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Message started by gordon phinn on May 27th, 2008 at 7:31pm

Title: Burma and China
Post by gordon phinn on May 27th, 2008 at 7:31pm
Hello friends,

did any of you have a sense that you were involved in the mass retrievals in Burma and China, and may be still are?
Many of us are so involved but despite our commitment it is still very hard to "bring the memories through".  Perhaps these notes will stimulate that process for you.

I "learnt" these techniques sometime in the distant past.  Bruce's first two books began the process of "retrieving the memories" and my own two books contain more of my introduction and training.  Some of you may have seen some earlier mass retrieval posts in the Retrieval Archive here.  I'm sure they're in there somewhere

For those of you who are wondering just how much of a life we live "over there" the answer is: a lot, and probably more than you would believe.  This work is just part of it.

best wishes for now:  gordon

Burma and China:  May2008

First night of Burmese cyclone, felt call when obe and answered it.  Not any kind of noise but a knowing. Move instantly as sphere/beam of light to source of “call”.  Thinking is not involved; direct perception and immediate action are the modes in use.
Arrived without quite knowing where I was and received instructions.  Was one of many spheres of light “listening”.
Found myself quickly down there floating around waterlogged and mostly destroyed tropical landscape.
From my “vibrational level”  I retune into the frequency of the new ghosts that are now floating aimlessly above their discarded bodies and quickly become a authoritative male figure from their culture who directs them to follow his instructions.
With only a minimum of background explanation.  Most know they are dead but are stunned by the sudden violence of their passing and the confusion of not knowing which family members are “here” or back “there”.
I shepherd various groupings “up” a couple of levels to the refugee style camps that always seem to be ready for such mass evacuations.  Huts and tents and groups around fires are set on a lush looking plateau on the edge of a forest beneath some impressive mountains.  Efficient and friendly organiser types come  to relieve me of my loads and I quickly disappear back to earth.
This process goes on all night, just like all the other disaster scenarios I’ve “worked”; been at this long enough now I’m left on my own to do as best I can within the chaos of the situation.  Of course there are the usual heart rending scenes of grieving parents who cannot link up with children and won’t follow me as requested.  I leave them for later; there’s too much to do right now.  It’s more important to get as many souls away from their dead bodies and tormented psyches, and avoid the mass hysteria that can easily result if enough unrelieved craziness is allowed to gather in one place for too long.  Frenzied stampedes only make matters worse, even a this level.
Find myself swimming underwater to look for souls still attached to their drowned forms, some of which feel trapped under twisted vegetation and huge trees.  
Sudden death and over-identification with the body can trap souls for quite some “earth time”.  There are various psychic tricks to shock such spirits out of their hypnotised ignorance, but they are not resorted to until several nights later when the main clearing up operations are over.
Many hundreds of earth based helpers are coordinated during these nights when they are physically sleeping.  Permanent astral dwellers seem to always know when disasters are about to strike and have the necessary situational props ready.
Almost as if it were a movie and the sets are wheeled out of some giant warehouse just in time.
The emotional and psychic chaos of these scenarios are shouldered by the helpers from both sides of the veil, and many of us awaken later with various combinations of sluggishness and  gloominess to cope with.
There are what I can only call multi-coloured showers of light that one can be immersed in on the astral plane that relieve one’s spirit of all this stress and the treatment works so well others, who normally have vivid dream recall, awaken to a blank slate which truly puzzles them.

We’re still working the Burmese situation when the China earthquake occurs.  Much the same mass evacuation scenario recurs, with many of us wondering just how much more we can take.  Though the physical strain of the firefighter, say, is absent, the psychic strain of dealing with so many crisis maddened souls can and does take its toll.
Not that we have much time to talk things over, but one picks up the vibe telepathically, believe it or not.
One makes the sacrifice because one has earlier made the commitment.  If one wishes to be let off the hook for a night or two, there always seems to be plenty of others to take up any slack.
As I have been  Chinese  a few times in the distant past, I manage to remodel myself with barely a thought.
With this situation we are dealing more with bodies trapped under collapsed buildings and the souls within them believing they are their bodies, which of course they are not.  We do our best to convince them to separate and move on.  Split families around collapsed school’s bring many a headache.  Many of the dead children opt to stick around and commune with the grieving.  From our viewpoint not the best choice, but we must cede to their exercise of free will.

These soul rescue efforts continue: May21

Title: Re: Burma and China
Post by recoverer on May 27th, 2008 at 8:02pm

I agree that some of us are involved with retrievels to an extent we aren't aware of. We don't have to go through the protocol Bruce Moen speaks of in order to help with retrievels. I've received a number of messages about the ways I help without being conscious of this fact as I help.

The main thing that takes place with me is that my energetic system has been developed so that spirit energy can be ran through me so first stuck spirits see my energetic signature and then they see my energetic connection to the light or whatever level they move onto. This takes place througout much of the day, even while asleep, and even while at work. I can feel the energy running through me.

Regarding specific info on Burma and China I didn't receive any. There was a time when my ego wanted to get into a numbers game, but I decided to not go along with it. I figured the most important thing is that spirits who need help receive it.

Sometimes when it comes to retrievels we think in terms of physical location.  I figure reality is actually arranged as some sort of network/grid/matrix. When a self incarnates into a body it doesn't actually travel somewhere, rather it stays with its disk and focuses its attention on the energetic signature of the life of the body it experiences an incarnation through. I'm not 100% certain about this. I've been trying to figure it out.

Last night my spirit guidance sent me a clue. They sent me an image of Jennifer Love Hewit standing next to a structure that I believe symbolically represented the matrix in which our lives takes place.  Because Jennifer's character in the show Ghost Whisperer helps spirits cross over, occasionally my guidance will use her as a retrievel symbol.

Title: Re: Burma and China
Post by betson on May 27th, 2008 at 9:48pm
Hi Gordon and Everyone,

Please check the Retrieval Forum on this site.  :)

Love, Bets

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