universality, and is remembered through living a life of Oneness.


Of course, love is the higher goal, the one which can show you the holiness in just about anything. I went to hear some music last night and this place I go is full of wonderful, positive energy. I don't know why it is so "light" in that place. No one else was dancing, but I danced through both sets of music by myself in the small area next to the stage. Most everyone else was riveted to their seats. I was feeling happy and centered and just in love with life. Perhaps I amused a few people.

Sounds like it was quite fun.  I'm glad you had a good time and felt free to dance as you like.  Frankly sounds kind of sexy, and would be a turn on if i could get turned on. :D ;)

Whatever kundalini is, it was sure flowing everywhere it was supposed to be flowing last night. If that was it, it was gentle, happy, spirited, loving, and completely aware of everything around me, and every movement of my body.

Perhaps it flows freely when one feels free. Just a thought.

 Yup, but i guess people have different conceptions of freedom.  My conception of freedom, of ultimate freedom is using any or everything at your disposal to become the clearest channel of pure Light to others (at whatever cost to the limited self), and in that sense sacrificing one's sexual nature isn't really much of a "sacrifice" to begin with if it serves a greater good than selfs own narrow, temporal, outer based, materially focussed and thus limited pleasures.  With that said, there is nothing wrong with sex and enjoying same, but there are infinitely greater and limitless pleasures to be had.  Don't underestimate the power and the catalytic potential of that energy when it gets consciously redirected for a greater good.  

 One time my wife woke up quite amorous, but decided to not do anything about it.  Soon after, she OBE vaulted into space, came face to face with a much larger, older and whiter Star than our Sun (she could have been experiencing her own Crown Chakra), and experienced an extremely orgasmic energy explosion throughout her energy system which reverberated back and forth, or "up" and "down" her Chakras.   She said it was much, much, much more intensely pleasurable than any earthly sex and orgasm she has ever had before.

 That's the kind of state that i believe those like Jesus get to enjoy all the time, though it's not always necessarily at full blast like that (i don't really know..).   In a way you could say, folks and consciousnesses like that are just the ultimate, hard core hedonists out there.. :o ;D

 So yes, if one is looking to re-remember and re-become PUL personafied in this life, then yes losing one's attachment to the sex drive and to those desires is potentially quite beneficial and catalytic if the motivation and intent is the right one.  As far as i know, no one here is saying that you need to be celibate  to be a loving person though.   It can just help one to become a more effectively and consistently and more purely loving person if the right intent and motivation is there.  

 Notice how similar the sound of Celebrate is to Celibate...just a coincidence? ;)  

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by vajra on May 31st, 2008 at 6:26am
:o It's in truth the most remarkable territory given the range of way it seems to manifest.

That must have been pretty scary Bets. Sounds like I'd be wise to retain a fair amount of caution, although in truth it's hard to know what that means when it's so uncontrollable and inexplicable. It's actually got some parallels to the sort of experience UG Krishnamurti reports as a part of his transformation into what he calls 'the natural state', although he experienced permanent physical changes too upon dropping identification with mind too.

My own experience so far has been quite gentle, but it sounds like it was maybe starting to create a false sense of security.

It seems that as you suggest Justin that this (the range of ways it can manifest) possibly explains the many shades of related experience.

On  teachers R. Your image on uses of kundalini is very striking and fits with what's written - that it can lead badly astray. I guess the range of possible manifestations influences what happens with teachers  too.

Another factor with teachers is possibly this - so many of us get the urge to teach once we learn a little. Perhaps many of those that actually do follow through and end up teaching are those of a more egotistical persuasion - that they too as Justin says are only finding their way, and get led astray.

Maybe it's a bit like politics - those that end up leading are often those least fitted to lead. The genuine people get brushed aside. Actually an interesting phenomenon, one that may have some advantages in  that it makes sure that we get exposed perhaps to the lowest common denominator in our societies all the time.

On bananas. They also reportedly containing enormous quantities of the chemicals that are necessary if they are to be intensively farmed and ripened. I have to admit I get suckered in by the convenience, but think maybe I'd better drop them....

Title: Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on May 31st, 2008 at 9:54am

wrote on May 31st, 2008 at 6:26am:

That must have been pretty scary Bets. Sounds like I'd be wise to retain a fair amount of caution, although in truth it's hard to know what that means when it's so uncontrollable and inexplicable. It's actually got some parallels to the sort of experience UG Krishnamurti reports as a part of his transformation into what he calls 'the natural state', although he experienced permanent physical changes too upon dropping identification with mind too.

 Yeah totally  :o :o :o Bets!  That must have been quite a scary period.  I agree with you, PUL is the key.  How did the K first feel, did you get any sense of origin, etc.?

On  teachers R. Your image on uses of kundalini is very striking and fits with what's written - that it can lead badly astray. I guess the range of possible manifestations influences what happens with teachers  too.

Another factor with teachers is possibly this - so many of us get the urge to teach once we learn a little. Perhaps many of those that actually do follow through and end up teaching are those of a more egotistical persuasion - that they too as Justin says are only finding their way, and get led astray.

Maybe it's a bit like politics - those that end up leading are often those least fitted to lead. The genuine people get brushed aside. Actually an interesting phenomenon, one that may have some advantages in  that it makes sure that we get exposed perhaps to the lowest common denominator in our societies all the time.

Very, very, very well said Ian.  My feeling is that this exactly is what happens quite often.  It's part of the reason why i mostly gave up doing full astro. charts for others.   I don't have the depth and accuracy of perception to only help people in the most constructive ways all the time on such a personal level.   That's why i prefer to teach more so the generals to others, so they can better do their own charts.  

 As far as being a spiritual oriented teacher, i've come to the feeling that if i'm ever called to teach in such a public manner, i wouldn't even begin to consider until i know that "I and the Father are One" or at least rather close to same--thank goodness there are some outer indications of more true and full enlightenment, and it's not just purely subjective mental-emotional beliefs.  Meanwhile, there's a lot of transformation, regeneration, and service to do, and balance to strike.

On bananas. They also reportedly containing enormous quantities of the chemicals that are necessary if they are to be intensively farmed and ripened. I have to admit I get suckered in by the convenience, but think maybe I'd better drop them....

 Really?  Even the organically grown and slow ripened kind?   Cayce use to say that if one was going to eat bananas, they should be tree ripened and eaten completely alone and very moderately.  

 This would do two things, i get the sense of.  It would probably increase the potassium levels and make them easier to digest, which both would contribute to a greater alkaline forming affect and eating them completely alone would let the hydrochloric acid do it's job of completely killing any parasitic type organism (that's why most healthy, only meat eating animals don't usually have to worry about eating foods with parasites and other pathogenic organisms in them, in the wild especially they have such intense amounts of HCL constantly getting produced which will kill and break down pretty much any protein based food or organism).  

Problem is, if say you ate bananas with a lot of starch or something, large quantities of starch or even too many bananas in the same meal, would lesson (neutralize to some extent) the amount and intensity of hydrochloric acid in the stomach thus some destructive organisms may survive the turbulent journey through the stomach and it's intense acid into the intestines.

 Many people today anyways, because of the SAD American and to a lesser degree Western diet in general, do not produce enough HCL in the first place to break down heavier proteins (which is what this is suppose to do).   Starches, fruits, and most veggies on the other hand, either break down more in the mouth and/or in the small intestines than purely just in the stomach, and these get subjected (in the right conditions) to more alkaline secretions to further break them down once in the intestines.  

 Interestingly it seems that both because meat is alkaline in it's natural state, and tough in a non truly fiber way, it requires a strong acid to break down.   That whole opposite and complimentary Yin Yang thing on a purely physical level.

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