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Message started by Justin aka asltaomr on Apr 2nd, 2008 at 10:56pm

Title: Health, Candida, Kefir, & the healing journey
Post by Justin aka asltaomr on Apr 2nd, 2008 at 10:56pm
 Hi all,

 I've recently been going through some major physical body detoxing and health restoration and for the first time in some 12 years have finally seen a more full and complete alleviation of some pesky and persistent dis-ease issues.  

 There are so many sources out there which place so much emphasis on the mind and on the spiritual when it comes to healing and body physical health.   From experience, i know these factors are very important, but sometimes the body physical and physical factors are big issues in and of themselves.  

 From experience, especially lately, i know that a person feels much more alive and vibrant in their body consciousness when the body is balanced, strong, and clean.    You just feel better on all levels, and it's like the spiritual within can shine forth more radiantly and clearly when the body doesn't have so many imbalances within it.  

 For example, about a month ago i had a dream wherein i was holding a battery which leaked some acid on my hand.  I figured washing it off with cold water would help and i would be fine, but no the acid was eating right through my hand, the hole getting larger and larger, and it was kind of disturbing in a detached kind of way, like i was thinking "wow, i really should change this somehow."

 I knew intuitively and pretty automatically that the dream was indicating that the body was still really over acid and over toxic and that if i didn't correct this soon i would be having some much more major issues than minor psoriasis and heat hives to deal with.   Just knew it strongly.

 Synchronistically, about a week or so later, i was researching on the net when i came across info on Candida yeast over growth symptoms and issues in the body.   Apparently our SAD American lifestyle and diets are perfect for creating an imbalance in the body which leads to both a huge over growth and mutation of this yeast which normally isn't too harmful, but can become a huge contributor to over toxification.   Some folks guestimate that some 85% of Americans have an over growth of this yeast in the body, to a destructive extent.

  Apparently, it can mutate into a more strand and fungus type form, travel into different parts of the body as compared to where it normally resides, and starts to put tendrils into the probably already weakened intestinal wall/lining.   This tends to be one of the big issues behind  the experience of many of what some call the "leaky gut syndrome" wherein toxic waste products which normally get eliminated through the normal channels, end up going more and  more directly into the blood stream.
  Once it gets to that point, it seems rather hard to counter act, and it can be a vicious cycle, and it seems like it can even influence people's appetites to eat more sugary and carb filled foods.   It's almost like an alien host in a way which tries to take over the body to some extent.  

 Well, while many M.D.'s might scoff at all this, much of the info i read intuitively resonated with me, and i got REAL serious about my diet and life style changes.  

  I've been trying to eat and live healthy for some 12 years now along side a spiritual path, and for the most part it's gotten progressively more disciplined and i've become more knowledgeable and i have seen some alleviation of some of the dis-ease symptoms i've had since then.  

 But apparently i just wasn't doing enough, and this candida info (and that dream) was a big catalyst.  

 So in the last few weeks i've been really changing my diet, loading up on certain supplements, and being more consistent with exercise, and i'm starting to notice some very tangible and overt differences.    For one, i don't seem to have the heat hives anymore!   The only more full alleviation i ever got from this was during the summer time when it was really hot and i sweated out a lot of toxins, but 3/4 of the year at times it was quite uncomfortable and i would get hives every time i got warm, until i sweated alot, then the next day the same thing over again.   It had gotten better since when it first started around when i was 16 or so, but it never completely went away, just got less painful and thankfully to the point of being tolerable (at one point it was so bad, i was given an epi pen in case my throat seized up from over "allergic" reaction).

 These were purely physical issues, caused by purely physical factors, and when i changed the physical variables, low and behold the body started to heal itself.  

 Astrologically, all this couldn't be any more beautifully syncronistic in my chart.   Transiting Jupiter was coming up to a conjunction of my Sun in the 6th house when all my knowledge and health started to expand and become strengthened.    The Sun is the symbolic ruler of my 1st house, which corresponds to the physical body, the 6th house is the house of physical health, diet, assimilation, etc., and Jupiter is the great expander and in traditional astrology called the greater benefic because it's cycles oft coincide with different kinds of more obvious and wanted gifts.  
Cayce's source called Jupiter the vibration and dimension of Universal Consciousness and spiritual strength.    I've long associated a deeper, kind of royal purple with its basic, archetypal energy.    It's an energy which balances and integrates the physical and the spiritual, much like the color purple which is a combo of red and blue.  

 So, if anyone is interested in info on Candida, on what's been helping me personally, or anything along these kinds of health lines, i am more than willing to share all that i know re: balancing this issue.  

 One of the things which has been helping me, is i've been making my own kefir, which is absurdly easy to do.   I had been making my own yogurt for awhile now, but with yogurt unless you buy a yogurt making machine, you kind of have to nurse the process because you have to keep the milk or non dairy beverage at a constant, warm temp.  
 But Yogurt and its probiotics does not compare to the probiotics of Kefir.   To put it this way, many Yogurts only have from about 3 to 6 or so strands of bacterias which have a probiotic type affect and which make the milk easier to digest.   Kefir on the other hand, has been estimated to contain some 35 different strands of various bacterias, yeasts, and other micro organisms all in a balanced and symbiotic form.   They all live, work, and grow together in little colonies which people call Kefir grains which look like little rubbery pieces of cauliflower.  

 Fresh kefir is at least as good as most of the supplemental probiotic products out there, and many would seem to argue it's much better in it's complexity and naturalness.  
 Unfortunately, unlike yogurt, kefir is best made by the actual kefir "grains", but fortunately there is a big Kefir community out there which will mail you Kefir grains for free, for postage price, or for a small sum of money.  

As mentioned, its very easy to make and unlike yogurt it does not require a special temp range, in most cases room temperature is fine for culturing milk with Kefir grains.    So basically, you dump some Kefir grains in some fresh milk (preferably in a glass container), put in a darker place, and in 24 hours or so you have fresh, super alive, many say yummy (a somewhat acquired taste for many Americans), and health promoting beverage that keeps very well in the fridge and really helps to balance out Candida over growth issues.  

 When made with Goat milk, it becomes a veritable super food.   I should have some excess Kefir grains in about a week or so, and if anyone is interested, i can mail these out for free or meanwhile i can direct you to a site where you can find people in your state or country who has signed up for this service.   Really cool thing i think how people have banded together for a common good like this.  It's probably best if you can get it from someone relatively near you for less transit time, because the grains can get a little shocked and stressed out and the longer they are out of milk the more time it takes for them to recover.   I got my from a guy who lives in my state, and the first batch i made wasn't very good, but the 2nd was fine and cultured perfectly in a 24 hour cycle.  

 It tastes kind of like yogurt, but doesn't tend to be as thick, it also often has a slight effervescent quality to it unlike yogurt, because of the yeast and the very small quantity of alcohol and carbonation which gets produced during the fermentation and culturing.  

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